Papers by Jose Manuel Jimenez-Olmedo
Retos Nuevas Tendencias En Educacion Fisica Deporte Y Recreacion, 2013
Retos Nuevas Tendencias En Educacion Fisica Deporte Y Recreacion, 2014

In this paper, physiological areas of professional beach volleyball players are identified by com... more In this paper, physiological areas of professional beach volleyball players are identified by combining notational analysis tools together with in-sync heart rate capture for specific time periods in competition games. The aim is to identify workload areas depending on the player´s position as well as the changes these areas undergo during real competitions. To this end, a case study is quantitatively analyzed and based on the Spanish National Team during the First International Training Tournament «Sixto Jimenez» played in Tenerife (Spain). Workload ranges differ between blocker player (from 77.71% to 89.13%) and defensive player (from 66.16% to 77.77%), both values are related to their individual HRmax. Furthermore, median HRmax values indicate that blocker player must support an increased workload of 84.78% compared to 71.71% of the defending player. Therefore, the specific position of the defenders established significant differences in their physiological responses. Resumen: En este artículo, se identifican las zonas de trabajo fisiológicas de los jugadores profesionales de vóley playa mediante la combinación de herramientas de análisis notacional junto con la captura sincronizada de la frecuencia cardíaca durante períodos de tiempo específicos en partidos de competición. El objetivo es identificar las áreas de trabajo en función de la posición del jugador, así como los cambios que experimentan durante las competiciones reales. Para ello, se analiza un caso de estudio cuantitativamente del equipo español durante el I Torneo Internacional de Entrenamiento Sixto Jiménez, disputado en Tenerife (España). Los rangos de carga de trabajo difieren entre el jugador bloqueador con 77,71% a 89,13% y el jugador defensor con 66,16% a 77,77%, ambos valores relacionados con su FCmáx. Por otra parte, los valores medios de FCmáx indican que el jugador bloqueador debe soportar una mayor carga de trabajo del 84,78% con respecto al 71,71% del jugador defensor. Por lo tanto, la posición específica del jugador defensor estableció diferencias significativas en sus respuestas fisiológicas.
In this paper, the most common injuries in university beach volleyball players are studied throug... more In this paper, the most common injuries in university beach volleyball players are studied through a 33 participant sample at the University Spanish Championship. Injuries were assessed by means of personal interviews and a validated questionnaire. Results show that the body region with the highest incidence was the ankle (33%), followed by the fingers (18.5%), knees (13.0%), shoulders (11.1%) and back (5.6%). Data was also retrieved about the moment of injury (competition or training), origin (impact or overuse) and characteristic of the injury (new or recurrent injury). Statistical processing of data for establishing significant differences was performed using the Chi-square test. Results established a

The analysis of performance in beach volleyball should consider the development of the set or gam... more The analysis of performance in beach volleyball should consider the development of the set or game systems in connection with successful completion. In this paper, we present a study of defensive system in university beach volleyball players in order to determine the evolution throughout the set and effectiveness in relation to the performance factors of the game. A total of n=937 blocking actions were analyzed by means of video recordings from 24 European men's teams from 16 different nationalities at the Ninth European Beach Volleyball Championship EUSA GAMES. The analysis of the videos was carried out using the free software program LongoMatch v.0.27 by an experienced observer. Reliability performed on the intra-observer analysis showed a margin of error lower than 5%. Both effectiveness of the game systems and frequency of winning and not winning points were annotated for each period of points. Statistical significance of the comparison of systems was calculated using the Z test to compare proportions. Results showed that the most widely used game system was 2:1 with 67.2% (n=630) with statistically significance (p<0.001). Regarding effectiveness, system 2:1 presented an efficiency of success of 30.8% (n=194), whereas system 1:2 presented a moderately low value of 25.7% (n=79). When comparing periods of points (F1:1 to 7, F2: 8 to 14, F3: 15 to 21), system 2:1 showed higher effectiveness than 1:2 for the last two periods F2 and F3. Finally, a decrease in unscored point actions was observed in both systems between periods F1 to F3 (59.63% for 1:2 and 45.35% for 2:1).

Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., & Penichet-Tomas, A. (2015). Injuries and pathologies in beach volleyball p... more Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., & Penichet-Tomas, A. (2015). Injuries and pathologies in beach volleyball players: A systematic review. J. Hum. Sport Exerc., 10(4), pp.936-948. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature published on injuries and pathology in beach volleyball. The databases consulted were the Web of Sciende and Pubmed. After establishing the criteria for selection and filtering, a total of 32 articles were selected. All items found can be classified into four research lines. First are the studies focused on specific injuries such as shoulder, shoveling, knee and foot. The second line of research focuses on the study of the incidence, prevalence and frequency of injuries of beach volleyball players, whereas the third line deals on infections reported in the literature produced by nematodes or fungi. Finally, the last line of research includes articles addressing different objectives related to health such as the effects of training programs related to injuries, influence of weather conditions on the players, as well as publications for validation of assessment instruments or develop of guidelines and protocols for the evaluation and diagnosis of injuries.

In this article, an analysis of the historical evolution of the effectiveness of goalkeepers in h... more In this article, an analysis of the historical evolution of the effectiveness of goalkeepers in high level world competitions is carried out. To this end, 32 men's handball finals have been analyzed to record and classify effectiveness rates and goalkeeping actions in relation to opponent players' throw areas and positions from 1982 to 2012. Analysis included throws from areas of 6, 7, 9 m and counterattack, performed from center or side positions. Results show no clear trend in effectiveness values registered throughout the time sample, both generally and specifically in terms of throwing position. The Kruskal-Wallis H test did not establish statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in goalkeeping effectiveness between any of the different analyzed periods, with a confidence interval of 95%. The findings of this study suggest that the ability of goalkeepers to prevent the goal from different throwing areas and positions has changed little over the past 30 years, although the game has incorporated more offensive actions and therefore more attacks. This lack of progress can be attributed to that handball has not updated their game rules to make it faster and more spectacular.

The standardized assessment of sports injuries provides important epidemiological information and... more The standardized assessment of sports injuries provides important epidemiological information and instructions to prevent them. The aim of this study was to determine if the pattern detrimental impact on fixed seat rowing agreed with the literature review of the Olympic rowing modality. A retrospective questionnaire was administer to 79 male rowers, with an age mean of 27.66 ± 7.15, belonging to the male in the senior category VIII Rowing Spanish Mediterranean Bank Fixed Championship that took place in Torrevieja during the 25th, 26th and 27th of May. The anatomical regions that were damage the most were the ankle (15.4%) and lower back (13.2%). These injuries have occurred with higher incidence in training (55.1%) as the most recidivist injury, the ankle, which has occurred for 73% of the time during this moment. The most common injury is the overuse (44.2%) and the most repeated diagnosis was sprain (23.1%).

This study has been developed for the European Beach Volleyball Championship in 2005. The video-r... more This study has been developed for the European Beach Volleyball Championship in 2005. The video-recorded analysis was held using Sportcode Pro v.8.5.2 software. The aim of study was to determine the types of serve used, depending on the time of the set in which they occur. Quantitative analysis with a sample of 10 players that make up 5 teams with a total of four meetings with a total of 327 serves analyzed. The serves were classified depending on the period which they occurred, the period being 1 (items 1 to 7), period 2 (from point 8 to 14) and period 3 (point 15 to 21). he statistical analysis was conducted using the statistical software SPSS 19, Chi-square test established significant differences between the different types of serve for period 1 and 2 (p<0.05), but no significant differences were established in the period 3 to floating serve and power jump (p>0.05). The results showed a decrease of using a serve with jump power at period 1 (89.7%) compared to the period 3 (27.3%), while the floating and floating serve jump respectively increase at period 1 (6.3%-4%) in the period 3 (23.4%-49.4%).

