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Liana is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[3][4]


Breath of the Wild

Liana is a Gerudo Soldier who can be found in the Barracks of Gerudo Town. She carries a Moonlight Scimitar and a Gerudo Shield.

When Link first approaches Liana, she asks what an outsider is doing in the Barracks.[5] She informs him that they are on high alert, and she suggests that he instead check out the market.[6] If Link asks what happened, Liana begins to explain, but she quickly realizes that she should not tell an outsider anything involving their security.[7] She mentions that she could tell him if he had permission from Captain Teake.[8]

If Link speaks to Liana after meeting with Riju, she notices that she has not seen Barta recently and wonders where she is.[9] Leena explains that Barta went to scout out the Yiga Clan Hideout two days ago, but she does not know what happened to her.[10] Angered, Liana asks why she let Barta go by herself,[11] which Leena apologizes for.[12] Liana is upset that they now have to retrieve both the Thunder Helm and Barta.[13] She is fearful that, if Teake were to find out, they would be punished with 100 laps around the Gerudo Desert.[14] Kotta asks what they should do,[15] causing Liana to yell that she is thinking about it.[16]

After Link has completed the "Divine Beast Vah Naboris" Main Quest, he can return to the Barracks to find Liana yet again shocked that Barta failed to return.[17] Kotta explains that she went to investigate the Gerudo Great Skeleton,[18] and Leena claims that she tried to stop her.[19] Liana points out that this did not work, since Barta is clearly not with them.[20] Leena and Kotta reveal that they did not think Barta would actually go, due to the Molduga and the intense Heat in the area.[21][22] Liana is only angered further by this, reminding them that Barta walks into danger unknowingly.[23] She resigns herself to the fact that Barta, Leena, and Kotta will not change.[24] However, she still wonders why Barta gets herself into trouble so often.[25] After witnessing this exchange, "The Search for Barta" Side Quest will begin.

If Link speaks to Liana during the Side Quest, he can overhear her scolding Kotta and Leena.[26] She is scared of what will happen if Riju finds out what has happened.[27] She then mutters to herself that she needs to do something before anyone else finds out.[28]

After Barta returns to the Barracks once again, Liana commends Link, revealing that Barta told her about how he helped her.[29] She compares him to a Champion, claiming that if he were a Gerudo, she would want him as part of her troop.[30] Liana is relieved that the situation has been resolved before Teake could punish her for it.[31] As a reward, she gives Link a Silver Rupee, telling him to buy something nice at the market.[32] With this, the Side Quest will be completed.

If Link talks to Liana after calming the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, she admits that she dismissed Link's abilities too quickly.[33] After completing "The Search for Barta", she may also remind him to use his reward and enjoy Gerudo Town.[34]

Tears of the Kingdom


  • Liana is one of several characters that will hit Link back if he attacks them with a Weapon.[35] These attacks deal no damage.


Liana is a common shortening for names such as "Juliana" and "Liliana," and it is also the name of a type of vine.[36]

Names in Other Regions
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
朗潔 (Lǎngjié)
The People's Republic of China
朗洁 (Lǎngjié)
The French Republic
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
The Republic of Korea
The Kingdom of Spain
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See Also


  1. Captain Liana was talking about attaching an electricity-emitting material, but... — Kotta (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. Barta seems to have made it back to Gerudo Town in one piece.

    But it sounds like Liana really chewed Barta out for making her worry. Maybe she'll lay low for a little while.
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Liana — Game Screen (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Liana — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. What are you doing here, outsider?! This is the barracks for Gerudo soldiers! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  6. We're on high alert right now. If you want to do some sightseeing, go check out the market instead! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Well, you see... Wait, why would I tell an outsider like you about important matters involving the security of our people?! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  8. If you had permission from Captain Teake, that'd be a different story... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  9. Hey, I haven't seen Barta. Where's she gone off to? — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  10. She said she was going to scout the thieves' hideout, but then she left before we could say anything. Now that I think about it, she's been gone for two days. I wonder what happened to her... — Leena (Breath of the Wild)
  11. You— Are you serious?! Why did you let her go by herself?! And why did you wait two days to report this?! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  12. I'm— I apologize... She said she just wanted to check it out and would be careful, so I thought... — Leena (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Uuugghhh. As if we aren't busy enough searching for the chief's heirloom, now we have to find Barta too... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  14. If the captain hears about this fiasco, she'll punish us for sure! Probably 100 laps around Gerudo Desert...again. — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  15. Oh... Oh, no. What should we do? — Kotta (Breath of the Wild)
  16. I'm thinking about it! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  17. Whuh... Whah... WHAAAAT?! Barta didn't come back AGAIN? — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  18. I'm afraid this time she went to investigate the leviathan bones in the southwest... — Kotta (Breath of the Wild)
  19. I... I tried to stop her... — Leena (Breath of the Wild)
  20. But obviously it didn't work because she's not here! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  21. Well, yeah... But... Everyone knows that area is the domain of the Molduga, so who would figure she'd even go close to there? — Leena (Breath of the Wild)
  22. Yes, nobody would dare! And not only that, but it's an extremely hot zone, so we wouldn't last long there in our gear... — Kotta (Breath of the Wild)
  23. You... You IDIOTS! That scatterbrain wouldn't even realize she was walking into danger! I mean, you know that, right?! Why, it was just the other day she ran off and got captured by the Yiga! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  24. Ugh... I guess Barta will be Barta, and you all aren't going to change... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  25. But still, why does she have to go and get in trouble like this all the time... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  26. I've had it up to here with you lot! You're walking embarrassments! And now Barta has gone missing... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  27. If the chief finds out, what do you think she's going to say? — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  28. Must do something before we get found out... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  29. Oh! What a courageous vai! I heard from Barta! She said you found her! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  30. I told her you were as dependable as a Champion! If you were a Gerudo vai, I'd want you in my troop! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  31. Anyway, close one, huh? Looks like I got out of this without getting chewed out by our troop leader! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  32. You must be worn out, right? Here, take this as thanks! Buy yourself something nice in the market! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  33. I may have dismissed you too hastily before. You have many promising qualities... — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  34. You should use your reward from earlier and enjoy what our town has to offer. — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  35. Calm down! — Liana (Breath of the Wild)
  36. Meaning, origin and history of the name Liana (web archive), Behind the Name, published January 21, 2022, retrieved November 13, 2022.
Gerudo Soldiers
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