Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

May 6-10, 1996, Paris, France

Developer's Day

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The Developer's Day aims at providing up-to-date sessions covering technical issues. Invited presentations will describe recent work and standardization efforts. Address Web Experts, Developers, Users and Industry Watchers.


FRIDAY 10 MAY - Developer's Day
9:00-9:15Welcome / Introduction
9:15-9:45Keynote address:
Gilles Kahn, INRIA
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-12:00 HTTP HTML Agents / Robots Real Time
12:00-13:30 Lunch (Espace Brillat-Savarin)
13:30-15:00 Mobile Code Graphics Internationalization Content Rating
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 VRML Distributed Objects Fonts SGML Security

Keynote address: Gilles Kahn
Senior Chief Scientist - INRIA - France

"Keeping the Web's promises"
HTTP (10:00-12:00) - [Slides]
Roy T. Fielding, University of California, Irvine ([email protected])

HTML (10:00-12:00)
Dave Raggett, HP/W3C ([email protected])

Agents / Robots - [Slides]
Peter Doemel, University of Frankfurt ([email protected])
The web has been and still is growing very quickly. More and more `unexperienced' users are starting to use it. How can it be made easier to make use of the incredible amount of information and the increasing number of services? Like a human agent in a travel agency may help you in preparing your vacation or business trips, software agents - programs with a certain knowledge and expertise - might help you on the web. In this session some of the leading experts in their field will present platforms for agent development as well as examples of concrete agent application.

Real Time (10:00-12:00)
Philipp Hoschka, INRIA/W3C ([email protected])
Over the last year, the integration of sound and video into the Web has advanced at a rapid pace. Today, a wide range of products for Internet telephony, videoconferencing and audio/video on demand are available. However, most of these first generation tools are not interoperable. In this session, developers will have the chance to learn about example products and discuss standardisation efforts like RTP with some of the best experts in this field.
Mobile Code (13:30-15:00)
Jean-Marie Hullot, NeXT

Graphics (13:30-15:00) - [Slides]
Chris Lilley, INRIA/W3C ([email protected])
Graphics comprise the most visible part of the modern Web. In this session, industry experts will update developers about new technologies, including CGM - a standard for compressed vector graphics which gives scalable for any window without degeneration, good quality printing, and client-side interaction; color fidelity requirements for home shopping, and the latest developments with PNG.
Internationalization (13:30-15:00)
Bert Bos, INRIA/W3C ([email protected])
The internationalization of the Web involves expanding the character set for HTML, adding language tags, serving parallel translations of documents, formatting right-to-left and vertical languages, and fonts for non-latin languages. The session will present the current developments and allow room for discussing the immediate future.
Content Rating (13:30-15:00)
Jim Miller, MIT/W3C ([email protected])
The Web is rapidly becoming part of the common world-wide technical infrastructure. As it does so, governments become legitimately concerned with a variety of issues that have been traditionally regulated at a local or national level. The Web differs from existing infrastructures, however, in that access is mediated by a programmable device. This panel will provide developers with an introduction to both the public policy issues and the technology issues involved in addressing this problem.
VRML (15:30-17:00)
Julia Frink, Worlds Inc ([email protected])
This panel will focus on multiuser VRML spaces and the tools used to create these environments. VRML worlds can be more than cool spaces to wander around. They can be meeting places, "digital campfires" in cyberspace where communities can form. People can meet, chat (via text), talk (via audio) and build spaces. Several leaders in the field will speak and show their latest software.
Distributed Objects (15:30-17:00) - [Slides]
Andrew Watson, Object Management Group ([email protected])
Distributed Object technology is becoming increasingly important in building large scale information systems, while the Web is being widely depoloyed to provide access to them. In this session the speakers will briefly describe technology available to help developers use distributed objects with the Web, and then the floor will be thrown open for a 30 minute question and answer session.
Fonts (15:30-17:00)
Chris Lilley, INRIA/W3C ([email protected])
Fonts support on the Web recently emerged as an issue of key importance, both to support the multinational Web and to give designers more creative freedom without resorting to pictures of text. Leading industry players will update developers about their proposals to meet this challenge.
SGML (15:30-17:00) - [Slides]
Murray Maloney, SoftQuad Inc. ([email protected])
SGML is a very rich and intrinsically powerful language that is well suited for encoding structured information. A panel of experts will discuss the use of SGML for authoring and database storage, SGML tools, and the results of a recent workshop on mathematical typesetting and online delivery.
Security (15:30-17:00)
Alan Kotok, Digital Equipment Corporation ([email protected])
Today's Web, even when enhanced by confidential channels, does not offer many assurances of good faith, good content, or even proof of authorship. A panel of key players from W3C, NCSA, Microsoft, and OSF will discuss what steps are being taken toward building digital signatures, trusted assertions, and increased privacy into the Web infrastructure. Particular topics will include:
  • Secure Channels: Developing a Secure Transport Layer Protocol (STLP).
  • Proving Identity: How can the White House sign its press releases?
    How can consumers sign their tax returns?
  • Credentialing: How can someone certify that this applet is safe, or that a page is suitable for 8-year-olds?


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Created: 1 March 1996
Last updated: 28 May 1996