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Rupoors are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][name references needed]

Location and Uses

Four Swords

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A Link to the Past & Four Swords instruction booklet
Black Rupee
Don't grab this one, or your Rupees wil fly out of your wallet and scatter on the ground.

Rupoors are usually found hidden under Rocks and grass in Four Swords. If one of the Links picks one up, a random amount of Rupees will drop from him. If the Links are under the influence of Rupee Fever, the amount dropped can be doubled if they are taken back.

Phantom Hourglass

Rupoors appear on the Ghost Ship after one of the Cubus Sisters advises Link to gather Treasure from one of two Treasure Chests in Phantom Hourglass. Opening the Chest that the Cubus Sister recommends results in Link finding 10 Rupoors. On Harrow Island, Link can find 10 and 50 Rupoors. In a maze found in the Isle of the Dead, instead of walls the maze is made of 10 and 50 Rupoors. The result of collecting a Rupoor is that the amount that the Rupoor is worth will subtracted from Link's Rupees.

Skyward Sword

Link can pick Rupoors up while digging during the Thrill Digger minigame and lose 10 Rupees in Skyward Sword. Shooting his Slingshot or Bow at a black Rupee Ore will also yield Rupoors. On Fun Fun Island, Link can land on a loser space, indicated by a Rupoor. If Link does, he must give Dodoh his Rupees. Rupoors can also be found in certain underground tunnels. Link can change Rupoors into Rupees of random value by sprinkling Glittering Spores on them.


Names in Other Regions
The People's Republic of China
烂卢比 (Làn lúbǐ) (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[3] 
The Italian Republic
Baba Rupia (FSFour Swords)[2]Baba Rupee; from Japanese
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
Black Rupee[4]
Applies to
Superseded by
NameApplies toSourceSuperseded by
Black Rupee[4]


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 136 (FSFour Swords | PHPhantom Hourglass | SSSkyward Sword)
  2. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 136
  3. 不慎取到了烂卢比 — N/A (Skyward Sword HD, Simplified Chinese version)
  4. A Link to the Past & Four Swords manual, pg. 44 (FSFour Swords)