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Questions tagged [ecryptfs]

eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. Ubuntu's encrypted home directory feature uses this technology.

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0 answers

How to hide ecryptfs Private mount in Nautilus side panel?

I have a working standard-setup ecryptfs directories: ~/Private and ~/.Private. The ecryptfs mount shows on the Nautilus side panel along with the mounted drives. I want the mounted drives shown there,...
Majal's user avatar
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ecryptfs-setup-swap made a swap that is in clear text to root

I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a MacBook Air, SSD, using LVM without encryption. The original swap was mapped to /dev/dm-1. After running ecryptfs-setup-swap, the new swap was mapped to /dev/dm-2 ...
user1757959's user avatar
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Asymmetric Filesystem Encryption

How to encrypt (live) data preferrably as a write only filesystem using a rsa public key known on the device (which is offline), that only later can be decrypted by using the private key? So once ...
ecci's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the state of the art setup for encrypted home directories which allow remote SSH login in 2022/2024?

Question What is the state of the art replacement for ecryptfs, while allowing user logins through SSH without a "master" full disk encryption (= FDE) password? Context A long time ago ...
LiveWireBT's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Ecryptfs problem with Spanish characters

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04. I'm trying to decrypt a home directory that was encrypted on a previous install. I'm using ecryptfs-recover-private and it's finding the .Private file I need. However, when it ...
ClosupJofre's user avatar
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Encrypting a non-empty folder with ecryptfs

I have some folders with a lot of large files inside them and I would like to encrypt them using ecryptfs. I am wondering if it is possible to mount a folder that already has files (and subfolders ...
Michele's user avatar
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Home Directory Deletion

For some reason I had the remnants of an old encrypted drive in my home directory from a previous distro that I had copied over long ago. Basically my home directory only contained the encrypted ...
Connor McInnis's user avatar
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Will ecryptfs-protected home partition backup be unreadeable after restoring it to a new ubuntu install?

I have a little problem here. I've just finished to set up my automatic backup system using Duplicity and Déja Dup. I backup my files to my server using SSH. After some testing, i've checked that I ...
integrated-circuit's user avatar
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Accessing files in old computer hard drive

An old laptop with ubuntu 16.04 just died, i have extracted the hard drive and I’m using now a sata to usb cable to connect it to another laptop. Windows doesn’t show anything, so I have mounted the ...
Alessandro Iuculano's user avatar
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"ERROR: Cannot proceed" when trying to encrpyt home directory in Ubuntu 20.04

I installed ecryptfs-utils cryptsetup. Then I created a new user and assigned sudo privileges. After that, I tried to to encrypt the main user's home directory and ran into an error. encryption_user@...
onepc222's user avatar
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mount an old copy of an encrypted home folder

I am running Ubuntu 18.04 and created a copy of the Home partition which included my encrypted home folder. At the time I didn't realize the UUID was also duplicated which I have since fixed. I have ...
sk8nfool's user avatar
2 votes
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Decrypt user home after installing Ubuntu 22.04

I have a laptop with two mount points, one with the system (/) and another with the /home folder. My user folder in /home was encrypted with Ubuntu 20.04. This morning I re-installed the system with ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
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How to set user interface language for user with encrypted home?

After encrypting home directory by means of ecryptfs tool specified UI language is not applied after system restart. If user in the system only one the whole system UI can be changed to needed one. ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
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Writing to encrypted home directory from live USB [closed]

I want to replace my entire home dir with a backup. While not logged in, so I don't break things. It's encrypted and the backup is (unencrypted) on an external SSD. I plan to boot from a live USB and ...
Andrei Miculiță's user avatar
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Mount LUKS encrypted partition at login

I would like to mount a LUKS partition on login. The solutions I have found involve using either: a LUKS passphrase that is equal to the user's password, or a keyfile that is stored in the HOME ...
toliveira's user avatar
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After encrypting a file, using the same encryption method and entering a different password, the file is decrypted

With the encryption tool I downloaded, I encrypt a file with the command sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils. After performing the operations, I use the umount command and encrypt the .txt files in ...
Furkan P.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Ecryptfs cannot find a key NOT associated with the mount passphrase

