I am not going to have an official full blown update until after the show in May. BUT...I am working on some bunnies for Spring/Easter which you will get to see (hopefully) in a few days. When I work a lot I tend to watch too much TV while I sew.
The other day while I was sewing I was watching old reruns of "I Love Lucy" and laughing my head off. Sure it may not have been the most intellectually stimulating show, but it was funny. Really funny, and the plot lines were clever.
I had also recorded a current sitcom that I like. Now it's funny too, but while I was watching those old reruns I realized every current show I watch on the regular TV stations uses sex as a vehicle. In fact every show does. I kinda got to wondering about that.
I could make all sorts of comments about morality and the lack of it on TV, and I could make all sorts of comments on how kids are influenced by what they see. I could even make comments about how people on TV fall into bed as easily as they try on a pair of shoes, and it means about as much. I could go so far as to point out that when civilizations become too permissive and promiscuous they always fall. It's happened over and over through out history and each time...they never see it coming.
But aside from all that I also found myself wondering why every show has to have sexual situations? Aren't writers clever enough to come up with anything else anymore? Or is it that we, the viewing audience have given Hollywood the impression we don't find anything else funny?
When Charlie Sheen had his ridiculous meltdown a few weeks ago I was utterly shocked to find out that Two And A Half Men was the most popular show on CBS. Now Charlie claimed that he was what made the show what it was and that he was irreplaceable. But honestly I think there are about 9000 frat boys with the same level of humor in America that could have walked in and filled his shoes. After all they know how to make the same base, tactless jokes about body parts and functions that he did. They wouldn't have even needed acting classes or writers.
I really thought that show should have been cancelled years ago. So the question is, has our humor level dumbed down...or has TV? Either way I am sick of sex on TV. I am no prude, but I would like to see something funny. Really funny. Something that would make me laugh out loud based on something else. I probably won't get my wish. I know that Lucy and the gang have left this world for a better place...but where are Bill Cosby and Tim Allen when we still need them? Sex might sell, but I am sick of buyin. I guess they can pay Charlie or his replacement millions for being crass...but I won't be watching. At least I can still watch truly funny reruns on Cable.