I have still been very blessed.
serving where God has led them.
I have friends who have done the same.
People who are brave.
Cody and Tiffany are two of these people.
They are friends of ours who have lived their lives in faith, not fear.
and the stories he would come home and tell are legendary in our household.
right after the Dec. 2004 tsunami hit.
and THEY listened to the voice that told them to go back.
We met them during the time they were waiting to go.
They were working hard towards that goal.
And they finally made it, several years ago.
They are surfers giving back...
. They are reaching into all corners of the world.
They have even gone to North Korea to teach surfing there.
Yes, you read that right. NORTH Korea.
snakes in the world...the Russell Pit Viper.
I'm including his post, which breaks down what happened.
When he was bit, word was spread to his friends worldwide via Facebook.
Russell Pit Viper: Based on several factors, including lethality of venom, aggressive behavior and number of human fatalities it is responsible for, it is commonly agreed upon by herpetologists that the most dangerous snake in the world is the Russell's Viper. Also known as the Chain Viper, the Russell's Viper ("Daboia russelli") causes thousands of deaths each year. When the Russell's Viper bites a victim, it can deliver up to 112 mg of venom which can cause pain, swelling of the area around the bite, vomiting,
kidney failure and an inability for the blood to coagulate.
These symptoms or even death can occur very quickly, within
two and a half to 10 minutes from the time of first being bitten.
My miraculous story as I look back over this death defying week…. It was a normal night here in Sri Lanka and my family was headed over to our friendJohnson's house for dinner. It was 7:30pm and I opened my shed and reached around the door to grab my motorcycle helmet. As I reached in, I felt something bite me on my ankle and made it feel like it was on fire. I quickly turned on the light to find nothing but my clean shed room that I had been working in all day. Still not knowing what bit me, I asked Tiff to bring me a flashlight and our snake bite kit. I turned my shed upside-down and looked in every corner as I had the venom suction syringe attached to my ankle. I have been bit/stung by snakes, spiders, jellyfish, scorpions, stingrays, sea urchins, and centipedes; so maybe I was a little bit calloused to the reality, but after not finding anything I just shrugged it off as most likely being a centipede. So I said "lets go to dinner."
I let everyone around know what happened so they could keep an eye on me and then we proceeded to have an amazing meal of shrimp hand caught by Johnson,Babu , Spencer, and myself. During our time there a National Geographic commercial came on about poisonous snakes and I jokingly said "maybe it's a sign." Two hours later we were headed home to go to bed after a long day. As we all unloaded off my motorcycle, Koda said "Mom there's a snake. I thought it was a big pile of dog poop, but it's not, it's a snake." It was at our front door step under our brightest outdoor light in a place that we could not miss it. (Miracle #1; I was headed to sleep; if we didn't find this snake literally on our front door step I would have not gone to the hospital).
Thousands of emotions and feelings flooded through me as I recognized it as being one of the top 4 most lethal snakes in the world, a Russell Pit Viper. I knew I needed to stay calm to prevent the poison that had already been in my body way too long, not to be pumped throughout my body; but I also knew I needed to kill the snake so that I could take it to let the doctors identify it. As soon as we saw the snake, Tiff called Johnson to come pick us up and take us to the hospital. Johnson said over and over on the phone to not kill the snake, because one of the Sri Lankan myths about snake bites is if you kill the snake that bit you, you will surely die. (Johnson's big brother was bit and killed by this viper or one very similar). You can imagine how scared he was for us.
We dropped off our kids with Johnson's wife and it was then when I felt the emotions of "this might me the last time my boys will get to see me." They were already scared and I didn't want to scare them more, so I lightheartedly gave them hugs, told them I loved them and wished them sweet dreams. "Hardest moment in my life thus far."
We arrived at our local hospital to find out they couldn't help, and sent us on an hour and a half ambulance ride to a bigger city hospital in Ampara. Babu begged to come in the ambulance with us and I am so glad they let him so he could be with Tiff and help translate. In the ambulance Tiff got on the phone to get family and friends praying and to get our Doctor friend Matt's number. Within five minutes Matt was on the phone with Tiff walking her through everything she needed to know as I was copying and pasting on our computer things she or the doctors might need if I was to go into shock or pass out.
When we arrived the doctors looked at the snake and looked at me and didn't understand why I was not dead. At this point they assumed that it must have been a dry bite without venom or else I would either be having severe reactions or be dead. Therefore they didn't want to give me the anti venom. They started running blood and urine tests and thats when they realized I did have venom in my blood. However, they still didn't believe it so they ran the same test again with the same results. (Miracle #2- I should have been going through death like side effects, but nothing.)
They were finally convinced and immediately gave me 10 viles of viper anti venom, which they also said would have really bad side affects. With epinephrin shot in hand, all the nurses and doctors watched in amazement. Thirty viles of anti venom later and there were still no severe side effects. (Miracle # 3- No side effects to the anti venom).
Soon my blood was back to normal and as they were still continuing to monitor all my systems for effects, they were convinced that my brain, heart, kidneys and other organs were miraculously unaffected- ( Miracle #4). Three days later I'm at home, back on my feet, entertaining all of my loving Sri Lankan family/friends who have come to see this walking, living Miracle. What do I have to say about all of this?
Well….. my Jesus Rocks and I give him all the credit he deserves, even when some might say "why would he let you get bit in the first place?" My response is this: Jesus wanted to show off and to show others that don't know him how much he loves his people and how he can do the impossible, the supernatural. Thank you first off to Jesus for saving my life. Tiff you were amazing and I am so proud of how you handled the situation; I am so lucky to have you. Dr. Matt, you are my hero and my family and my life has been so, so blessed by you. Thank you for doing what you do. Friends, family, and people that I don't even know who prayed for me, I am overwhelmed by your love. Your prayers were answered and you now have a personal testimony of Jesus's amazing healing power. Share it with everyone you know. I love you all. I love you Jesus.
Some scriptures people shared that were powerful during this time.
Psalms 91, James 5:16, Acts 28. Psalms 56:3.
Miracles...they happen when we least expect them.
They remind us WHO is in control.
My favorite song in the world is called Oceans....
(surprise, surprise)
It's beautiful, and I have listened to it hundreds of times.
It's about trust, and being brave...
I especially love the line that says
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders"
I think it represents Cody, Tiffany and Surfing the Nations
very well, along with many others
who ARE brave...
Enjoy :)
Hillsong United ~ Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand
And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
Oh, Jesus, you're my God!
I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine...
Btw, the photo at the top of the page is of the
Surfing the Nations Sri Lanka Surf Club :)