Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Daddy and the "Big Picture"

My dear, sweet daddy turned 90 on November 2nd. We celebrated it with lots of cake, love and family. He loved it. Then, on November 8th, he woke up in the morning, saying he didn't feel "Quite up to par", took a deep breath, and joined his Savior and my mom in heaven. It was unexpected, but he went quietly and peacefully, just as he lived his life. I will miss him dearly. I was a "Daddy's girl" all of my life. 

So on Monday, we again celebrated my dad. Old friends and loved ones came to remember the life of this quiet, loving man. How blessed we were to have him as the leader of our family for so many years. Here's a photo of some of our family. (That's Jordan, btw, standing in front of my husband, 4th from the left, in the turquoise plaid. Some might remember praying for him after he stepped on an IED in Afghanistan almost 5 years ago. He's doing well!)

"I will think of him as I always knew him; kind, loving thoughtful of everyone but himself, a blessing wherever he went and a strength and comfort to all with whom he came in contact. A constant example of all that a husband, father, and Christian should be." 
(This quote was about the missionary Hudson Taylor, but it fits my dad perfectly).

So I want to tell a little story. Some might call this irony, but stay with me for just a minute. This Fall, for the first time in many years, I signed up to help with junior high girls at my church. It's a very large church, and they paired up leaders. I was thankful that they paired me up with a young woman who had experience, because I felt out of my element. We bonded quickly, though we had only met a few times before. After my dad passed away last week, I called her, and her gentle compassion meant so much.

We couldn't know that 4 days later, her own father would pass away and she would be calling me. This pairing seemed so God ordained, and we marveled that He saw the big picture far in advance of us. However the other night she shared with me that our lives had even more in common than I knew. You see, she told me that she was born on the very day my husband and I were married. Some may think one has nothing to do with the other, and this is just coincidence. I don't see it that way. I am realizing more and more that God sees the "big picture" in ways we can never understand. He doesn't see backward or forward, He just sees aerially, and He says that is enough, that He's got "this", whatever "this" may be. He knew on the day she was born and I was married, that we would someday lose our dads the same week. He knew that we would become friends, though she is young enough to be my daughter. He keeps teaching me that He knows what the future holds and my job is simply to trust. 

As we prepared for both of our dads memorial services this week, I am reminded that ours is a "big picture" God, and I'm so thankful for that, and for a friend named Tammy, who has helped me see that He is so much bigger than my mind can possibly fathom.

 If anyone remembers the post about my mom's passing in August of 2014, they will notice that when I was preparing for her service, I found a very important letter from my grandmother, written to my mom, on the day before my grandmother died, which also "happened" to be my anniversary date, although that time, 30 years earlier. As I am writing this tonight, I am reminded that nothing in our lives is by chance, that God has all of the details worked out, and sometimes He gives a glimpse of just how much attention He pays to even the smallest of details, just to reassure us that His word is true, and heaven is real.

“Life is but a Weaving”
“My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned
He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.” 
― Corrie ten Boom

I love you Daddy. I know I will see you again!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Tips for New Moms of Multiples...

I've been thinking of the best advice I could've received when my twins were babies,
and here are 14 tips I came up with. Hope they help.

1. Nothing can prepare you for the 24 "hourness" of a new baby. 
Let me say that again. Nothing can prepare you for the the 24 hourness
of TWO babies!! Nothing! (Oh yeah, I changed it up a bit).
Prepare to be unprepared!! (I could almost end this post right here).

2. No one else has it together either, not even moms of singles, though it
may look like they do. (I know, I was one of those 4 times
before our twins came along...never once did I have it all together).
Just remember, this is your family.
You and your husband decide. Seeking advice is good, but you know your
babies better than anyone.

3. Never turn down an offer for help, because it might be your only chance
to take a short nap :)

4. Never turn down an offer for someone to watch your older children for you.
They need to get out too :)

5. Pray. This should really be number one on this list.
Pray about everything. Pray without ceasing. Pray for your children. Pray
for your husband. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Prayer is best advice for just about
any parenting question :)

6. If someone wants to give you a really special gift, don't ask for a new double
stroller, you can pick a good one up at a yard sale or on Craigslist. 
Ditto on the extra crib.
Ask for a weekly PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE for the first 6 months. 

