Papers by Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo
Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2024
In this paper, we present data from an elicitation study and a corpus study that support the obse... more In this paper, we present data from an elicitation study and a corpus study that support the observation that the Yucatec Maya progressive aspect auxiliary táan is replaced by the habitual auxiliary k in sentences with contrastively focused fronted objects. Focus has been extensively studied in Yucatec, yet the incompatibility of object fronting and progressive aspect in Yucatec Maya remains understudied. Both our experimental results and our corpus study point in the direction that this incompatibility may very well be categorical. Theoretically, we take a progressive reading to be derived from an imperfectivity operator in combination with a singular operator, and we propose that this singular operator implicates the negation of event plurality, leading to an exhaustive interpretation which ranks below corrective focus on a contrastive focus scale. This means that, in a sentence with object focus fronting, the use of the marked auxiliary táan (as opposed to the more general k) would trigger two contrastive foci, which would be an unlikely and probably dispreferred speech act.
en Manuel Leonetti y Victoria Escandell Vidal (Eds.), La estructura informativa. Madrid: Visor, pp. 359-392., 2021
Los estudios translingüísticos y comparativos de las oraciones hendidas frecuentemente se encuent... more Los estudios translingüísticos y comparativos de las oraciones hendidas frecuentemente se encuentran con un obstáculo: el hecho de que, por una parte, las construcciones hendidas no muestran las mismas propiedades en lenguas distintas, y por otra, la terminología que se utiliza para designar los distintos tipos de construcción hendida en una determinada lengua puede usarse de manera muy diferente en los estudios sobre una lengua diferente. En este trabajo abordo precisamente este problema en relación con las construcciones a las que se refieren los términos oración “hendida”, “pseudohendida” y “pseudohendida invertida” en la lingüística hispánica. Planteo que estos términos presentan problemas para la clasificación de los distintos tipos de oraciones en cuestión, y propongo una revisión de esta terminología, basándome principalmente en el comportamiento y propiedades de las oraciones introducidas por la locución lo que. Concretamente, propongo que el español tiene tres tipos diferentes de oraciones hendidas: las oraciones hendidas-que (o solamente hendidas), las oraciones hendidas-wh (entendidas como aquellas en las que la cláusula relativa reducida de la oración hendida está introducida por un pronombre relativo), y las oraciones pseudohendidas, las que propongo son solamente aquellas en las que la cláusula relativa reducida es introducida por lo que. Propongo esta revisión terminológica a partir tanto de las propiedades sintácticas formales, como de las propiedades informativas, de las oraciones hendidas en las que se observa lo que.
Loquens, 2020
This paper investigates the different prosodic strategies used for the marking of information foc... more This paper investigates the different prosodic strategies used for the marking of information focus in Central Mexican Spanish. For this purpose, we carried out a study of the prosodic properties of information focus both in clause final position and in situ. Our results show important differences when compared to other varieties of Spanish. Specifically, we observe that the most frequent accent signaling information focus is a monotonal pitch accent (L* or !H*) and not L+H*. Furthermore, in many cases we observe that the pitch accent is not the only mechanism used to signal the focus: this is because we observe the presence of prosodic edges to the left of the focus, presumably functioning as an additional prosodic cue to identify it. Additionally, while we do not observe deaccenting of post-focal material, we do observe a sequence of non-rising forms (a flat pattern or “de-emphasis”) following the pitch accent that signals an in situ information focus forced by the test. With respect to phonological phrasing, our results confirm the analysis in Prieto (2006), where it is proposed that syntactic constituency is not the primary factor that regulates phrasing in Spanish.
Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters, 2020
In this paper we present an analysis of two crosslinguistically different plural markers that coe... more In this paper we present an analysis of two crosslinguistically different plural markers that coexist in Yucatec Maya (Mayan, Mexico) as a result of language contact with Spanish. We show that the distribution of the Spanish plural marker is exactly like the one of the Yucatec plural marker (unlike Spanish), with the exception that it is sensitive to the presence of a Spanish numeral, in which case it behaves like in Spanish. We develop an analysis where the relevant facts follow from standard assumptions about phrase structure and lexical selection, so long as an analysis is adopted in which the two plural markers are formally different, as has been suggested in the literature.