Resumen: Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este es... more Resumen: Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en este deporte. El objetivo de estudio ha sido analizar y cuantificar los tipos de golpeos, y comparar los mismos entre las posiciones de juego de resto y medio. Para ello se han llevado a cabo el análisis de 6 partidas de la XIX Liga Profesional de «escala i corda» 2009-2010, y en concreto de 12 jugadores, utilizando el software de análisis Sports Code v.8.5.2. Los resultados nos indican diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre los golpeos efectuados por el jugador resto y el jugador medio en el rebote y rebote a golpe de mano derecha e izquierda y caída de escalera de mano derecha; siendo estos prácticamente realizados únicamente por los jugadores de la posición resto. Al mismo tiempo encontramos datos que nos evidencian por otra banda golpeos utilizados principalmente por jugadores medios, estas han sido el golpeo de volea, el bote de brazo, el calbote, la palma, y el manró todos ellos de mano derecha. Como conclusión del estudio, hemos obtenido que dependiendo de la posición de juego los jugadores utilizan unos tipos de golpeo u otros. Por tanto, afirmamos, que el análisis del alto rendimiento en escala i corda desde los avances de las tecnologías, nos aporta una valiosa información para establecer patrones de entrenamiento específicos. Palabra clave: pelota valenciana, pelota a mano, escala i corda, golpeos, análisis del rendimiento. Abstract: Due to the shortage of studies of analysis in Valencian ball, we have centred this study on this sport. The aim of study has been to analyze and to quantify the types of shots , and to compare the same ones between the positions of game of 1st game line (resto) and 2nd game line (medio). Analysis of 6 games of the 19th Professional League of Stand and rope 2009-2010 was carried out so i, and specifically of 12 players, using Sports Code analysis software. The results indicate significant differences (p<0.05) between the shots carried out by first game line player and second game line in the rebound and rebound-shot all of them of right and left hand,and stand shot right hand; being almost realitzados only by players from the first game line position. At the same time we find data which demonstrate us by another band used mainly by second game line players beatings, these have been volley shot, volley shot after bounce, volley shot under the line of the shoulders, palm shot and horizontal shot all of them of right hand. As conclusion of the study, we have obtained that depending on the position of game the players use a few types of I throb or others. Therefore, we affirm, that the analysis of the high performance in stand and rope from the advances of the technologies, a valuable information contributes us to establish specific bosses of training.

Resumen: El objetivo de estudio es conocer los tipos de saques utilizados, dependiendo el momento... more Resumen: El objetivo de estudio es conocer los tipos de saques utilizados, dependiendo el momento del set en el que se producen. Este estudio ha sido desarrollado durante el torneo Nestea Spanish Master de Vóley Playa disputado en Valencia en el año 2006. La muestra de estudio la componen 10 jugadoras que conforman 5 equipos con un total de 4 encuentros analizados que suman 331 saques analizados. El análisis de las videograbaciones se llevó a cabo con el software SportCode Pro v.8.5.2. Los saques se clasificaron dependiendo del momento en el que se produjeron, siendo la franja 1 (del punto 1 al 7), franja 2 (del punto 8 al 14) y franja 3 (del punto 15 al 21). El análisis de datos se llevo a cabo con el software SPSS v.19. La prueba Chi-cuadrado, estableció diferencias significativas entre los diferentes tipos de saques para la franja 1 y 3 (p<.05), pero no se establecieron diferencias significativas en la franja 2 para los tres tipos de saque utilizado (p>.05). Se experimenta una disminución en el uso del saque en potencia (SP) de la franja 1 (84.1%) con respecto al de la franja 3 (4.8%), mientras que el saque flotante (SF) aumenta de la franja 1 (13.5%) a la franja 3 (81%). Finalmente el saque flotante (SF) en salto aumentan de la franja 1 (2.4%) a la franja 2 (28%) y decrece de esta última a la franja 3 (14.3%). Palabras clave: Vóley Playa, análisis del rendimiento, SportCode, saques vóley playa Abstract: The aim of study was to determine the types of serves used, depending on the time of the set in which they occur. This study has been developed during the Master tournament Spanish Nestea Beach Volleyball Championship in Valencia in 2006. The study shows the 10 players that make up 5 teams with a total of 4 meetings totaling 331 serves analyzed. The analysis of the videotapes was conducted with SportCode Pro v.8.5.2 software. The serves were classified depending on the time in which they occurred, with the lane 1 (point 1 to 7), lane 2 (point 8 to 14) and lane 3 (point 15 to 21). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS v.19. The Chi-square test established significant differences between different types of serves for lane 1 and 3 (p<.05), but no significant differences were established in the range 2 for the three types of serve used (p > .05). You experience a decrease in the use of pull power (SP) band 1 (84.1%) compared to that of lane 3 (4.8%), while the floating kick (SF) increases the range 1 (13.5%) to lane 3 (81%). Finally floating kick (SF) jump increase of band 1 (2.4%) to band 2 (28%) and decrease of the latter to lane 3 (14.3%).

