Papers by Ilija Dankovic
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, 2024
The paper presents the results of a preliminary study of a group of four fluvial vessels recently... more The paper presents the results of a preliminary study of a group of four fluvial vessels recently discovered
in the vicinity of Kostolac (NE Serbia), dated between the Late Iron Age and the Late Medieval Period.
The remains of four vessels were discovered in March 2020 during regular mining activity at the “Drmno” strip
coal mine, at four kilometers’ distance from the contemporary course of the Danube. Four different vessels were
identified among the wooden remains, well preserved under six meters of clay-like sediment: two dugouts, a single
plank belonging to a flat-bottomed vessel, and a well-preserved flat-bottomed planked barge. While focusing
on the architectural characteristics and nautical capabilities of the discovered vessels, this paper will also present
preliminary conclusions on the context of their discovery concerning the archaeological topography of the region.
Vivere in Vrbe. Viminacivm, 2022
Vivere in Vrbe. Viminacium, 2022
Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures. Production and trade in the Adriatic region and beyond. Proceedings of the 4th International Archaeological Colloquium (Crikvenica, 8-9 November 2017), Sep 22, 2022
The remains of ancient Viminacium are located in Eastern Serbia, next to the modern town of Kosto... more The remains of ancient Viminacium are located in Eastern Serbia, next to the modern town of Kostolac, on the right bank of the Mlava river, near its confluence with the Danube (Figure 1). Its history begins with the construction of a military outpost in the second half of the 1st century AD. During the most of its existence, it was the main military camp of the Legio VII Claudia. In the late 1st - early 2nd century, a civilian settlement developed to the west of the camp. During the reign of Emperor Hadrian, in AD 117, Viminacium was granted the...
Starinar LXX, 2020
The paper focuses on a group of five anthropomorphic pendants, deposited in graves of sub-adult a... more The paper focuses on a group of five anthropomorphic pendants, deposited in graves of sub-adult and female
individuals, discovered in cemeteries of ancient Viminacium (Serbia). The selection of raw materials (jet and amber),
as well as other parts of the necklaces these pendants were incorporated in, suggest their apotropaic character.
Various data sources have been employed in order to answer questions regarding the identification of the depicted beings,
reasons for their usage by certain population groups, etc. A comparison has been made with analogous specimens from across the
Roman world, which are not numerous but are prominently widespread. Three examples from Viminacium originate from recent
archaeological campaigns, meaning that osteological material was available for analysis.
Гласник Српског археолошког друштва Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society, 2020
Аbstract: Bone spinning implements have traditionally been a neglected part of Roman material cul... more Аbstract: Bone spinning implements have traditionally been a neglected part of Roman material culture, due to a general lack of interest for topics outside of the so-called "male domain". The consequence of such a situation is that hand distaffs often remained unidentified , in manners that contributed to the persistence of stereotypes about women in the Ro-man world. The predominant occurrence of these artefacts in sepulchral contexts, as well as their supposed fragility and miniature dimensions, led some scholars to the conclusion that they had a symbolic and ritual role. On the other hand, most of bone spinning implements possess some