Papers by Felipe Salazar Tobar
Política criminal, Dec 1, 2023
This article explores the development of the Chilean Criminology from late 1990 to 2020. Utilizin... more This article explores the development of the Chilean Criminology from late 1990 to 2020. Utilizing the sociology of science as a conceptual framework, we conceptualize the scientific community in Chilean criminology as a network. We collected data from open repositories and sources about a group of researchers affiliated with academic institutions and think tanks in the field to describe the current state of this epistemic community (N=62). Employing Social Network Analysis, we explore the co-affiliation ties based on shared research topics to describe actors, their characteristics and clusters that shape different scholarly communities in Chilean criminology. As key findings, we point out the following elements: a) Low density between actors in the broader scientific community network; (b) The prominence of criminal law in the training of many researchers in criminology. Finally, (c) the existence of specialized clusters (correction studies, juvenile justice, etc.) and also emergent areas such as crimmigration. We conclude that the Chilean criminology community is moving from an amateur stage, in the sociology of science terms, towards a professionalization stage as a consolidated scientific discipline.
Justice, Power and Resistance
This paper explores the criminological scientific community in Chile from 1990 to 2020. We use th... more This paper explores the criminological scientific community in Chile from 1990 to 2020. We use the sociology of scientific knowledge as a conceptual framework to apply to the Chilean criminology development stage. We analyse the criminological community using social network analysis based on the co-affiliation networks of researchers (N=62) affiliated with research centres, think tanks and universities producing criminological knowledge. We describe the actors involved in the network of researchers and identify the clusters shaping the main areas of the country’s production and dissemination of criminological research. The findings reveal a low density between scholars in the network; the existence of central research topics related to citizen security and criminal law; the presence of clusters (for example, juvenile justice and prison studies, among others), and areas that are emerging in the production of criminological knowledge in Chile (cybercrime, crimmigration). We conclude t...
This paper explores the criminological scientific community in Chile from 1990 to 2020. We use th... more This paper explores the criminological scientific community in Chile from 1990 to 2020. We use the sociology of scientific knowledge as a conceptual framework to apply to the Chilean criminology development stage. We analyse the criminological community using social network analysis based on the co-affiliation networks of researchers (N=62) affiliated with research centres, think tanks and universities producing criminological knowledge. We describe the actors involved in the network of researchers and identify the clusters shaping the main areas of the country's production and dissemination of criminological research. The findings reveal a low density between scholars in the network; the existence of central research topics related to citizen security and criminal law; the presence of clusters (for example, juvenile justice and prison studies, among others), and areas that are emerging in the production of criminological knowledge in Chile (cybercrime, crimmigration). We conclude that criminology in Chile is still in the amateur stage. However, there are signs of growing professionalisation in the discipline.
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
This paper explores two models of preference-formation of trust in the police in Latin America an... more This paper explores two models of preference-formation of trust in the police in Latin America and the Caribbean: An institutional model that highlights the role of broad assessments of government performance and legitimacy and an experiential approach focussed on more narrow experiences of victimization and police contact. We examine these frameworks based on theory and analysis of administrative data and surveys from the Americas Barometer 2014 (N = 34,798 respondents T = 22 countries). Findings show that respondents with higher confidence in their government also indicate higher ratings of trust in the police. Similarly, trust is higher among individuals who had not experienced victimization or bribery or who anticipated faster police response times. At the country level, our results suggest that trust is negatively related to economic development but positively related to rule of law. We draw on these findings to outline an integrative model that combines both institutional and ...
Desarrollo Paso a Paso de una metodología para el …, 2007
LA PREVENCIÓN SITUACIONAL DEL DELITO EN ESPACIOS PÚBLICOS URBANOS Felipe Salazar 191 PRESENTACIÓN... more LA PREVENCIÓN SITUACIONAL DEL DELITO EN ESPACIOS PÚBLICOS URBANOS Felipe Salazar 191 PRESENTACIÓN2 La ciudad constituye espacio público al integrar aspectos físicos, territo-riales y funcionales en estrecha conexión con las relaciones sociales que ...
