The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria marks a turning point. Prior to the start of the 2011 civil war, Syrians were among the most highly educated people in the Arab world. Syria’s flourishing middle-class, high quality universities, and advanced pharmaceutical industry allowed them to punch above their weight class in influencing the Middle East. As a middle power, Assad’s Ba’athist social-nationalist government sought to retain good ties with all players, including the United States at one point, though its commitment to combating Zionist expansionism ultimately led to its targeting for destruction by the very United States it had sought to keep good terms with.
With Iran and Russia behind it, Syrian forces emerged victorious over Zionist backed Islamist forces in 2018, but this victory was incomplete and led to a period of stagnation in the country. Syria has been unable to recover from the brain drain wrought by the exodus of educated professionals — teachers, physicians, engineers, etc — to Europe and Turkey. The strict sanctions regiment imposed on Syria by the United States and other Zionist powers has made it difficult for the state to participate in global commerce, leading to economic isolation and stagnation. A culture of corruption and cynicism has flourished under the weakened and demoralized Assad, seen everywhere from organized crime groups recruiting the country’s unemployed chemists to become the region’s top producer of crystal meth and Captagon, to the sad display of Syrian Arab Army forces unable to move tanks and airplanes to confront rebels due to their commanders having stolen and sold all the fuel.
Both Russia and Iran have their own reasons for wanting to cut their losses with Assad. The two nations are distracted with their own existential wars against the American-Israeli Zionist order, which is why the Russian presence in Syria was small (a handful of jets) and the Iranian one was already withdrawing from strategic areas such as Idlib.
Hezbollah’s supply routes, which run through Homs and Palmyra, were highly surveilled and regularly targeted by Israel — sometimes attacked a dozen times a day — likely due to corrupt Syrian officers informing on them to the Zionists, making these routes increasingly difficult to use. In one instance, IRGC experts were killed by an Israeli airstrike just blocks away from Assad’s private residence, which Iranian intelligence traced to information obtained from bought off Syrian officials, yet Assad demonstrated a lack of will or capacity to root out the compromised operatives. Syria has gone out of its way to keep a low profile and stay out of the conflict over Gaza since October 7th, including cutting ties with the Houthis in Yemen, which has upset many of its Axis of Resistance allies who expended large amounts of blood and treasure keeping Assad in power.
On the Russian side of the equation, Moscow has been frustrated with Assad’s inability to combat corruption or make an effort to bring about an official end to the conflict. Both Russia and Iran have sought to reintegrate Syria in a post-American geopolitical environment, but Assad was intransigent despite being the weakest party in the alliance.
Following the 2023 Chinese brokered detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which whipped the rug from underneath Washington’s feet, an attempt was made by Beijing, Moscow and Tehran to organize a solution to conflicting Turkish and Syrian interests. Assad rejected this offer, stating that negotiations were off the table until Turkish troops withdrew from Syrian territory.
Turkey has emerged as a highly antagonistic but transactional actor, leveraging its massive army, network of terrorists, and intelligence apparatus at times to do the bidding of America and Israel when their interests intersect, while also carving out a sovereignist position that also deals with Russia and Iran when it benefits Ankara.
The Armenian-Azerbaijani war exemplifies this dynamic. The Armenian government, which had made its own bed by publicly insulting and seeking to distance itself from its Russian and Iranian allies in hopes of winning the favor of America, Israel and Western Europe, was instead caught isolated and alone when Turkish and Israeli backed Azeri forces launched a sudden invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh in late 2020.
Both Russia and Iran avoided a potential war with Turkey by staying out of its way. In exchange, they have reaped tangible benefits from allowing the Turks to achieve their objectives in what they see as their natura sphere of influence. In the aftermath of the Armenian conflict, Azerbaijan, under Turkish protection, has defied Washington by providing a trade corridor for Russia to transport goods to Iran as well as becoming a vital lifeline for Russian energy amidst Ukrainian sanctions.
Turkey has in the past defied Washington, largely because America increasingly needs Turkey more than Turkey needs America. Turkey has been regularly bombing Kurdish communist groups who have since 2018 served as the main American asset in Syria, such as the YPG, and have especially defied Washington in regards to their relations with Russia. Turkey’s emergence as a regional power is an issue neither the United States or Russia appear capable of combating, and both seek to get what they can out of this new reality.
In Syria, there appears to have been a similar arrangement to the one over Armenia behind closed doors between Assad’s government, Iran, Turkey and Russia, who are currently meeting in Doha without any official American, Western or Israeli presence. Hussein Ibish of The Atlantic believes a post-Assad Syria could be divided up among ethno-religious lines, with Russia being able to maintain its port in Tartus through an Alawite protectorate.
As for Iran, which media outlets and analysts are declaring the biggest loser from Assad’s fall, it would be more prudent to wait and see what happens. Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Islamist militia serving as Turkey’s proxy, has sought to distance itself from its al-Qaeda origins and so far avoided organized persecution of Christians and Shi’ites, as Iranian media has testified. Such a development suggests that they are under Turkish orders to behave in a restrained fashion, perhaps through an agreement with Russia and Iran. While HTS is unlikely to have launched its offensive with Hezbollah being forced to surge its material and men to South Lebanon, they have sent message to Shia fighters that they do not seek hostilities with them.
The status of the weapons transfer corridor to Hezbollah, however, could be in jeopardy and Israel has capitalized on this by pushing into Syrian territory, but ultimately both the United States and Israel appear to be in the passenger seat at the behest of Turkey. There is potential for Iran to convince Sunni militants in the new Syrian government to preserve their ability to support Hezbollah out of anti-Israel solidarity. Rather than a carefully calibrated Western-led regime change, the renewed Turkish aggression appears to be in the context of a vacuum in Central Asia and the Near East that a weakened Washington has no choice but to support on Ankara’s terms, which they prefer to Iranian or Russian influence, but which also introduces variables out of Washington’s control.
