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Killing all Python processes that are using either of the GPUs

I have the following and I don't want to enter the PID of each Python process that uses either of GPUs one by one. How can I do so? +--------------------------------------------------------------------...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Python doesn't kill proccess

I want to kill all of the child processes of the n and also n its self. It works when I run the code form terminal but when I run the code in production mode (using Nginx ,GUnicorn and systemd and ...)...
AmirTheFree's user avatar
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What happens when I kill a script that was started at boot without the &?

I have a ARM64 board running Ubuntu 18 and I wrote a .sh script that is executed at boot (with rc.local): create_ap [...] & taskset -c 0 python & create_ap refers to this project....
firion's user avatar
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Stopping a .py file from running in background using kill -9 doesn't work [duplicate]

I have a .py file running in the background, invoked with: python & Now I try to stop it as using: $ ps -fA | grep python root 31032 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 python home/...
Mitchell van Zuylen's user avatar
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pkill not killing

I have a Script named That I am writing a script for. I need to kill and reload the script. Possibly with the same PID. I thought SIGHUP was a sure thing. when i run #pkill -1 ...
j0h's user avatar
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