Saturday, September 29, 2007

I have another kit!

How is your weekend going for you? Ours is going more relaxing than productive so far but all in all, it's pretty good :D
I stayed up late last night, just playing around in photoshop and came up with this:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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I simply call it Spring hehe
Please let me know if you would find use with it and I will happily share :D
Speaking of sharing, would you like the final Link to Fall? Yea? Cool, cause I just so happen to have it handy hehe :D
I thank you for your visits and conitinued support! Have a GREAT day :D

Friday, September 28, 2007

Have I???

Have I made a post everyday this week??? lol Welllllll almost hehe
and i want to thank you for the HUGS too! i see i am up to 30 now!! WOOHOO! that's ALOTTA hugs! :D
It's actually been some LOVELY weather here in the high desert this week! How's your weather this time of year?
As i get more time on the computer (and still have YET to fix my own computer, sigh), i want to share the four seasons with you in kit creations. i think that would be fun!
How are you liking this Fall kit so far? Cause if it's no good, then there is no reason for me to put up the last two links, right? hehe just teasing with ya! lol but i seriously hope you are enjoying it and will find it useful and fun or BEAUTIFUL! :D i LOVE to read your comments, getting feedback sure helps the inspiration! :D And soul!
Well without to much yak yak, here's the 5th Link!!
Have a WONDERFUL day and thank you so much for visiting!! :D

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's still Thursday!

lol Wouldn't it be nice if i made an entry daily?? Welllllllll i am trying LOL :D Almost didn't make it today because the internet was running bad for me. See, if i download too much, my internet speed drops like a brick and it takes forever to just open or view a page. But it's been almost 24 hrs again since i downloaded and the speed is picking up again. Craziest thing i ever paid for, that's for sure! DH will be calling them again tomorrow to see why it has not seemed to be better since we upgraded awhile back... well anywayssss enough of those troubles cause that's a whole story in itself and not a pretty one lol
And onto the 4th Link of the Fall kit! i sure hope you are enjoying it! :D
How was your day and hey did anyone go to CuteOverload yet?? See ya there, cause that's where i am headed LOL
Have a WONDERFUl night and thank you so much for visiting! :D

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

If you love animals!

Then i just found the BEST blog for you here
i hope you enjoy it as much as i do! i just spent a good two hours there going through alot of the WONDERFUL and funny entries! i have truly never laughed so hard on some of those videos! This blog definitely deserves a Cute Overload award!! lol
And while i am here, why not share another Link to Fall kit hehe
Three links in two days, not bad, eh? lol
Have a WONDERFUL day and thank you so much for visiting! HUGS :D

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another layout

This layout comes with a little history though.
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Template -Fanette #13
Pictures -Jeff & Mary
Fonts - Agency FB & Anywhere
Kit - Sheryl's Colors by Peggy
Thank you ALL, you ROCK!
A couple, my DH & i visit with often, took these pictures, RIGHT outside their front door!! lol Where they live, they see them often but usually further away or passing by another side of their house but this one felt so comfy it took up spot and sat for awhile so Jeff went out with his camera (i am sure i would NOT have left the house LOL) And YES the cat turned right toward him before Mary said Jeff came running in! lol Won't you be our neighbor? Hahaha!
Ok onto the second of six links for the Fall kit :D i hope you are liking it!
Thanks soo much for your visits! Have a WONDERFUL day! :D

Uploading a freebie :D

Yup! it's been awhile since i shared a freebie so i am uploading one as i type :D
i can share my previews now hehe it's my newest Fall kit and i hope you will like it!
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it's about 139 megs total but i will break it down into 6 links total so none are too much to download at once :D
please let me know what you think and if you download i would love to hear a comment from you :D oh and of course if you use it, i would LOVE to see it but it is not a requirement just a request hehe
i have decided that as in life, my blog freebies will be just that, FREE, with no passwords, or requirements of any kind! Although it's nice to be thanked, i will just consider all the no comment downloads, a hug or smile... something silent. hehe
So without further ado, here is the first link.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sharing yet one more layout!

I haven't been creating anything but layouts lately lol and that's ok with me since it feels like it's been so long since I actually got to play. :D
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Template - Peaches
knot bow - Gail P from Moo Two Designs
kit - my 2007 fall kit
Let me know what you think, please! Personally, I am TOTALLY LOVING Peaches template style!!! So many layers, depth & textures, RIGHT in the template!! VERYYY creative & talented! Funny how some of us HAVE to learn these things and others just do it soo naturally! Digital scrapping has really been such a God send for me! Not only the joy of designing, learning, creating and the keepsake of the layouts but meeting SOOOOOOOOO MANY WONDERFUL people too!! Like YOU! :D
That may even be the BEST part of it all! Always reminding me that no matter how wrapped up in my own life I might get, I am not alone!!
No matter our disabilities, beliefs, passions, there is ALWAYS someone who cares!!
Being brothers but MOSTLY sisters hehe out there in the digital scapbook world, connected by one way but finding out the many other connections or just becoming new friends! Truly a God send for those of us who live WAY OUT in the boonies, or up high on mountains, but mostly far away from other PEOPLE! lol We may have our animals but still need that human contact and how nice for it to be available at our fingertips!
:D Thank you! just for being there! :D
Sheesh, I am not usually the chatty cathy type on my blog and am not sure where all that came from lol but there it is anyway! lol
Hugs to you and as always, thank you so much for visiting! Now it's MY turn to go and visit you guys and see what you have going on!! hehe Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Layout for a forum challenge! YAY!

