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      Faruk CiritIntellectual capital turkeyEntellektüel Sermaye
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      Faruk CiritIntellectual capital turkeyEntellektüel Sermaye
Son yüzyılda, kalkınmanın yalnızca ekonomik kalkınma boyutuyla ele alınması, çevresel ve sosyal boyutların göz ardı edilmesi sonucunda, doğal kaynakların tükenmesi, çevre kirliliği, iklim değişikliği ve küresel ısınma gibi sorunlar ortaya... more
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      SürdürülebilirlikSürdürülebilir Kentiçi UlaşımSürdürülebilir UlaşımToplu Taşıma Sistemleri
In Turkey, as in many other newly industrialized countries, the progress of industrial design has followed a different path than it has in developed economies, occurring as a result of a gradual process of technological learning. For most... more
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      DesignIndustrial Design
This paper aims to provide a closer look at the strategic role of design for businesses, using a longitudinal case study on the evolution of industrial design, from a minor operational tool to a strategic business resource, in a leading... more
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      Design ManagementIndustrial Design
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Design education is in need of a wider restructuring to accommodate new developments and paradigmatic shifts brought forth by the information age, all of which capitalise a move towards complexity theory, systems science and digital... more
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      Industrial DesignComputer Aided DesignBasic Design EducationBauhaus
Bilgi çağının beraberinde getirdiği, karmaşıklık teorisi, sistem bilim ve dijital teknolojilere doğru yönelim gösteren gelişmeler ve paradigma değişiklikleri, tasarım disiplininin ve eğitiminin yeniden yapılandırılmasını gerekli... more
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      Design ComputingBasic Design EducationBauhausComputational Design
Design education is in need of a wider restructuring to accommodate new developments and paradigmatic shifts brought forth by the information age, all of which capitalise a move towards complexity theory, systems science and digital... more
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      Design educationBasic DesignIndustrial design education
Design management has evolved from the simple view as the management of design projects and processes, to include more upstream responsibilities and skills, at the intersection of design and strategic management. Recent literature... more
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      Design ManagementStrategic Design
Conflicting with heightened awareness about design's strategic role for businesses, research is lacking about methods and tools to guide designers and organizations in building strategic design management capabilities, as well as about... more
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      Design ManagementStrategic DesignStrategic Design Management
In this study, we consider to improve efficiency of an after-sales technical service in home appliances industry. The efficiency measure is the total time spent in a day to serve customer requests. Hence, the objective is to minimize... more
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DrPaste is a manufacturer company of pastry materials and tools. In this study, we consider sugar paste production of this manufacturer. The company wants to minimize the makespan to deliver the sugar paste to its customers faster. There... more
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      Computer ScienceSugarRaw Material
The aim of this study was to estimate the finger-tapping rates and finger load capacities of eight fingers (excluding thumbs) for a healthy adult population and investigate the effects of various factors on tapping rate. Finger-tapping... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHuman FactorsAdolescent
Cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) of the upper extremities are one of the major ergonomics areas of: research. Pinching is a common risk factor associated with the development of hand/wrist CTDs. The capacity standard~ of peak pinch... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUsability and user experienceOccupational health and safetyHuman Factors and Ergonomics
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    • Ergonomics
This study investigates the optimum grip span relative to an individual's hand anthropometry (ROGS) for an isometric power grip exertion. Maximum voluntary isometric grip force (MVGF), muscular activity (EMG) and subjective rating (SR)... more
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    • Ergonomics and Human Factors
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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    • Ergonomics and Human Factors
This paper presents a systematic design approach, which is the result of years of research effort, to ergonomic redesign of rivet tools, i.e. rivet hammers and bucking bars. The investigation was carried out using both ergonomic approach... more
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    • Ergonomics and Human Factors
The main aim of this study was to estimate the digraph costs (interkey-stroke times) based on the digraph (two consecutive keys) tapping rates for the optimization of keyboard layouts considering the touch typing principles. The study... more
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    • Ergonomics and Human Factors