As NATO member, Turkey has long sought to utilize strategic agreements with America and Israel for its own morally ambiguous economic and geopolitical self-interest, including maintaining the financially lucrative oil pipeline to Israel, but they nevertheless reserve the right to retain a degree of independence. Turkey has been diligent in demanding the US break ties with its Kurdish fighters in Syria, and while HTS rebels have largely avoided major battles with Iran-backed Shia groups and Russian forces, both the Turkish military and HTS are currently eviscerating the positions long held by US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (who are Kurdish) in Northern Syria while Washington impotently tells them to stop.
It is unclear in the immediate aftermath if America and Israel are really the major winners or simply opportunistically getting their licks in amidst the chaos. Turkey has likely already agreed with the US to allow Israel to steal Syrian territory in exchange for a free hand, but this doesn’t mean Iran won’t also be allowed to develop an alternative way to aid its allies in Lebanon in a separate agreement. One can recall the aftermath of Saddam Hussein, overthrown by the US due to his stalwart opposition to Israel and replaced with a weak puppet regime that ultimately created an unforeseen vacuum, allowing Iran to cultivate a new and increasingly important branch of its Axis of Resistance via Popular Mobilization Units.
For Iran, which appears to be preparing for a war with the incoming Trump administration, avoiding an intervention in Syria preserves weapons and funds needed in Lebanon and at home, but also avoids reigniting cooling sectarian tensions by avoiding attacking Sunnis to preserve the rule of a Shia minority. The prospect of unchallenged American hegemony in Syria, which would’ve transpired without outside intervention in the 2011 civil war, is an acute threat to both Iran and Russia, so the decision to allow the rebels to take Damascus should be observed with this in mind. The truth of the matter is that the rebels, armed with Turkey’s state of the art drones and other new battlefield dynamics the Syrian army was unprepared to defend against, were easier to accommodate than fight.
The big picture mission for Iran in the new security landscape is to undercut American and Israeli machinations by uniting Shia and Sunni Muslims for the Palestinian cause, which appears to be bearing some fruit. Iran has successfully pitched a united front against Israel to win over unlikely Sunni militant allies, such as Hamas and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran seems to be taking the form of entente, as seen with the two country’s increased military cooperation. Last March, Hezbollah’s foreign minister Wafiq Safa was welcomed by officials in the Sunni United Arab Emirates, considered by many to be a pivot away from the United States. In Lebanon, Sunni militias once seen as rivals of Hezbollah have put aside their differences to fight alongside the Shia resistance group against Israel. The hard truth for Gulf States, who under the first Trump administration were being organized into a proxy army for Israel, is that the Yemen war, where Saudi oil refineries were destroyed, showed them the United States is unable or unwilling to provide them with the kind of security guarantees needed for them to fight Iran and its allies. It will remain to be seen what Trump’s second administration, which is directed almost exclusively by Israel’s well-being, will offer to bring the Saudis back to the negotiating tables.
The US and Israel unleashing the Turkish juggernaut could be interpreted as a recalibration and reaction to increased collaboration between Shia and Sunni nations elsewhere, who have been brought together by the genocide in Gaza as well as the rise of BRICS. Though Turkey is a Sunni nation, various Arab states from Egypt to Saudi Arabia fear the Muslim Brotherhood and other forms of political Islam backed by Ankara. One could argue that empowering Turkey, which has decent relations with Russia, could also drive a wedge between Moscow and Tehran in the long-run as most of the Middle East, including Iran, reject neo-Ottoman influence.
It is doubtful that relying on Turkey was Washington’s first choice in the Middle East. A comparison could be made with the Atlanticist embrace of Joseph Stalin during the Second World War. The Turks, both as a society and state, largely reject the liberal values America and its Jewish policy makers seek to impose on the world, especially in the realm of foreign policy. In the last two years, Turkey has sought to circumvent Western sanction on Iran and outright refuses to acknowledge their sanctions on Russia, seemingly unafraid of any Western retaliation.
The nightmare of trying to control Turkey is bound to cause the liberal West a major headache down the line. Recep Erdogan’s stated imperial ambitions do not stop at Armenia and Syria, he has also repeatedly called for increasing influence or outright invading his supposed NATO “allies” Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. Turkey functions as a gangster state, extorting Europe out of billions of dollars by threatening to flood the continent with migrants. Whatever short-term benefits to their geopolitical infrastructure the US and Israel obtain from helping unleash Turkish savagery on the world is tantamount to running with scissors.
Though it is too early to tell, the largely bloodless and apparently consensual exit of Assad, with the US and Israel as beneficiaries but still secondary actors, could be looked back upon as a product of multipolarity, rather than a refutation of it.
Thank-you, Joe: very high-quality summary.
Excellent analysis on Assad and the fall of Syria.
{{Both Russia and Iran avoided a potential war with Turkey by staying out of its way. }}
Majority of the Iranians don’t trust Putin and Russia. The events at the Zang-Zur passage, Iran ‘s only passage that allows Iran access to Europe, but zionist Erdogan wants to deny Iran of his right and Putin was more on Pan Turkism plot than supporting Iran, is very disturbing. I hope Putin stop stabbing Iran on her back to support Iran in her fight against the criminal Pan Turkism.
As you said Putin NEEDS Turkey to advance his interests. Iran will not tolerate Russian’s support of Erdogan against the interest of Iran and will act to defend her interests. Iran has already warned the traitor Erdogan and his ally Putin on this issue.
