Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2022

A Little Life

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Marin Calif

Each day is a little life: every waking and rising
a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth . . . Schopenhauer

Is the spring coming?" he said.
"What is it like?"...
It is the sun shining on the rain
and the rain falling on the sunshine.
   Frances Hodgson Burnett*

A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. Ancient Proverb

Grandmother used to say: "If everyone in the neighborhood put all their problems
on the front porch we'd all be glad to go home with our own."


Love You Friend,
Pixie & Cloudia

* Just for the record, Hawaii is North of the Equator in a subtropical zone. We are glorying in Autumn now.

The Rain Raining:

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Our Passions Ourselves

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Look at life through
the windshield, not
the rear-view mirror.
Byrd Baggett

On the mountains of truth
you can never climb in vain:
either you will reach a point
higher up today, or you will
be training your powers so that
you will be able to
climb higher tomorrow.
  Friedrich Nietzsche

Through intentionally slowing down
our pace; simplifying calendars,
closets, and commitments;
letting go in order to have
fulfilling, connective enough-ness,
we open more space.
Dr. Erlene Grise-Owens

How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.
Robert A. Heinlein

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Saturday, December 25, 2021


A L O H A From Honolulu!

Just keep reaching.

Ryan Eggold

Murraya paniculata,
commonly known as
orange jasmine,
orange jessamine, china box
or mock orange, is a
species of shrub or small tree
...native to South Asia,
Southeast Asia and Australia.

The Smell hit me
before the sight
of these flowers
you can cover
with your thumb


How much has to be
explored and discarded
before reaching the
naked flesh of feeling.
   Claude Debussy

I lean out my window
at night and I can
taste it out there,
just waiting for me.
  Brigid Lowry

Wash your face
every morning in
a bath of praise.
   Charles Spurgeon


We Wish YOU
All The BEST!
    Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Yet Content

 A    L    O    H    A  !

Justice is not postponed.

A perfect equity adjusts it’s

balance in all parts of life.

The dice of God are

always loaded.


All we can say is that
this is a good deed, because
it helps someone or
that's an evil one
because it hurts them.
People are too complicated
to have simple labels.
 Philip Pullman

We carry inside us
the wonders we seek
outside us.

Your culture is your limit;
if you can't go beyond it,
you will remain as a frog
of your little lake!
Mehmet Murat ildan

"La  Contenta"

I'm THAT complicated,
mysterious, yet content with
the "simple" things in life.
Don't try to understand me;
you won't figure me out.
But you're free to like me
the way I am.
Marwa Ayad


We Love You,
        Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Friday, February 26, 2021

We Love Honolulu

A    L    O    H    A  !

Thursday 5 a.m.

I breathe in...

The sights and smells

Of this city

I’ve come to know...

So well

I gaze...

Across the turquoise ocean

Where the waves

Liberate my spirit...

From its shell.

           Sanobar Khan

This city now doth,

like a garment, wear 

the beauty of the morning; 

silent bare, ships, towers, domes, 

theatres and temples lie open 

unto the fields and to the sky; 

All bright and glittering in

the smokeless air. 

William Wordsworth

Towered cities please us then, 

and the busy hum of men. 

   John Milton

We Love You,
                 Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

And Nature in Leaf, Bloom 
Sunshine, sea, and Mountains,
Always Near & Dear!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Sweet Linger

 A  L  O  H  A !

Confidence is the sweet spot 

between arrogance and despair-

consisting of positive expectations 

for favorable outcomes.

            Rosabeth Moss Kanter

The magic happens when 

you find the sweet spot 

where your genuine interests, 

skills, and opportunity intersect. 

Scott Belsky

I survive by finding the 

sweet spot between 

reason and unreason, 

between the rational 

and irrational.

Dean Koontz

There is a sweet spot 

between the known 

and the unknown 

where originality happens; 

the key is to be able to linger 

there without panicking.

Ed Catmull

Your sweet spot is 

in between the 

true believers and 

the scoffing skeptics.

 Rob Brezsny

Love You,

                   cloudia & pixie