7. Important!! When one baby wakes up at night to be fed, wake the other one up 
right after you've fed the first. I do believe "the feeding schedule" was created
by a mom of twins. (You'll thank me for this in about 3 weeks).
It's the best way to guarantee some solid sleep...
for you :)

8. If you have older children, your are blessed. 
You have instant entertainment for the babies
so you can cook a quick dinner, or throw in a load of clothes, 
or change out of the pajamas you've been wearing for 3 days :)

9. If you've always done the grocery shopping, this might be a good time for your 
hubby to learn. However, it was a huge break for me to get out of the house.
Since my twins are the youngest of six,
I would take one or two of the older kids with me,
and leave the rest with daddy. I think my twins were 4 before they saw the inside of
a grocery store. They were filled with wonder and was like 
Disneyland for them! "Oh, this is where we get all this magical stuff we call FOOD!"

10. When you do venture out with the twins, be prepared to be stopped by everyone!
However, if they mention that they too are parents of 
multiples, feel free to pick their brains for all the tips they can offer.
It's okay, because they stopped you, after all.

11. Strangers will ask to hold your babies. Perhaps with your first child, you would 
have been shocked at this thought. However, if something possessed you and your
husband to go to a buffet type restaurant with 6 children, and a 
kind grandmotherly type lady sitting at the table next to you asks you if you'd
like her to hold one of your crying babies so that you can hold the other crying 
baby while your husband takes the other kids for refills...
Your husband is going to get the kids dessert anyway, and since you'll be going
home with 4 sugar high children,
take her help now, because you can't take her home with you!
(Haha, don't ask me how I know this).

12. If you have identical twins, mark all of your photos!!  You'll be glad you did this.
We dressed our boys in different colors almost from the start, but we had so many
gifts of "lookalike" clothes, that this wasn't always the case.
We got creative and sometimes put their pacifiers in the photo next to them,
because those were different. When they were about a year old, we got ID bracelets,
and placed them on opposite arms.
This is the only means of identification in some
of our photos.
We do think they are both going by the same name
they came home from the hospital with :)
(However, there was that one time when our older son switched things up, so,,,.)
Just sayin :)

13. We forget.
What I mean is, when we pass one stage of life with multiples, we forget
the details of that stage. Of course there are things that stand out (as #11 proves),
things we will never forget, but the day to day details have changed enough
in our own lives that we truly forget how difficult those first few months/years can be.
You WILL get through it, and before you know it....

14. PUBERTY hits...
and you find out all over again how different being the mother 
of multiples can be...
um, can you say "TWINAGERS!"
(btw, getting them to pose together for photos at this age is almost impossible!!)

Never forget that they are two VERY different and unique people,
and of course, always remember...

Good luck!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Brother Bravery

The first fight I ever remember seeing, took place on the playground 
of my school when I was in first grade.

I was spinning around on "the bars", as they called them,
and a 5th grader and known bully, walked up and started throwing a football 
at me and a couple of the other girls playing there.
He hit me hard and I started to cry.

Within about a minute, my brother, a 4th grader, was there beside me.
Someone had told him I'd been hurt, and he was checking on me,
...and then he asked me who did it.

I pointed to the boy, who was bigger and older than my brother,
and the next thing I knew,
my brother had thrown his jacket off 
and was challenging this boy to a fight.
He didn't wait for him to answer. 
He let him know that he crossed the line when he hit his sister.

I watched in shock. My brother took on this boy...for me.
My brother, who was known as a kind boy...
was going to tear this bully up. 
I loved him more in that moment than I ever had before.

A teacher showed up quickly and broke up the fight.
And then, almost even worse,
the boys were taken to the dreaded "Principal's Office".
I yelled that he was protecting me,
that the boy was bad...
but both of them were taken away.
It was back in the days when a Principal had a paddle...
and everyone feared it.

I watched him walk away, and I cried again.
This time it was for what might be coming his way.

As it turned out, the Principal was a wise man.
He listened to the story of "why" it had happened,
and he understood boys...and honor. 
He just made them shake hands and make up, which they did.

They never fought again, and I don't remember that boy giving
anyone else any trouble. 
I know things would be handled differently now, 
but I'm not sure the results would be any more successful.

My big brother has always been there for me. I've always known he had my back.

I can't say that I've done the same. 
I'm the younger one, and a girl,
and all too often, I didn't think that way,
but he did.