Freshteh Saddeghi tweet:
Where have these zionist Arab States been? Why did they cooperat with the genocidal US/Israel to isolate Assad and not to give economic assistance to Syrian people to maintain the Army to be able to stand up against the US/Israel/Turkey’s terrorists, Al Jolani. The faggot Al jolani has no worries when ISRAEL and TURKEY are killing the Syrian people and GRABBING their lands, he said we are not going to get involved in another war. no more wars. He is a TRAITOR and soon will be assassinated. Both US/Israel will assassinate him as soon as his usefulness is over.
I hope the Syrian people assassinate him before Americans did, and throw his body in a toilet. This crime against humanity mainly was designed by US/Israel with Turkey as manager.
Death to US/Israel, death to Turkey
Imho – the Syrian shitstorm that is coming will bring deep regret to both Turkey and Israel.
An excellent analysis.
“Both Russia and Iran have sought to reintegrate Syria in a post-American geopolitical environment, but Assad was intransigent despite being the weakest party in the alliance.” This is utter nonsense and misleading. Everyone seems ready to blame the former President. In truth, Bashar al-Assad was very willing to cooperate with Russia and Iran, but Putin’s Russia played cowardly Zionist-Turk stooge. The Russian leadership should feel ashamed of their deafening silence towards the Israeli Jewish criminal violation of international law and civilized norms. Putin’s leadership has no courage to condemn not only the ongoing Jewish terrorist attacks on Syria but also the illegal occupation of Syrian territory by the barbaric Jews. What happened in Syria is a carbon copy of what happened in Afghanistan in 1988. Russia is well-known for its cowardly betrayal of allies. The Russian regime of Mikhail Gorbachev negotiated its cowardly withdrawal with the terrorists, the CIA, and the brutal Gulf regimes at the expense of the democratically-elected government of Afghan president Mohammad Najibullah. It was a humiliation that Russia aptly described as “national reconciliation” between the government, the CIA, and CIA-recruited terrorists, including al-Qaeda. It was a disaster for Afghanistan and the Afghan people. Russia has proven time and again to be weak and incompetent. In Syria, Turkey, Israel, and a rebranded al-Qaeda (a.k.a. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, under Abu-Mohammad al-Golani, who is wanted in the U.S. for terrorism with a $10 million bounty on his head) were added to the US-led mix. It seems like just yesterday the U.S. and its vassals were slamming the same group of terrorists who recently rampaged through Syria. Iran bears as much responsibility as Russia. Let us hope Syria will not go on the same road as Afghanistan. Meanwhile, only the Taliban’s Afghanistan, U.S.-led Western countries, Turkey, and Israel applauded the fall of Syria to U.S.-sponsored terrorists.
If Erdogan has ever called for invading Greece, Bulgaria, or Romania, his ostensible NATO “allies”, one would think NATO would have always viewed this man with extreme suspicion. He is across the Black Sea from them (admittedly Greece is only across roughly one mile of water, but that is a natural boundary).
I think Israel eventually wants all of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. I don’t think anyone will rise to stop them, and that they will keep inventing little terrorist groups like the invented Hamas, who will do something stupid, like th Al-Asqua flood, and then Israel will have to take “moar” land eastward until their borders reach Iraq. If I were a Jordanian, I’d look at moving.
When Israel has the above, they might not be satisfied, and will have a bigger nation with more resources, so that places like Northern Saudi Arabia and Western Iraq might begin to look appetizing to them. I’m afraid Israel could nuke Rome, Athens, Berlin, and Budapest while muttering words like “terrorist threat” and whatever American president we have at the time would go on television and talk about Israel “has a right to protect herself” and how US dollars will be used to rebuild the Holocaust museums in the destroyed cities before any other construction takes place.
I agree with this analysis overall. The Europeans and the Israelis don’t seem to fear Turkish power. But they should. In the future, they will regret this Syria policy.
Syria: The Predators Start To Feast
Video Link
Another ‘blame the Syrians’. Note well the ‘journalists’ who blithely take this line.
“A culture of corruption and cynicism has flourished under the weakened and demoralized Assad”
“yet Assad demonstrated a lack of will or capacity to root out the compromised operatives.”
“Syria has gone out of its way to keep a low profile and stay out of the conflict over Gaza”
“Moscow has been frustrated with Assad’s inability to combat corruption or make an effort to bring about an official end to the conflict.”
How can a state be so quickly over-thrown, and its military assets so quickly-thrown to the Turkish and Zionist dogs?
Note how these ‘blame the Syrians’ journalists never pose other possible scenarios.
Did Assad ‘go gently’ to Moscow, or is he a prisoner/hostage?
Did Russia purposely allow the headchoppers asylum in Idlib so that when the time came Russia could ‘look the other way’ when they were released like maddened rodents upon Syria?
Did Russia and Iran simply not have the courage to challenge the long USA occupation of Syria?
Did China allow the sanctions to bite deep into Syria because the poor Chinese don’t have any extra dollars lying around?
Why didn’t Iran challenge the USA occupation of Syria?
Why didn’t Russia allow Syria the air defense to challenge constant Israeli strikes?
Paul Craig Roberts I think has been proven right. Russia, Iran and China don’t have the stomach to respond to the Anglo/Zionist empire.
Or maybe Putin himself is controlled by Jewish finance in Russia and the Russian colonists in Palestine?
We have to back up and consider the possibility that ALL these countries supposedly resisting the Empire are in fact governed by CONTROLLED DEMONS. No scenario makes sense to me. How can 15,000 mercenaries completely TAKE OVER a big country with a centralized government? It simply doesn’t make sense.
A bunch of fake news. Disconnected from reality. The US empowering Turkey? Sure buddy. I guess sanctions and declaring terrorists near Turkey’s borders as allies are the US’ way of empowering Turkey lol. Also this neo-Ottoman, imperial Turkey crap is a bunch of nonsense invented by Zionists to make Turkey appear like a threat. Remind me again, where did Turkey invade since Erdogan is president? Right. Nowhere. Turkey has no territorial objectives around its borders, if anything you said was right North Cyprus would have been annexed long ago as it would be the easiest to annex.
