Ксения Симонова - Песочная анимация stb (5.06.09) F.A.Q. : - full list of music (thanx to LikaFortuna): 1. Cirque du Soleil - Jeux d'Eau 2. В.Лебедев-Кумач - Священная война 3. Марк Бернес - Темная ночь 4. Apocalyptica - Harmageddon 5. John Williams - Auschwitz - Birkenau 6. Марк Бернес - Журавли 7. Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters - Words at the end: "You're always near" http://
Starring: Agent Lathan, as “Rob” Featuring: Agents Eppink, Lindquist, Small, Thomas, Wimpy Digital Video: Agents Adams, Whines Digital Photography: Agents Sokoler, Todd For our latest mission, Agent Lathan gave out 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush. Five additional agents spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs that prepared commuters for t
Un gioco di ombre a colori. Mani dipinte che si trasf
―Sunday Mirrorほか― まるで大地に根を生やしたような足、ごつごつと木の幹のように節くれ立った腕から、男性は村では「The Tree Man」と呼ばれ、誰一人知らぬ者はいません。 男性の名はデデ。インドネシア、バンドンに住む36歳で二児の父です。 「そのうち顔まで覆われるんじゃないかという恐怖はあるよ。目が見えなくなって、口も塞がれてって…ね」。こう語るデデが、自分の体に最初の異変を感じたのは15歳のときでした。 職場の建築現場で膝を切り、そこに疣が生えてきたのです。疣は瞬く間に成長し、落ちる様子もありません。心配になったデデは医者に診せ、とりあえずはその疣をとってもらうことにしました。しかし、疣をとった後、腕にそして顔にと同じような疣が生えてきました。 二十歳のとき、既に結婚していて二人の子供がいたデデですが、成長する疣に妻は怖れをなして子供をおいて逃げだし、デデは工具が持て
Dity (Amazing PICS!) Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 5:29 AM Posted by Skywalkeer Labels: funny 34 comments: Bryan November 10, 2007 4:49 PM that's pretty impressive Bryan November 10, 2007 4:49 PM that's pretty impressive tgpo November 10, 2007 4:50 PM Very cool! The one with the dog is the coolest. -tgpo http://www.tgpo.org Derf November 10, 2007 4:59 PM That is amazing bump sta Nov
See my new film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV24qMJds_0 This is "Otakus" by Andrés See my new film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV24qMJds_0 This is "Otakus" by Andrés Borghi (Kamikaze productions, argentina). This version has english subtitles. Thanks to Walt, Titiln, Plankton, Pots and Lord of the flies for the translation in IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1114261/ kamikaze productions:
This is my arm during the 2nd surgery, 36 hours after the bite. You can see how unhealthy all the tissue is. This is my hand, also during the 2nd surgery. There is a lot of dead tissue in the palm. This is my hand during the 5th surgery, on Day 12. As you can see, there is still a substantial amount of dead tissue in the palm, but noticeable progress on cleaning it out has been made. The surgeons