When our mom passed away last summer,
my big brother took care of everything...once again,
 just as he always had, because that's the kind of person he is.

He's experienced his fair share of trials.
For those who might remember, a few years ago, his son Jordan,
lost his legs when he stepped on an IED in Afghanistan. It is difficult
to watch your own child going through such pain.
We were thankful that Jordan survived.
He had a long, hard road ahead of him, which he has walked 
with dignity, never giving up. He is doing well now.

Earlier this year, my brother was diagnosed with cancer.
That terrible disease that everyone hates. Cancer is an awful word.
He has undergone radiation and chemo,
and thankfully, his prognosis looks good, but the treatment has been hard.
I am so proud of him for facing this cancer bully...
and fighting it just like he fought the bully on the playground so many years ago.
He too, has faced this challenge head-on, with dignity.

A few days ago I was able to hang out with him.
I'm so thankful that he's starting to feel better,
and especially thankful for the best big brother God could've ever provided...
I love you Kev!!

There is a song I want to share by NeedtoBreathe called "Brother".
The words express the love and thankfulness I have for my big brother.

And it describes the brother he's always been to me.
The one who's there for you, no matter what. 
Please listen, it's beautiful. The lyrics are included below.


Ramblers in the wilderness we can’t find what we need
Get a little restless from the searching 
Get a little worn down in between
Like a bull chasing the matador is the man left to his own schemes
Everybody needs someone beside em’ shining like a lighthouse from the sea

Brother let me be your shelter
I’ll never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re low
Brother let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home

Face down in the desert now there’s a cage locked around my heart
I found a way to drop the keys where my failures were 
Now my hands can’t reach that far
I ain’t made for a rivalry I could never take the world alone
I know that in my weakness I am strong, but
It’s your love that brings me home

Brother let me be your shelter
I’ll never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re low
Brother let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home

And when you call and need me near
Sayin' where'd you go?
Brother I'm right here
And on those days when the sky begins to fall
You're the blood of my blood
We can get through it all

Brother let me be your shelter
I’ll never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re feelin' low
Brother let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home

Brother let me be your shelter
I’ll never leave you all alone
I can be the one you call
When you’re low
Brother let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home

...I love you Kevin :)
Your Little Sister

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Veggie Tales "Love" Letter :)

Dear Adult Son,

I've noticed that some of your "contemporaries" have taken to making fun of Veggie Tales, with the claim that they were forced to watch it by their "conservative" Christian mothers. I can assure you that it was I that was FORCED to watch! You begged me for those videos and "Mommy, rewind it!" was a oft-heard statement in our household. 

Your childhood obsession with this show has taught me much though. I now know that Manatees should all be named Barbara, and that veterinarians in the Alps most definitely yodel. I remember well when you just HAD to have a water buffalo because "everybody had one", and came to realize that pirates don't do anything (I must admit that I had an inkling of this already, thanks to the famous Disneyland ride). I do feel a bit sorry for all the well-liked Daniels out there who may have inadvertently found their ears filled with cheeseballs and their nostrils with sorbet.

Of course the best lesson I learned was to ALWAYS put my hairbrush in it's place! If only I had a dollar for every time I've heard "oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, o-h w-h-e-r-e?" in my head!

Thank you my have taught me so much.
Your Loving Mom

P.S. No, I didn't keep them, but I'm sure that your children will find songs that will teach you life lessons of equal importance. In fact I'm looking forward to it...It will be so much more fun than the nostril trick :))
Love you!

(You're free to borrow this for your adult children too, haha)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Broken Together...

Photo courtesy of Larry Massey

29 years ago today, we said "I do". We had no idea what that meant at the time.
We were two broken people. We still are.
We're starting to get one thing though,
we are realizing that through good times and bad,
this marriage is not about us.
It was never supposed to be.
We've been slow to get this, and though we fail every day,
God has still blessed us, in spite of ourselves.
We have no idea what tomorrow will bring,
because tomorrow is never guaranteed,
but today
we just want to wake up and be grateful for all that Christ has done.
Happy Anniversary RussMyHoney,
I love you, always and forever...
I am so thankful that we are broken together.

These are the words on the website that describe this song. I think it says it so well.