Using Ubuntu 18.04 after an upgrade from 16.04. No intention for the moment to upgrade to 20.04. I am having troubles with ecryptfs when logging in into one of two users. I am working from a tty ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 does not switch between users after upgrade

I have upgraded Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04. I do not intend to make a further upgrade to Ubuntu 20.xx for the moment. All looks to have gone well except the switching of users from within the ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
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How to keep an encrypted home directory mounted (even after logout)

Sometimes I'd like to ssh to a machine, mount my encrypted home directory and disconnect and keep the directory mounted. What I managed already to do is ssh to my machine (without password only ...
gelonida's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Resize swap partition on Ubuntu 20.04 using encrypted LVM

I have a pretty standard Ubuntu 20.04 setup, with LVM and encrypted hard drive. However, the standard setup seems to have provided a very small 900 MB swap (or did I choose that?), and it now ...
jdpipe's user avatar
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1 answer

How to let Chrome Remote Desktop run with encrypted /home before login

Background: I have a headless system put on a public place. I installed Chrome Remote Desktop on it, so that it can automatically launch several desktop applications after boot, and I can connect ...
user2686101's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

What is the recommended method to encrypt the home directory in Ubuntu 21.04?

Installing Ubuntu to a new Notebook, I was surprised that I wasn't offered the option to encrypt the home directory any more. I found some vague information that Ubuntu dropped ecryptfs support a ...
user5950's user avatar
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I Can't Log In to my Account after Password reset

I forgot the password to my admin account in ubuntu, I googled how to reset ubuntu admin password, then did the following steps from the tutorial that I found online Enter Recovery Drop to root shell ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Encrypted disk passphrase prompt

After installing Ubuntu 18.04 with an encrypted drive, I expected to see a passphrase prompt before the normal prompt for login. Instead, I only see the usual bootup process until it stops on a blank ...
Warren's user avatar
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Booting to black screen (possible ecryptfs failure)

I've been running 20.10 on my machine without problems for a while now. I was in the process of trying to encrypt the home folder of a second user with ecryptfs following this article https://www....
GrandVizier's user avatar
3 votes
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Decrypt ecryptfs files recovered from photorec

I have managed to recover files from a disk with a damaged partition table using photorec. Photorec does not preserve the file name or file structure so all I have are a bunch of randomly named files ...
jenny92718's user avatar
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New ubuntu install mounting to an old /home drive and partition - can no longer access due to .Private and .ecryptfs

did a fresh ubuntu mate install (18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS) on a ssd mounting to a HDD with an old /home partition. It was first unable to boot in but I was able to make it work by redirecting the ...
user133017's user avatar
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I can't login to Ubuntu 20.04 - encrypted /home partition - SOLVED

I had Ubuntu 18 before and I reinstalled Ubunto 20.04 on / partition. I didn't change /home partition during the installation process. I set the same username and. password I had before. When I try to ...
Simon's user avatar
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Recovering encryptfs volume from old Ubuntu install

I have some backups of an encryptfs systems. I am fairly sure they have no useful data but I want to experiment how I would have recovered it. I do not have the long recovery key, because, who really ...
gcb's user avatar
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Encrypted home folder gets unmounted just like that

Since yesterday I have encountered something rather odd twice in what is a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 installation (i.e. not upgraded from an older version). The machine is just used by me and there is no ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Where's this extra /home folder come from?

My laptop's home drive is encrypted. When I run cd / && ncdu and navigate to /home, I see this: 50.0 GiB /.ecryptfs 50.0 GiB /dan 22.4 GiB /dan.GynX3uiX I'm pretty sure that aint quite right....
Dan Scally's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I uninstall or disable a gnome extension in an encrypted user home directory?

After installing the good-bye-gdm-flick GNOME extension on 18.04.4, I am no longer able to log in. After logging in, only a purple screen is shown (mouse cursor active). My next course of action would ...
nilo's user avatar
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Upgrading Ubuntu 14 to 16 when I accidently pressed suspend

I don't have any programing background. So, I was upgrading the system via terminal, when it just started, i pressed suspend, instead of lock. The screen froze. I switched it off. And when restarting, ...
Alyshafei's user avatar
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Error: Encrypted private direction is not setup properly

Update 2: I've used my MOUNT passphrase to use ecryptfs (which I got after adding universe as a repository) successfully, according to the terminal: sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /mnt/int-hdd INFO: ...
Iralie's user avatar
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1 answer

A dependency job for failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details

I am trying to encrypt swap file in 20.04 post-installation (i successfully conducted home dir encryption). I have a swap file created, with an UUID, and these are my fstab: # /etc/fstab: static ...
bk442k's user avatar
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"cannot open /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: no such file or directory" no matter what I try when encrypting swap file!