Cuadernos de la ALFAL , 2020
En este trabajo se presenta una sinopsis de las propiedades sintácticas más características del e... more En este trabajo se presenta una sinopsis de las propiedades sintácticas más características del español de México. Este trabajo no es un compendio exhaustivo de todas las propiedades sintácticas que se han asociado al español de México, ni tampoco se reduce a aquellos aspectos de la sintaxis del español mexicano que se han registrado como exclusivas de esta variante. Más bien, aquí se presenta una vista panorámica de un número de propiedades sintácticas y morfosintácticas que, tomadas en su conjunto, permiten apreciar aquello que es característico de la sintaxis del español de México en comparación con otros dialectos del español. Se inicia con una breve discusión sobre los retos de definir tanto la variación sintáctica en general como el español de México en particular, para después hacer un recuento de los fenómenos sintácticos característicos de esta variante del español.
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97 , 2020
This paper investigates the language contact between Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya (Mayan) i... more This paper investigates the language contact between Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya (Mayan) in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, at the level of the intonational realization of contrastive focus, and by means of the prosody of Spanish loanwords in Yucatec Maya. In Yucatec Maya, the maximally prominent constituent of an utterance is generally located at the leftmost part of the Intonational Phrase that contains the predicate (Verhoeven & Skopeteas 2015), and Uth (2016) reports similar results for Yucatecan Spanish, unlike standard Mexican Spanish (De la Mota et al. 2010). Here we present the results of an intonational comparison of contrastive focus utterances of both Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya in order to test the hypothesis that this similarity is due to contact. Furthermore, we present additional evidence in favor of the presence of a left high tone in Yucatec Maya, based on a pilot study on the pronunciation of Spanish loanwords. (Offprint available upon request).
The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects, 2019
In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study of certain syntactic particularities ... more In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study of certain syntactic particularities of contrastive focus marking in Yucatecan Spanish (YS). We argue that there are several pieces of evidence suggesting that these particularities are due to the variety's close contact with Yucatec Maya (YM). One of the several syntactic peculiarities of YS is that, just as in YM, a focused verb is displaced to a left peripheral position and a dummy verb do is inserted as the main verb of the clause, a pattern, which to the best of our knowledge is unattested in other varieties of Spanish (e.g. Sólo pasear haces, compared to Chéen xíi-ximbal ka meentik, Sobrino 2010, Gutiérrez-Bravo 2015). However, our data reveal that, just like in standard Spanish, preposed foci do not allow a subject DP to intervene between them and the verb (*Sólo PASEAR tú haces), nor can preposed foci co-occur with fronted Wh-operators (*Dónde PASEAR hace?, cf. e.g. Zubizarreta 1998 for preposed foci in Spanish), meaning that YS patterns exactly like all other Spanish varieties in this realm of syntactic realization. We conclude our discussion by delineating the mixed picture of YS focus fronting: While it is true that several constructions are clearly influenced by YM, YS adheres to the (close-to-) standard grammar of Spanish as regards particular syntactic core properties.
International Journal of American Linguistics, 2018
In this paper we propose a novel analysis of the Yucatec Maya determiner le . . . o’.
Based on e... more In this paper we propose a novel analysis of the Yucatec Maya determiner le . . . o’.
Based on elicited and text data, we argue that this determiner may have demonstrative
uses, but we show that it is primarily a definite article, since it can locate a referent in
any of four domains of the universe of discourse (García Fajardo 1994). We compare the
range of uses of le . . . o’ to those of other definite determiners found in Yucatec Maya
to support this conclusion.
Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México , 2018
In this paper we address the issue of morphological plural marking in Spanish loanwords in Yucate... more In this paper we address the issue of morphological plural marking in Spanish loanwords in Yucatec Maya. Plural marking in this Mayan language has been a topic that has received a lot of attention in recent years. However, this does not extend to the loanwords that this language has adopted from Spanish, which in many cases also show the plural suffix of Spanish. In this paper we show, based on a corpus study, that plural marking in Spanish loanwords is regulated by criteria which are different from those that are observed in Yucatec nouns that are not loanwords. Furthermore, the comparison of marking between different age groups and different linguistic profiles reveals that the weight of the restrictions that originate in Yucatec Maya diminishes with (i) bilingualism and, (ii) the younger age of the speakers (see also Pfeiler 2009: 108). We conclude that plural marking of Spanish loanwords in Yucatec Maya is the result of the interaction of two typologically different systems which operate simultaneously in this part of the grammar of the host language. This results in a pattern which is different from the one observed separately in each language because it adopts different aspects of the two languages in contact.
