Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Nature of Gratitude

A  L  O  H  A !

 'Any fool can be happy.
 It takes real heart to
 make beauty out of 
the stuff that 
makes us weep.' 
                     Clive Barker

Linking to
Good Fences

Open Road

“Carpe every damn diem.” 

Justine Musk

"There are years
 that ask questions
 and years that 
             Zora Neale Hurston


In the USA, today is
a holiday dedicated
to gratitude.

The earliest Europeans
on these shores
would likely have
perished if not for
the generosity of the
First Nations 
already here.
The settlers were grateful
to their God, and to
their neighbors.
[one hopes]

I have given thought
to gratitude. One starts
by noticing things to be
grateful for, noticing,
and expressing it.

It became a habit with me,
and a nice one that
certainly improved my life.

But is gratitude a feeling?

My habit of feeling grateful got
somewhat pushed out of the way
in all the folderol of moving.

I was preoccupied with finding
new ways, places clothes, routines.
How could I be grateful for
what was still overwhelming?

So I started to wonder if
it is valid to express gratitude
when you are just not feeling it?

Is that insincere and false,
or is it lovely and powerful?
Saying 'Thank You'
to the universe, to God,
to your subconscious, is a
powerful and insidious thing!

Saying 'Thank You' for arising,
even though I was just
going through the moves
caused chemical reactions
and soon I FELT
grateful again!

Feelings are valuable guides,
but I think we make them
too important. Carry on.
Don't wait till you feel like it.

And who knows?
Maybe soon you 

Thank YOU!
              warmly, cloudia