User talk:Bergenga

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Bergenga talk page with Flow.

Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Bergenga/Archive 1 on 2016-02-09.

This page will be moved and archived

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)


This is an important message regarding this page.

This page uses Structured Discussions/Flow, an obsolete tool that causes many maintenance problems. It has been decided to remove this tool from the wikis.

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Reply to "This page will be moved and archived"
Ssu (talkcontribs)
Bergenga (talkcontribs)

(Jeg velger å svare på norsk siden dette er en 1-til-1 diskusjon, selv om Wikidata generelt er på engelsk.)

Nei, jeg har ingen kilder på dette utover det som var lagt inn i artikkelen Ringerike Grand Prix fra før. Så vidt jeg kan se har dette, inkludert navnet på det årets vinner, blitt lagt inn av Bruker:Ketil3 i april 2010, altså mange år før jeg begynte å redigere på sykkelrelaterte artikler rundt 2016. Jeg overførte alt som stod i lista der til WD i mai 2017, men hadde ikke tilgang på noen mer bekreftende kilder da.

Flott at du lager artikler på disse tidligere utgavene av rittet!

Ssu (talkcontribs)

Ah, jeg antok han la inn dette fordi det lå på WD, men da er det jo omvendt... Tror jeg bare fjerner dette fra artikkelen i alle fall. ~~~~

Reply to "Fossen Grand Prix 1978"
Hjart (talkcontribs)
Bergenga (talkcontribs)

Takk! Det er en god løsning. Jeg kunne sikkert selv ha fikset det, men når jeg kommer over alle disse feilene relatert til cebwiki og den elendige datakvaliteten på det som er importert fra GeoNames, blir jeg bare demotivert og gjør vanligvis minst mulig for å løse problemet.

Hjart (talkcontribs)

Forståeligt :-)

Reply to "redirection of ceb articles"
Pmt (talkcontribs)

Good evening! Please be aware of the new property has census (P8701) . I have allready made the necessary edits on Q1996448 . Breg

Bergenga (talkcontribs)

Hei og takk for tipset! Men jeg vet ikke om jeg kommer til å ha så mye nytte av den. Jeg gjorde litt med folketellinger i fjor høst i forbindelse med at jeg gjorde en større sjau med å få orden på tettsteder etter SSBs definisjon, og da var det greit å ha elementer for de forskjellige folketellingene for å bruke som kilde for folketall i tettstedene og denslags. Utover det har jeg ikke så veldig god peiling på folketellinger og sånt. Men selvsagt er det ikke utenkelig at jeg kan få bruk for det en eller annen gang i framtiden. Neste uke, neste år eller om ti år ...

Reply to "New property"
Premeditated (talkcontribs)
Bergenga (talkcontribs)

Both! 987904275 before 2009 and 989795848 after 2009. Otherwise the article on nowiki should be split into one part before the Aker Exploration merger and one after.

To put it simple: At a given point in time, orgnr. are unique and a company has only one. But over time a company can have many orgnr. and several companies can have had the same orgnr.. Which means that we simply can't look blindly on the "single value" and "unique value" constraints here on WD.

Reply to "Det Norske Oljeselskap"

Please take part in the Flow satisfaction survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

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Like some other community members, you are using Flow.

An increasing number of communities now use Flow or are considering it. Although Flow itself is not scheduled for major development during 2016 fiscal year, the Collaboration Team remains interested in the project and in providing an improved system for structured discussions.

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Thanks for your ideas and opinions about Flow!

Trizek (WMF), on behalf of the Collaboration team, 11:56, 7 September 2016 (UTC)

Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (talkcontribs)

Hi Bergenga. We are sharing our new common infobox with other Wikipedias. I need a translation in Norvegian for these words, and a verification for the words I take on your template. If you have more than one chose for a word, you choose the one you prefer. We use this infobox on already eight Wikipedias since the beginning of the week. With Molarus, we take this week to solve the problems we encounter on specific cases during the tests.

	l10nDef["//"] = {"Detaljer", "COURSE", "COMPETITION", "COMPETITIONS", "Etapper", "Dato", "DATES", "Distanse", "COUNTRY", "COUNTRIES", 
	"Startby", "Målby", "TEAMS", "STARTING RIDERS", "ARRIVING RIDERS", "AVERAGE SPEED", "COST", "Resultater", "Vinner", "2. plass", "3. plass", 
	"Poeng", "Klatre", "Sprint", "Ungdom", "Mest offensive", "Kombinasjon", "Lagkonkurranse"}
Bergenga (talkcontribs)

Did a quick translation. Not sure if I used the correct words, but I'll fix that later if necessary. I will also translate the rest of the documentation later, but these days I don't have much extra time and energy, and there doesn't seem to be any hurry. I will try to follow the development all the time, but I may be away for some times. I guess things will be done in good time before high season.

Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (talkcontribs)

Thank you, I prefer doing this now, because in one week, I start my cycling season, and it will sometime be difficult to work here.

Reply to "Translation"
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