Yucatec Maya (Mayan, Mexico) shows a number of focus constructions where foci appear to the left ... more Yucatec Maya (Mayan, Mexico) shows a number of focus constructions where foci appear to the left of the verb, similarly to what has been observed in languages like Hungarian. There has been extensive debate in Yucatec specifically, and in Mayan languages in general, as to whether or not these focus constructions are clefts. This paper contributes to this ongoing debate by presenting four new types of evidence that point to the conclusion that focus constructions in Yucatec are not clefts. The evidence presented here indicates that monoclausal focus constructions and clefts are different with respect to (i) the obligatory nature of agent focus morphology; (ii) the possibility of inversion; (iii) the possibility of having a negative pronoun as the focus, and; (iv) the possibility of having verb focus constructions.
Variación y Diversidad Lingüística: Hacia un Campo Unificado, 2015
Este trabajo aborda una serie de cuestiones teóricas, descriptivas, aplicadas y metodológicas que... more Este trabajo aborda una serie de cuestiones teóricas, descriptivas, aplicadas y metodológicas que giran alrededor de la variación dentro de las lenguas y la variación entre las lenguas (diversidad), bajo la hipótesis de que los mecanismos generales que subyacen a ambos fenómenos son semejantes. Se abordan los ámbitos y campos siguientes: lingüística formal, interficie léxicosintaxis, teoría de la optimidad, adquisición del lenguaje, lingüística histórica, geolingüística, sociolingüística, y fonética y fonología.
Nuevos Estudios de Teoría de la Optimidad, 2015
En este trabajo desarrollo una descripción y análisis de las construcciones de foco de verbo en m... more En este trabajo desarrollo una descripción y análisis de las construcciones de foco de verbo en maya yucateco. Argumento que a sus propiedades se les puede dar una respuesta satisfactoria en el marco de la Teoría de Optimidad (Prince & Smolensky 2004). Concretamente, propongo que sus propiedades son resultado del requisito de que el verbo ocupe la posición de foco y que la construcción resultante sea máximamente fiel a la especificación del foco en el Input, todo esto conservando la manifestación morfológica del argumento interno del verbo transitivo.
Las Cláusulas Relativas en Maya Yucateco, 2015
This is the English translation of chapter 2 of my 2015 book Las Cláusulas Relativas en Maya Yuca... more This is the English translation of chapter 2 of my 2015 book Las Cláusulas Relativas en Maya Yucateco (Relative Clauses in Yucatec Maya). It provides a basic description of the core syntactic phenomena observed in this language, including clause structure, unmarked word order, topic and focus, interrogative clauses, negation, and subordinate clauses.
Variación y Diversidad Lingüística: Hacia un Campo Unificado, 2015
En este trabajo presento datos del maya yucateco que representan un reto para la versión más fuer... more En este trabajo presento datos del maya yucateco que representan un reto para la versión más fuerte del análisis cartográfico. Concretamente, en yucateco se observa que las cláusulas de complemento y las cláusulas relativas sin un complementante con contenido fónico pueden llevar una negación, pero las cláusulas de propósito no. Esto indica que las cláusulas de propósito sin complementante no tienen la misma estructura que los otros dos tipos de cláusulas en cuestión. Esto a su vez contraviene la hipótesis más fuerte del análisis cartográfico según la cual todas las cláusulas de toda lengua tienen el mismo patrón oracional.
Movimiento y espacio en lenguas de América, Lilián Guerrero (Ed.). México D.F.; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014, pp.139-178., 2014
En un estudio tipológico reciente, Schmidtke-Bode (2009) reporta que a un nivel translingüístico ... more En un estudio tipológico reciente, Schmidtke-Bode (2009) reporta que a un nivel translingüístico se observa una relación especial entre las cláusulas de propósito y los verbos de movimiento. En este trabajo muestro que esta relación especial se observa también en maya yucateco, la lengua maya hablada en la península de Yucatán, México. Mi investigación corrobora muchas de las observaciones tipológicas de Schmidtke-Bode (2009), pero desarrollo dos contribuciones diferentes. La primera es que los datos del yucateco sobre verbos de movimiento y cláusulas de propósito muestran que la alternancia entre cláusulas de propósito con y sin nexo subordinador no consiste en la simple ausencia del nexo: las cláusulas de propósito sin nexo son de hecho estructuras muy diferentes que muestran un grado de integración con la cláusula matriz incluso mayor al que se observa con otros tipos de cláusulas de propósito. La segunda es que el maya yucateco proporciona evidencia de que la relación especial entre cláusulas de propósito y verbos de movimiento no se restringe a los verbos de movimiento dirigido, sino que se observa con cualquier predicado que tenga como parte de su semántica un componente de movimiento.
