Pile of Leaves

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Piles of Leaves are recurring Objects in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][name references needed] Piles of Leaves go unnamed in Oracle of Seasons, The Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, and Breath of the Wild.

Location and Uses

Oracle of Seasons

Piles of Leaves appear throughout Holodrum during Autumn. They can be sliced away with the Sword and occasionally hide Pits.

The Wind Waker

Piles of Leaves can be found in the Forbidden Woods, where they may conceal Rupees, Fairies, or Warp Pots underneath. They can be blown away with the Deku Leaf

Twilight Princess

Piles of Leaves can be found in the Forest Temple and in Hyrule Castle. They can be blown away with the Gale Boomerang.

Spirit Tracks

Piles of Leaves can be found throughout Whittleton and Whittleton Village North. They can be blown with the Whirlwind to uncover Rupees and Treasures.

Breath of the Wild

Piles of Leaves can be found throughout Hyrule Kingdom, often hiding Korok Seed Puzzles underneath them. Piles of Leaves can be burned or destroyed with Remote Bombs.

Tears of the Kingdom


Names in Other Regions
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  1. The treasure is near a pile of leaves. Use the Tingle Bomb to blow them away! — Tingle Tuner (The Wind Waker)
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