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Dohna is a character in Echoes of Wisdom.[4]


Dohna is the captain of the Gerudo Soldiers who patrol the Gerudo Desert.[5][6] She is also the daughter of their chief, Seera.[3] She is considered by the Gerudo to be a potential successor to her mother.[7] When Dohna was a child, her mother would take her to the Oasis to play, where she advised her to keep her mind and heart calm.[3] Since Seera's duties kept her busy, Facette trained Dohna alongside the other Gerudo Soldiers.[8] Since Rifts have begun appearing in the Gerudo Desert, Dohna and the Gerudo Soldiers have been tasked with defeating the Monsters that emerge from them.[6]

A screenshot of Zelda and Dohna in the Gerudo Desert.
Dohna meeting Zelda

Princess Zelda can first encounter Dohna near Gerudo Sanctum in the Gerudo Desert. While Zelda is speaking to a Gerudo Soldier, they hear a scream from nearby.[9] When Zelda investigates, she finds Dohna collapsed on the ground with two Tecuums circling her. After the Monsters are defeated, Dohna wakes up and is shocked to see they are gone.[10] When she notices Zelda, she realizes that she was responsible for getting rid of them, and although Dohna is ashamed that she was not able to defeat them on her own, she offers her gratitude to Zelda for saving her.[11] She then introduces herself to Zelda and asks for her name in return.[5]

After Zelda tells Dohna her name, she asks her why she has traveled to the Gerudo Desert.[12] Dohna is shocked to hear that Zelda is capable of mending Rifts.[13] She then explains that the Monsters that originate from the Rifts have caused trouble in the Gerudo Desert, and she admits that defeating them has not made the Rifts shrink as they were led to believe.[14] Dohna is saddened by how many of the Gerudo have been injured during this time.[15]

When Zelda takes a moment to speak with Tri, Dohna asks her if she is well.[16] Zelda then asks Dohna about getting under the Sand, Dohna realizes that she needs to enter Gerudo Sanctum in order to mend the Rift.[17] She then explains that the Sanctum's entrance has been blocked by Sand, and they will need to clear it for her to enter.[18] If Zelda asks why it was blocked, Dohna recalls that Monsters came from the Rift after it formed in Gerudo Sanctum, so they filled the entrance with Sand to stop them.[19] If Zelda asks how they can clear the Sand, Dohna reveals that they would need to access the plug from the Cryptic Cavern, but Seera has ordered that no one enter.[20] Dohna decides that they need to talk to Seera, and she promises to support Zelda since she saved her life.[21] She is also motivated by the prospect of preventing more injuries to the Gerudo Soldiers.[22] She asks Zelda to meet her at Gerudo Palace in Gerudo Town.[23] Dohna then leaves after telling Zelda that she will be waiting for her.[24]


Names in Other Regions
トーナ (Tōna)
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
The People's Republic of China
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
The French Republic
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
The Republic of Korea
The Federative Republic of Brazil
The Russian Federation
Тона (Tona)
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
The Kingdom of Spain
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See Also


  1. Tell us, Captain Dohna. Have you managed to find proof that she can fix the rifts? — Facette (Echoes of Wisdom)
  2. Dohna improved security in the treasury, and she challenged you to try to steal treasure deep within. The treasury is in the palace, on the west side up on the second floor. — Adventure Log (Echoes of Wisdom)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The chief—my mother—used to play here with me when I was little. She would tell me to look at the serene water. To keep my mind and heart calm like the water. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  4. Dohna — Game Screen (Echoes of Wisdom)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Ah, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Dohna, the captain of the Gerudo warriors. What's your name? — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "The Gerudo soldier captain Dohna fights monsters every day in an effort to close the rifts appearing all over the Gerudo Desert.

    #Zelda #EchoesofWisdom
    " — @NintendoAmerica on Twitter, November 13, 2024
  7. So, little one? who do you think the next chief will be? You think it'll be Dohna, don't you? — Gerudo (Echoes of Wisdom)
  8. Facette took up my training rather than my mother, because Mother was busy as chief. Facette trained the others too. Thanks to her and Mother, we are the Gerudo you see today. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  9. Aaaaaagh! — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
    What was that?! Is someone hurt? I...I have to stay at my post, otherwise I'd go see what's going on. — Gerudo Soldier (Echoes of Wisdom)
  10. Ugh... What happened? The monsters... They're gone? — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  11. Did you defeat them for me? It seems they posed no threat to you... And yet I, a seasoned warrior, couldn't handle them. Thank you! You saved my life. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  12. Nice to meet you, Zelda! So, what brings you out this way? — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  13. Mhm, I see, I see. You're traveling around, fixing rifts... Uh...huh. You're fixing rifts?! — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  14. Pardon my shock. It's just that the rifts have been causing us serious trouble lately. We heard that taking care of the monsters would also take care of the rifts. But it hasn't... — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  15. The rifts haven't gotten any smaller, and the monsters keep coming. Without end, it seems. If we could rid ourselves of these cursed rifts, then nobody else would end up getting hurt... — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  16. Hey, Zelda. Do you think she might know how to get you under the sand? — Tri (Echoes of Wisdom)
    Is everything all right, Zelda? — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  17. You want to...burrow under the sand? Hmmm. Well, the sanctum is beneath us. Oh, I understand now. You think you can get rid of the rift if you get into the sanctum! — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  18. Normally, the entrance to the sanctum is where we're standing. But, as you've probably noticed, it's flooded with sand now, so nobody can get inside. If you want to get into the sanctum, we'd first need to clear out the entrance. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  19. [Why is it blocked up?] The sanctum was pulled into a large rift... After that, tons of monsters began swarming out of the entrance to the sanctum. At that point, we blocked up the entrance, trapping the monsters inside. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  20. [How can we clear it?] A soldier is guarding the back entrance. If we go through there, we could clear the sand out. Of course, that would release the monsters as well. Our chief gave orders to keep it blocked for safety. So I'm not sure how to proceed... — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  21. In order to get rid of the rift, you need to get into the sanctum, right? Understood. Well then, it sounds like we need to discuss things with the chief. You saved my life, so I'll do all I can to help you. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  22. And if you're able to get rid of the rift, that means our warriors won't be injured anymore... — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  23. Let's meet up at the palace in Gerudo Town. It's just northwest of here. Normally only Gerudo are allowed in the palace, but I'll put in a word for you ahead of time. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
  24. All right, Zelda! I'll be waiting for you there. — Dohna (Echoes of Wisdom)
Gerudo Soldiers
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