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      PolaroidAnalogue PhotographyPolaroid PhotographyInstant Photography
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      PhotographyTheories of practicePolaroidTheories of Social Practices
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      PhotographyFine Art Photography
The digitalisation of photography has often been interpreted as a process of dematerialization. However, empirical studies show that the material dimension is still fundamental to digital photographic practices. By accepting the argument... more
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      Materiality (Anthropology)Materiality of ArtMaterialityLomography
Since the work of classic media theorists such as Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman on " media ecology " , media studies have frequently relied on environmental metaphors to address how media technologies are inextricably interwoven with... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaMedia Ecology
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      Media ArchaeologyMedia Archeology
The article focuses on the reconfiguration of analogue instant photography (Polaroid-like) in the digital age. Drawing on STS literature on the mutual shaping of users and technology, and on anthropology and the history of photography, it... more
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      PhotographyDigital PhotographyPhotography TheoryMateriality (Anthropology)
A Special Issue of "Tecnoscienza - The Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies" on the notion of “digital circulation”, aimed developing bridges beetwen science and technology studies, media and communication studies around issues... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyCommunicationMedia Studies
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      PhotographyFine Art PhotographyAnalogue Photography
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      Media ArchaeologyDigital PhotographyLomographyFotografía Digital
I media digitali sono spesso descritti come il futuro obbligato, il cui successo è dato per scontato. Ma c’è un altro lato della digitalizzazione che viene poco considerato e che una puntuale analisi storica aiuta a mostrare: anche le... more
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      HistoryPrint CultureMedia StudiesNew Media
ICTs and technology transfer can benefit and move a country forward in economic and social development. However, ICT and access to the Internet have been inequitably distributed in most developing countries. In terms of science production... more
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      Latin American StudiesOpen AccessLatin AmericaOpen science
“Critical making” is an umbrella term for various distinctive practices that link traditional scholarship in the humanities and social sciences to forms of material engagement in order to explore new ways of studying the relationship... more
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      Actor Network TheoryDigital FabricationCritical design practicePhysical Computing
The presentation addresses the issue of digital divide in Ecuador. It describes an ongoing socio-technical project which aims at providing rural communities with access to digital knowledge through the re-functioning of analog TV sets and... more
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      Digital DivideBridging Digital DivideCritical Technical PracticeCritical Technical Practices
Relationships among theory, gaming, learning and socio-technical design are explored in the two contributions which compose the section. The theory in question is ANT, re-interpreted through critical making-an umbrella term for various... more
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      Actor Network TheoryActor Network Theory (ANT)Actor-Network-Theoryscience and technology studies (STS)
Open Access (OA) initiatives and knowledge infrastructure represent vital elements for both producing significant changes in scholarly communication and reducing limitations of access to the circulation of scientific knowledge in... more
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingBibliometric and citation analysisOpen-Access
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      Practice theoryAnalogue Photography
The article aims at investigating the persistence and comeback of old media technologies (phenomena we define, in short, ‘retromedia’) by developing a distinctive theoretical approach named retromedia-in-practice and based on practice... more
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      Media StudiesOld MediaHistory of Media TechnologyOld and New Media
The article addresses the issue of the digital divide in Ecuador and illustrates how artefacts from television material heritage might be transformed into digital libraries to provide marginalized communities with access to digital... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesObsolescence
Over the last years, we have seen an increasing interest in the overlapping areas of STS and Media Studies towards examining the multifaceted vulnerabilities of technical objects. Within STS, research on maintenance and repair practices... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMedia StudiesMedia HistoryHistory of Technology