And clowns like this guy also claim Turkey is also working with Israel, because oil goes through pipes in Turkey – and it is not even Turkey’s oil. So I guess Turkey is supposed to break contracts it signed, ignore laws and prevent other people’s assets from going through Turkey so that retarded internet journalists can say Turkey isn’t doing Israel’s bidding. What a great idea, maybe Turkey could also stop cargo ships and tourist planes flying to Israel.
Erdogan also suggested invading Greece, Bulgaria or Romania exactly zero times. Your first reference is a known Zionist bastard named Michael Rubin, second reference is about meeting with Bulgarian political party and third literally about construction projects in Romania. Claiming Turkey extorted EU billions is another nonsense, EU provided direct assistance to Syrians not to the Turkish government, total EU spent for Syrians in Turkey is far less than Turkey itself spent on Syrians. Exactly zero Turks supported this agreement with the EU.
And you are supposed to be a journalist? What a joke.
Fair questions. I wonder very much if Asad is not either dead, or a prisoner. The way he silently disappeared is odd.
This is putting the Turkish turkey in front of the Israeli cart, no?
What are the chances that this process was driven by Turkey, with the US and Israel “in the passenger seat?” I think the answer is a crystal zero. Who can believe something so preposterous? I don’t really recall Erdogan getting 58 standing ovations in the US Congress.
Clearly, this is an Israeli project with the US and Turkey receiving cameo roles. The project is all about destroying Syria and Lebanon in order to create greater Israel by blocking the last of the balancing forces in the region, those of Iran and Russia.
Turkey is given a bone up north in order to stabilize the Kurdish parts. And the US is simply the muscle in the operation, expected to pay for and clean up the ensuing mess. This is Bibi again bringing his dirty laundry to Washington and having the US clean it for him; in this case only figuratively.
Syria will be such a true, western inspired, democracy…
Stupid Erdogan sold himself believing that betrayal would make him white and he would be accepted into the EU; the fool forgets that racism is infinite and never gives in on the social and religious aspect.
A political and religious traitor, he may soon be the victim of popular justice of his own people, so from now on he should sleep with one eye open.
The definitive Syria video, link below, is part of top Jewry’s final solution for humanity: manmade extinction of our species. Those who know the Talmud, Kabballah and the oral tradition are up to speed on past, current and future events. The WWIII Armageddon of Goig and Magoig is in full swing, albeit in an early inning.
“Kabbalah of Syria”
Jewry’s Gaza Genocide is equally part of their final solution:
Turkey has made incursions into northern Iraq, and northern Syria, since Erdogan came to power.
No, the USA did.
Kikesucking Amerimutts said “don’t touch our terrorists in Idlib, or else.”
Are you Ukrainian, by any chance? You seem to think that the whole world is in debt to Syria, just like the hohol swine think the whole world is in debt to Ukraine for some reason.
How much money did you donate to Syria? What have you done personally?
Good analysis.
And you are supposed to be a journalist?
He’s a Fed, spinning a story to shift the blame onto Turkey. “Striker” has fallen out from the groups he has been involved with. The ADL even lists him on their site in an attempt to give him street cred.
Erdogan should have taken lessons from the Swiss. His jumping in bed with the U.S./Israel click might look appealing short term, but will cause Turkey grief down the road. Neither are loyal to Erdogan’s part of the world. Nor does he understand geography.
They can blame Turkey; but it is the Jews who are mapping out the Syrian ex-property.
More than anything, this shows what a murky mess that whole region is, and why the US shouldn’t be involved there at all (‘avoiding foreign entanglements’ etc) — imagine trying to explain to some guy working in a hardware store in the Midwest why he should pay tax so the government can fuck around over there.
Regarding ‘a post-Assad Syria could be divided up among ethno-religious lines’, this is exactly what didn’t happen after WWI — if it had, there would likely be far less conflict there, much of it being ethnic and religious — in particular, the Kurds should have their own territory.
But the people now in Damascus do not seem like the types who would favor this, especially the existence of an ‘Alawite protectorate’ — there were already reports (link) of ‘reprisals in the province of Latakia, where the Alawites live, a religious group from which the Assads themselves come’ — so it also seems unlikely they would allow the Russians, who were allied with Assad, to maintain a navy base in Tartus.
What a surprise. As the US suzerainty breaks down, of course local powers jockey for local supremacy. Some win, others lose, others become provinces of new Imperia that used to be known for being “anti-imperialist”. Happens every time.
Expect a lot more of this sort of thing, worldwide.
Oh, and expect a revolution or two or three in the UK, maybe four if Wales rebels again. The national governments in England, Ireland, and Scotland appear to be trying to replace their base populations. Even Syria wasn’t trying that, although I’ve seen speculation that it’s Christian population might be encouraged to leave by the new regime, as it was once asked (and is now encouraged) to leave Armenia.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we get another Turkish attempt at acquiring Greece, once part of the mighty (and might be again) Ottoman Empire. One of the mysteries of histories is that the nomad conquest of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean by what amounted to nomads seems apt to last another millennium. Usually nomad empires last for about 3 generations, and fail when the 3rd generation can’t get on a horse and ride for a thousand miles (strategic mobility), then deploy as light cavalry characterized by disciplined and effective tactical maneuvers coupled with accurate and lethal arrow fire within ~50 meters. The Ottoman Empire might recrudesce, complete down to the millet system.
No one takes Iran seriously. Why should Russia be different?
Iran is like an inverted Syria, where atiny minority of Islamists, instead of secularists,rule with an iron hand over a largely secular population.
Just as Assad was afraid to confront Israel and feared confrontation, Iran is afraid to confront Israel or the US. Just like Assad, Khanenei shouts slogans to appear tough, but retreats in difficult times. Everyone can now see this clearly.
