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Questions tagged [kill]

used in bash/shell to kill process

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-2 votes
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How stop a process that is running in the background without closing the terminal?

So I ran the code sudo ./vhusbdarm64 & But when I try to find the PID using ps aux | grep rot, I only get the following: pi 2448 0.0 0.0 3968 1536 pts/0 S+ 11:45 0:00 grep --...
ed190's user avatar
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Why doesn't the option "Force Quit" in the "[Program] not responding" dialog ever work?

Every once in a while, I guess we all experience a program that doesn't respond for any number of reasons. For me, it's most often if I accidentally try to open a file from a remote location that's no ...
OZ1SEJ's user avatar
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a command that kill gnome-shell and again run it when consume cpu with cpulimit

I want to create a command with cpulimit that kill and restore gnome-shell process when it consume 20 percent of cpu. with this line i can kill: sudo cpulimit -e gnome-shell -l 20 -k but I want to ...
Zarir Javan's user avatar
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How is possible to clear kswapd0 with high CPU consumption?

I use Ubuntu 20.04 on my computer. When I use top -i command, I see one of the users consume a high amount of CPU for kswapd0. To terminate this, first of all I used ps -ax| grep kswapd0 and killed it....
Martin's user avatar
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Close only one window of a hanging program

I've had two separate windows of gedit. In one of them I've tried to open some file and this has made gedit hang giving me the typical choice of "Force quit" or "Wait". Continuous ...
SergiusPro's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to "quit" the latest version of Viber

I installed the latest version ( of Viber from the .deb package provided at After installing the new version, I noticed that there is no way to terminate ...
FedKad's user avatar
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Multiple Un-killable Looping Processes Spawning

I'm desperately trying to work this one out, so thanks for taking a look. Context: Whilst trying to make a large file transfer from my Ubuntu PC to an external hard-drive, using rsync I believe, I ...
CSaward's user avatar
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why does pidof not work for update-manager

I am considering running a busy loop to kill the update-manager popup as it is way too annoying. but I get no result from echo $(pidof update-manager) but firefox returns its numerous PID's echo $(...
pierrely's user avatar
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Can't Kill VLC until Restart

Sometimes, after I play some videos with VLC Media Player, it stops working and I can't use it or kill it. The icon still appears in the system tray. When I click it and press "Quit," ...
AFT's user avatar
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How to exit from snap watch command?

I launched a snap install command from one bash terminal and I wanted to see the installation progress in another terminal. I first ran snap changes to figure out the ID value to watch for, then ran ...
Crono's user avatar
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Turn off webcam on Ubuntu 20.04

I posted this question to get cheese working on my pc. The solution I recieved didn't work so I tried installing KDE's camera app, 'Kamoso' and it too showed a long error message. priyanshu@Inspiron-...
Priyanshu Sahani's user avatar
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3 answers

kill app in a given timeframe, bash script

I'm new at bash and I am trying to make this, here is a pseudo code: id= "pidof rhytmbox" (rhytmbox changes pid everytime i start it) echo "Input time: " read time sleep $time ...
John Boro's user avatar
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How to kill a process that autostarts

Recently I started managing a server (hostsed by a cloud provider) for my work. Problem is that the server is injected. Within now and a few months the server will be replaced by a new one in order to ...
rikkamp's user avatar
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How to kill firefox from command line

How to kill firefox from the command line? I have tried: pkill firefox # the command was known to work previously pkill -9 firefox kill -9 firefox # descibed in
Viesturs's user avatar
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Unable to shutdown redis-server even after uninstall

After uninstalling: > ps aux | grep redis-server root 147242 0.7 0.0 52968 7824 ? Ssl 16:58 0:00 /snap/redis/137/usr/bin/redis-server *:6379 stavalfi 147321 0.0 0.0 17672 ...
Stav Alfi's user avatar
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Xfce - is there any way to speed up "close window" for unresponsive applications?

In Xubuntu 20.04, if a window won't close first time, it brings up a dialogue with words to the effect of "This application is taking a long time to close, do you want to kill the process?" ...
CattyandCo's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to kill all processes from a user using GPU?

