Books by Flavia Morandini
CON 496 PAGINE DI TESTO E CVIII TAVOLE FUORI TESTO Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la... more CON 496 PAGINE DI TESTO E CVIII TAVOLE FUORI TESTO Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione elettronica, ecc., senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta di
Papers by Flavia Morandini
Maria angeLa turChetti, unione itaLiana dei CieChi e degLi ipoVedentisezione territoriaLe di peru... more Maria angeLa turChetti, unione itaLiana dei CieChi e degLi ipoVedentisezione territoriaLe di perugia, gLi studenti deLLe CLassi 3aL, 5Cs e 5Bs deLL'istituto di istruzione superiore g. Bruno-perugia Il progetto e la Mostra sAggI FaBio Martini, LuCia sarti Eva primordiale: immagini femminili nella preistoria niCoLetta VoLante La preistoria del latte: il latte materno alla base dell'evoluzione umana FranCesCo tiradritti Divinità e amuleti egizi per maternità e infanzia adriano Maggiani Immagini di fanciulli nei rilievi arcaici di Chiusi etrusca giuLia pedruCCi L'allattamento nel Mondo Antico: il caso "etrusco" di Uni e Hercle
Flavia Morandini, 2022
Dickson, M., Dominguez-Guillaume, V., Haack, M.-L., Paris-Poulain, D. et Sénéchal, P., dir. (2022... more Dickson, M., Dominguez-Guillaume, V., Haack, M.-L., Paris-Poulain, D. et Sénéchal, P., dir. (2022) : L’oeuvre en mouvement de l’Antiquité au xviiie siècle, Scripta Receptoria 24, Bordeaux.
ISSN : 2427-4771 ISBN : 978-2-35613-525-4
La Belle Epoque des collectionneurs d’antiques en Europe (1850-1914), D. Boschung, C. Colonna , N. Mathieux, F. Queyrel (dir.), Louvre Editions, 2022
Music in Etruria is a topic widely discussed mainly as regards the archaic period. In this period... more Music in Etruria is a topic widely discussed mainly as regards the archaic period. In this period there are many evidences, from both the material culture (realia, painted figures on pottery, tomb walls, sarcophagi, reliefs, mirrors, bronze or terracotta figurines and architectural elements) and literary sources. The matter has blurred outlines for earlier ages: Villanovan and Orientalizing. Although the number of documents currently available is limited, percussion instruments are known during the Villanovan, mainly from graves, connected to the female sphere. These objects have a ritual function, also “life”, which point out the important role the women played at the beginning of the Etruscan culture. During the Orientalizing period the scenery becomes more diversified with the occurrence of wind and stringed instruments that we know from painted pottery and exceptional finds, like the “tromba-lituo” from Tarquinia. This variety indicates a progressive specialization in the charac...
Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 95,Objekt • Depot • Motiv Kontext und Deutung von Objektniederlegungen im eisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa Beiträge zur Jahressitzung der AG Eisenzeit bei der gemeinsamen Tagung des WSVA sowie des MOVA vom 19.–22. März 2018 in Halle/Saale, 2020
Colle Arsiccio di Magione (Pérouse) est une localité en proximité du lac Trasimène, dans l’Italie... more Colle Arsiccio di Magione (Pérouse) est une localité en proximité du lac Trasimène, dans l’Italie centrale. La fouille menée dans les années 1930 a concerné un bassin, au centre duquel se trouvait un puit comblé de bronzes, de terres cuites et de monnaies, qui couvrent une période allant de la fin du VIe siècle av. n.è. jusqu’au début du IVe siècle ap. n. è. L’étude en cours des matériaux commence à fournir des éléments essentiels pour la compréhension du déroulement de la vie du sanctuaire. Au cours de l’époque archaïque et hellénistique c’est possible d’identifier une phase étrusque avec un sanctuaire dédié au culte des eaux auprès duquel les fidèles déposaient des ex-voto. Les matériaux d’époque
romaine témoignent un changement du culte et l’utilisation finale du bassin en tant que fosse de déchargement. Cette étude ouvre des nouvelles pistes de réflexion sur la production artistique, l’évolution des conditions socio-économiques des gens et la continuité des pratiques religieuses.
