Mario Rempe
Master in Classical Archaeology at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
PhD research stay at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Research on Contact Zones at the Gulf of Taranto)
PhD project:
My PhD project (start in 2016) focused on ancient human-environment interaction in Sicily and tried to clarify if strategies of sustainable land-use existed.
To answer these questions a reconstruction of the local landscape and paleoenvironment, which were shaped by dynamic patterns of change in human-nature interaction, was necessary. Landscape Archaeology offers a wide repertoire of methods. I incorporated approaches from my own academical background (archaeology, archaeological survey) with methods from various other fields, such as geoarchaology or palynology.
Within the scope of the PhD the sites which have been recognized during the Göttingen surveys were contrasted with reconstructions of their natural environment and investigated in the light of their chronologies and landscape change. Thus, the space around the sites is interpreted not as a mere container, but as interconnected with the environment. The archaeological result have been connected to new data, thereby creating a more detailed vision of the area's historical development.
Thesis defended in May 2020, Dr. phil. awarded in March 2021
Supervisors: Johannes Bergemann and Peter Attema
PhD research stay at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Research on Contact Zones at the Gulf of Taranto)
PhD project:
My PhD project (start in 2016) focused on ancient human-environment interaction in Sicily and tried to clarify if strategies of sustainable land-use existed.
To answer these questions a reconstruction of the local landscape and paleoenvironment, which were shaped by dynamic patterns of change in human-nature interaction, was necessary. Landscape Archaeology offers a wide repertoire of methods. I incorporated approaches from my own academical background (archaeology, archaeological survey) with methods from various other fields, such as geoarchaology or palynology.
Within the scope of the PhD the sites which have been recognized during the Göttingen surveys were contrasted with reconstructions of their natural environment and investigated in the light of their chronologies and landscape change. Thus, the space around the sites is interpreted not as a mere container, but as interconnected with the environment. The archaeological result have been connected to new data, thereby creating a more detailed vision of the area's historical development.
Thesis defended in May 2020, Dr. phil. awarded in March 2021
Supervisors: Johannes Bergemann and Peter Attema
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Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
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University of British Columbia
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Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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University of Castilla-La Mancha
Alicia Hernández Tórtoles
CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Spanish National Research Council)
Michalis Tiverios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Jerrad Lancaster
The University of Akron
Daniele Federico Maras
Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia
InterestsView All (37)
Books by Mario Rempe
Edited Publications by Mario Rempe
Papers by Mario Rempe
In: A. Reitemeier-A. Schanbacher-T. Scheer (eds.), Nachhaltigkeit in der Geschichte. Argumente – Ressourcen – Zwänge. Ringvorlesung Uni Göttingen (Göttingen 2019) 39-72.
Proceedings of the Göttingen University Lecture Series 2019, open source, available at https://www.univerlag.uni-goettingen.de/handle/3/isbn-978-3-86395-433-8
M. Rempe, From Swing to Swamp? Considering Landscape Change in Kamarina between Greek and Roman Times, in: O. Belvedere - J. Bergemann, Römisches Sizilien. Stadt und Land zwischen Monumentalisierung und Ökonomie, Krise und Entwicklung, Kolloquium Göttingen 25. – 27.11.17 (Palermo 2018) 47-60.
Get the full publication at https://www.unipapress.it/it/book/la-sicilia-romana-citta-e-territorio-tra-monumentalizzazione-ed-economia-crisi-e-sviluppo_115/
Villa Vigoni Gespräche by Mario Rempe
Catalogue contributions by Mario Rempe
In: A. Reitemeier-A. Schanbacher-T. Scheer (eds.), Nachhaltigkeit in der Geschichte. Argumente – Ressourcen – Zwänge. Ringvorlesung Uni Göttingen (Göttingen 2019) 39-72.
Proceedings of the Göttingen University Lecture Series 2019, open source, available at https://www.univerlag.uni-goettingen.de/handle/3/isbn-978-3-86395-433-8
M. Rempe, From Swing to Swamp? Considering Landscape Change in Kamarina between Greek and Roman Times, in: O. Belvedere - J. Bergemann, Römisches Sizilien. Stadt und Land zwischen Monumentalisierung und Ökonomie, Krise und Entwicklung, Kolloquium Göttingen 25. – 27.11.17 (Palermo 2018) 47-60.
Get the full publication at https://www.unipapress.it/it/book/la-sicilia-romana-citta-e-territorio-tra-monumentalizzazione-ed-economia-crisi-e-sviluppo_115/
The clusters presented were Broglio - Francavilla - Sybaris, Termitito - Incoronata - Metapontum, Scoglio del Tonno - L'Amastuola - Taras.