“Marriage is tough. We bring a lot of fairytales to the picture when it comes to marriage. We bring them to the altar with us [thinking]: ‘This is going to be perfect. We don’t have to be apart. We can just wake up together every morning and no one is going to have morning breath. We’re not going to have any problems.’ And then the problems hit and you don’t know where to file those into your picture. . . The idea I’m trying to say is: ‘Can you lay down who you thought I was and love the ‘me’ that is? Can we take this from where we are now and realize that I can’t be that person?’ Only God is going to be able to make this work and broken people can be broken together. To me, it’s probably the most important song on the record.”

"Broken Together"
What do you think about when you look at me
I know we're not the fairytale you dreamed we'd be
You wore the veil, you walked the aisle, you took my hand
And we dove into a mystery

How I wish we could go back to simpler times
Before all our scars and all our secrets were in the light
Now on this hallowed ground, weve drawn the battle lines
Will we make it through the night

Its going to take much more than promises this time
Only God can change our minds

Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete
Could we just be broken together
If you can bring your shattered dreams and I'll bring mine
Could healing still be spoken and save us
The only way we'll last forever is broken together

How it must have been so lonely by my side
We were building kingdoms and chasing dreams and left love behind
Im praying God will help our broken hearts align
And we won't give up the fight

Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete
Could we just be broken together
If you can bring your shattered dreams and Ill bring mine
Could healing still be spoken and save us
The only way we'll last forever is broken together

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Mother's Last Words

I write funny letters to my kids on Facebook. They start "Dear Adult Child", "Dear Teenage Son", (there are quite a few of those!)...etc., etc., and go on to state something they have taught me, or some way they have "affected" my life. 

Here's an example:

and another:

Here's the one that really had an effect :

No, he didn't want to "see" that! The belt is now part of his daily attire :) Perhaps I should've said they were notes that threaten my children with public embarrassment, lol! Yeah, I'm a snarky mom, but remember, I've raised a small tribe, and we ARE a large, loud, Italian family (well, my kids like to remind me that I'm NOT Italian, that comes from my husband, lol) :)

I know that I haven't been on here in months. In that time, my life has changed. It is different than it has ever been. You see, this month, I lost the most influential woman in my life. I lost my mom. Yet, God, in His mercy, gave us over a year to prepare for this, over a year to say "Until, we meet you again." Not everyone gets that opportunity. Not everyone gets to have their mom as long as I did. Not everyone gets to feel wanted the way my brother and I did. Not everyone gets to see their parents celebrate 66 years of marriage before saying goodbye to one of them. 
We've been blessed.

My mother lost her mom before my brother and I were born. She was never able to call and ask her mom for advice when raising her own children like I was. Yet, my grandmother's influence has affected my life in many ways. In this past year, my mom spoke often of seeing her again. There was a longing to see her mother. 
I understand it now.

My grandmother wrote a letter to my mom right before she died. She was in the hospital in Missouri, facing surgery the next morning, and wrote a letter to her daughter in California. She didn't survive the surgery. My mom and dad were called, and flew back to be with family. After attending her mother's funeral, she returned home to California and the letter that had arrived while she was gone.

In this letter, my grandmother spoke of general things about her life, this and that, things about my grandfather, just simple things about their simple life....and then she added this:

"I don't have any dread of surgery. I feel if it's my time to be promoted, I'm ready to go. You know, to the Christian, death is "Just Promotion". If the Lord spares me, I feel I'll be beneficial. If not, I'm ready."

The last words of her mother. Could she ever ask for a better gift?

 My mother often spoke of how this letter comforted her. The words of her mother gave her hope that still remained 58 years after she lost her. I found this letter in some of her things. The letter was written on April 12, 1956, the day before she died. Until I saw it, I never knew that the letter that had meant so much to her was written on April 12th. 

That is my anniversary. I was married on April 12th, 1986. Thirty years after the letter was written. My husband and I didn't choose that date for any other reason than convenience. It worked out for us. Yet seeing that date, written in my grandmother's handwriting was special in it's own way. Coincidence? I suppose, but it's a comforting coincidence, nonetheless.

The last few weeks of my mom's life were the hardest for her. She had a stroke and was unable to speak. I had visited her a few days before that last stroke. I'd gone over to 'visit', but actually I'd wanted to get away for a little while from my own 13yo twin boys, who were getting on my last nerve that day. 

