Copenhagen Business School, CBS
International Business Communication
This paper is presenting a generic ontology-based user modeling architecture, (OntobUM), applied in the context of a Knowledge Management System (KMS). Due to their powerful knowledge representation formalism and associated inference... more
In this paper, we present an agent-based system designed to support the adoption of knowledge sharing practices within communities. The system is based on a conceptual framework that, by modelling the adoption of knowledge management... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to discuss new approaches for managing personal knowledge in the Web 2.0 era. The paper questions whether Web 2.0 technologies (social software) are a real panacea for the challenges associated with... more
This paper describes an artificial agent system, designed to help people in organizations to learn and to adopt knowledge-sharing practices. The agent, a personal assistant, continuously analyses the actions of the user in order to build... more
Several challenges need to be met by a new generation of learning services. On the one hand they need to fit into a ubiquitous and serendipitous learning vision, to adapt to many different types of users with different backgrounds and... more
This chapter focuses on the role of user models and user modelling for enhanced, personalised user support within knowledge management systems (KMSs). Personalisation can bring a utility function as well as a conviviality function with... more
In the last few years there has been a strong growth of interest in pedagogical agents. Typically, these agents are represented to learners as simulated beings (dogs, bugs, ants, humans) existing in some virtual environment. Along with... more
This paper presents a cognitive multi-agents architecture called Intelligent Cognitive Agents (InCA) that was elaborated for the design of Intelligent Adaptive Learning Systems. The InCA architecture relies on a personal agent that is... more
The paper elaborates on the role of user models and user modeling for enhanced support in Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs). User models in KMSs, often addressed as user profiles, include user's preferences and are often similar to... more
In this paper we present an advanced e-custom system pilot designed to address strategic goals for future custom systems. Future custom systems will support simplified paperless trade procedures, prevent potential security threats and... more
Web 2.0 has created new possibilities for students to engage, interact and collaborate in learning tasks that enhance learning processes and the overall learning experience. The challenge for educators is to design and integrate a new set... more
This paper focuses on the role of user modeling and semantically enhanced representations for personalization. This paper presents a generic Ontology-based User Modeling framework (OntobUMf), its components, and its associated user... more
Abstract. The Ontology-based modeling has become a topical subject in the last few years as ontology-based representations can result in better methodologies for conceptual design of data and knowledge bases, facilitating knowledge... more
Abstract. This article investigates several well-known social network applications such as Last. fm, Flickr and identifies social data portability as one of the main technical issues that need to be addressed in the future. We argue that... more
Abstract: This article investigates several well-known social network applications such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Last. fm, Flickr and identifies semantics and social data portability as the main technical issues that need to be addressed in... more
On-line gaming became widespread in the last couple of years. The aim of the research presented in the paper is to figure out to what extent does game playing helps to strengthen weak ties and what additional factors influence this... more
Résumé. Il existe un besoin d'outils avancés d'apprentissage sur le Web. Le développement des nouvelles technologies comme le Web sémantique, le calcul sur grille et les services web ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives et défis pour la... more
La nouvelle économie est dominée par les échanges de savoir et par la production de connaissances; on parle d'économie de l'immatériel (Zackland et Grundstein, 2001). La connaissance est un enjeu économique majeur de nos jours; c'est le... more
Abstract: This paper aims to elaborate on the role of user modelling for personalization and enhanced attention support. User modelling is an important element in the management of personal profiles and identity of users, but also a key... more