Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Storks along the highway

Can you see black looking things on the lamp post?That would be storks.They're from Zoo Negara or better known as our National Zoo which is located near the highway.Usually there'll only be about two storks but when I took this picture,they were on the lamp posts along the highway.I guess they got bored staying inside the zoo and decided to see what the humans were up too.The storks at Zoo Negara aren't locked up inside cages but let out.The storks wont fly far away though.They'll return back home by night or so.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

rain,come down.

The clouds have been grey here in Ampang but it hasn't been raining,it always has been drizzling.Everytime the grey clouds come rolling in,I'll wonder,"Will my day be a gloomy one?".Hope your's hasn't been a gloomy day.

I'm sorry this picture doesn't have good lighting.I didn't have time to edit the contrast.My exam won't be finishing until the 23rd of May,so until then,I'll be a bit busy.I'll try and visit your blogs in the nearest time!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

grey sky

It has been raining here in Ampang,especially in the evenings.I thought it was supposed to be the dry season here in Malaysia but looks like the rain decided to drop by.If it's God's blessing then thank you God for the rain.I don't think it rains at night because usually if it rains at night here it'll be very cold in the morning.