I didn't know it would be the last time my mom would be able to speak to me. I didn't know how much her words would mean. I actually lamented to her a little, telling her about how my boys were giving me 'fits', and, being identical, when they wrestled, no one could win, so their wrestling matches went on and on and on, (amongst other things). Her speech had been affected for months by a previous stroke, but she sat up on her bed and she listened, and when she finally spoke, this is what she said:

"You've still got a lot to learn".  

(Um, excuse me mom, but I've got 6 kids. I've been through this with 4 others. You only raised two, and you never had twin boys!)
No, I didn't say that, but I thought it. Yeah, I was a little indignant. I think she saw this. 
She just smiled and said it again.

"You've still got a lot to learn". 

Wow. You know what? She's right. 
I don't even know enough to know how little I know, lol. 

Our lives can be forever affected by words, forever changed by what we say and what is said to us. We are always changing, always learning. My words to my children aren't always what I want them to be. Sometimes they're too harsh, sometimes too thoughtless, sometimes too snarky. I want to convey love, but I fail at times. 
Yes, I still have a lot to learn.

As I turned to leave that day, I kissed her forehead, and said "Mom, I love you."
She replied:
"I know you do...
and I love you too."
Those were the last words ever spoken to me by my mom.
Could I ever ask for a better gift?

I spent many hours with her after that last stroke, when she was unable to speak. She was still imparting lessons to me. She was teaching me how to have grace in adversity.
Without words.
My father taught us all how to love your spouse unconditionally during those weeks and months leading up to her passing. My mother taught us how to gracefully accept that love and help. Their devotion to each other inspired everyone at the assisted living facility. A local article about them, about their devotion to each other, and their marriage of 66 years, written on their anniversary and just days before her passing, received hundreds of responses.

Yes Mom, I still have a lot to learn :)

Thank you for all that you tried to teach me...
and especially for your comfort and your love.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Step, Stroll and a Stride

Happy New Year!!
I've been meaning to share the link to my son and daughter in law's blog,
and this seemed like the perfect time. 
They're in Korea, enjoying the adventure of a lifetime! 
Here's their newest post...beautifully written by Sarah :)

There’s something about a New Year’s Eve that gets me thinking.  If you’re like me, you made resolutions in years past that you’ve probably not kept. And you’ve regretted even making the ones you knew you weren’t going to keep anyway. This blog isn’t about resolutions, because let’s be honest, the last things I need a longer list of things to do. It is, however, about is God’s goodness, and that my friends it worth list making!

2013 is kind of a big question mark. We don’t where we’ll be this time next year. I personally don’t know if I’ll be working, if i’ll be a mom, or if I could, by some small chance, be at a job that requires me to waste time on Pinterest. (Now, that would be AWESOME!) I also have no idea where I’ll be living, what church i’ll be attending, or what crazy ideas i have for the next coming year. But, what i do know is this. Every year is an panorama of God’s goodness. And 2012, as all my years past, was just the same. It was packed-- rich and full-- with the favor of the Lord and that is worth every bit of reflection. 

A little over a year ago, my best friend ask me to marry him at a little place folks call Disneyland. Maybe you’ve heard of it? And it seems like life to follow moved at warp speed. (Baby, it can be used outside of Star Wars... and yes, i know what it is!) The Lord “gifted” Randy and I with eagerness( some would call it impatience), and we set a wedding date 5 months out. No big deal,eh?! (Ask my mom about that one... maybe she’d answer differently.) Regardless of the timeline, the details (while awesome!), and the endless hours of DIY-ing, the Lord’s favor covered it all. Down to the smallest, seemingly insignificant, details. It was as if the Lord could calculate how to gift me with the simplest and smallest things that would make me the most happy. As a good Daddy does.  From a perfect wedding venue, the blessing of a woman who had all the lovelies to make it beautiful, the perfect mustard yellow bridesmaid dresses(which i hunted down and secured like a mad woman through several wee hour mornings) and a family who gave more than imaginable to make it wonderful! That my friends, is the favor of the Lord! Not simply over the celebration of a wedding, but over the marriage I was going to enter! It was the Lord’s favor that blessed me with my husband. One who loves and serves me like Jesus, and makes life sweeter by the day. The Lord’s favor is sweet... and while so underserved, too rich and good to not ask for more.

