We woke up to a light dusting of snow this morning. It was so pretty,
but is all gone now. Spring is on it's way, but hasn't arrived fully yet,
even here in Southern California.
(That will teach me to brag about our sunshine, won't it?)
Still, a few pink flowers can warm up any day :-)
For my American friends...Happy Presidents Day!
Here's a short, wonderful and lesser-known story about George Washington for you :-)
(We homeschooling moms try to make everything a lesson, I guess!)
One day, during the Revolutionary War, General George Washington stepped out of his tent. It was extremely cold, and the wind was blowing. The demands of leading an army were weighing heavily on him, so he decided to go for a walk around the camp. In his long coat, and with his collar turned up no one could recognize him as the commander of the Continental Army.
Washington came across a group of soldiers under the command of a corporal who was out to show he was in charge. They were building a tall rampart of logs and the corporal kept barking orders, “Up with it! Push harder!” The soldiers lifted with all of their might. The log was so heavy they could not move it farther. The corporal would shout out again, “Up with it! Push harder!” The soldiers could not lift it more; their strength was almost gone, and the log was about to fall.
Then Washington ran up and pushed with all of his might and finally the log fell into place. The men gave their thanks to the stranger who had been so kind, but the corporal said nothing.
“Why didn’t you help your men with the heavy lifting?” asked Washington.
"Why don't I?" the corporal answered, “Don’t you see? I’m a corporal!”
“I see” said Washington. He then opened up his coat and revealed his uniform, and he said, “I am the general. The next time you have a log too heavy for your men to lift, send for me!”
"He that will be chief among you, let him be your servant." Matt. 20:27
I hope your week is warm and sunny...inside and out.