Saturday, February 28, 2009

Your eyes are not deceiving!

Yep, i am blogging on a Saturday morning! Well, the reason for no swapmeeting this morning is because DH went on a rock finding excursion with the Rock Club, to Garnet Hill. Yes i am sure i could have gone to the swapmeet and found a ride home since we know so many people there but since we live SOOOOOO FAR out here, i didn't want to impose. But if i went with DH then we would have had to limit our time so we can be kind to our animals stuck in the house! so i stayed home with the furbabies. :)
That's ok, i got PLENTY to share still! :) i hope you enjoy!
i paid a dollar for this gator awhile back.
This vase came from a local yardsale and was only $2.00 and the necklace around the rim was 50 cents. What a BARGAIN! :)
vase & necklace 2.50 total
$3.00 for this pouch FULL of glass beads.
glass beads
This house was in the FREE pile and was going to be thrown away if no one took it.
free house
side view of house
Along with these gold shoes, that HAPPENED to be my size!
gold shoes
This little lighthouse can be used to store long incense sticks OR my spaghetti pasta! haven't yet decided! lol
noodle storage
And one more, these were 50 cents each and i LOVE them but have only used them for decoration since i don't know what else to do with them! lol i am sure they were used for baking but not positive.
Well, i hope you are as ready for Spring as i am. Here are some desert photos to get us in the mood.
This is the only plant i know for sure, it's an ocotillo. Its blooms are like flames of red!
Here's a closeup:
Thank you so much for sharing this morning with me! HUGS! :) Now i am off to see YOU! Have a PLEASANT Saturday! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Breaking News! & Rocks!!

------- BREAKING NEWS-----------
we have MORE awards, thank you, Deb !! :)
if the shoe fits
IF THE SHOE FITS is for people with enthusisam. i only need to nominate 7 people for the shoe award!
Marie Antoinette
The MARIE ANTOINETTE AWARD this award is given to bloggers who are perceived to
be 'real in who they are'
So, here are the rules for this award

1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
AND THE AWARDS GO TO: (rip open envelopes here)
i LOVE awards and am always soo HAPPY to share! :)
Oh and i took some photos of my box o' rocks that i paid 6 dollars for! lol
This is what i left in there to be identified yet:
box o rocks for 6 dollars
These below are some i pulled from that box:
rocks selected from box
And the slabs i liked:
selected slabs
This little beauty(azurite/malachite):
And some petrified woods: type 1
petrified wood
type 2
2nd petrified wood
and finally, this what i think is bone:
Yep! that sure what a GREAT price for ALL those little treasures!! what an addiction though! hehe :)
oh well, while i have the computer this evening, i am going to hop around blogland and visit you all again! :) HUGS!! Thank you so very much for your visits & Have a WONDERFUL evening!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Thank you Dorothy for sharing this FUN award! :)
scrapping star award
Only rule is to share with 5 others!
And the Scrapping Star Award goes to:
Now back to your regularly scheduled program!
:) Have an AWESOME day!

P.S. i tried to comment on your blog Deb to let you know but the word verification thingie is not loading!

Monday, February 23, 2009

got some uploaded! YAY!

Good morning! i am holding off on the pain killer til i eat something and get some blogging done! hehe Priorities!! lol
well, last night after i took my second dose of vicadin, i ate a cookie and boy did i get sick! so i don't think i want food in my stomach when i take these pills! they didn't say anything at the hospital about eating or not eating with them but i surely won't be taking a pill and THEN eating! lol didn't work the first time and i learn pretty quick! lol
Anywaysss, ONTO the bargains!! WOOHOO! :)
This colorful pheasant was hard to resist at a dollar! a few places the paint was worn or chipped off but not enough to take away from his character, for me! :)
dollar pheasant
And i just LOVE when i find good jewelry for 50 cents each!!
2 dollars total
Just look at the work in that flower bead bracelet!!!
Below, the middle black boot is the newest find, for 2 dollars!
black boot 2 dollars
it added to the Boot collection nicely! hehe
And i couldn't resist this lazy little cat for only a dollar!
one dollar lazy cat
Last but not least, this morning, i have two little charms, for lack of a better word, for just 50 cents total!
50 cents total
i think the heart is rose quartz!
we also bought a box of rocks for 6 dollars and BOY was it worth it! it had a nice chunk of turquoise in it, a nice little piece of topaz, a square piece of British Columbia jade, a little turtle (made of some kind of stone), oh it was just FULLL of WONDERFUL stones!! i will have to take a photo to share but i surely was excited.... yes about a box of ROCKS! lol sounds so funny! :)
Saturday there were little chihauhau puppies for sale. i didn't get a photo of them, cuz i really don't appreciate this family breeding their dogs as much as they do but the puppies are soo unbelievably ADORABLE! and then Sunday we stopped in to ask one vendor about some of the stones i got on saturday and we saw a parent bulldog with THREE puppies for sale! oh my goodness they were soo big and CUTE too! hehe who doesn't love a puppy though? :)
i am going to close this morning with a few more photos that i hope you enjoy! :)
Everyone seems to LOVE these sky shots, as much as i do!!
Some photos from this weekend of the local mountains. i cropped out the traffic as best i could! heehee
And finally, i noticed this road and thought i would share! not sure if it is the Road To Nowhere or the Highway (?) to Heaven? :)
road to nowhere
Thank you so much for your visits!! HUGS!! now i am off to check out YOUR WONDERFUL blogs!! Have a MARVELOUS Monday!! See ya soon! :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bear with me!