The days and weeks following our wedding were something akin to chaos. Some said we were crazy and questioned what we were doing. But the Lord’s favor covered it all. He’s good like that! And in hindsight things are always a lot clearer! Three weeks after the wedding, with 10 days notice,  we packed up our first house and moved to South Korea. How we managed to get on the plane in one piece-- without any big brawls-- with the essentials for two in a foreign country is a blessing in itself. One only to be attributed to the Lord! I’m ever more convinced that  he calls and moves and blesses those whom he desires. And it’s there his favor rests. It is that favor that establishes the work of our hands.... and the direction of a plane in some cases.

Life has settled down for the Murpheys. And yet life continues. Even as I watch life happen, admittedly from my News Feed, I’m daily reminded of the goodness of the Lord and the favor he covers his beloved with. A daily reminder that draws my heart to worship! 

My list is short and far from complete... but they are good reminders of God's favor!

The favor of the Lord is on my cousins, who, in all different directions, are forging the world with the love of Christ. Architecture, medicine missions and airplanes. You are connecting the dots of the Gospel for people and creating a web of grace for them to look at. The Lord’s favor is on you... and big things are ahead for you!

I see the Lord's favor all over my brother. He's got one of the most giving and gracious hearts I’ve ever known. He’s one of those guys who would literally give his jacket and shoes off for anyone in need, take them to Denny’s for a $2 stack of unlimited pancakes, and then bless the waiter with a $30 tip on a 4 dollar bill. Yea, he’s that guy. And the Lord’s favor-- so very evident in his life-- establishes the work of his hands! Big things are ahead of him!

I’ve watch my lovely sister, brother and their two beautiful daughters. The favor of the Lord is all over this family! His favor is over Kenny’s job. It’s over Sharon’s ministry to Kenny and raising two Godly, hilarious, kind hearted girls! The Lord is establishing this family to be a powerful tool in the lives of people around them. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch... only bigger things are to come!

My brother-in-law rocked a full time job and started an awesome master program. Another started the police academy. My best friend give birth to a sweet baby girl!  Our dear friends gave birth to a handsome little man. Friends have been provided with stellar job. New house. Long awaited diplomas.  People have been saved. Baptized. And called to missions. Friends have written books. Moved to new places. Gotten engaged. Married. And all to many have been impregnated. That, my friends, is the favor of the Lord littering my News Feed!

(Did i just justify Facebook?) :)

You can thank me later.

When i think about the favor of the Lord, it’s a little baffling. It seems to land, undeservedly, on the most unexpected in extraordinary ways. And that’s what’s so beautiful and baffling about it! It just doesn’t make sense, but there is something so rich about it!  It’s like a cloak of royalty on a the back of a simple woman.  It humbles me to be covered in it, and yet there’s no where else i’d rather be. 

"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" Psalm 90:17

Go over and follow them if you get a chance, at:
Step, Stroll and a Stride
May God bless you in 2013!

Monday, December 24, 2012

♥ Merry Christmas!! (A Christmas Letter, and a Video of Jordan) ♥

To parents of Young Children, on the subject of Christmas, (and to my friends and family everywhere),

As the mom of many, I've been where you are. It can be frantic in the days leading up to Christmas. Gifts to buy, programs to attend, meals to prepare. I learned a long time ago that I can't do everything, and my family is better off if I don't try! Don't feel guilty about what you don't do. You don't have to bake cookies for your kiddos to decorate. You don't have to go to every Christmas party. You don't have to decorate to the hilt, and keep everything clean in case someone drops by. You don't need to spend money on professional family photos to send to everyone...snapshots show your family as they truly are, blur and all :)

Just enjoy your time together.
Drive around and look at Christmas lights in your pj's, they'll remember that more anyway. Stop for soup or hot chocolate on the way'll have the money for it, because you didn't spend it on a photo session :)

We quit going anywhere on Christmas day, many years ago. My children wanted to play with their new toys, and dragging them somewhere else just didn't seem fair. Also, I don't cook a big Christmas meal. I know we're less formal than many families, but believe me, my children don't go hungry on Christmas day, (although they are most definitely under the influence of a more-than-average sugar rush) and again, there is more time to just relax and enjoy the day. 

