Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From My Inbox

Created by: Massage Therapy Schools

Nicole's wisdom: This is hilarious. Want some more? Contact Candice at [email protected]. Must say that I do this massage thingy quite well. purr... *giggles*

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cats Don't Need New Year Resolution

Yeah, why make life difficult by making new year resolutions that you will never keep. Let alone achieve. The following are words of wisdom that a feline like me adheres to. A word of caution, I don't think it will work as well for humans.

Wisdom #1:
Stroll placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in a long tranquil nap. As far as possible, without being in any way humble, be on good terms with all creatures - with the obvious exception of dogs.

Wisdom #2:
Meow your desires loudly and clearly and occasionally listen to others, even your human, for she may be calling you for dinner. Avoid the company of fleas, they are vexations to both spirit and body.

Wisdom #3:
Enjoy your achievements - particularly wallpaper lovingly scratched and pieces of string thoroughly chased. Keep interest in your career, there will always be a need for good mousers in the changing fortunes of time.

Wisdom #4:
Be yourself; especially do not feign affection - except when you need a warm lap to sleep on. Neither be cynical about the love of cream, for through your charmed and enchanted existence it is as perennial as the grass it comes from.Take kindly the counsel of the years and rejoice in the fact that you have nine lives.

Wisdom #5:
Nurture arrogance of spirit to shield you from sudden misfortune such as getting stuck up a tree. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born out of getting less than 20 hours sleep in a day. Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself and groom yourself frequently.

Wisdom #6:
You are a cat of the universe, so much greater than humans and dogs; you have a right to be served. And even though you may sleep through most of it, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. With all its snacks, adventures and peaceful dreams, it is truly a beautiful world. Be content. Continue to be happy.

I am, a contented cat. purrr....meow!