Did the Greek or Cretans start naked Wrestling or did the ancient Egyptians?

GREEK HOMOSEXUALS & THE TEMPLE SCHOOLS OF EGYPT By Andre Austin I’m cruising and skipping on the internet and accidently bump into Dr. Umar Johnson whose soliciting funds for an Afrocentric- K-12 School. I was attracted to Johnson and his school because he names his future school in part from Marcus Garvey. When Johnson gives his lectures, I like to monitor them on Youtube, he wipes the sweat off his face and brow with a red, black and green handkerchief. These colors are the flag that the UNIA approved of in 1920 for the black race. It’s a declaration of rights too. Red is for the Blood we must shed for our liberty and redemption Black for our nobility and distinguished race we belong Green for the vegetation land Garvey once said: “The world has made being black a crime, and I have felt it in common with men who suffer like me, and instead of making it a crime I hope to make it a virtue”. (Race First: TheIdeological and Organizational struggles of Marcus Garvey By Tony Martin p. 23). Depending on the context noble and virtue are very similar. Johnson has stated that Homosexuality was a Greek thing and many of them couldn’t enter into Egyptian temples because they didn’t want to stop having sex with young boys. Pythagoras was the first Greek philosopher from the 6th century BC. Pythagoras received his training in Egypt and the so-called Pythagorean Theorem is a misnomer. Pythagoras and Socrates had a profound influence on Plato. Pythagoras said “Virtue is harmony, and so are health and all good and God himself”. Plato came up with four virtues from them: Wisdom Courage Justice (Balance of excess/deficiency) Temperance (control of passions of the heart) These four virtues came from the Egyptian ten and morph and evolve in part into the 42 Negative Confessions or admonitions of Maat. Maat is Law and order, balance etc. Maat was against all sexual deviancies like fornication, adultery and Sodomy. Plato went to Egypt to study according to Diogenes Laertitus Book 3:5-6 and Plutarch says also. Plato must have ceased his homosexual acts if he was taught in an Egyptian Temple. “Plato never married. On the internal evidence of his writing, his sexual feelings seem to have been directed solely to other men” (From Socrates to Satre: The Philosophic Quest p.21 By T.Z. Lavine). However, Plato advocated that the Guardian class be allowed Temporary unions “Sacred marriages” for the sake of producing children. They are temporary because Plato didn’t want a conflict between family loyalties and loyalty to the state (Ibid p.61-62). Plato, “having returned to Athens, he lived in the Academy, which is a gymnasium outside the walls” (Diogenes Laertitus Book 3:6-8). The Greeks did start the Olympics in 776BC performing in the nude like gymnastic did when men wrestling each other with primary aim to force one’s opponent into submission. The loser of the match became the passive recipient. “The Greek vice did not generate guilt for a man to pursue young boys” (Europe p.126 By Norman Davies). “Socrates, middle-class in origin, gregarious, a mixer with all types and classes in the city, short and stocky of build, pudgy and ugly of face (with bulging eyes and broad nostrils); but whose intellectual brilliance and wit were able nonetheless to win the love of any young man of Athens who happened to strike his homosexual fancy, In the eyes of Athenians there was nothing remarkable about Socrates homosexual relationships” (From Socrates to Satre: The Philosophic Quest p.21). “Athenians are the only Greeks who call their city “Asty”, a name brought over from the city Asty in Egypt” (Diodorus of Sicily Book 1:28). The reason Socrates has a snub nose was due to himself having ancestors from Egypt. The crucial clue lies in the words of Socrates, recorded by Plato in Euthyphro were Socrates claims descent from Daedalus who was the great-grandson of the Egyptian Erechtheus King of Athens, Greece (see Black Spark, white Fire By Richard Poe p. 170-171). I’m trying to figure out how Plato slipped into the mystery lodges in Egypt when he violated some of the codes of Maat. According to Dr. Johnson he shouldn’t have been let in the school at all. When Umar sets up his Garvey like school, ( being Afrocentric based divorcing itself from the W.E.B. Dubois schizophrenic Double-Consciousness. I’m in agreement with Molefi Kete Asante who stated Dubois abandoned this 1903 thinking before dying in 1963), he bans all gays and tranny’s and those who are married to a Caucasian from teaching at his academy. He thinks young pupils can pick up off a gay person’s vibe and vapors and become infected with the Hebe g-bees or something like a gay bug in your butt. They could be up in the classroom sniffing their noses and blurt out “I smell a f.a.g” and then proceed to imitate the vice. Plato reminds me of a modern day pastor Eddie Long of Georgia who held protest marches against gay people and was secretly bi-sexual at the same time. Now Dr. Umar Johnson has to be careful at his sexual