lol Yes it's true! I finally did a layout for a forum challenge!! lol I am moving slow this month but I am getting there ;)
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I am TOTALLY LOVING this template!!
Credits are:
Capital letter P - Vicky Handell at Moo Two Designs
Template - Peaches
Kit - Mr. Fix-it (using parts of the kit by Athena, Dawn & Michelle) Found at digibydesign
Also I used papers by Cindy Doerksen Rambling Rose
Elements by Peggy
Thanks so much for visiting and I hope your day is BRIGHTER than mine :D HUGS!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

pictures to share

Well i finally got my pictures uploaded from the camera and resized for blogger :D
First here is what we can see of the Big Bear fires
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These next pictures i could not resist taking, when a friend of mine gave me this mini sofa because she knows i have collected small chairs Thank you Mary! HUGS :D
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She is soooooo sweet! Hey! maybe i have a future business here LOL tell me how ya think i did as her photographer LOL :D
Anyways, thank you for visiting and have a GREAT day!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sharing another layout

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL weekend! They always seem to go too fast around here lol And for the past few days there has been a big fire going on around Big Bear and we have been smelling it. Luckily no ash this time, but we have seen the smoke (will post a picture later) I pray for everyone near the area!
on a lighter note, i finished another layout! i haven't been doing them for forum challenges but for blog challenges lol Sometimes, ya just MUST get those add ons or freebies lol :D
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Credits are:
Template by Fryske # 8
kit is "Sheryl's Colors" par Newlife
I still haven't gotten myself organized on my computers but I LOVE going through what I have to work with but I still do want to get an organizer again. I had one before and though i cannot remember what it was called, it REALLY helped find what I need.
How do you stay organized or find just the right element you need for a layout? Everyone has a different method, which works best for you?
Well, I am off to get dishes done and get ready for a trip to the social security office, good thing about that is my DH will be home early WOOHOO! :D
Have a GREAT day and thank you so much for visiting!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another layout!

This page is for a little contest going on at Candee's
Only suppose to use just the one paper provided for the challenge, although you may use frames, tags, any embellishment you'd like, so this is what i came up with :D And please be sure to check out her blog later this month, as YOU get to vote for the winner!! WOOHOO!
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Think i have a chance? hehe :D Heck even if i dont, it's ALWAYS fun playing along!
Thanks so much for visiting and have a WONDERFUL day! :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Layouts from those FABULOUS freebies!

First I have to say thank you for offering such WONDERFUL suggestions yesterday! I really enjoy reading your comments and look forward to the fun I'm going to have in finishing this kit and I hope you keep checking back to see it! And of course it will be shared here too!
Today I share with you a layout I made from all those AWESOME freebies we get on the net! Somedays I can hardly believe how generous and talented some designers are!
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Credits go to:
Template - Amy W.
The Leaf kit - Nicole Kaltenecker NBK-proudly presents
Font - Coventry Garden
Pictures - DS Cliff
Thank you ALL! You ROCK! :D
And this layout I did for a photo challenge at Moo Two Designs

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Credits go to:
Swirls & doves are by Mrs.Miles
Font is Shoplifter
Template is from Template Tues. #14 at Moo Two DesignsBy Jeanette Bollinger Designs
Thankful kit by Melanie Johnson
The challenge was to take a picture of something broken which was perfect for my 'garden'! lol Since I have such a hard time with growing any kind of colorful flowers here, I made this 'garden', for lack of a better word, lol, out of swapmeet treasures and broken plates! What do you think of it? :D
Thank you ALL! You ROCK!! :D

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Monday, September 10, 2007

Thought i would share

This preview of a kit in progress :D
It's ALL about the pomeranian dog! Especially made from Scrapcat's Foxy and my little Cinnamon! this is what i got so far:
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Going to make a collar and add some chain but after that i am not sure hehe
Sooooooooooooo if ya feeling like commenting, offer up a suggestion or two please?!
Thanks so much for visiting, i always LOVE our time shared! Have a WONDERFUL day! :D
OH and one more thing :D on the right, you should see a place, iffen ya want, that is, hehe, to give me a hug! Don't be afraid, i don't bite :D and i am a REALLY goood hugger back too! :D C'mon don't leave me hanging, i am standing with arms wide open..... for YOU! :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wacky Weather!

Happy September! I didn't get much of a chance to blog this weekend because of the weather! Yes, we finally had some!! lol Saturday started out muggy & HOT, later we got a little rain, with LOTS of hard wind. Found out Sunday, that a tornado had touched down about 140 miles north of us! I thought California DID NOT get tornadoes lol... Well, anyways, Sunday started out just a beautiful as the day before and just as HOT & humid! But again, we got a little rain, a little more than Sat. but nothing really much at all. Then Monday, we start out the same as before, but this time we really got rain! LOL Came down in a deluge!! Saturday I saw a lightening bolt, right in the back yard, was loud & scary! So, we had some kind of nasty weather each day! Some of the roads, all weekend, to go down into town, were flooded out, luckily because it IS soo dry out here, it drains off rather quickly but still not fun to deal with!
Now the humidity should be gone and a bit cooler weather. Just about ANYTHING is cooler from 103 LOL
How was your Labor day weekend? :D
Thanks soo much for visiting and have a WONDERFUL day! :D