Showing posts with label Clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clothes. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Mystery Solved!

 Yesterday the temps started to drop. It was Sunday, gray skies, a slight drizzle so I decided I'd just be a lazy bum. 

I walked into my bedroom, retrieved a large throw outta a basket there. This throw is LARGE and it's fluffy on one side and soft, cuddly on the other. It is wired for heat and even has, now get this.... two large pockets on one end so you can stick your feet into them. A nice gift at Christmas from Susan.

I sat down in my recliner, pulled that throw up over me, stretched out my legs to put my feet in the footy pockets...

I felt something solid... firm... a chunk of something.

TA DA............

It was that lost shoe!! Oh my gosh. Well, at least now I can wear that pair again! 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Drastic Changes Up AHead.

 I have been on a rampage lately!! Well, I wouldn't call it a rampage 'cause that denotes something vicious and damaging. Let's see... what word could I use... a mission, maybe... a new path, perhaps. 

The truth is I am sick to death of how I am right now. Not, who I am inside... I fought hard to get that! It's the looking the same ole, same ole, being satisfied to not be on top of my game as far as my appearance goes. 

I look in that closet and it is jammed full of stuff that neither matches or is so outdated. So, I end up wearing whatever! And, then there was that day I got caught in my pjs ...

So, I have plans to do some serious purging in that closet. 

On to another subject, but sort of related.

I tried out a new hairdresser this past week. I just turned her loose and let her do her thing. I have never had my hair this short before!! My girls are gonna kill me (they like it longer... but hey, it's my hair!) 

I love the ease of taking care of it.. I just wash, towel it semi-dry and then just flip up some curls (I do have naturally curly hair) with a brush. I could live with that!!! 

I did order me some new shoes and they are due to arrive Tuesday. My feet are so narrow and you just can't find narrow shoes sitting on shelves in stores anymore. I hope those new shoes work out fine. I'll let you know.

I am gonna be really UGLY right now. But, I saw this and just cracked up. I would so love it if a doc had the nerve to do this... and I could be a fly on the wall when the gal got home to her sweetie. Oh, the look on his face!! I laugh every time I think about it! Oh well, it doesn't take much these days to entertain me. haha. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

More Birthday Fun

 We slept in.... I mean, what else would you do lying in a comfy bed 4 floors up listening to the waves crashing on the shore. The sun was out... hallelujah for that. So, we went out on the balcony to enjoy the last few minutes of our stay.

I've seen a dolphin or two from time to time but for my birthday I had a crowd of them swimming by. I bet we saw 3 dozen as they swam, rising up from the water every minute or two so that they could get air. Man, those buggers are so hard to photograph... they are quicker than lightning! So we got a few good shots of them. 

I was just so excited and amazed. Oh course I had my camera ready! I've missed being out taking pictures so much and this trip provided us with a lot of opts. 

And a lot of selfies. 

We were still not hungry from the night before so we decided to go shopping. I had been complaining that I hated my wardrobe. It's old, out dated, can't match a thing for an outfit. You ever get in that predicament? 

We two have a shopping system. Shirley pulls clothes she thinks that would look good on me while I try them on in the dressing room. We had a cartful of stuff. But, I didn't buy it all, I promise. Just a few pieces. he he

I mean, a birthday girl's gotta treat herself although I was just flooded with well wishes (and I do thank all of you so much who sent me happy birthday wishes), phone calls and gifts. 

All that shopping wore me out and my tummy needed breakfast so we headed to Jolly Rogers for some food. You'd wonder where in the world we put it but we did. 

Gee Whiz, we must be pigs! 

Then we headed home wishing we had booked the room for longer.

But, we'll be back.

On the way home we drive through the edge of the Dismal Swamp and I saw a beavers dam.
Another treat. 

Back to normal, doing laundry, packing away Christmas decorations. but, that's okay.
I had a blast! 

note: if you want to see the rest of my birthday bash click back one post.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

UFOs, Tooth Extractions and Storms... oh MY!!!

 I don't know where to begin. So much going on....

My 4th of July was quiet until it got dark. Then the fireworks started in Downtown Suffolk. I can see from my balcony the really tall ones popping over the tree tops. But, something else caught my eye!

There was this light... was it a plane? No, too slow for a plane and I'd never seen the flashing light pattern this one displayed. All of a sudden it came to a complete halt... and just sat there suspended in the air for about a minute and a half. What the ... well, you know! 

All of a sudden it started a downward fall and I am thinking.. if that's a plane it's gonna crash. It was way up in the sky, just this tiny light. Then, it took off in another direction, stopped again.. 

I was so convinced that it was a UFO... 