How do I kill all processes from a user using GPU? E.g. killall --gpu --user kong
Kong's user avatar
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How to kill 3 processes with totally different names? [closed]

I want to kill 3 processes with all different names, nothing in common at all. How do I do this? grep cant capture them all because there is nothing in common, or is there a way to make it grab all ...
dawnslayer's user avatar
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How do I pkill a process and all its child processes by name?

pkill -f 'name' is not sufficient because it leaves some left-over processes in control group that ran while starting. is there any way to do this in 1 line or so?
dawnslayer's user avatar
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How to free system of useless processes in a safe way?

I am kinda new to Ubuntu. For the past 4 months, I have been setting up various development environments for various purposes, the worst thing I did was just googling how to install this or do this ...
Kristie's user avatar
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kill process without inputting password [duplicate]

EDIT I ran the following: $ echo $USER goldy $ hostname goldy-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-6th $ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/kill and added goldy goldy-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-6th = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/kill And ...
goldylucks's user avatar
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How to kill multiple processes?

Is there a way to kill multiple processes? e.g. kill -9 49855 49856 I have tried using commands like pkill but they require a single pattern and do not allow multiple pid inputs.
Kong's user avatar
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Killing all Python processes that are using either of the GPUs

I have the following and I don't want to enter the PID of each Python process that uses either of GPUs one by one. How can I do so? +--------------------------------------------------------------------...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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pkill doesn't kill

I tried to kill a process using pkill -9 <pid> Whenever I run that command it returns nothing and the process isn't killed either. How do I proceed now? Edit: I was stupid trying to use pkill ...
rooni's user avatar
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Killing a process but it doesn't close

I wrote a C program that creates a process that opens a .txt file and when I press Ctrl + C, it will close the process and print out a message but I'm having a huge problem. The process I created when ...
Nobody's user avatar
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How to kill openerp when it changes PID?

How do I kill openerp so that odoo can run correctly? nicholas@mordor:~$ nicholas@mordor:~$ ps aux | grep openerp nicholas 75353 0.0 0.0 17528 880 pts/0 S+ 18:46 0:00 grep --color=auto ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
3 votes
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How to stop all processes of a snap package (like Android-Studio)

This question is odd. Please note that this is not an android-studio question but a snap question. android-studio only is one culprit which misbehaves and should be restrained by snap. android-...
Tino's user avatar
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51 votes
4 answers

How do I turn off automatic updates COMPLETELY and FOR REAL?

Running Ubuntu 18.04 on x64. I need to COMPLETELY turn off the "automatic updates reminder" stuff on my Ubuntu system. The problem is that the machine is doing some unattended processing ...
Joe Schmoe's user avatar
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pkill inside the cron script kills next commands

I have a file which runs as cron job. Inside the script I need to call pkill to clean some redundant process. But when pkill is called whole script ends up immediately and next commands are ...
Čamo's user avatar
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Remotely kill a running process in an Ubuntu system with no space left

EDIT I had to go to the console and reboot, as it was unresponsive to any command. I am trying to ssh to an Ubuntu 18.04 server, and it is unresponsive. But it responds to ping. I suspect it has a ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Not able to kill process by "kill -9 <PID>" [duplicate]

I want to kill process, which related to rsync. By entering ps axu | grep -i lsyncd, I receive information about one process: andrej 10690 0.0 0.0 15984 1148 pts/1 S+ 16:52 0:00 grep --...
Jelly's user avatar
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Safe and convenient recovery short of reboot

It has been my experience in recent weeks that 20.04 hangs much more than 16.04. The most recent incident involved editing in gedit while Firefox and a gnome-terminal were also open. Often Skype is ...
H2ONaCl's user avatar
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How to automatically kill / terminate process as soon as it is launched?