Boletín Criminológico, 2011
La medición de las tendencias de la violencia y la criminalidad constituye un importante desafío ... more La medición de las tendencias de la violencia y la criminalidad constituye un importante desafío para América Latina, tanto por la urgencia del problema como por el impacto que genera en términos políticos, económicos y sociales en los países de la región.Tras una aproximación crítica sobre el estado de la cuestión, el presente artículo realiza una revisión de las fuentes de datos sobre delincuencia a partir de la información oficial disponible de diecisiete países del continente. El análisis contempla dos dimensiones: las encuestas de victimización y el registro de estadísticas policiales basado en denuncia. A partir de ahí, el trabajo se centra en las principales características de la producción de información sobre violencia y criminalidad y del acceso a las fuentes, procediendo a una revisión de los aspectos críticos de la comparación regional.
Latin America, the world's most criminogenic region from the perspective of intentional homicide,... more Latin America, the world's most criminogenic region from the perspective of intentional homicide, is also the region with the highest perception of criminal insecurity. This situation negatively affects the quality of life of its inhabitants, influencing their decisions on the use of certain public spaces or the possibility of avoiding them due to the fear of being victims of a crime. This comparative analysis of three cases of intervention through situational prevention strategies and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design at the residential level, both in Chile and Honduras, seeks to establish the existence of a relationship between the socio-spatial modification of the environment and the impact generated from the implementation of these strategies in the levels of victimization, on the perception of insecurity and on the degree of social cohesion of the communities with which we work directly. To achieve this objective, a section was first developed with the main theoretical backgrounds related to Urban Security and the methodological proposal to measure the impact generated by situational prevention strategies and CPTED on intervened areas of the countries already mentioned. Then, the methodology used in this research is presented, which consists of three case studies with similar characteristics to each other, where each of these areas will also have their respective control group. It also includes the information collection techniques used, the design of the samples and the type of research to which this study corresponds. The analysis of the data allowed progress towards preliminary results, which are obtained mainly through the use of descriptive statistics, that is, by crossing variables relevant to the objectives of the research. While for the elaboration of conclusive results, inferential statistics were used through "chi-square", which led to the generation of statistically significant associations between variables, thus allowing evidence to be available impact generated by situational prevention methods and CPTED on the urban safety of the localities involved in both Chile and Honduras.
Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é revisar indicadores de violência e criminalidade dos paíse... more Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é revisar indicadores de violência e criminalidade dos países da América do Sul. Para isso, foram sistematizadas informações de um grupo de oito indicadores dos 12 países da sub-região, a partir das principais fontes de informação oficial: homicídio, lesões, violência sexual, roubo contra pessoas, furto, roubo com invasão, furto de veículos e sequestro. O trabalho não pretende apenas oferecer uma revisão das tendências dos países da América do Sul, mas também discutir sobre a relevância da produção de informações para as políticas de segurança pública.
Carrion, F. (Ed.) (2018). La politica en la violencia y lo politico de la seguridad, FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito.
Capitulo de libro publicado en:
Carrion, F. (Ed.) (2018). La politica en la violencia y lo polit... more Capitulo de libro publicado en:
Carrion, F. (Ed.) (2018). La politica en la violencia y lo politico de la seguridad, FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito.
Lee, M. & G. Mythen. The Routledge International Handbook on Fear of Crime, Routledge, 2017
Latin America is a continent with high levels of violence and crime. More than half of the 20 mos... more Latin America is a continent with high levels of violence and crime. More than half of the 20 most violent countries in the world are located in this region (UNDP 2013). Homicide, robbery, assault and other violent crimes are regular elements of urban life in almost all capitals as well as major urban conglomerates. Although increasing levels of criminal activity have impacted communities and politicians since the 1980s and 1990s, there is little understanding of its roots and general consequences.
Latin America is compounded by a wide array of contexts that cannot allow for a unified description of violence and crime. Each country is facing a kaleidoscopic phenomenon that has been minimally researched or analyzed and has been poorly tackled. There is one issue, however,
that is shared by all Latin Americans: Fear of crime.
Seguridad y Violencia: desafíos para la ciudadanía
La ciudad constituye espacio público al integrar aspectos físicos, territoriales y funcionales en... more La ciudad constituye espacio público al integrar aspectos físicos, territoriales y funcionales en estrecha conexión con las relaciones sociales que son construidas mediante la sociabilidad, la expresión política, la articulación de las voluntades colectivas y el conflicto. Lo anterior permite la identificación de sus habitantes con el otro y a la vez con su propio entorno, de modo que la ciudad, el espacio público y la ciudadanía son elementos que están estrechamente relacionados.