This will be the first Christmas I spend without one of my children with me. He and his wife will be spending their first Christmas as a married couple, half a world away, establishing their own traditions for another generation. It happened in a flash. It really did. It was just yesterday that he was a little boy, joyfully tearing open his gifts. 

As I reflect on this, I believe that the memories we will all cherish won't be the gifts, the programs, the parties, or the food, but the time spent together, enjoying each other, arguing with each other (there were 6 kids in our house, so there was/is always an argument or two going on)...and in our family, it was almost always a new movie to watch. Nothing special in itself, but Oh So Special in the time spent together. 
Don't sweat the small stuff young parents, just enjoy the moments :) 

To Randy and Sarah, we will miss you dearly, but are so happy for the Christmas traditions you will be forever establishing for your family, and so thankful that Christ is the center of your celebrations! We love you both so much and are so proud of you!!

Btw, I'm now married to a very handsome "senior" citizen!! 
Senior meals, here we come!!

And for those of you who are still reading, waiting to hear about my nephew Jordan, 
I have something special to share with you! 
Watch this short video and get to know a little bit 
about Jordan and Jenn, their sacrifice, and the blessing of a new home; a gift from
Homes For Our Troops!! Feel free to share it, and spread the news
about this wonderful organization!

Merry Christmas to everyone! 
(Btw, this will serve as my Christmas card...because I didn't get any out this year) 
Lol :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Learning to Surf...

Yes, I believe I have become a once a month blogger, lol.
Thank you to the friends that have continued to check on me.

My husband has been home the past 3 weeks, due to a knee injury.
I love having him at home, but I know he's had quite a bit of pain.
We got away for a couple of days, and of course, headed down to the beach.

Just 4 kids this seems kind of weird, but we had a great time.
Hubby is bit limited in mobility right now, but it didn't stop him
from trying to get his kiddos to surf....

and then he went to work on me :)

No, I've never surfed before. I grew up body surfing,
but somewhere between having a surfing hubby and 6 kids to keep track of, 
I haven't even done much of that in recent years.
He was planning on changing that....

first I put on a wetsuit, and then we we went out...

I actually got up a couple of times...briefly...
so briefly that my daughter didn't get photos of me in the upright position, lol.
but I can say, I had a blast and can't wait until we go again!!!

Maybe you really can teach an old dog new tricks!

I don't think I'll ever go out again without a wetsuit though,
it made such a difference!!

Now if we can just get hubby's knee back to normal :)
Thank you are the best!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Summer Days :)

It's been a busy month here in So.Cal. so I just thought I'd share this calming 
sunset shot for the first know me and the beach ;)

Thank  you all for the sweet comments on the wedding and well wishes for
the newlyweds. You are all so kind!
The twins headed to camp the week after the wedding.
I'm not sure if he's hiding or trying to sleep...but evidence of them 
having fun showed up on my oldest son's Facebook page :) 
(He works at the camp)

They arrived home and a couple of days later, Micaela left for Hawaii
to once again spend a week working with the homeless and 

Then we attended a wedding in Long Beach and got to see my cousins
and their families. 

We celebrated Randy and Sarah's birthdays the night before they left for
So. Korea. Sarah's was the next day, and Randy's was a week later.

Micaela returned from Hawaii on the redeye flight, arriving at LAX
around 6 am. The whole group arrived back here in the desert around
8 am, and after picking her up at the church, we headed BACK
down to LAX to see Randy and Sarah off to So. Korea. 
Yep, same day :)
Micaela was a trooper...she could've stayed home, but wanted to
go with us.
Waiting for their flight at LAX International Airport.
That's Sarah's parents with us.
There were hugs...

Lots of hugs...

Smiles :)

And even a few tears, lol... Mom's are allowed to cry, aren't we? :)

My hubby and I have been walking...alot. He's lost 20 pounds :)
I've been able to keep off the weight I lost last year, 
and we're enjoying spending our evenings together,
walking around the neighborhood.

We get to see alot of these too :)
desert sunsets are beautiful...

This was the sunset we saw recently as we turned back onto our little street.
Aren't we blessed?

We've had another birthday twins turned 12!
How can that be?

Life is busy in our household, lol.

I hope you're all enjoying your summer too my blogging friends!
I'm starting to visit all of you again. I think things have finally slowed down.
Glad to be back in blogland. Say 'hi' if you get a chance :)