In Representing Language: Linguistic Essays in Honour of Judith Aissen, Eds. R. Gutiérrez-Bravo, L. Mikkelsen & E. Potsdam. Lexington, KY, Lingustics Research Center, pp. 105-119., 2011
This paper provides a description of topicalization in Yucatec Maya (Mayan, Mexico) based on Aiss... more This paper provides a description of topicalization in Yucatec Maya (Mayan, Mexico) based on Aissen’s (1992) classic analysis of topics and foci in Mayan languages. The relevant data for this description are taken for the most part from oral narratives. While evidence of the existence of external topics in Yucatec Maya has been recently provided by Skopeteas & Verhoeven (2009a,b), in this paper evidence is provided that Yucatec Maya also has topics that behave like internal topics. I argue that there are two different ways of interpreting this state of affairs. One is that Yucatec has both external and internal topics, a possibility that Aissen herself considers for Tzutujil. The other possibility is that the external/internal distinction is not relevant in Yucatec and that topics in this Mayan language are structurally altogether different from the topics proposed by Aissen. Evidence is presented supporting this latter possibility.
Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem 8: 134-154, 2011
This paper addresses the problem of the nature of the input in Optimality Theoretic syntax, in th... more This paper addresses the problem of the nature of the input in Optimality Theoretic syntax, in the context of recent works that have argued that (in contrast with OT phonology) OT syntax can eliminate faithfulness constraints, the input, or both. This paper challenges this view and argues in favor of a fully structured input and constraints that target the feature content of the input. While this paper agrees with the general view that the truth-conditional properties of the input must be preserved by the candidate set, it provides evidence that this is not the case for Information Structure (IS) features. It is argued that dialectal variation in the word order properties of Spanish infinitival clauses shows that candidates can be unfaithful to the IS feature [topic], and that this has very palpable effects on the word order of these constructions. It is argued that the observed dialectal variation can be straightforwardly accounted for in a Classic OT analysis with fully structured inputs and faithfulness constraints.
In New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, Ed. H. Avelino, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011
In this paper we address the behavior of agent focus in Yucatec Maya, the Mayan language spoken i... more In this paper we address the behavior of agent focus in Yucatec Maya, the Mayan language spoken in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. In a number of Mayan languages, the verb displays a particular morphological mark when the transitive subject is focused and displaced to a preverbal position. The resulting form of the verb, also observed in relative clauses, is known as the agent focus form of the verb. In this paper we show that, contrary to what is assumed in previous works, the distribution of agent focus in Yucatec relative clauses is in fact highly irregular and is consequently an unreliable diagnostic for operator fronting. Instead, we argue that agent focus in relative clauses is used mostly to disambiguate subject relativization from object relativization.
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 56: 362-401., 2008
... En español hay dos clases de verbos psicológicos (ilustrados con gustar y molestaren [14]) en... more ... En español hay dos clases de verbos psicológicos (ilustrados con gustar y molestaren [14]) en los que la posición inicial en el caso no-marcado la ocupa el objeto indi-recto y no el sujeto17. Quizás es aún más sorprendente el orden ...
In Selected Proceedings of the 10th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, J. Bruhn de Garavito & E. Valenzuela (eds.), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Press, 225-236., 2008
Papers by Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo
Based on elicited and text data, we argue that this determiner may have demonstrative
uses, but we show that it is primarily a definite article, since it can locate a referent in
any of four domains of the universe of discourse (García Fajardo 1994). We compare the
range of uses of le . . . o’ to those of other definite determiners found in Yucatec Maya
to support this conclusion.
Based on elicited and text data, we argue that this determiner may have demonstrative
uses, but we show that it is primarily a definite article, since it can locate a referent in
any of four domains of the universe of discourse (García Fajardo 1994). We compare the
range of uses of le . . . o’ to those of other definite determiners found in Yucatec Maya
to support this conclusion.