Understanding injury incidence rates will be a great help with regards to preventing potential fu... more Understanding injury incidence rates will be a great help with regards to preventing potential future damages. It is for this reason that this study suggests studying a large number of variables. The purpose of research is the relationship of events (empirical variables) that are usually taken into account in developing injury prevention programs during the battles and training in judo tournament.
In this research project, 57 male judokas taking part in the Spanish National University Championship in 2009 were asked to complete a retrospective questionnaire. We analysed the following events: the most commonly injured body regions, the medical diagnosis, how and when the injury happened, the type of injury, the side of the body and the type of medical attention received. For the statistical analysis, we used the SPSS statistics programme to apply the Chi-square test in order to determine the significance levels for non-parametric tests from p<.05.
Significant differences were found in the most commonly injured body region, the shoulder/clavicle (p<.05), and in the most common diagnosis, the sprain (p<.05). Impact injuries (p<.05) are the most common and train ing (p<.05) is the most dangerous time. About the type of injury, 78.38% are new injuries (p<.05) and 69.05% affect the right hand side of the body (p<.05). Doctors are the most consulted specialists, but the physiotherapists obtained the best marks. Have been out due to injury for over 21 days 36.36% of the participants, but not for the entire season.
The most common diagnosis in university student judokas coincides with those of elite judokas, with the sprain being the most common. University student judokas have a higher rate of shoulder/clavicle injuries, while professional judokas are prone to a higher rate of knee injuries.Training is the most common moment in which injuries occur, both in university student judokas and professional judokas. New injuries are the most common types of injuries in university student judokas and, while doctors are the most consulted specialists, the physiotherapists obtained the best marks.

The primary aim of this study was to examine the effects of 6-week strength training with whole b... more The primary aim of this study was to examine the effects of 6-week strength training with whole body vibration (WBV) on leg strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Twenty-three sub-elite male volleyball (VB; n=12) and beach volleyball players (BVB; n=11) aged 21.2±3.0 years were divided into two groups and subjected to 6 weeks of strength training (three one-hour sessions per week): (I) 12 players (6 VB and 6 BVB players) underwent training with WBV (30-40 Hz, 1.7-2.5 mm, 3.0-5.7 g), and (II) 11 players (6 VB and 5 BVB players) underwent traditional strength training. Squat jump (SJ) and countermovement squat jump (CMJ) measurements by the Ergo Tester contact platform and maximum leg press test (1RM) were conducted. Three-factor (2 time x 2 WBV use x 2 discipline) analysis of variance for SJ, CMJ and 1RM revealed a significant time main effect (p<0.001), a WBV use effect (p<0.001) and a discipline effect (p<0.001). Significantly greater improvements in the SJ (p<0.001) and CMJ (p<0.001) and in 1RM (p<0.001) were found in the WBV training groups than in traditional training groups. Significant 3-way interaction effects (training, WBV use, discipline kind) were also found for SJ, CMJ and 1RM (p=0.001, p<0.001, p=0.001, respectively). It can be concluded that implementation of 6-week WBV training in routine practice in volleyball and beach volleyball players increases leg strength more and leads to greater improvement in jump performance than traditional strength training, but greater improvements can be expected in beach volleyball players than in volleyball players.

Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., & Penichet-Tomas, A. (2015). Injuries and pathologies in beach volleyball p... more Jimenez-Olmedo, J.M., & Penichet-Tomas, A. (2015). Injuries and pathologies in beach volleyball players: A systematic review. J. Hum. Sport Exerc., 10(4), pp.936-948. The aim of this paper is to review the available literature published on injuries and pathology in beach volleyball. The databases consulted were the Web of Sciende and Pubmed. After establishing the criteria for selection and filtering, a total of 32 articles were selected. All items found can be classified into four research lines. First are the studies focused on specific injuries such as shoulder, shoveling, knee and foot. The second line of research focuses on the study of the incidence, prevalence and frequency of injuries of beach volleyball players, whereas the third line deals on infections reported in the literature produced by nematodes or fungi. Finally, the last line of research includes articles addressing different objectives related to health such as the effects of training programs related to injuries, influence of weather conditions on the players, as well as publications for validation of assessment instruments or develop of guidelines and protocols for the evaluation and diagnosis of injuries.
Papers by Jose Manuel Jimenez-Olmedo
In this research project, 57 male judokas taking part in the Spanish National University Championship in 2009 were asked to complete a retrospective questionnaire. We analysed the following events: the most commonly injured body regions, the medical diagnosis, how and when the injury happened, the type of injury, the side of the body and the type of medical attention received. For the statistical analysis, we used the SPSS statistics programme to apply the Chi-square test in order to determine the significance levels for non-parametric tests from p<.05.
Significant differences were found in the most commonly injured body region, the shoulder/clavicle (p<.05), and in the most common diagnosis, the sprain (p<.05). Impact injuries (p<.05) are the most common and train ing (p<.05) is the most dangerous time. About the type of injury, 78.38% are new injuries (p<.05) and 69.05% affect the right hand side of the body (p<.05). Doctors are the most consulted specialists, but the physiotherapists obtained the best marks. Have been out due to injury for over 21 days 36.36% of the participants, but not for the entire season.
The most common diagnosis in university student judokas coincides with those of elite judokas, with the sprain being the most common. University student judokas have a higher rate of shoulder/clavicle injuries, while professional judokas are prone to a higher rate of knee injuries.Training is the most common moment in which injuries occur, both in university student judokas and professional judokas. New injuries are the most common types of injuries in university student judokas and, while doctors are the most consulted specialists, the physiotherapists obtained the best marks.
In this research project, 57 male judokas taking part in the Spanish National University Championship in 2009 were asked to complete a retrospective questionnaire. We analysed the following events: the most commonly injured body regions, the medical diagnosis, how and when the injury happened, the type of injury, the side of the body and the type of medical attention received. For the statistical analysis, we used the SPSS statistics programme to apply the Chi-square test in order to determine the significance levels for non-parametric tests from p<.05.
Significant differences were found in the most commonly injured body region, the shoulder/clavicle (p<.05), and in the most common diagnosis, the sprain (p<.05). Impact injuries (p<.05) are the most common and train ing (p<.05) is the most dangerous time. About the type of injury, 78.38% are new injuries (p<.05) and 69.05% affect the right hand side of the body (p<.05). Doctors are the most consulted specialists, but the physiotherapists obtained the best marks. Have been out due to injury for over 21 days 36.36% of the participants, but not for the entire season.
The most common diagnosis in university student judokas coincides with those of elite judokas, with the sprain being the most common. University student judokas have a higher rate of shoulder/clavicle injuries, while professional judokas are prone to a higher rate of knee injuries.Training is the most common moment in which injuries occur, both in university student judokas and professional judokas. New injuries are the most common types of injuries in university student judokas and, while doctors are the most consulted specialists, the physiotherapists obtained the best marks.