Face the Frost Talus

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Face the Frost Talus

Quest Giver Gesane
Location Rito Village
Previous Quest
Divine Beast Vah Medoh

"Face the Frost Talus" is a Side Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


After Link has calmed Divine Beast Vah Medoh, he can speak to Gesane, a Rito who guards the entrance to Rito Village. He shares with Link that, while he was out earlier, he saw a Frost Talus.[2] When Link inquires more, Gesane explains it is a monster made out of enchanted ice, and the one he saw was "incredibly terrifying."[3]

The Frost Talus was located in Coldsnap Hollow, though Gesane fled before he could be sure.[4] Even though it was big, he believes a Champion could easily take it down.[5] Once he is done speaking, the Side Quest begins.

Once Link has defeated the Frost Talus, he can return to Gesane to share the news. He is shocked to hear that Link was capable of doing so, as he is a Hylian.[6] Despite this, he is relieved, as the Frost Talus could have been dangerous if it had made its way to Rito Village.[7] As a reward, he gives Link a Silver Rupee.[8] This completes the Side Quest.


Stage Description
1 Gesane, a Rito Village guardsman, said he saw a frost Talus over at Coldsnap Hollow.

If you encounter a Frost Talus in you travels there, be sure to destroy it.
2 You defeated the Frost Talus at Coldsnap Hollow! Gesane at Rito Village will surely be pleased once you report back to him.
Complete You told the guardsman Gesane at Rito Village that you destroyed the Frost Talus in Coldsnap Hollow.

Gesane offered you rupees as thanks, which you gracefully accepted.


Names in Other Regions
ブリザー谷のガチロック (Burizā tani no gachirokku) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
暴風谷裡的冰岩巨人 (Bàofēng gǔ lǐ de bīng yán jùrén) 
The People's Republic of China
暴风谷里的冰岩巨人 (Bàofēng gǔ lǐ de bīng yán jùrén)[9] 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
De Ijs-Talus in de vallei[10]The Ice-Talus in the Valley
The French Republic
Sus au Cryorok 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Der Glacirok im Blizzar-Tal 
The Italian Republic
Contro il glaciarok 
The Republic of Korea
블리자 계곡의 꽁꽁록 (Beullija gyegogui kkongkkongnok) 
The Russian Federation
«Великан лощины Вьюг» («Velikan loshchiny Vʹyug») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Duelo con el talus glacial 
The Kingdom of Spain
A por el glaciarok 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. Face the Frost Talus
    Rito Village
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Never mind that. Please listen to this! I was out for a walk earlier, and I saw... a Frost Talus! — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  3. [Frost Talus?] Yes! It's a giant monster made of enchanted ice! I was out running an errand when I saw it... It was incredible...and terrifying. It was incredibly terrifying. — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  4. I believe I saw it over in Coldsnap Hollow before my adrenaline kicked in and I fled like the wind. — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  5. In any case, it was enormous. But I bet a Champion could have taken it down no problem. — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  6. [I defeated it.] WHAT?! You defeated the Frost Talus in Coldsnap Hollow?! I never would have thought that a Hylian could take down something that big. No offense. — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Well, that's a relief. If that thind had wandered this way, the entire village would've been in danger! — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  8. It's not much, but I'd like to reward you for your trouble. — Gesane (Breath of the Wild)
  9. 暴风谷里的冰岩巨人 — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  10. De Ijs-Talus in de vallei — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)