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1 answer

New ubuntu install mounting to an old /home drive and partition - can no longer access due to .Private and .ecryptfs

did a fresh ubuntu mate install (18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS) on a ssd mounting to a HDD with an old /home partition. It was first unable to boot in but I was able to make it work by redirecting the ...
user133017's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I have decrypted ecryptfs encrypted /home, now what?

Long story short: Currently I have a /home partition (with no os installed, no root partition) encrypted with ecryptfs. Following numerous tutorials and guides, I have successfully mounted the ...
Kenivia's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Recovering a partition with encrypted /home directory in Ubuntu 18..04

I have about 5 partitions on my Desktop computer, the one I'm using now is 18.04, the one with the encrypted /home directory is older. Theres some important files and data in there so if its possible ...
Don Flannagan's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't access a local disk, links don't exist

I'm using an Ubuntu 17 ISO on a USB drive to recover my Ubuntu 17 install on a laptop that doesn't boot into the GUI any longer. I was wondering about grabbing the files from the local disk, but it ...
bee's user avatar
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2 answers

ecryptfs home folder Installation and Backup

I've got two questions. 1) Can you install Ubuntu 16.10 with a preexisting encrypted /home partition? 2) What's the best way to back up an encrypted /home partition? Preferably to a second hard ...
Frank King's user avatar
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Issue moving my encrypted home directory on a new drive

I have installed a second hard drive on my computer (mounted as /media/<my-user-name>/hd2) with one partition only. I'd like to move my home folder on this new drive. Being logged on my admin ...
ebosi's user avatar
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1 answer

Swap encrypted with ecryptfs : on which partition is it?

I used ecryptfs to encrypt my home and the swap. Now I have a device /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 which seems to act as the swap. (by the way, how can I confirm that?) Before, my swap was in a partition of ...
Bkyn's user avatar
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1 answer

Encrypted Home Folder and Second Hard Drive

I recently installed Ubuntu with an encrypted home folder. I now have a second drive that I want to use to store my pictures, music, etc. I was thinking of creating a partition on the second drive for ...
bickhaus's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Which one: moving /home or making symlinks in regard to SSD efficiency

My whole Ubuntu installation including /home is located in an ext4 partition on an SSD drive. I'm going to move archives and document files (which are almost all inside the home folder) to an external ...
DummyBeginner's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

“sudo ecryptfs-recover-private” gives “find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied” after botched (?) upgrade

EDIT 1: I reinstalled 16.04 having booted through the CD but with the HDD installed, now I can read the "readme.txt" and I can click on the "access-your-private-data.desktop" and it seems to run for a ...
chaosdoom's user avatar
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1 answer

Is my drive encrypted? I can read encrypted partition without providing password

Please help me determine if my is drive encrypted or not, what did I do wrong? I used Ubuntu Disk Utility for creating encrypted partition and I choose encrypted partition and provided a password, ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes
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Encrypted Home folder is still accessible with another distro

I partitioned an HDD in to four, the biggest of them being the HOME directory. This drive was encrypted during xubuntu installation and worked perfectly fine. I then booted from another ubuntu live CD ...
Renae Lider's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot mount encrypted home after password change, ecryptfs not configured (no passphrase set)

I recently forgot my user password from a relatively fresh Ubuntu 13.04 installation (dual-boot with Windows 7, latter more heavily used). During setup, I had selected the encrypted home directory ...
user184852's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to make a fresh install while also creating new partitions and keeping encrypted home directory

How can a machine be securely migrated from "Ubuntu - single partition - home directory encrypted" to "Debian - separated partitions for OS and home, and maybe for swap too if that is an advantage - ...
Strapakowsky's user avatar
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1 answer

Merge LUKS-partition with partition on another HDD

I just bought a 2 TB hard disk because the home partition on the old one is almost full. What I want to do is to extend the home partition on hard disk 1 (sda2) to also include all the space on the ...
thomasvakili's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Recovering from a move of /home when it's encrypted (ecryptfs)

I had a 20GB / partition at work that dual-booted with Windows and it quickly ran out of space. I usually do 20GB / and 160GB (or whatever the rest of the hard drive is) as /home, so I intended on ...
Andrew Bing's user avatar