Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm so sorry.I've been busy lately.

Today,I'm posting about a dental clinic at Projet.Yes,they have a dental clinic there.As you see,it's 24 hours so you can visit there any time you want.And next to the dental clinic is McDonalds so if the person has just finished an ice cream sundae and suddenly had a toothache,they could just run next door to see the dentist and if they have a tummy ache as well,they need not go farther because the dental clinic is also a clinic.I think its good to have a dental clinic and clinic next door's to McDonalds.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ampang Park #1

Finally,something interesting to post about.This is what you get to see when you look up at TC Permata,Ampang Park.TC Permata is a supermarket like Giant or Carrefour.There's another one at Wangsa Maju,Kuala Lumpur.This was my first time to go to TC Permata.To find out more about what they sell,stay tuned:)

Oh,by the way,Happy Weekend!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Kopitiam breakfast #1

This morning,my dad decided to bring us to a kopitiam which was opened by one of his close friends.The picture above shows my dad cracking open a half-boiled egg.

The shop is located in Bangi and it is called Bangi Kopitiam.Their slogan is "Let's eat together-gether...".I find it very catchy.
The people who go there are from the elite society of Bangi.By 8 a.m.,there are already about 8 people.Imagine how many people would be there at 10 a.m.?More pictures coming soon,so stay tuned!

Friday, August 3, 2007


I couldn't upload any pictures from my camera so I decided to use one of my old ones.This picture was taken at SACC Mall which is located in Shah Alam.The last time I went there,there were not many people.I guess because it was a Sunday and nobody wanted to get out of bed.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The sign which everyone ignores

This sign is often ignored because no one seems to see it.It is quite hidden.It is really displeasing to hear cars speeding over the bump and produces this 'BUMP' sound which is very irritating.I hope someone will be moving this sign where someone migt be able to see it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ampang Puteri #1

'Ho pital',what happened to the 'S' you ask?I don't know.It's been like that since the last time I went to this particular hospital,Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital which is located near Ampang Point.I went there yesterday to accompany my mum to get her check up because she is now 7 months pregnant.Will be posting more pictures at the hospital tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Was on the way to KL and dad said he spotted a sign which says "If you want to steal thi shouse,please smile because you are now on camera".I laughed when I read the sign.I hope it works to stop thieves from breaking into the house!

Friday, April 13, 2007

No devils

"No devil-ing allowed",that's what the sign literally means in the restaurant of Rimba Jimbara.The signs at Rimba Jimbara are wierd and there's one on the toilet door which says "If you're a human,don't act like a baboon" but I didn't bring my camera along [left my camera with my mum].