Good morning! i am holding off on the pain killer til i eat something and get some blogging done! hehe Priorities!! lol
well, last night after i took my second dose of vicadin, i ate a cookie and boy did i get sick! so i don't think i want food in my stomach when i take these pills! they didn't say anything at the hospital about eating or not eating with them but i surely won't be taking a pill and THEN eating! lol didn't work the first time and i learn pretty quick! lol
Anywaysss, ONTO the bargains!! WOOHOO! :)
This colorful pheasant was hard to resist at a dollar! a few places the paint was worn or chipped off but not enough to take away from his character, for me! :)

And i just LOVE when i find good jewelry for 50 cents each!!

Just look at the work in that flower bead bracelet!!!
Below, the middle black boot is the newest find, for 2 dollars!

it added to the Boot collection nicely! hehe
And i couldn't resist this lazy little cat for only a dollar!

Last but not least, this morning, i have two little charms, for lack of a better word, for just 50 cents total!

i think the heart is rose quartz!
we also bought a box of rocks for 6 dollars and BOY was it worth it! it had a nice chunk of turquoise in it, a nice little piece of topaz, a square piece of British Columbia jade, a little turtle (made of some kind of stone), oh it was just FULLL of WONDERFUL stones!! i will have to take a photo to share but i surely was excited.... yes about a box of ROCKS! lol sounds so funny! :)
Saturday there were little chihauhau puppies for sale. i didn't get a photo of them, cuz i really don't appreciate this family breeding their dogs as much as they do but the puppies are soo unbelievably ADORABLE! and then Sunday we stopped in to ask one vendor about some of the stones i got on saturday and we saw a parent bulldog with THREE puppies for sale! oh my goodness they were soo big and CUTE too! hehe who doesn't love a puppy though? :)
i am going to close this morning with a few more photos that i hope you enjoy! :)
Everyone seems to LOVE these sky shots, as much as i do!!

Some photos from this weekend of the local mountains. i cropped out the traffic as best i could! heehee

And finally, i noticed this road and thought i would share! not sure if it is the Road To Nowhere or the Highway (?) to Heaven? :)

Thank you so much for your visits!! HUGS!! now i am off to check out YOUR WONDERFUL blogs!! Have a MARVELOUS Monday!! See ya soon! :)