The similarity between Iran and Syria is that in both countries the rulers no longer have a strong popular base and corruption is rife in both countries. Also both countries have been isolated, impoverished, and weakened by sanctions.
On the other hand, Russia sees Turkey as a NATO country, with modern and advanced industries, and strong legitimacy with its people. Unlike Iran whose rulers are hated by their people and could face a fate similar to that of Syria, and keep begging Americans to lift sanctions.
China also does not take Iran seriously, just as a supplier of cheap oil, but unreliable, shaky, and nothing worth investing in. China is increasing its already large investments in Turkey by the day.
Just as Syria was seen as weak, corrupt, and unpopular by Iran, and not worth wasting resources on, Russia sees Iran as weak, corrupt and ready to explode in a revolution at any time
Assad in power kept Syria, weak, isolated and vulnerableand intransigent. The same is true with the Islamic Republic whose intransigence even towards its own people is is suicidal for the regime.
An Islamist regime like Iran cannot become secular. The Koran forbids it. And this intransigence may over time lead to an popular revolt and the possible partition of the country in coming years.
At that time Turkey will be well positioned to annex north Iran, Caucasus, and move towards central Asia. It may become a power rivaling and exceeding that of Russia in the long term,while Iran like Syria is doomed by its corrupt, medieval, and intransigent rulers.
Everybody knows Iran will soon explode from within and and any agreement and inestments made in the
Unpopular Islamic Republic will be null and void after a revolution and possible partition.
Iran will be partitioned like Syria, no doubt.
Just like Assad, Khamenei is not heeding the warnings to deeply reform the system and listen to the majority of the population fed up with Islamist rule and failed crusade for Palestine. An Ayatollah cannot stop being an Ayatollah. His death could give Iran an opportunity to reform and save itself, but Iran may die before Khanenei.
Syria obviously has nothing to do with us.
It is the minds of the Syrian people themselves that deserve what has happened to them.
Besides, we Chinese just need to do our own business and the Anglo-Jewish empire will collapse automatically, we don’t need much confrontation.
If we do, you’re the ones who should be worried. Would you like to see a pile of skeletons made of white heads?
WTF does that mean?
I’ll tell you what it means
It means collusion between Israel, Turkey, US, Iran and the rest of the fake Jew owned Potentates of the ME in the destruction and looting of Syria.
With the fake Jews in the driver seat
To Mr. Striker, I’m surprised that you never had any suspicions of Assad being controlled opposition.
It should be obvious that Assad was always a front man for the fake Jews
He was a nobody with no base, just the son of the previous fake Jew owned shill running Syria
The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Because Assad, like Nasrallah presided over the destruction of of their respective militaries and the murder 0f countless top and middle level commanders in on going “mowing of the grass” operations by the murderous squatters.
And all the while the squatters of Israel lived in peace with no worry of reprisial.
If you don’t see that Mr. Striker, then you really need to reexamine the situation.
Regarding the break-up and divvying up of Syria and Lebanon among the local hyenas
Remember, what we are seeing now is the result of a surprise attack on the squatters
Prior to 10/7 the squatters were sitting pretty, now the demise of the squatter colony is in sight.
The Israelis are pulling things out of their ass in order to distract from the main event in Gaza.
It is my assertion that Nasrallah’s Israeli handlers instructed him to attack Israel in the immediate aftermath of the 10/7 surprise attack to accomplish at least 2 goals;
One, create a distraction from the slaughter the Israelis had planned for Gaza
And two, to accomplish a “mowing of the grass” in the Hezbollah military.
A mowing of the grass meaning the assassination of all possible threats to traitorous Hezbollah elite.
Which we saw them do with our own eyes.
Let me restate the obvious in case some might have missed it
Every state in the ME is nominally anti-Israel on the outside but controlled by the squatters on the inside. If I’m wrong about this please point out the error of my ways
Meaning that no Arab or even Turkish potentate can be seen to openly lick the boots of the fake Jews.
Therefore a pro Israel Syria is not possible and any potentate that attempts to force it on Syria will assassinated.
It boils down to this;
In their attempt to distract the world from their mass murder of defenseless women and children in Gaza, the Israelis have bitten off more than they can chew.
The squatters have a tiger by the tail and they can’t let go.
It doesn’t matter. Anyway, Assad has been liberated from the fools of Syria.
Perhaps he will become a doctor in Russia, after all, that is his profession.
From what you’ve seen on social media, the Syrians are a bunch of idiots.
Let’s face it, most people in this world are retarded. The suffering of fools who think that democracy and freedom will solve all problems is worthy of their ideas.
Generally speaking, during our Cultural Revolution, these people could have been sent directly to the execution ground and shot.
The human race doesn’t progress until the fool drops.
Thhe author writes: Though Turkey is a Sunni nation, various Arab states from Egypt to Saudi Arabia fear the Muslim Brotherhood and other forms of political Islam backed by Ankara.
This is not totally accurate.
This analysis, has not considered that Erdogan might use the Muslim Brotherhood card in Egypt and topple the most reviled and corrupt alSisi, who has brutally slaughtered the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. At this point the Egyptians are ready to make a deal with the devil against alSisi. AlSisi has starved Egyptians and is considered a whore of Israel, by just about every Egyptian of any age.
Should the Muslim Brotherhood gain power, Erdogan will couple and coordinate with the Egyptian Army. The lower ranks in the Egyptian Army are completely outraged at the refusal of alSisi to do anything to help the Palestinians. AlSisi is kept in power by fifteen thousand generals who have divided amongst them all commercial and industrial sectors while crowding out all private businesses. These generals use conscripts as cheap labor in their businesses, even in the soccer teams. They do not pay any income taxes.
