Papers by jose antonio Pérez Turpin
La investigacion llevada a termino por los profesores Dr. Jose Antonio Perez Turpin y Dra. Concep... more La investigacion llevada a termino por los profesores Dr. Jose Antonio Perez Turpin y Dra. Concepcion Suarez Llorca llena el espacio del problema referido a como los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales por causas motrices pueden andar el camino hacia el desarrollo de una identidad autenticamente humana. En particular, el serio trabajo de dichos profesionales contempla, por una parte, el problema de la definicion y categorizacion de las necesidades educativas especiales por causas motrices y, por otra, aporta propuestas auto rizadas para conseguir que el conocimiento del dominio de la educacion fisica soporte el desarrollo humano de dichos alumnos. A lo que antecede, hay que anadir que las conclusiones de la investigacion iluminan el problema de la evaluacion psicopedagogica de los alumnos con necesidades especiales por causas motrices. Ulteriormente, el estudio sistematico que se publica en este texto constituye una herramienta eficiente para disenar adaptaciones curriculares apropiadas para el conjunto de alumnos antes definido.
El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar el estilo de aprendizaje desarrollado por dos ninas ... more El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar el estilo de aprendizaje desarrollado por dos ninas discapacitadas motrices, en las sesiones de un programa de intervencion psicopedagogica aplicado en el area de Educacion Fisica, en el primer ciclo de Educacion Primaria. Dicho programa presentaba entre otros objetivos, el desarrollo de actividades integradoras y de mejora de la socializacion de las alumnas con necesidades educativas especiales por causas motrices. El estudio se llevo a cabo en el grupo-clase en el que se encontraban escolarizadas las ninas participantes, durante el curso escolar 2002-2003. Se utilizaron tecnicas cuantitativas de obtencion de datos, mediante la utilizacion de escalas de observacion de las sesiones por parte de un observador externo a la investigacion. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un cambio positivo en el estilo de aprendizaje de las dos ninas participantes.
Sport Training Magazine, 2007
El objetivo de estudio es conocer los tipos de saques utilizados, dependiendo el momento del set ... more El objetivo de estudio es conocer los tipos de saques utilizados, dependiendo el momento del set en el que se producen. Este estudio ha sido desarrollado durante el torneo Nestea Spanish Master de Vóley Playa disputado en Valencia en el año 2006. La muestra de estudio la componen 10 jugadoras que conforman 5 equipos con un total de 4 encuentros analizados que suman 331 saques analizados. El análisis de las videograbaciones se llevó a cabo con el software SportCode Pro v.8.5.2. Los saques se clasificaron dependiendo del momento en el que se produjeron, siendo la franja 1 (del punto 1 al 7), franja 2 (del punto 8 al 14) y franja 3 (del punto 15 al 21). El análisis de datos se llevo a cabo con el software SPSS v.19. La prueba Chi-cuadrado, estableció diferencias significativas entre los diferentes tipos de saques para la franja 1 y 3 (p.05). Se experimenta una disminución en el uso del saque en potencia (SP) de la franja 1 (84.1%) con respecto al de la franja 3 (4.8%), mientras que el ...
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Jan 30, 2013
Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en ... more Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en este deporte. El objetivo de estudio ha sido analizar y cuantificar los tipos de golpeos, y comparar los mismos entre las posiciones de juego de resto y medio. Para ello se han llevado a cabo el análisis de 6 partidas de la XIX Liga Profesional de «escala i corda» 2009-2010, y en concreto de 12 jugadores, utilizando el software de análisis Sports Code v.8.5.2. Los resultados nos indican diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre los golpeos efectuados por el jugador resto y el jugador medio en el rebote y rebote a golpe de mano derecha e izquierda y caída de escalera de mano derecha; siendo estos prácticamente realizados únicamente por los jugadores de la posición resto. Al mismo tiempo encontramos datos que nos evidencian por otra banda golpeos utilizados principalmente por jugadores medios, estas han sido el golpeo de volea, el bote de brazo, el calbote, la palma, y el manró todos ellos de mano derecha. Como conclusión del estudio, hemos obtenido que dependiendo de la posición de juego los jugadores utilizan unos tipos de golpeo u otros. Por tanto, afirmamos, que el análisis del alto rendimiento en escala i corda desde los avances de las tecnologías, nos aporta una valiosa información para establecer patrones de entrenamiento específicos. Palabra clave: pelota valenciana, pelota a mano, escala i corda, golpeos, análisis del rendimiento.