Stopping in to say i hope you have had a GREAT weekend! Our weather warmed up a bit and was rather nice... finally! hehe It sure was a LONG 2 weeks of that nasty cold stuff! :) And Spring IS just around the corner from here! YAY! :)
We did go to the swapmeet and found a few bargains i will share later!
Today was a rough one!! well, actually it started at the beginning of last week when that little brown dog (see photo in previous post) he pounced on me when i was laying down and thought he just hit me in the breast hard but as the week went on, it was obvious that it was just UNDER that area, more in maybe a rib... or he could have bruised a muscle... don't we have muscles there too!? Well, by Saturday night i could not take the pain and agreed to be seen tomorrow in the ER. i could hardly catch a full breath and surely couldn't do it without a whole lot of pain!! OMG!! and sneezing or a cough would just about kill me! SOooo after a long suffering wait and almost 3 hours later, i am told the x-rays show no fracture (Thankfully!) but my heart rate was twice as high then it should be, when i first arrived, indicating that my body is in some kind of pain (never heard that before, but ok) and there is bruising in the area. i asked the area of bone or muscle? the dr. shakes his head, yes. DH asked is it the muscle? the dr. says yes and tells me they will give me meds before i go and a perscription too. then another man comes in with 2 vicadin and proceeds to tell me and hand me a paper on rib bruising! lol CRAZY!All i know is it HURTS! lol so please bear with me as i will probably be at the computer in a fog for the next few days!
i do hope to get some photos uploaded SOMETIME tomorrow to share those FUN bargains! Have a WONDERFUL evening as i head off to LALA land! :) HUGS! Thank you so much for your visits!

Friday, February 20, 2009

i have been tagged!

By Kathy ! Thank you! :)
Here's how it works:
•Go to your photo folder in your computer
•Go to the 6th folder of photos
•Go to the sixth picture
•Put the picture on your blog and a description of it
•Invite six friends to join the challenge
•Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged!
Now since i don't have folders in my photo folder, i just counted & picked the 6th photo! it's a pic of my little Coco during one of our cold spells! Doesn't he just look too cozy & warm!? lol
Coco is warm
Hm, now to pick 6 to play along! Let's see, how about we see if these bloggers want to play! :)
Some old and some new blogger friends! if you play, COOL, if you don't play, that's cool too! :) i am just happy to say, there are soooooooo many friends to pick! i remember when i was new and didn't KNOW anyone to pick! :)
OH and i have more stones to share before i head off to play with making layouts!
cool quartzy stone
newest stone
That's a quarter to show how big this one is!
and last but not least, a stone ashtray i recently found!
stone ashtray
That's it for me today but thank you so very much for stopping by and saying hi! i really look forward to your visits, as much as i look forward to visiting with you! :) big HUGS! Have a FABULOUS weekend! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just some flowers

Just wanted to pop in and share some Valentine flowers. i know i should have posted these earlier. hehe Better late than never! :)
Valentine flowers 3
Valentine flowers2
Valentine flowers1
i LOVE flowers! When we lived ANYWHERE else, other than the desert, i grew BEAUTIFUL flowers. These are grown locally but not by me, DH bought them on Saturday from the local farmer's market!
yesterday, we had some company, sorta! don't know if you can see them there but TWO kitties found there way to my place and hung around for a couple of hours.
my kitties saw them and Bella just couldn't believe her eyes and Boo just cried out to them! Poor thing! :)
two stray kitties
not the best photo but they didn't exactly pose for me! lol
i would LOVE to know who they belong to though! i sure don't let my cats outside, not here!! if a stray dog or coyote don't eat them, then a mountain lion or bobcat will!!
To end, i share more sky photos, i took over the years, here! Hope you enjoy them!
Thank you so much for visiting and i hope you have an AWESOME day! HUGS! :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, i hope you entered the giveaways and WON AND met ALOT of WONDERFUL new people! i sure did!
i, also, hope your weather is nice for you today AND for this weekend holiday!

i have found a couple of blog trains i wanted to share! They are ALWAYS fun!
Valentine Blog Hop
SAS-y Blog Hop
Have FUN downloading all those goodies!! LOTS of GREAT designers there!
i also wanted to share with you, a new (to me) blog that is soooo BEAUTIFUL!
The House in the Roses
just BEAUTIFUL! :)
i have a kit to share, it would have been here sooner but i had internet issues... yet again!
But it's ready now and i hope you like it!
Romantic Valentine
Scrapping Cop
Kim Broedelet(Kimb's designs)
Delicious Scraps
HeartPrints/Kristin Castellano
Today from the swapmeet (which was 36 degrees!) we mostly got books. i think it was WAY too cold to sell, sure was WAY cold to buy too! hehe Plus it is a holiday!
Thank you so very much for your visits, they really keep me blogging! :D
HUGS! Have an AWESOME evening!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Desert sky photos and a Valentine Blog Train too!

Hi! i hope you are having a GRAND week! Things here are still in the weird weather area! i have
been watching the news closely to see if 3 or 4 more (and worse) storms heading our way.
in light of this i thought i would share some WONDERFUL, some scary sky photos. Hope you enjoy
and some photos from last Spring!
i am sure looking forward to Spring! How about you? :)
i also have a LARGE Valentine Blog Train to share! Lots of goodies! WOOHOO!
Oh and one last thing, if you entered any giveaway from One World, One Heart
please don't forget that WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON FEB 12th or 13th, depending on the blog owner! it was so much FUN for me, i have really been thinking about a giveaway from my blog sometime maybe! :)
Well, since i am posting this at night again, i see my son looming around to get back online after his shower! hehe Thank you so very much for your visits and LOVING comments, i really look forward to them! :D
i guess i am off and will see YOU in the morning! Have a BEAUTIFUL
evening! :) HUGS!