But, a call to my daughter quickly shot that theory down. She says it was a drone. Well, ok. But, I still think it was a UFO... it's more exciting that way.

On last Friday I had a tooth extraction.

Now, that's more excitement than I bargained for!!

But, it's healing nicely, still hurts but I'll be good as new soon. 

I got an itch this morning I just had to scratch.

No, not that kind of itch. I decided to clean and organize my closet. 

You won't believe how great it looks now. Lucky for me, my daughter Shirley came by and boy, did I put her to work!

She reached places I could not, like that top shelf in my closet. She pinned up pants legs for me to hem. She arranged some dried heather in a vase for me and 're-did' another vase I had in my living room. She brought us lunch. 

By this time I had collected a huge pile of 'give aways' and by the time she dragged all that out of my apartment door I was pooped. 

So grateful always for love and help from my kiddos.

Tomorrow we are supposed to get the effects of this latest storm... what's it's name!! It's going right up the east coast and that's where I am so more rain, wind and watch out for tornadoes. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Winter Shopping

Winter is here at last!

Not that I want it to be winter but as the seasons go, so must we.

We are to have our first freeze tonight. I started to bring in a couple of coleus plants but said, I don't want to deal with those things all winter, dropping leaves all over my carpet and they already look like they are on their last leg!! So, tonight... goodbye coleus!

I went clothes shopping day before yesterday. And, I bought this CUTE winter white short coat/jacket. Made me feel so sassy!

I don't ever want to give up my sass! So, I also bought this outfit, too.

and this sweater coat....
for just tossing on to run downstairs to get my mail or run to the store.

Just about everything I had was black or dark blue. It was so darn dull. I am tired of melting into the background! Time for me to shine!

Have you bought anything new lately? It will pick up your spirits and change your look and your attitude. So, go shopping.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A String of Pearls

I think I am on an organizing frenzy! 
                                             I want everything organized! 

Lately it's been my jewelry that has caught the brunt of my state of mind. 

I have always had trouble picking out which jewelry to wear with what outfit. So, I finally decided that the problem is because it's not ORGANIZED!!!

I dragged everything out of my jewelry chest. Laid my necklaces on the bed. That was after I threw a bunch of them in a bag to pass on to great-grands for play-time.

I've never worn that seafoam and gold one. Love it but I have nothing to wear it with. I need to go clothes shopping! 

Same with that really dark green to the left. I buy because I like something and that is the wrong thing to do. You should buy things that match some outfit you already have. 

I spent hours finding the perfect earring to go with a necklace. If I had a bracelet to match, better still. 

This set is black and silver. 

There was a pair of earrings with it when I bought it. I am such a chicken! I've never had my ears pierced! It's like finding a needle in a haystack these days to find clip earrings. Just ask anyone who is a chicken like me😰 So, now I have to buy some clip ones that match this set.

But, pearls.. you can get away with anything if you own a string of pearls. Wear them with jeans... or a ball gown or anything in between. 

What kind of jewelry do you wear? I hope you don't have as much trouble figuring it all out like I do... but I am more organized now. Things should go much smoother. We older ladies like for things to be uncomplicated. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wearing "Old Lady" Shoes

Growing old has it's pluses and minuses! I'll talk about the plus side later but right now I am just aggravated about this minus!

I am a shoeaholic... I love shoes. But, I always had trouble finding shoes to fit. I have these narrow feet, see .. And, buying shoes ...forget it unless you want to pay a bundle for one pair. 

My feet are narrow. Oh, I said that. But, my heels are a quad A size. You can't even buy them with heels that narrow these days. 

I am just ticked off big time that I am reduced to "OLD LADY SHOES" now. 

Hate them!! 

It all started with 2 total knee replacements. I don't care what they say, Tinanium does not work as well as bones. And, then I got a balance issue due to hearing loss. I am also flatfooted as all get out and I have a pinched nerve on my foot bottom right next to my toes. The good Lord never intended for me to walk around on those 7 inch heels you see nowadays. 
Walking on heels is like taking my life in my own hands. Or feet! So, I went with lower heels. 

Just for Sunday, mind you. No way am I going to wear those old lady shoes when I have a nice Sunday dress on. 

My podiotrist talked me into getting some Orthopedic sandals. I feel like they don't give enough support.

They are okay. But, I found some online that I love.

I liked them so well, I got me another pair!

They are comfortable, look nice, have velcro so I can make them fit my narrow heels. 

But, again, I can't wear those with a Sunday 'go to meeting' dress. 

That, my dears, is one minus with getting old that I am totally upset about. Maybe if I had taken better care of my feet when I was young and stalked around in those high heels it wouldn't be  a minus now.