Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy, Grumpy & Reminder

Despite what you may think, this is not a post about dwarfs...Snow White is no where in sight.  But lets go ahead and start with grumpy and get that out of the way.  Then we can move on to happy things!

Ok so I am feeling a bit grumpy about Etsy.  I haven't made a post about Etsy in years, but I really do need to get this off my chest.  I don't rely on Etsy much, but I figure for 20 cents a pop, it's worth it as an online portfolio to reach people who might not see me otherwise.  I like to shop on Etsy sometimes though.  They implemented a feature a while back where they had suggested items from your favorite shops on the front page.  It was great.  I really liked seeing what people whose work I like and buy, have made recently.  It certainly prompted me to buy a few things that I might not have.  It was also handy for the girl on the go.  Plus my own page views have dropped by about 95%.  But with this new person in charge they have removed it.  Apparently the thinking is that people should pay for extra advertising. Money hungry little buggers.  They also removed the pounce and a couple other features that were effective.   On top of that they have removed the just listed section!!!  This seems so counter intuitive to me.  They were still making a profit from the items sold, probably more than they will on the items sold through people who will pay to advertise.  So why...why Etsy...WHY?  I am not going to pay for advertising through them.  I just do not understand this cut off your nose to spite your face line of thinking they constantly employ.  Ok small rant on to the fun stuff!

Now for the happy!  YAY!  As you see I have posted a pic of my dining room.  (Penelope snuck into the pic under the chair...I didn't even notice.)  This weekend we finally...FINALLY started redoing the house.  R painted the walls.  Isn't it lovely!  He also bought me a new china cabinet which I need to put the stuff back into.  But that's for tomorrow.  Today I have to put up Halloween decorations.  I also want to repaint the painted part of the chairs white. 

When I used to live in a condo I dreamed of the day when I had a house and could decorate it any way I wanted.  I had a million ideas.  But when we moved into this house 12 years ago the trouble was I had a million ideas!  I couldn't settle on anything.  So a while back R put his foot down and said pick something woman it's time!  I am so glad he did.  I had forgotten how much I love color.  Of course we are both Leo's so naturally we have to have warm colors.  I don't care for cool colors in my home. 

When I go to visit my parents in a couple weeks he is going to do the living room and kitchen.  I can't wait.  It's going to be beautiful!  I already have ideas for the bedroom and the downstairs too.  My house is going to be fabulous!  At least I think so.

Lastly I want to give you a reminder...tomorrow night is the drawing for Caution Mouse so be sure to enter if you haven't already!

Have a lovely day!  Hugs, K. <3

Edit:  One trip to World Market later and we have new chair cushions, lantern and placemats!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

~*~ Happy O'Day ~*~

Happy is just strollin along singing a song in his heart.  He is one happy little bear!  But how could be anything else in his jaunty scarf and strawberry color! You can visit him on the Bears Page Of My Website

We hope you have a happy day too!
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