I tried every trick in the book and I still can not encrypt the swap file. I always get the error: cannot open /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: No such file or directory So far, I tried creating the ...
bk442k's user avatar
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Impossible to graphically log in / Unable to create files

I had a message preventing that my disk was almost full. I removed some files (several Gb's) and decided to restart my computer. Now I cannot log in with the graphical interface anymore, I get an ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Lock keyring and umount ~/Private on lock screen

My Ubuntu-mate 18.04 has quite convenient lock screen. I would like to lock my gnome-keyring and unmount ~/Private (ecryptfs partition) while screen is locked. The idea is to get a protection ...
Roux's user avatar
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Cant access ubuntu as i overloaded my drive- ecryptfs is read only

So finally after hours of reading around and listening to tons of advice I found out how to access my account and mount ecryptfs. So okay, I'm closer to my goal of deleting image.img, which is ...
Tom Hancock's user avatar
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home encryption - how does it work with different users / passwords?

In Ubuntu 16.04 you have the option of encrypting the /home/$USER directory with ecryptfs just by ticking a box at install time. /home/$USER is unlocked seamlessly when you log in. The install process ...
ezekiel's user avatar
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I have decrypted ecryptfs encrypted /home, now what?

Long story short: Currently I have a /home partition (with no os installed, no root partition) encrypted with ecryptfs. Following numerous tutorials and guides, I have successfully mounted the ...
Kenivia's user avatar
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Forgotten password and ecryptfs [duplicate]

I forgot my Ubuntu password. I entered recovery mode and changed the password for my user with passwd as root. I haven't used that machine for a long long time, so I also forgot that my home folder ...
Adam Soliński's user avatar
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2 answers

Apparmor problem with ecryptfs mount on mysql folder

I am getting mysql to run on a ecryptfs filesystem in a standard LAMP stack running in DigitalOcean Ubuntu 18.04.2 for a Wordpress website. It is running well with the process below, except that ...
Clement Leong's user avatar
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Problem mounting .ecryptfs home folder after entering correct passphrase!

I have and encrypted home folder on my previous OS (Lubuntu 18.04) which is not bootable now and need to recover it from Live OS. When I run following command to decrypt my home folder: sudo ecryptfs-...
PHP Learner's user avatar
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Boot fail after update: How to access encrypted home directory from root shell

My Ubuntu 18.04 laptop has failed to boot up since an update yesterday evening. I'm getting a "Started Hold until boot process finishes up" message. This question and answer suggest that I need to ...
EddyTheB's user avatar
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access ecryptfs disc from ubuntu 19 with ubuntu 18

When I installed Ubuntu 19 it offered to encrypt the disc where I have my /home partition. I chose that because I thought my data would be safer. For different reasons I was not happy with Ubuntu 19, ...
alle_meije's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I mount/recover my ecryptfs-encrypted home?

I recently found an old disk with files in my ecryptfs-encrypted home folder that I want to recover. However I cannot boot into the system as it does not boots not. I need to attach the old disk to my ...
GameScripting's user avatar
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System recovery: can’t manipulate encrypted files

Something has used up all the disk space on my home directory and caused my computer to freeze up. I tried to reboot and the system would not do so, and I then booted into recovery mode. Using the ...
spinorweb's user avatar
2 votes
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Finding ecrypt-recover-private mountpoint

After heavily struggling on mounting my ecrypted hdd, I now want to securely unmount the recovered hdd. I did it as proposed in this question. It was mounted by using $user> cd /media/$user/...
benni's user avatar
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how to decrypt an ordinary folder (not home, nor partition, nor .Private)

Following the procedure described here I could create an encrypted folder in an external drive. mount -t ecryptfs /media/foo/bar /media/foo/bar Then I put some stuff inside, restarted my computer ...
yota's user avatar
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