Retos, 2015
Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en ... more Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en este deporte. El objetivo de estudio ha sido analizar y cuantificar los tipos de golpeos, y comparar los mismos entre las posiciones de juego de resto y medio. Para ello se han llevado a cabo el análisis de 6 partidas de la XIX Liga Profesional de «escala i corda» 2009-2010, y en concreto de 12 jugadores, utilizando el software de análisis Sports Code v.8.5.2. Los resultados nos indican diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre los golpeos efectuados por el jugador resto y el jugador medio en el rebote y rebote a golpe de mano derecha e izquierda y caída de escalera de mano derecha; siendo estos prácticamente realizados únicamente por los jugadores de la posición resto. Al mismo tiempo encontramos datos que nos evidencian por otra banda golpeos utilizados principalmente por jugadores medios, estas han sido el golpeo de volea, el bote de brazo, el calbote, la palma, y el manró todos el...
Retos, 2015
La utilización de un método de enseñanza u otro es un aspecto importante en la formación de jóven... more La utilización de un método de enseñanza u otro es un aspecto importante en la formación de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar y analizar los métodos de enseñanza que utilizan los entrenadores en el fútbol de iniciación. Para ello, se analizaron a 36 entrenadores de fútbol 8 de categorías benjamín y alevín del campeonato de la Comunidad Valenciana (liga 2013-2014), mediante una encuesta diseñada y validada. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que el método de enseñanza más utilizado es el método global, siendo la combinación de varios métodos de enseñanza la forma más idónea para enseñar el fútbol.: The use of a teaching method or another is an important aspect in training of young soccer players. The aim of study was to identify and analyze the teaching methods coaches use in young soccer players. Analysis of 36 soccer coaches of 8 soccer categories 9-10 years and 11-12 years of Valencia Community Championship (League 2013-2014), using...
Retos, 2015
Para conocer los componentes actuales del rendimiento en vóley playa, es preciso conocer la estru... more Para conocer los componentes actuales del rendimiento en vóley playa, es preciso conocer la estructura temporal de la competición. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la distribución del tiempo de juego real y absoluto durante el partido, los sets y los puntos en jugadores de vóley playa profesionales. Para esto, se realizaron video grabaciones de 10 jugadores durante cuatro encuentros disputados en el Campeonato de Europa de vóley playa (Valencia 2005). Se cuantificó la duración total de los partidos, sets y puntos al tiempo que se diferenció del tiempo real de juego. Como resultado se observó que la media de tiempo absoluto por partido fue de 37min 17,4s±11min 16,2s mientras que el tiempo real fue de 8min 12s±2min 24s. La duración media del total del tiempo de duración de los sets fue de16min 19,8s±2min 27s. y la real de 3min 25,8s±43,20s. La media de tiempo invertida en la realización del punto fue de 6±0,95s. El conocimiento mejorado del tiempo absoluto y real...
Retos, 2016
In this paper, physiological areas of professional beach volleyball players are identified by com... more In this paper, physiological areas of professional beach volleyball players are identified by combining notational analysis tools together with in-sync heart rate capture for specific time periods in competition games. The aim is to identify workload areas depending on the player´s position as well as the changes these areas undergo during real competitions. To this end, a case study is quantitatively analyzed and based on the Spanish National Team during the First International Training Tournament «Sixto Jimenez» played in Tenerife (Spain). Workload ranges differ between blocker player (from 77.71% to 89.13%) and defensive player (from 66.16% to 77.77%), both values are related to their individual HRmax. Furthermore, median HRmax values indicate that blocker player must support an increased workload of 84.78% compared to 71.71% of the defending player. Therefore, the specific position of the defenders established significant differences in their physiological responsesResumen: En e...