Fecisti Cretaria. Dal frammento al contesto: studi sul vasellame ceramico del territorio vesuviano, a cura di Massimo Osanna e Luana Toniolo, 2020
A recent revision of the Classical collection preserved in the Museum was led by the author in th... more A recent revision of the Classical collection preserved in the Museum was led by the author in the 2014-2015. The present contribution focuses on the Etruscan collection of the Museum that counts about thirty objects: vases, bronzes, terracotta statuettes and cinerary urns. A preliminary iconographical and stylistic study of the ten urns suggests to assign them to the artisanal production of ancient Chiusi and Perugia. The analyses of the inscriptions preserved confirm this provenance and provide important information about the composition of the Lodovico Pogliaghi’s antiquities collection.
The paper focuses on a local production of Black Glazed ware attested in Pompeii between the mid-... more The paper focuses on a local production of Black Glazed ware attested in Pompeii between the mid-fourth and the early-third century B.C. The ceramics thereafter presented were found in a specific archaeological deposit termed as X B11, brought to light in stratigraphic excavations undertaken in the forum area in 1980/81 by P. Arthur on behalf of the local Superintendence [1]. The pottery assemblages retrieved have been the object of a research project directed by one of the authors (D. Cottica) aiming to their full study and publication [2]. Deposit X B11 is a levelling layer found to the north-west of basilica; it was characterized by the presence of abundant discarded ceramics, especially Black Glazed pottery (thereafter abbreviated as BG), "Gnathia style" BG Ware, "Gnathia (style) ware" with reserved or band-decorated external surfaces, Red Figure ware, Hellenistic band-decorated ware [3]. Several misfired pottery sherds were found within the same assemblage, together with numerous kiln-spacers. The majority of the ceramics and all kiln-spacers had a distinctive cream coloured fabric (Munsell 10YR 7/4-8/4) and the whole context could be interpreted as the output of one (or more) pottery kiln(s). From a chrono-typological point of view the kiln-spacers can be dated from the end of the V century B.C. to the beginning of the III B.C., while the morphological repertoire of BG ceramics, "Gnathia Style" BG ware [4] and Red
In copertina: Il nome di Aristonothos. Le "o" sono scritte come i cerchi puntati che compaiono su... more In copertina: Il nome di Aristonothos. Le "o" sono scritte come i cerchi puntati che compaiono sul cratere. Immagine tratta da R. Paribeni, Necropoli del territorio capenate, in "MonAnt", XVI, 1906 (rielaborazione di M. C. Biella).
In 1934, at Colle Arsiccio (Magione), near lake Trasimeno, a votive deposit was jound. It is made... more In 1934, at Colle Arsiccio (Magione), near lake Trasimeno, a votive deposit was jound. It is made up oj bronzes and terracottas, dating from the VI century b.e. to the Constantinian age. The terracottas can be divided into two groups: the "naked" ones, that represent typologies oj the Hellenistic age (swaddling babies, crouching children, kourotrophoi) and the glazed ones. The latter are products oj the Imperial age, connecfed with a Mithraic worship (pinax with scene oj tauroctony, "foculi", glassware with snakes, votive statues), which incorporates the Hellenistic cult, devoted to Artumes. The Mithraeum oj Colle Arsiccio settles in a thick system oj Mithraic places, appeared during Roman age, in the hearth oj centraI Italy. Alla fine del 1934, nel podere di Colle Arsiccio situato in località La Villa, nel comune di Magione, sulla sponda perugina del lago Trasimeno (fig. I),
Conference Presentations by Flavia Morandini
Books by Flavia Morandini
Papers by Flavia Morandini
ISSN : 2427-4771 ISBN : 978-2-35613-525-4
romaine témoignent un changement du culte et l’utilisation finale du bassin en tant que fosse de déchargement. Cette étude ouvre des nouvelles pistes de réflexion sur la production artistique, l’évolution des conditions socio-économiques des gens et la continuité des pratiques religieuses.
Conference Presentations by Flavia Morandini
ISSN : 2427-4771 ISBN : 978-2-35613-525-4
romaine témoignent un changement du culte et l’utilisation finale du bassin en tant que fosse de déchargement. Cette étude ouvre des nouvelles pistes de réflexion sur la production artistique, l’évolution des conditions socio-économiques des gens et la continuité des pratiques religieuses.
docteurs sur l'Italie préromaine « Du Bronze récent à la romanisation (XIVe – IVe siècles av. n.è.)» (INHA, Paris, 1er et 2 juin 2017)
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