Should Erdogan bring the Muslim brotherhood into power in Egypt, after some house cleaning and refitting, Erdogan will have in effect built what can be considered a hammer being Turkey and an anvil Egypt with Israel being the workpiece. This would give Erdogan more blocks to build with the Ottoman empire 2.0. Qatar is also on board with the Muslim Brotherhood movement and a big supporter.
Should Israel continue to act as a tornedo in the ME, refusing to cooperate with its neighbors instead of dictating, Erdogan might be forced to remind Israel she is nothing without her harem the US Congress. In such an eventuality, all the unified forces in Iraq and HizbAllah would also pile on Israel from the West. Not to mention a most likely army of volunteers from Algiers. All motivated and compelled by the shame of allowing the slaughter in Gaza to happen.
The US and its Zionist Christianity has made it clear that zionist Israel is more valuable to it than half a billion Arabs and a majority Muslims. This is the environment that the US boots on the ground would find themselves in, when sent to save their mistress Israel.
This would be the beginning of the war of Armagedon, the ladt war before the collapse of th red American Empire. The World would be finally split along clear lines between the piracy of the Western hegemone and the looted nations of the South.
Those who analyse and intuit, that soon, Israel and its harem, the US Congress shall be the biggest loosers might not be totally off the mark.
It is not too late for Americans to demand the end of this fraud and cruel project called a land for the Jews and remember no Jew was ever prohibited from living in the Holly Land, Golda Meyer has a Palestinian passport. The problem is zionism not the Jews.
Turkey is aiding Israel in their war on white gentiles.
Of course the Jew wars that gave an excuse to flood Europe with more Muslims is not mentioned by this slithering kike.
I’m glad to see someone is recognizing the rampant collusion between the ME potentates and Israel
Now you just have to take a hard look at the Mullahs and Putin and see that they too slurp at the Israeli schlong.
And always have.
How pray tell can the squatters control all this territory you say they will consume that is full of fake Jew hating Arabs?
In light of the mass murder of Arabs in Gaza, Arab’s and Muslim’s hatred towards the fake Jews of Israel is off the charts
Do you really think they will grovel up to the boot of the fake Jew and lick???
Don’t you have any faith in the human spirt to resist being a slave to the fake Jews?
Would you resist?
Or maybe you think Arabs don’t have a desire to be free?
You are full of shit, where I Live if people were fed up with Islamist rule women would give up wearing hijabs. But I see PLENTY of women wearing them that come from these Muslim/Islamic countries. They aren’t trying to be Western, even in America they still speak their language, wear the clothes from their native lands. I’m also starting to notice the same among Indian women too.
But you make it sound like the world wants to be Westernized and would rather give up their culture to be like the dead fucked up mentally deranged United States that can never keep it’s ugly ass out of wars.
If only the Tiger would break free and tear some ass, that Tiger will be worthy of a nobel prize.
“Should Israel continue to act as a tornedo in the ME, refusing to cooperate with its neighbors instead of dictating, Erdogan might be forced to remind Israel she is nothing without her harem the US Congress. ”
LOL, I love the way you worded all of that. Hahahaha. Best comment I’ve seen so far today.
These Arabs are pretty stupid and greedy. The generals of the Syrian Military were very apparently paid off to stand down. The “jihadists” did not fight their way through Syria They simply drove to Damascus and took over.
I wonder what’s going on — there seems to be some infighting between Eric Striker and Keith Woods:
As if the situation in Syria wasn’t complicated enough, now we have to keep track of the jihad between right-wingers. Here is Keith Woods’ most recent take on Syria:
Türkiye has everything going for itself except that they’re not totally higher IQ Greek descended but from the heavy on brawn and light on the brains Mongols and the second thing that’s against the pseudo Whites is their nefarious association with the dastardly Arabic Islam. That duality of being Muslims with Ghengis Khan mentality was very good in the age of no technology but today it would not work.
Sooner or later, both Russia/Armenia and America/Israel combine will mow them out of the way…future doesn’t bode too well for the Turks.
Don’t forget the U.K. Their press, whether BBC, Grauniad, Daily Mail, etc. are for now, running the standard style of fake atrocity tales regarding Assad’s rule.
The place is certain to descend into a new civil war, Turkish polity will not allow the Kurds, who have themselves run ethnic-cleansing campaigns, to continue as semi-independant.
This is the most stupid statement in the article,
, well, some of those may have ended up in Turkey, but from reading, none in Europe, the ones in Europe are just like the HTS thugs, who are in a process of mass-murder right now.
According to the Lugenpresse, the head-choppers have become cuddly little soft-toys.
Eric Striker (sure, I know it is a pen name, forget his real name, not USian) was apparently in some attempted U.S. political party that achieved nothing by doing nothing.
Well, recall that IRAN went through a US organized terror destroying Baghdad, poisoning land with depleted uranium shelling, leaving a people taught to obey. Then there is LIBYA, and its successful economy brought to its knees , same as SYRIA.
It doesn’t matter what we propose. what happens is destruction.
Which coincidentally, brings massive profit in the production of yet more war materiel. Why do we have children when their future is learning about their society’s achievements of past times. What do we offer except promises of fairness at the point of a gun? Why do we intercept a society merely to degrade it?
Is it any wonder that our deep past reveals our descent into animal instincts and the following thousands of years creating a civilization based on cooperation only to descend once again into savagery?
If any intelligence survived, there is no proof of it.
This might become a possibility if Abrahamic accord is signed by Saudi . The accord doesnt pave way to the greater Israel .But the very signing of the accord does .Israel will know then that repeat of genocidal actions against imprisoned Arab population in another part will not register any moral objection let alone any military resistance . Jordan will sign off if Israel decides to take Sinai and Saudi Arab .
