【荷衣】 莺时-闻雨,一片式双层加挂里褶裙 (via 【荷衣】 莺时-闻雨,一片式双层加挂里褶裙-淘宝网)
Chinese hanfu.
- 1 month ago
- 19 notes
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【荷衣】 莺时-闻雨,一片式双层加挂里褶裙 (via 【荷衣】 莺时-闻雨,一片式双层加挂里褶裙-淘宝网)
Chinese hanfu.
Chinese Hanfu (Ruqun)
This is not ruqun - it’s Song dynasty-style shan/beizi + moxiong + qun.
Sweet Halloween-themed hanfu outfit from Yuan Shan Qiao/远山乔. The model is wearing a light orange shan, an orange bijia embroidered with angel/devil teddy bears, and a short purple mamianqun. Cute themed accessories including a lace collar and ghost purse (to carry candy) complete the look. Happy Halloween!
汉洋折衷#汉洋折衷#汉服#汉洋折衷·社会主义#令儀鸭 in a cross-collar short shan + short mamianqun + ku + weiyao weaved by her own grandma’s mother (“直领大襟窄袖短衫+短马面+袴+阿婆的妈妈自己织染的老布围腰”)
短恨憑誰,鶯語殷勤月落時。上著:蓮子染纏枝牡丹絞羅褙子 素絹抹胸
下著:紅色雜寶紋絞羅外褲 淺茶色提花綾裏褲 (via 四月·鶯時)
Chinese hanfu.
宋制交领长衫 cross-collar shan x2 + 宋袴 ku by 上雲樂原创汉服
六月入仲夏,溫風如淳,綠筠含粉。一襲輕紗褙子,自清涼無汗。 (via 六月·褙子)
Chinese hanfu.
(via 【溪堂汉服】上新_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧)
Chinese hanfu.
Summer casual hanfu by 淮边筱竹
Visiting the stalls by -阿舍-. The women in the figure are wearing Ming-style hanfu. All of them were wearing a mamianqun. The two women on the side were wearing a suling (standing-collar) as an undershirt with a panyuanling (round-collar) shan/ao. The women on the left wore a pair of gongxie. The two women in the middle wearing some sort of shuitianyi (patchwork gown, “paddy field garment”).
circular-collar shan (with two ways of buttoning) + jiaoshuqun by 鹭洲集汉服馆
Watermelon and cake by -阿舍-. The women in the paintings were wearing hanfu, a Ming-style cross-collar ao/shan and mamianqun.
a ming style cross-collar shan by 时合岁初传统服饰
(via 【婉娘】汉服褙子 汉服女装春秋款-淘宝网)
华姿仪赏 http://shop62055856.taobao.com/
Model 沙沙
Chinese hanfu.