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Questions tagged [killall]

killall - sends a signal to all processes running any of the specified commands.

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Closing/killing an appimage

I'm running an appimage version of Roland MT-32 Emulator to get midi sound on RetaroArch's PX68K core, under Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. I got it here, and it works as well as the .deb packaged version. I ...
albmm's user avatar
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Apps installed via Snap Store don't launch (Ubuntu 22.04)

I have a problem with the Ubuntu 22.04.1 snap store. In fact, every time I install an application using snap store, I can't use it, i.e. whenever I want to launch the application that I have installed,...
prunelle12's user avatar
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killall snap-store killed my snap store entirely [Ubuntu 20.04]

after following the same advice as here I entered killall snap-store. Few weeks ago this perfectly fixed the problem but now I am getting this error: translation of last statement in error-message: ...
BlankerHans's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't Kill VLC until Restart

Sometimes, after I play some videos with VLC Media Player, it stops working and I can't use it or kill it. The icon still appears in the system tray. When I click it and press "Quit," ...
AFT's user avatar
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Kill this clamd process running from another user which I never know about

From HTOP Hi, there is a clamd process running from a user called "tcpdump" I google and found that it's not quite a real user, so I remove that user. However, this process still running and ...
funnygiraffe's user avatar
12 votes
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Stop an application in bash after a certain amount of time [duplicate]

I am interested in running a bash script which starts an application (in this case VLC), run it for a certain amount of time and then stop it. I can get this application to start just fine, but it ...
SteveC's user avatar
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closing processes using /home in order to move /home to new drive

I'm moving my /home from one drive to another new drive. I'm doing it from tty3 as root. I've used sudo mv '/home' '/old_home' but it says device or resource busy. I've tried to kill the process ...
nico's user avatar
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How to kill all processes younger than

I know for killall command with -y argument and process name. But I need command to kill all processes younger than some time, without knowing their names. Something like: killall -y 20m *
saltypretzel's user avatar
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Dragging windows to the edge of the screen doesn't snap to that half

It also doesn't go fullscreen when I take it to the top edge of the screen. Is there any process I can try killing before I try restarting my machine? I already tried killall nautilus.
quarable's user avatar
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Firefox doesn‘t start, because there‘s already a firefox process running

I‘m trying to launch firefox and it tells me, there‘d already be a firefox process running. I tried listing the processes using ps -A, but there is no firefox process listed. I also tried killall -9 ...
Max's user avatar
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Not able to kill a jackdbus

I was trying to install jackd and the installation with apt gave two commands: jackd and jackdbus. I tried to execute jackdbus and it ran in the console. When I tried to terminate it by Ctrl+C, it is ...
Linta's user avatar
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Looking to use kill -9 instead of killall

Looking to use kill -9 instead of killall using process name. Is there a way I can grep or awk the pid of a given process name/s then kill it will kill -9 ? killall fails a lot for me. I'm looking ...
Preston Cole's user avatar
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Terminate GNU Parallel in Screen Session letting jobs finish

I'm running a GNU Parallel command on a screen session. Unfortunately, I did not put an "&" at the end of the command to push it to the background. Hence I do not have access to the command line ...
Rmurphy's user avatar
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Can't kill jackdbus auto, because it auto starts everytime

(edit) Topic closed: It wasn't a problem with jackdbus auto. In this thread I accidentally found a hint that, without me noticing, the server name changed itself from "(default)" to "voreingestellt" (,...
antimatter's user avatar
3 votes
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Kick off all other users who are logged in?

I know if I type w I can get a list of all logged in users. I also know that killall -u USERNAME kicks all processes associated with the user USERNAME (including bash / their shell, their sshd ...
AJJ's user avatar
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Kill shutdown/poweroff command

What command does the system execute when "shut down the system" is pressed? Is it possible to kill that process with root?
ulovah's user avatar
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Can't kill processes of a user

One of the users of our server managed to hang his xRDP connection somehow. Now he can't connect any longer. Each time he tries to connect, he gets a blank black screen. I figured this is due to some ...
Eli Korvigo's user avatar
12 votes
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Killall node not killing node process

I have the following output via ps aux | grep node: karlm 17551 1.4 0.7 1000592 93604 pts/2 Sl 09:54 0:01 node -r babel-register -r babel-polyfill src/index.js --config=c.json I try to ...
Karl Morrison's user avatar
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How to stop all "play" commands currently running in other shells? [duplicate]

I have a script that invokes the play command when I press f10. I would like to edit that script so if I press it while an audio file is playing, then it kills that first before playing the next file. ...
Anon's user avatar
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How to use system command in a perl script with sudo?