Assad was a leader eager to be accepted by the west . This was his downfall. What ever be the defects of Mao ,Stalin or North Korean – one thing they understood that west was inching for total destruction of Russia China and NK .They had to take tough decisions including killing millions of pro western 5th columnists . All Assad had to do was to listen to Iran Hizbullah Houthi and Russia . It had no other friend .It had no well wisher . It should have thought that through when Israel killed Harrari and balmed it on Syria + Hizbullah .Thus setting the stage of Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon.
Sure Russia should not have allowed US’s entry in Syria by getting there first which it could have after freeing Aleppo and other areas. It should ahve given s 400 to Iran and to Syria . It should have asked China to step in .
Keep in mind, the longer the squatters hold on to that tiger’s tail the weaker they become
Remember, our fake Jewish Friends like and must have the “good life”.
Presently, no Israeli in Israel is living the “good life”.
And it doesn’t look like the “good life” is coming back to Israel anytime soon.
Meaning no more dope festivals on the border of the open air prison of Gaza
That’s going to put a crimp in their style
Therefore the squatters will leave
The sanctions on Iran have nothing to do with hijab.
A secular regime would allow people who want to wear the hijab to do so.
The main difference would be that a secular government would pursue its national interests like any normal country instead of those of an Islamist cause like the liberation of Jerusalem. Persians have no land claim over Israel, and most of the youth in Iran are highly supportive of Israel.
Iran is never going to liberate Jerusalem, they will retreat at the last minute as they did over Lebanon and Syria. It is a pretext to justify the corrupt mullahs and associates to stay in power by feeding their hardliner base empty slogans. The empty slogans are not even taken seriously by Israel but are used to keep Iran backward under mullah rule and sanctioned.
Turkey pursues its national interest unlike Iran.
It benefits both Israel and Mullahs who are complicit, but the Iranian people are the ones paying the price.
Everyone in Iran that used to be skeptical knows that Mullahs are complicit with Israel, and just want to stay in power.
So sooner later there will be a popular revolt.
krainer’s idea of syria as a boondoggle trap for us/israel makes some sense; but it is a copey argument; i mean to give up a country? agreed to by all 4 main parties, russ, turk, syria, iran? i think it is a bit of a stretch, even though I like the strategic thinking behind it. but objectively? meh.
any thoughts on the viability of this idea?
are israel and us caught in some jihadi trap that will attrit them into collapse?
20 years of coin along the durand in afpak didnt collapse the empire, but it did weaken it significantly both via massive monetary and political corruption and via exposure of its true face (reputational/marketing bud light damage).
Geography matters. and why cant syria and lebanon have air defense systems? like buy some, get a loan to get some, beg borrow steal to get some, I mean, it doesnt need to be a patriot or s400, i can go on the corner and buy a manpads, youre telling me lebanon and syria and whoever else cant go out and buy a couple of dozen stingers or russ manpads and ammo for them?
beggars belief. and what happenned to hezbollahs secret weapons, what happened to advanced 100 thousand missiles and rockets, what happened to thier ship sinkers? im on the side of the resistance, but bullshit is bullshit, was it all pr and marketing hype?
hyper-reality can seem more real than the real thing.
Striker trusting the plan! When your enemies kill you, you win!
Erdogan is a back stabbing reptilian hybrid , just like Netanyahu and they both have been cooperating behind the scenes for decades with the support of the CIA and MI6 and the Mossad , in creating ISIS and AL-CIADA and all offshoots there of to overthrow the duly elected government of Syria and finally they have got it done.
Israel and the ZUS and ZBritain and ZNATO and ZTurkey have turned Syria into another kosher killing pen aka another genocide locale just like in Palestine and Lebanon. The real terrorists wear suits and live in DC and Tel Aviv and London and Ankara and are the creators of the other terrorists and these reptilian hybrids are shape shifters from the underground alien bases of the world and they are destroyers of nations and humanity and America is next on their list.
At this early stage how can anyone know exactly what happened – who was doing what to whom and how hard.
However, your above postmortem sounds sensible.
The NYT has been busy painting Assad as a “brutal dictator” to justify his ouster, while at the same time busy crediting CIA and Israel for the coup. Assad was a doctor who worked full-time in London before being called to take over from his brother who died accidentally. Under his watch, Syria was a modernist country that allowed women to attend universities, hold professional jobs. Most young women in Damascus do not even wear hijab but modern clothing. Now Syria is plunged back into darkness with these Sunni nutjobs running the show. There will be lots of witch hunt and senseless revenge killings on the 25% Shia muslims who were aligned with Assad.
CIA & Israel are fully exploiting the Sunni/Shia division to divide and conquer the Muslim world. Sunni run UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman and Turkey have long sold their souls to the devil and aligned themselves with US & Israel. Iran, half of Iraq, Syria, Bahrain & Yemen were the only Shia holdouts, all have been made to suffer severe economic sanctions and/or “civil wars” to destabilize them from within.
One thing for sure Syria is now a basketcase and will be for some time. Rebels only know how to topple governments, they don’t know how to run a country. There will be many more Syrian refugees headed for Europe, this time it’ll be the Shia minority who flee persecution by the Sunni majority. Once again, US & Israel make a mess of a country, and Europe suffers by having to take in their refugees. When will Europe wake up and stop aligning themselves with these 2 evil snakes?
Finally, someone who understands the difference between Turkish and Turk(ic).
To most people, all of them are just “Turks”. Not so.
The identity first arose in what is today north-central China and southern Mongolia (these were simply nomad Asian lands then). The “Tur-kueh” were first called such by the T’ang Chinese. Turkic peoples are spread across central Asia. The Turkish people (modern) live in . . . Turkiye.
Sharing cultural similarities with the Mongolians, Manchurians and northern Han, the Turks as such essentially migrated across Eurasia and are the newest settlers in West Asia (the “Middle East”).