El presente trabajo aborda el análisis del temor al delito y la inseguridad en el país, a partir ... more El presente trabajo aborda el análisis del temor al delito y la inseguridad en el país, a partir de los datos que provee la Encuesta Nacional Urbana de Seguridad Ciudadana (ENUSC) para el periodo 2008-2012. Su objetivo es caracterizar los principales aspectos del temor, además de analizar los factores asociados a este, de acuerdo a las particularidades de las regiones de Chile a partir de seis grandes zonas.
Capitulo de libro en Carrion F. y Dammert, M. (2009). Economía Política de la Seguridad Ciudadana... more Capitulo de libro en Carrion F. y Dammert, M. (2009). Economía Política de la Seguridad Ciudadana, FLACSO Ecuador.
La violencia y la criminalidad se han posicionado como uno de los temas significativos para la ci... more La violencia y la criminalidad se han posicionado como uno de los temas significativos para la ciudadanía. Frente a la preocupación que provoca el delito y la ansiedad que genera la inseguridad, las políticas de seguridad implementadas han derivado en promover el énfasis en el control y la sanción como la principal herramienta para afrontar el problema, mirada que también ha permeado desde y hacia la sociedad civil.
De este modo, el presente documento realiza una revisión conceptual acerca del énfasis punitivo en las políticas de seguridad, principalmente en torno a la predisposición de la sociedad civil sobre el tema y como ello ha incidido en la formulación de iniciativas que aborden la violencia y criminalidad desde la complejidad que plantea. A su vez señala los principales desafíos para las políticas de prevención y participación en este contexto.
Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é revisar indicadores de violência e criminalidade dos paíse... more Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é revisar indicadores de violência e criminalidade dos países da América do Sul. Para isso, foram sistematizadas informações de um grupo de oito indicadores dos 12 países da sub-região, a partir das principais fontes de informação oficial: homicídio, lesões, violência sexual, roubo contra pessoas, furto, roubo com invasão, furto de veículos e sequestro. O trabalho não pretende apenas oferecer uma revisão das tendências dos países da América do Sul, mas também discutir sobre a relevância da produção de informações para as políticas de segurança pública.
Breve revisión sobre comparación de fuentes L a m e d i c i ó n d e l a s tendencias de la violen... more Breve revisión sobre comparación de fuentes L a m e d i c i ó n d e l a s tendencias de la violencia y la criminalidad constituye un importante desafío para América Latina, tanto por la urgencia del problema como por el impacto que genera en términos políticos, económicos y sociales en los países de la región.
Reports by Felipe Salazar Tobar
Papers by Felipe Salazar Tobar
Carrion, F. (Ed.) (2018). La politica en la violencia y lo politico de la seguridad, FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito.
Latin America is compounded by a wide array of contexts that cannot allow for a unified description of violence and crime. Each country is facing a kaleidoscopic phenomenon that has been minimally researched or analyzed and has been poorly tackled. There is one issue, however,
that is shared by all Latin Americans: Fear of crime.
De este modo, el presente documento realiza una revisión conceptual acerca del énfasis punitivo en las políticas de seguridad, principalmente en torno a la predisposición de la sociedad civil sobre el tema y como ello ha incidido en la formulación de iniciativas que aborden la violencia y criminalidad desde la complejidad que plantea. A su vez señala los principales desafíos para las políticas de prevención y participación en este contexto.
Reports by Felipe Salazar Tobar
Carrion, F. (Ed.) (2018). La politica en la violencia y lo politico de la seguridad, FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito.
Latin America is compounded by a wide array of contexts that cannot allow for a unified description of violence and crime. Each country is facing a kaleidoscopic phenomenon that has been minimally researched or analyzed and has been poorly tackled. There is one issue, however,
that is shared by all Latin Americans: Fear of crime.
De este modo, el presente documento realiza una revisión conceptual acerca del énfasis punitivo en las políticas de seguridad, principalmente en torno a la predisposición de la sociedad civil sobre el tema y como ello ha incidido en la formulación de iniciativas que aborden la violencia y criminalidad desde la complejidad que plantea. A su vez señala los principales desafíos para las políticas de prevención y participación en este contexto.
Presentacion realizada en el seminario:
Diseño Urbano y Prevención de la Violencia: Experiencias de México
Guadalajara, Jalisco
19 y 20 Julio 2018