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Apr 1, 2016
In this article, an analysis of the historical evolution of the effectiveness of goalkeepers in h... more In this article, an analysis of the historical evolution of the effectiveness of goalkeepers in high level world competitions is carried out. To this end, 32 men's handball finals have been analyzed to record and classify effectiveness rates and goalkeeping actions in relation to opponent players' throw areas and positions from 1982 to 2012. Analysis included throws from areas of 6, 7, 9 m and counterattack, performed from center or side positions. Results show no clear trend in effectiveness values registered throughout the time sample, both generally and specifically in terms of throwing position. The Kruskal-Wallis H test did not establish statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in goalkeeping effectiveness between any of the different analyzed periods, with a confidence interval of 95%. The findings of this study suggest that the ability of goalkeepers to prevent the goal from different throwing areas and positions has changed little over the past 30 years, although the game has incorporated more
Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, 2018
The aim of this paper is to study the most common injuries in university beach volleyball players... more The aim of this paper is to study the most common injuries in university beach volleyball players. The sample consisted in 33 athletes participating in the University Spanish Championship. Injuries were assessed by means of personal interviews and a validated questionnaire. Results show that the body region with the highest incidence was the ankle (33%), followed by the fingers (18.5%), knees (13.0%), shoulders (11.1%) and back (5.6%). Also, information on the moment of injury (competition or training), origin (impact or overuse) and characteristic of the injury (new or recurrent injury). Statistical processing of data for establishing significant differences was performed using the Chi-square test. Results showed a harmful effect, which differs from that of professional volley players, probably as a result of the level, hours of training and requirements of the game.
Human Movement, 2017
Purpose. the aim of the study was to describe how scoring opportunities emerge and finish in Majo... more Purpose. the aim of the study was to describe how scoring opportunities emerge and finish in Major League Soccer, taking into account offensive and defensive tactical indicators. Methods. the total of 360 team possessions that led to scoring opportunities during 30 random matches from Major League Soccer were analysed. For each possession, 14 dimensions were evaluated by means of observational methodology. Results. the scoring opportunities were created in 52.8% by organized attacks, in 25.3% by counterattacks, and in 21.9% by set pieces. Organized attacks were characterized by starting in non-invasive zones (57.1%), performing a non-penetrative action (72.6%), and making 4 or more passes (70.1%), while counterattacks started primarily in invasive zones (87.9%) and were bound with performing a penetrative action (96.7%) and making 3 or less passes (70.3%). chi-square analysis showed that scoring opportunities created by organized attacks had more proportion of previous actions in wide areas (p = 0.034), while counterattacks showed more passes in behind the defence from central areas (p = 0.001). As for the final action, counterattacks achieved more penetration over the opponent defence than organized attacks (p = 0.036) but for both types of attacks, the opponent defensive zone was the space majorly used to finish. For set pieces, corner kicks created 46.8% and free kicks 45.6% of the scoring opportunities. Conclusions. Goal scoring opportunities from organized attacks started more frequently in non-invasive zones, showed a greater proportion of non-penetrative actions, were built up by means of longer passing sequences, used more the wide areas of the pitch, and achieved less penetration over the opponent than those from counterattacks.
Biology of sport, 2017
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of microfiltered and sterilized seawater ingestio... more The aim of this study was to examine the effect of microfiltered and sterilized seawater ingestion on running performance in a hot environment. This cross-over, double-blind randomized trial included 12 experienced male runners. The subjects randomly consumed seawater (SW) or pure water (placebo) in an equivalent amount of 50 ml five minutes prior to running at 40% of their VOmax for 95.0 ± 18.5 min, at 30°C, until they lost 3% of body weight. Every 20 minutes, a measurement of their body weight was taken and a blood lactate analysis was performed. The concentration of lactate was significantly lower after the running exercise in the SW condition compared to placebo. The results of this study provide evidence supporting the ergogenic effects of microfiltered and sterilized seawater ingestion on running performance and lactate production.
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2015
The aim of this study was to examine the association between playing tactics, situational variabl... more The aim of this study was to examine the association between playing tactics, situational variables and creating scoring opportunities according to the type of start-up possession in a case-study. All team possessions (n=857) developed by the Spanish Football national team during the World Cup 2010 were analysed and grouped into "strategic set-plays" (n=90), "recoveries" (n=451) and "restarts" (n=316). Fourteen categorical variables which describe offensive playing tactics, opponent situation as well as situational variables and their associations with creating scoring opportunities were examined using chi-square analysis and bivariate logistic regressions. Chi-square analysis showed that "strategic set-plays" were more effective to produce scoring opportunities (29.2%) than recoveries (15.4%) and restarts (8.9%) (P<0.001). Within the strategic set-plays, no differences were found between corners kicks and free kicks to produce scoring opportunities. In recoveries, the variables "field starting zone" (P=0.001), "initial penetration" (P<0.001), "initial opponent number" (P=0.004), "initial opponent position" (P=0.014), "initial penetration zone" (P<0.001), and "type of progression" (P=0.049), and for restarts "pass number" (P=0.049) and "duration" (P=0.006) were associated with the likelihood of creating scoring opportunities. More scoring opportunities were created in the second half (P=0.022). The type of start-up possession and the match half may modify the playing tactics developed during the offensive process and influence the creation of scoring opportunities in Football.
