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Modern day Christians are unaware that Paul and Jesus were castrated because the New Testament doesn't directly say it. However, the early Christians knew it and wrote about it.
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    • Christian Studies
Based in part from Andre Austin's book "Lukewarm:The temperature of Justice", Lukewarm was based on an Egyptian goddess Tefnut that helps to correct eyes and hearts of souls.
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Andre Austin is the author of Lukewarm: The Temperature of Justice.
The Roman Circus was named after the Goddess Circe
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    • New Testament and Christian Origins
Andre Austin, author of Lukewarm:the temperature of justice documents how ancient Jewish scribes transformed Imhotep into Joseph.
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    • Christian Studies
Bruno Bauer claims the Stoics helped influenced Christianity. I do my best to concur with him in my new book Lukewarm:the Temperature of Justice
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    • History of Christianity
The Egyptian God Shu was transformed into Joshua in the Old Testament. The theft is too obvious to overlook and if these Hebrew priests were at a current University they would be thrown out for plagiarism.
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    • Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Was the Lukewarm church of Laodicea have Stoic influences?
By Andre Austin, author of Lukewarm: the Temperature of justice
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    • History of Christianity
Was the Lukewarm Church in Revelation passionless?
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    • Christian Studies
Stoicism 4 virtues came from Palto 4 virtues that came from the ancient Egyptian ten.
Lukewarm may also be symbolic of the Nile (hapi) river being balanced between the Hot & the Cold.
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    • New Testament and Christian Origins
Did the Greek or Cretans start naked Wrestling or did the ancient Egyptians?
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    • Ancient Egyptian History
Was St. Luke an eye doctor that was blind himself. Andre Austin is the author of Lukewarm: The Temperature of justice
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    • Christian Studies
Did 18th Dynasty kings of Egypt disrespect their black cousins. Was this due to some of them being mixed. Andre Austin investagatives this is other issues in his new book Poor Dre's Almanac
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    • Egyptology
How Frank Marshall Davis poems help prove that he's in fact the father of Obama.
Andre Austin author of Poor Dre's Almanac
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    • Black Studies Or African American Studies
An open letter to a doctor brainstorming that the name Luke in Greek Loukas is a pun on Leukomas, an eye, vision subject for Lukewarm in Rev chapter three. Lukewarm can't be about drinking water because its not a deed. however eyesight... more
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    • Christian Studies
Andre Austin, author of Poor Dre's Almanac, proves St. Paul was a composite figure of mythological and historical persons.
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    • History of Christianity
Andre Austin, author of Lukewarm:The Temperature of Justice explains a secret formula to ID people and their attributes inside the New Testament.
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    • New Testament and Christian Origins
Luke is a pun for Look
Luke in Greek is Loukas a pun for Leukomas (eye disorder of seeing white clouds).
The spit of Lukewarm is based on the Egyptian Tefnut
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    • Christian Studies
You can't be Eurocentric and Afrocentric at the same time.
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    • African Studies
The Tree of Good & Evil was based on an Egyptian deity
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    • Christian Studies
This is a shotgun blast on Black History. For more info see "Poor dre's Almanac" by Andre Austin
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    • Christian Studies