code of exclusion because the 42 negative confessions included fornication, adultery and sodomy. Johnson has been linked with an alleged now famous stripper and Pole swinger (Khym Ringgold-“The Conscious stripper”. Plato wrote a book called The Laws in book 8 dealing with homosexuality. Plato stated: “Keep the young people themselves under constant surveillance, will do something to restrain ordinary passions, as far as any man can,. But there are sexual urges too- pederasty=Homosexuality (of either sex) and heterosexual love among adults. What precautions should one take against passions which have had such a powerful effect on public and private life? What’s the remedy that will save us from the dangers of sex in each? It’s a great problem, Cleinias. We’re faced with the fact that though in several other respects Crete in general and Sparta give us pretty solid help when we frame laws that flout common custom, in affairs of the heart (there’s no one listening, so lets be frank), they are totally opposed to us. Suppose you follow nature’s rule and establish the law that was in force before the time of Laius (Regarded here as the first homosexual)” Now the Egyptians wrote their laws against homosexuality before Laius was a sperm drop by thousands of years so how do Dr. Johnson propose to think Greek Homosexuality infected black Africa? Plato accused the Cretans who began naked athletics but he elevated to want to include both naked woman and men in the wrestling schools exercising with the men (The Republic Book V:450C-454B). Some of the tomb scenes in Egypt depict wrestling and javelin-throwing contest. Wrestling, used to train army recruits (see Life in ancient Egypt p.331 by Rosalie David). Women in Egypt perform gymnastic feats too. I don’t know if nude like they did in dancing or playing music. The men wrestled to the point of being very serious to having to be carried off the field. I had to scroll to another book by the same above title by but different author, Adolf Erman on p. 246 ,to see the pictures of Egyptian wrestlers who are indeed naked at the time of the Middle Empire (2040-1763BC). This is before many of the European cities were founded. Rome (a village 1000BC) Athens (1200BC named after Neit from city of Sais or Asty in Egypt Antioch 400Bc Jerusalem 1400Bc Babylon 2100 BC see (The Destruction of Black Civilization p.66 by C. Williams) for the chart. So this leads me to the question did the Cretans indeed start naked wrestling or did the Egyptians. If the Cretans learn it from the Egyptians why did they mutate it into homosexual activity? Herodotus reports that nearly all the gods of Greek came from Egypt. Well Crete is closer to Egypt than to Crete. I suggest people read Volume 2 of Black Athena by Martin Bernal to see the massive influence Egypt had over Crete. I don’t know if the Cretan game of wrestling/homosexuality was borrowed from Egypt. The Egyptians used wrestling to train for military purposes so it’s highly unlikely they would have encouraged their Army to engage in homosexuality. I recall soldiers in Muhammad’s army asked if they should make themselves eunuchs because they were away from their wives for long periods of times. Muhammad said No and they reserved that for black men who were guards in their Harems. When the Greeks invented the Olympics in 776BC they competed nude and the Egyptians would have had no problem with it because their women wore transparent dresses and children went nude up to puberty. Black Nationalist, Afrocentrist and others run into problems when they attempt to ascribe certain types of sins and vices on Ethnic groups based on race or skin color. I recall a recent high level NOI official claiming that black people can’t be successful in business if they are basically immoral. Did he not look at the pictures of his own leader (Farrakhan) takes with female celebrities who get famous by doing a number of fellatio jobs and broadcasting it on the internet. She just had a ring stolen in Europe worth millions. The NOI says white people can be successful and be immoral at the same time. They denounce multi-millionaires entertainers and sports figures for their sins. The truth is a poor person can be moral and be poor. A rich person can be moral and rich and vice versa. The NOI and Farrakhan has millions and they preach the mythology (Lie) of a big head scientist name Yacub who’s the father of the blue-eyed white Devil. I only brought this up because one of the early founders of the NOI was Elijah Poole who was a corporal in Garvey’s UNIA movement. Now Was Yacub fictionally successful in bringing wealth to L.F? Was Garvey a righteous man who expose the blackman in his virtue, die broke of diabetes. I think of myself slightly like George S. Schuyler who worked for Garvey’s newspaper The Messenger. He then made an about face to write a novel of satire against Garvey in Black no More (1931). All his characters, black and white are all rogues, hustlers, and opportunists who seem to be driven by sex, greed and the desire for social status. In my book My