Background Understanding injury incidence rates will be a great help with regards to preventing p... more Background Understanding injury incidence rates will be a great help with regards to preventing potential future damages. It is for this reason that this study suggests studying a large number of variables. The purpose of research is the relationship of events (empirical variables) that are usually taken into account in developing injury prevention programs during the battles and training in judo tournament. Material & methods: In this research project, 57 male judokas taking part in the Spanish National University Championship in 2009 were asked to complete a retrospective questionnaire. We analysed the following events: the most commonly injured body regions, the medical diagnosis, how and when the injury happened, the type of injury, the side of the body and the type of medical attention received. For the statistical analysis, we used the SPSS statistics programme to apply the Chi-square test in order to determine the significance levels for non-parametric tests from p<.05. Results: Significant differences were found in the most commonly injured body region, the shoulder/clavicle (p<.05), and in the most common diagnosis, the sprain (p<.05). Impact injuries (p<.05) are the most common and training (p<.05) is the most dangerous time. About the type of injury, 78.38% are new injuries (p<.05) and 69.05% affect the right hand side of the body (p<.05). Doctors are the most consulted specialists, but the physiotherapists obtained the best marks. Have been out due to injury for over 21 days 36.36% of the participants, but not for the entire season. Conclusions: The most common diagnosis in university student judokas coincides with those of elite judokas, with the sprain being the most common. University student judokas have a higher rate of shoulder/clavicle injuries, while professional judokas are prone to a higher rate of knee injuries.Training is the most common moment in which injuries occur, both in university student judokas and professional judokas. New injuries are the most common types of injuries in university student judokas and, while doctors are the most consulted specialists, the physiotherapists obtained the best marks.
The aim of this study was to examine the association between physical self-concept and physical a... more The aim of this study was to examine the association between physical self-concept and physical activity, the intention to be physically active, life satisfaction, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents. A total of 1,808 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years of age) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Mediterranean Diet Quality Index were administered. The boys with a lower physical self-concept showed higher odd ratios of being inactive, having low intentions of being physically active, poor life satisfaction and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Similarly, most of the associations were also statistically significant in girls as well. In conclusion, the study reveals that having a low level of physical self-concept increases the risk of being inactive and of having a low level of intention to be physically active, life satisfaction and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents.
Background The optimum hand-grip strength during a judo match has become an important element for... more Background The optimum hand-grip strength during a judo match has become an important element for judo athletes. The aim of this study was to determine whether hand-grip strength is a relevant indicator of predicting the results of competitions of young judokas. Material/Methods: One hundred two judokas (71 male and 31 female) aged between 15 and 19 years participants of the Junior Championship of Galicia 2008 (Spain) took part in this study. The handgrip strength was measured by digital dynamometer in both hands. All subjects complete questionnaire with information about their weight class, results in competition, gender and lateral dominance hand. Results: Male show statistically significant differences in favor higher weight classes. However, the differences in the female divisions were not statistically significant. Differences in handgrip strength among the different podium placements achieved was statistically different in female (p=0.001) but not in male (p=0.198) Conclusions: The results indicated that grip strength is not an extremely relevant factor to take into account for the specific preparation of a competitor since the only relationship found between both parameters was in the female category.
Apunts Educación Física y Deportes, 2012
Resumen El presente artículo tiene por objeto establecer las pautas evolutivas que desde el punto... more Resumen El presente artículo tiene por objeto establecer las pautas evolutivas que desde el punto de vista físico, técnico, táctico y antropométrico ha sufrido el sistema de juego defensivo 5:1 en balonmano. El hecho de que dicha construcción ofrezca hasta cuatro posibilidades dentro de su misma estructura (5:1 posicional, 5:1 flotación, 5+1 mixto, defensa india) otorga la oportunidad de realizar un estudio pormenorizado de aquella. Por otro lado, la universal utilización de su esquema, tanto en las categorías del deporte base como en las propias del alto rendimiento hace que su evolución sea constante. Hemos intentado buscar los orígenes así como la evolución de las cuatro variables para, finalmente en las conclusiones, determinar las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas.
Papers by jose antonio Pérez Turpin