undoubtedly functional elements. This article presents an attempt to systematize all available data on bone spinning equipment, with particular focus on the collection of distaffs and spindles from ancient Viminacium. At the current stage of research, it can be concluded that there is no compelling evidence for the use of bone spinning tools in everyday wool working in Viminacium. Кeywords: Roman wool spinning, bone distaffs, bone spindles, Viminacium Wool had a special significance in the Roman world. The Latin word for it-lana was simultaneously used to name clothes in general (Larsson Lovén 1998, 85). Garments worn by priests of the traditional Roman religion were exclusively made out of wool. It was also used for bands that were tied around the heads of sacrificial animals, sacred trees, altars, temple columns, etc. Wool symbolizes the correct relationship with nature because, unlike leather, it comes from an animal that continues to live (Sebesta 2001, 47). A very important step in the process of making a finished product from the raw material was the spinning of the yarn. Equipment used for this task consisted of three implements: a distaff-colus, a spindle-fusus, and a basket for storing tools as well as rovings of unspun wool and balls of yarn-calathus (Facsády 2008, 166). A roving of wool would have been attached to a distaff held in the left hand, and from it, fibres would be extracted with two fingers. The spindle was in the right hand, and on it, there was some yarn already spun, the
Starinar LXIX, 2019
A luxurious set of spinning implements was discovered as part of the furnishings in the grave of ... more A luxurious set of spinning implements was discovered as part of the furnishings in the grave of a woman, unearthed
in the surroundings of ancient Viminacium. A unique amber distaff with the upper part modelled in the form of a female bust
stands out as the most important part of the grave assemblage. Similar artefacts were often misinterpreted, but this specimen
was found together with a spindle, thus confirming that it actually is a distaff. Miniature copies of spinning equipment made out
of precious materials are known from sepulchral contexts, and are described as objects expressing feminine virtue. It is considered
that they were used in wedding rites, thus indicating the possible age of the deceased. Spinning implements can represent useful
tools for studying the life course of Roman women. In this paper, an attempt was made to identify the divinity or person depicted
on the distaff from Viminacium, considering the symbolic nature of these artefacts.
Roman limes and cities on the territory of Serbia
САДРЖАЈ 8 | Предговор РИМСКА НАЛАЗИШТА У СРПСКОМ ПОДУНАВЉУ И ЗАЛЕЂУ 14 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Љубоми... more САДРЖАЈ 8 | Предговор РИМСКА НАЛАЗИШТА У СРПСКОМ ПОДУНАВЉУ И ЗАЛЕЂУ 14 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Љубомир Јевтовић, Вујадин Вујадиновић, Римски лимес и провинције на територији данашње Србијe 20 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Вујадин Вујадиновић, Илија Данковић, Војна опрема 28 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Сингидунум 36 | Снежана Голубовић, Немања Мрђић, Миомир Кораћ, Виминациjум 44 | Иван Богдановић, Драгана Рогић, Соња Вуковић-Богдановић, Виминацијумски амфитеатар 50 | Мирјана Војвода, Саша Реџић, Циркулација римског новца у српском делу лимеса (I-V век) 56 | Оливера Илић, Пољопривреда у средњем подунављу током римског периода 64 | Ангелина Раичковић Савић, Љубомир Јевтовић, Ана Богдановић, Керамички материјал 72 | Илија Данковић, Бебина Миловановић, Милица Марјановић, Од девојчице до matronae: животни ток жена на лимесу 82 | Снежана Николић, Милица Марјановић, Римске уљане лампе -профана и сакрална намена 88 | Снежана Голубовић, Медицински инструменти 94 | Снежана Голубовић, Сахрањивање у римском периоду 100 | Илија Микић, Антрополошки типови са Виминацијума и покушај реконструкције њихових лица 106 | Соња Вуковић-Богдановић, Људи и животиње на горњомезијском лимесу: археозоолошка сведочанства 112 | Надежда Гавриловић Витас, Римска религија и култови на дунавском Лимесу у Србији 126 | Ивана Поповић, Порфирне скулптуре из српског дела регије лимеса, као сведочанство о њеном стратешко-пропагандном значају у доба касне антике 160 | Гордана Јеремић, Рано хришћанство на лимесу 166 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Феликс Ромулијана (Гамзиград) 172 | Надежда Гавриловић Витас, Касноантичка Медијана 182 | Гордана Јеремић, Naissus -римски и рановизантијски град CONTENTS 9 | Foreword ROMAN SITES IN SERBIAN DANUBE REGION AND ITS HINTERLAND 15 | Stefan Pop-Lazić, Ljubomir Jevtović, Vujadin Vujadinović, Roman Limes and provinces at the territory of modern Serbia 21 | Stefan Pop-Lazić, Vujadin Vujadinović, Ilija Danković, Military equipment 29 | Stefan Pop-Lazić, Singidunum 37 | Snežana Golubović, Nemanja Mrđić, Miomir Korać, Viminacium 45 | Ivan Bogdanović, Dragana Rogić, Sonja Vuković-Bogdanović, Th e amphitheatre of Viminacium 51 | Mirjana Vojvoda, Saša Redžić, Cicrculation of Roman coins in the Serbian part of the limes (1 st -5 th century) 57 | Olivera Ilić, Agriculture in the middle and lower Danube region during the roman period 65 | Angelina Raičković Savić, Ljubomir Jevtović, Ana Bogdanović, Ceramic material 73 | Ilija Dankovic, Bebina Milovanovic, Milica Marjanovic, From a girl to a matrona: the life course of the women on the limes 83 | Snežana Nikolić, Milica Marjanović, Roman oil lamps -profane and sacral use 89 | Snežana Golubović, Medical instruments 95 | Snežana Golubović, Buriаls of the Roman period 101 | Ilija Mikić, Anthropological types of Viminacium and the attempt to reconstruct faces 107 | Sonja Vuković-Bogdanović, Humans and animals on the Upper Moesian limes: Archaeozoological testimonie 113 | Nadežda M. Gavrilović Vitas, Roman Religion and Cults on the Danube Limes in Serbia 127 | Ivana Popović, Porphyry sculptures from the Serbian part of limes region as testimony of its strategic-popaganda signifi cance in the Late Roman period 161 | Gordana Jeremić, Early christianity on the limes 167 | Stefan Pop-Lazić, Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad) 173 | Nadežda Gavrilović Vitas, Late Roman Mediana 183 | Gordana Jeremić, Naissus -a Roman and Early Byzantine city 6 188 | Извори 189 | Скраћенице 191 | Литература KATALOG 210 | Скраћенице за називе институција које чувају предмете 212 | Стефан Поп-Лазић, Вујадин Вујадиновић, Илија Данковић, Наоружање и војна опрема 233 | Иван Богдановић, Драгана Рогић, Соња Вуковић-Богдановић, Виминацијумски амфитеатар 239 | Мирјана Војвода, Саша Реџић, Циркулација новца у српском делу лимеса 282 | Ангелина Раичковић-Савић, Љубомир Јевтовић, Ана Богдановић, Керамички материјал 306 | Илија Данковић, Бебина Миловановић, Милица Марјановић, Од девојчице до matronae: животни ток жена на лимесу 329 | Снежана Николић, Милица Марјановић, Римске уљане лампе -профана и сакрална намена 353 | Снежана Голубовић, Медицински инструменти 365 | Илија Микић, Антрополошки типови са Виминацијума и покушај реконструкције њихових лица 367 | Соња Вуковић-Богдановић, Људи и животиње на горњомезијском лимесу: археозоолошка сведочанства 372 | Надежда Гавриловић-Витас, Стефан Поп-Лазић, Римска религија и култови на дунавском Лимесу у Србији 378 | Ивана Поповић, Порфирне скулптуре из српског дела регије лимеса, као сведочанство о њеном стратешко-пропагандном значају у доба касне антике 382 | Ивана Поповић, Стефан Поп-Лазић, Феликс Ромулијана (Гамзиград) 385 | Надежда Гавриловић-Витас, Ивана