Poemology I lampoon L.F in one of my 20 short stories. My peoples, My peoples, where have we come when these big-head ministers start demanding people tell the truth in their fictional writings. I can’t stop shaking my head! Schuyler lampoons Garvey as Santop Licorice whose “followers are scarcer than Jews in the Vatican”, or him buying ships that are worthless except as scrap iron. Somebody needs to help Dr. Johnson with his neurotic fear of gay teachers and gay people in general. Maybe this principal is afraid of a gay student switching in a woodshop class wearing a thong or some pannies up under under his corduroy trousers or something. And to top it all off doing a jig of the electric slide and the boogaloo and say something about Adam & Eve naked in the garden. This boy had too much flare for me. Anyway, Johnson can give a long lecture, an hour long to an audience about gay people as if they were public enemy # 1. We have parents from Chicago beat their teenager’s daughters accusing them of being a dike, and then post the drama on Facebook/Youtube as the tragedy of Nia Greens. No child abuse leveled because she was just beating the dike out of her. I recall when I used to work in a treatment facility for juvenile delinquents. There was a young student there who liked to sign a song: “If there’s a f.a.g in the house let him out”. He sang that song until he was caught in a homosexual act with another student. Well he got his poetic justice. It appears that Johnson has a fetish against the gay. He bashes them because it’s a good way to fundraise off of the creation of a boogeyman. The NOI does the same thing the boogeyman is “THE WHITEMAN”. The Late Rev. Albert Cleage called this a cult mystique to attribute a man with supernatural powers of the Devil. I say bah-Hum-bug! Now on the flip-side to the Black Church do the same thing when they elevate the homosexual sin above all others where they fellowship with all types of sin but separate themselves from the gay like they got supernatural powers in the negative? I really detest those who masquerade as being against oppressive Governments, corporation and criminal enterprises called Churches only to find out they are working with them. I shake my head in shame like Zora Neal Hurston wrote: “my people, my people”. We must venture forward from the thinking of the white man deeds as unmitigated rottenness being by nature instead of the socialization of nurture. They are not naughty by nature. The NOI fables, nursery and fairy tales are in themselves evil similes that are destructively preached by their leader and apostle of hate. And on the other hand, some blacks are not successful in selling their products is because their seeds get no sunlight in the mainstream press. Not because they are trying to be like the whiteman in his deceit. My people, my people, the NOI got everything twisted. They attack people by innuendo as a legal shield and protection from libel and slander themselves. We must stray away from the rhetoric that white Greeks started homosexuality and that the Black Egyptians weren’t involved in it or that only crooked White people can be successful in business by practicing immorality and Blacks can’t. Look at Bill Cosby pitiful condition. When Black people get into unity we will appear to be 100 feet tall and attribute our accomplishments to aliens. Why? Because they see us as individuals only. When the Egyptians built the pyramid they did it as a group in unity. Now Brother Johnson is coming out of the city of brother love, that is Brotherly love=phila=fellatio? “Philia denotes a sort of reciprocal love”-MLK. Lets help him raise some money so he can stop demonizing gay people. Those interested in donating to Dr. Johnson new school see: FDMG Academy P.0. Box 6872 Phila Pa, 19132 His personal phone # 215-989-9858 Email [email protected] P.S. Dr. Johnson is a psychiatrist and I want him to go back and read the Comedian David Alan Grier’s late father William H. Grier famous work “Black rage”, so he can reverse his pretended rage on the gays into something productive. Also another Psychiatrist “Black Skin White Mask” and recall what he said at the gates of his book: “The Blackman who wants to turn his race white is as miserable as he who preaches hatred for the whites” p.8). The first part of this would have been good for your fellow Philadelphian bill Cosby. I diagnosed him still suffering from Dubois’s “Double Consciousness”. You can’t be Afrocentric and suffer from that too. Maybe we can get an African DSM-666 for all those suckas. I gave Johnson a text and he texted me back asking who I was. I typed in my name and he abruptly stopped having a conversation with me. Somebody needs to put him on a Freud couch and pull his coat to somethings. We have to engage eachother in conversations so that we can make some progress. If it don’t make dollars it don’t make cents, how you like me now. Holler if you hear me. Andre Austin is the author of (Red) Lukewarm: The Temperature of Justice, (Black) Poor Dre’s Almanac, and (Green) My Poemology. Page 3 of 6