Is there a way to automatically kill a certain (sub)process the very moment it is launched? I've read in this answer how to filter a process by its name and kill it: sudo ps aux | grep '<process ...
roxysteiner95's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot kill `grep --color=auto` process in terminal

I use ps aux | grep -i apt to find the process and get: antonio 19070 0.0 0.0 14424 1096 pts/0 S+ 07:41 0:00 grep --color=auto -i apt Commands such as sudo kill -9 14424 or any other ...
Antonio Ferraro Bruno's user avatar
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Kill this clamd process running from another user which I never know about

From HTOP Hi, there is a clamd process running from a user called "tcpdump" I google and found that it's not quite a real user, so I remove that user. However, this process still running and ...
funnygiraffe's user avatar
3 votes
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Kill #### but process still there?

I would expect to see nothing in the 3rd command below, but clearly my expectations are incorrect. Why? $ sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/* USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /dev/snd/...
Al Lelopath's user avatar
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Python doesn't kill proccess

I want to kill all of the child processes of the n and also n its self. It works when I run the code form terminal but when I run the code in production mode (using Nginx ,GUnicorn and systemd and ...)...
AmirTheFree's user avatar
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Zoom not closing properly

I have Zoom installed as a snap. When I close Zoom, it stays in memory as shown in top. And if I start it again it just creates more copies in memory. I then have to killall -9 zoom Is there a fix?
fixit7's user avatar
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What happens when I kill a script that was started at boot without the &?

I have a ARM64 board running Ubuntu 18 and I wrote a .sh script that is executed at boot (with rc.local): create_ap [...] & taskset -c 0 python & create_ap refers to this project....
firion's user avatar
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Bash script for periodically launching and killing an app

I have a short script which should launch an app, wait for an hour, then kill it and wait for a minute. It only starts the app. I tried to run the script both as a normal user and root, but nothing ...
macaque33's user avatar
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unkillable process caja waiting for "do_coredump"

So caja is unresponsive and I can't kill it in Ubuntu Mate 18.04. I took a screenshot showing what system monitor says about it. I tried killing it in the terminal with sudo kill 2719. I tried ...
user289455's user avatar
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Memory and CPU usage on kill -STOP

I recently learned kill -STOP command. I was wondering, what happens to the data on memory if I do this command. For example, if I do kill -STOP on a process 999 which is taking 20 GB out of 32 GB ...
Tom's user avatar
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What will I see after I kill the /sbin/init?

What will happen after I killed /sbin/init (PID:1)? Will the system crash after this?
Emoji's user avatar
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how to kill process passwd from a second terminal. Root process cannot be killed?

I have my one terminal running the passwd command, without entering new password. then with a second terminal I need to kill the process passwd, however as it is a root process I don't know how to ...
YunaMara's user avatar
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Process id is constantly changing, and it can't be killed with name

I'm working with Ubuntu 16 through SSH, and facing an issue with it. I want to kill the process but can't find a way because it keeps changing the PID every time. I'm using this command to check the ...
Div's user avatar
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Kill connected ovpn client from openvpn server

How can I kill the connected ovpn client form openvpn server via command line.
ITP's user avatar
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Killed bash process keep restarting

The server has a running bash process with 2200% CPU usage: $ ps aux | grep 10986 root 10986 2198 1.8 2483184 2437820 ? Ssl 13:23 962:25 -bash The process has 22 -bash threads as shown in ...
zingdle's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why does `kill %jobnumber` not work on stopped jobs?

I'm running a few tasks side by side on an Ubuntu 18 LTS system. So I'm switching between these jobs by running: # command & # fg # fg - I'm also using Ctrl+Z sometimes to send a running job to ...
Sollosa's user avatar
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kill -9 not always working - why?

Obviously, a hardware problem is involved. GPU # 8 is "Stuck" and I cannot kill the apps using it. Each app timed out and reported the problem to the control program (boinc) but it seems the control ...
Joseph Stateson's user avatar
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pkill -f vlc not killing /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file file:///home/pi/hdd/DL/

I have a vlc that doesnt want to stop running, even after closing it. When I run ps aux , I get: pi 31284 0.8 2.1 288520 84592 ? Sl 20:10 0:05 /usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file ...
Juliatzin del Toro's user avatar

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