Поповић, Касноантичка Медијана и Ниш 7 188 | Sources 189 | Abbreviations 191 | Literature CATALOGUE 211 | Abreviations for names of Institutions that keep the artefacts 212 | Stefan Pop-Lazić, Vujadin Vujadinović, Ilija Danković, Military equipment 233 | Ivan Bogdanović, Dragana Rogić, Sonja Vuković-Bogdanović, Th e amphitheatre of Viminacium 239 | Mirjana Vojvoda, Saša Redžić, Cicrculation of Roman coins in the Serbian part of the limes (1 st -5 th century) 282 | Angelina Raičković-Savić, Ljubomir Jevtović, Ana Bogdanović, Ceramic material 306 | Ilija Danković, Bebina Milovanović, Milica Marjanović, From a girl to a matrona: the life course of the women on the limes 329 | Snežana Nikolić, Milica Marjanović, Roman oil lamps -profane and sacral use 353 | Snežana Golubović, Medical instruments 365 | Ilija Mikić, Anthropological types of Viminacium and the attempt to reconstruct faces 367 | Sonja Vukovic-Bogdanović, People and animals on the Upper Moesian limes: Archaeozoological testimonie 372 | Nadežda M. Gavrilović-Vitas, Stefan Pop-Lazić, Roman Religion and Cults on the Danube Limes in Serbia 378 | Ivana Popović, Porphyry sculptures from the Serbian part of limes region as testimony of its strategic-propaganda signifi cance in the Late Roman period 382 | Ivana Popović, Stefan Pop-Lazić, Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad) 385 | Nadežda Gavrilović-Vitas, Ivana Popović, Late Roman Mediana and Niš 72 ОД ДЕВОЈЧИЦЕ ДО MATRONAE: ЖИВОТНИ ТОК ЖЕНА НА ЛИМЕСУ Илија ДАНКОВИЋ, Бебина МИЛОВАНОВИЋ, Милица МАРЈАНОВИЋ
Arheologija u Srbiji by Ilija Dankovic
Arheologija u Srbiji. Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2020. godini, 2023
Arheologija u Srbiji. Pojekti arheološkog instituta u 2019. godini, 2021
je pozicioniran istočno od viminacijumskog legijskog logora, i od 1997. godine se, sa većim i man... more je pozicioniran istočno od viminacijumskog legijskog logora, i od 1997. godine se, sa većim i manjim pauzama, ovde vrše iskopavanja sistematskog i zaštitnog karaktera (Danković et al. 2018, 35-36). Na ovom prostoru ubicirana je trasa saobraćajnice koja je od istočne kapije castrum-a vodila ka utvrđenju Lederata (Danković 2015), uz koju su otkrivene brojne arheološke celine, pretežno funerarnog karaktera. Nekropola na Pirivoju je bila u funkciji od 2. do 4. veka (Redžić 2007, 79), a na njoj je istražena i ograđena grobna parcela, koja svojom monumentalnošću upućuje na zaključak da je tu sahranjena osoba visokog statusa (Golubović et al. 2009, 55). Na lokalitetu je takođe istražena i jedna opekarska peć (Jovičić, Milovanović 2017). Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na Pirivoju tokom 2019. godine sprovedena su u periodu od 29. maja do 6. decembra. 1 Iskopavanja su vršena na lokaciji ugroženoj izmeštanjem trake za transport uglja iz površinskog kopa Drmno ka termoelektrani Kostolac B, kao i različitim radovima na pratećoj infrastrukturi kopa (bazeni i bunari za odvodnjavanje). Položaj istraživanog prostora u odnosu na viminacijumski castrum i civilno naselje označen je zvezdicom na priloženom planu (sl. 1). Na osnovu ranije sprovedenih geofizičkih ispitivanja bilo je poznato postojanje ostataka arhitekture na datoj lokaciji (sl. 2). Otvoren je široki iskop ukupne površine od 1950 m². Na pomenutom prostoru, u okviru kojeg su istraženi segmenti do sada nepoznate saobraćajnice i cevovoda, kao i arheološke celine koje su uz njih nastale: ukopi za eksploatisanje gline, građevinski kompleks, deo nekropole i tri bunara. Komunikacija i cevovod Otkrivena deonica komunikacije ima dužinu od oko 24,50 m, dok najveća istražena širina iznosi 7,30 m. Konstatovana je u vidu površine nasute ulomcima opeka i komadima ramskog škriljca. Ovaj put je, po svoj prilici, na zapadu vodio do viminacijumskog legijskog logora.