I would like to use this in my perl script: sudo killall -HUP tor would this work?: system echo sudo killall -HUP tor Also how would I get around having to authenticate when running the script/...
user2829148's user avatar
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Killing Netbeans

Sometimes I have hanged NetBeans on my Ubuntu system. How to kill it? aux |grep [n]etbeans gives too much id's in order to find correct one. killall java kills other java applications, but not ...
vico's user avatar
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temporarily stop Firefox to prevent battery drain

Firefox drains my batteries (bad habit of the lazybone), so I would like to STOP it for a while and then resume it again. I tried killall but without much success: $ ps h kpcpu -eo pcpu,comm | tail -...
xerostomus's user avatar
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Ubuntu won't boot after I used the command Killall -u

I was downloading an apk and it told me I had to kill a process. I saw some posts on the kill command an thought I could kill the process like a pro, so I typed the following command: kill all -u TAL ...
TAL's user avatar
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I can't stop or kill a daemon process whatever I do. It's been days now

That is normally great thing right? But I need to update. I've started it with python start -da As a result, nothing from the below tried can stop it: sudo python openbazaard....
David's user avatar
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Kill all processes linked to a port

Kill all processes on port 3000. This is what is tried: ubuntu@111:~/chatapp$ sudo netstat -peanut|grep 3000 tcp6 0 0 :::3000 :::* LISTEN 0 ...
Himani Agrawal's user avatar
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Reversing the effect of killall -u username

In my action to change my admin username to a new username I used the command: sudo killall -u oldname which logged me out of my admin account, and wiped the processes out. I have been unable to ...
user3915056's user avatar
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How can I make sure a program is killed when VPN is running?

There is a program that I need to not have running whenever my VPN is running. I don't want to resort to closing it manually every time, because I might forget sometime. I would like to guarantee ...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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Why does killall (sometimes?) needs to be applied twice?

Why does killall (sometimes?) need to be applied twice? Here's an example where a "double" killall is needed to end the process. When and why does a process needed to be killed "twice"? What happens ...
nutty about natty's user avatar
19 votes
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Kinder / gentler / subtler equivalent alternative to killall (e.g. "endall")?

How do I end all processes with the same name in a more gentle way than killall does? I don't want to interrupt the processes, but leave them time to properly quit. See also: How do I kill processes ...
nutty about natty's user avatar
52 votes
5 answers

How can I see background process in Ubuntu? And kill unnecessary processes?

In Windows by using Task Manager we can see how many .exe files are running. Also in command prompt we use tasklist command to see processes. In ubuntu how can I see all processes and kill unwanted ...
Madhav Nikam's user avatar
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Is sudo killall -u lightdm safe?

I realized that my server has many processes runned by lightdm: Can i killall processes from lightdm? Is sudo killall -u lightdm safe?
alvas's user avatar
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starting and killing evince process in a loop

I have certain PDF files. I want to inspect each of them for 20 seconds. The way I was trying to do that is like following: for file in *.pdf; do echo $file; evince $file; sleep 20s; killall evince; ...
rivu's user avatar
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Change Gsetting with script on Logout

System Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (13.04) from fresh installation. Purpose Main: Change gsetting (desktop wallpaper) with script on user logout. What's I've Done : (carefully read) I try to stop an ...
Abdillah's user avatar
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killall doesn't kill all and rarely kills, what is the command for then?

I occasionally use the killall command to kill processes. The reason why I say ocassionally is that in some cases it hasn't worked for me. A recent example was with thunderbird where there were about ...
Meer Borg's user avatar
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