Papers by Ilija Dankovic
in the vicinity of Kostolac (NE Serbia), dated between the Late Iron Age and the Late Medieval Period.
The remains of four vessels were discovered in March 2020 during regular mining activity at the “Drmno” strip
coal mine, at four kilometers’ distance from the contemporary course of the Danube. Four different vessels were
identified among the wooden remains, well preserved under six meters of clay-like sediment: two dugouts, a single
plank belonging to a flat-bottomed vessel, and a well-preserved flat-bottomed planked barge. While focusing
on the architectural characteristics and nautical capabilities of the discovered vessels, this paper will also present
preliminary conclusions on the context of their discovery concerning the archaeological topography of the region.
individuals, discovered in cemeteries of ancient Viminacium (Serbia). The selection of raw materials (jet and amber),
as well as other parts of the necklaces these pendants were incorporated in, suggest their apotropaic character.
Various data sources have been employed in order to answer questions regarding the identification of the depicted beings,
reasons for their usage by certain population groups, etc. A comparison has been made with analogous specimens from across the
Roman world, which are not numerous but are prominently widespread. Three examples from Viminacium originate from recent
archaeological campaigns, meaning that osteological material was available for analysis.
in the surroundings of ancient Viminacium. A unique amber distaff with the upper part modelled in the form of a female bust
stands out as the most important part of the grave assemblage. Similar artefacts were often misinterpreted, but this specimen
was found together with a spindle, thus confirming that it actually is a distaff. Miniature copies of spinning equipment made out
of precious materials are known from sepulchral contexts, and are described as objects expressing feminine virtue. It is considered
that they were used in wedding rites, thus indicating the possible age of the deceased. Spinning implements can represent useful
tools for studying the life course of Roman women. In this paper, an attempt was made to identify the divinity or person depicted
on the distaff from Viminacium, considering the symbolic nature of these artefacts.
Arheologija u Srbiji by Ilija Dankovic
in the vicinity of Kostolac (NE Serbia), dated between the Late Iron Age and the Late Medieval Period.
The remains of four vessels were discovered in March 2020 during regular mining activity at the “Drmno” strip
coal mine, at four kilometers’ distance from the contemporary course of the Danube. Four different vessels were
identified among the wooden remains, well preserved under six meters of clay-like sediment: two dugouts, a single
plank belonging to a flat-bottomed vessel, and a well-preserved flat-bottomed planked barge. While focusing
on the architectural characteristics and nautical capabilities of the discovered vessels, this paper will also present
preliminary conclusions on the context of their discovery concerning the archaeological topography of the region.
individuals, discovered in cemeteries of ancient Viminacium (Serbia). The selection of raw materials (jet and amber),
as well as other parts of the necklaces these pendants were incorporated in, suggest their apotropaic character.
Various data sources have been employed in order to answer questions regarding the identification of the depicted beings,
reasons for their usage by certain population groups, etc. A comparison has been made with analogous specimens from across the
Roman world, which are not numerous but are prominently widespread. Three examples from Viminacium originate from recent
archaeological campaigns, meaning that osteological material was available for analysis.
in the surroundings of ancient Viminacium. A unique amber distaff with the upper part modelled in the form of a female bust
stands out as the most important part of the grave assemblage. Similar artefacts were often misinterpreted, but this specimen
was found together with a spindle, thus confirming that it actually is a distaff. Miniature copies of spinning equipment made out
of precious materials are known from sepulchral contexts, and are described as objects expressing feminine virtue. It is considered
that they were used in wedding rites, thus indicating the possible age of the deceased. Spinning implements can represent useful
tools for studying the life course of Roman women. In this paper, an attempt was made to identify the divinity or person depicted
on the distaff from Viminacium, considering the symbolic nature of these artefacts.