To call modern Turkiye (the country) white-admixtured is somewhat accurate: modern Turks often claim kinship with Mongolians. But Turks look nothing like East Asians (Mongolians are pure East Asian – just look at photos and believe the evidence of your eyes).
Instead, they seem to be the product of their original East Asian genes, mixed with large amounts of Greek, Italian, Arabic, Persian and some Celtic and Slavic. In short, a hybrid nation with an independent identity. Now you know why they are considered different from both Arabs and Iranians – because they are, not only ethnically but culturally.
Turkish identity is its own thing, distinctive and unique.
Imho – Donald Trump becomes POTUS in 5 weeks and he will find himself in a circus ring with Israel and Turkey.
All of them will be smiling and kissing each other while they stab each other in the back.
The people of Syria and Lebanon will join the Palestinians being murdered wholesale.
Saudi Arabia will realize that they are next and have to make a decision: chose Xi or Trump!
I think Erdogan has made a massive mistake. In due course, this will result in Turkey losing its east. And possibly Constantinople.
Maybe when there are elections in the future Assad could run again but I doubt the idiot will get 95% of the votes.
The dog that caught the car…
Thd whole world finally sees what total pretending scum american and british have always been their entire history. Truth hurts, doesnt it? Well thats what american and british have always been and have done. Even the known, admitted views of history have shown this over and over again. This isnt anything new and suprising. Also what Israel has done and does now, is just what american and british have always done.
Yes we saw how you dealt so brutally and effectively with the Japanese Imperial Army taking over your country. And they might still be ruling your country while begging you to stop being so fierce, if not for…white power.
Thanks Liza!
Yeah, agree completely. Just the fact that there are so many conflicting narratives about Turkey’s role makes it sound like there’s a manipulation psy-op underway.
The only thing wich is certain, however, is Israel’s central role and that of its chief lackey, the US.
thank you….. same for Armenian and Artsakh… trust Russia.. you die….will Russian nationalists/patriots ever rid them selves of the turk-jew loving chabbadist putin?..the world awaits… and what’s up with his mouthpiece that dogface Lavrov…half (self-loathing) Armenian(half ? -gonna take a stab that it is jew)
How could Assad and his minions possibly not know that? The US is not a country; it’s a Jewish slave colony. Therefore, displeasing its master is 100 percent guaranteed to bring a bite from the North American pit bull.
Nope. It was long before Erdogan, governments have legal right to pursue terror groups even if they escape to another country. It is all legal per international law. Iraq is aware and consents Turkish operations, Syria has no government and previously intentionally allowed PKK.
It’s more like Armenia betrayed Russia for the US, then the US betrayed Armenia for Azerbaijan at the behest of the only country the US is truly loyal to, Israel.
Indeed. Any nation in that part of the world siding with US or Israel against Asia is nuts for the long haul.
What is the “Lugenpresse”?
Is that a cowardly way of saying the Jewish Press?
Just curious.
Erdogan has an Israeli schlong so far down his throat it’s a wonder he can still breath.
So don’t put your faith in him
Sorry, but Assad was controlled opposition.
In the pocket of the squatters
Video Link
I agree with your assessment on the Syrian situation.
Recep Erdogan, the Sunni Turkish leader who’s already sick of all his Sunni Syrian refugees, will not be taking any of these new Shia Syrian refugees; he won’t cut a multi-billion euro deal with the EU to keep them, this time he’ll send all these Shia refugees straight through to Europe. I live in Europe, I saw what happened the last time; I expect to see a lot more Pakistanis and Afghanis around claiming to be Syrians.
With the last wave of Sunni refugees to Europe nearly a decade ago, the Sunni Saudis, who didn’t take in a single Sunni refugee, offered to build all the needed new mosques for them in Europe. With the new wave of Shia refugees Europe will soon be getting, the money for all the new Shia mosques they’ll need will have to come from elsewhere.
December 8, 2024 Thirteen Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria It Started in Daraa on March 17, 2011
We must understand the history behind the December 2024 Damas Coup d’Etat. The objective of thirteen years of war led by jihadist terrorists sponsored by US-NATO-Israel was to destroy and impoverish an entire country, and install an Islamic State controlled by Washington.
Europe sounds so fucking awful every time I hear about it. It’s almost as if it’s becoming the Middle East all on it’s own, if this is what Europeans want. Then I hope I never make the mistake of moving or visiting there. Whenever I look at European artwork and paintings. It does make me sad that part of the world is disappearing.
You and morons like you, have f×cking SEEN racism yet
How brave!
(Three days later 😁)
The terrorist group that captured Syria are the US/Israel agent of destruction with Turkey as director to force Assad out and have one goal: to destroy Iran and Shiites like Hizollah. The have no problem with genocidal Jews or Russia, only Iran and Hizbollah. These terrorist are HIRED by US/UK/Israel to complete the Oded Yinon plan for NWO. They are baby killers, they are killing whoever is a Shiite, they have no interest to know that Israel is grabbing all of Jolan height and has destroyed their army, navy, S-300 defense system, like what US did in Iraq when killed more than 2000 Iraqi scientists to deny Iraq of building their country. Truly EVIL. These mercenaries are too stupid to realize what is going on, but they have been trained by the evil US and faggots Biden, Trump for a MISSION to destroy Iran and Hizbollah. They have no fight with the genocidal Israel or even Russia. They want Iran to be destroyed. They are sending their message in Persian on the net.
Many Arab faggots, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and non Arab, Afghanistan, are happy to see the terrorists in power and work with them. Al Joli has been designated as a TERRORIST by Evil US and the genocidal state Dept, put $10M bounty on his head. The following tells you how evil and terrorist is America:
A NEWS is circulated that the US/Israel’s terrorists in Syria have EXECUTED people right on the spot because they had a photo of Nasrollah in their car. Death to US, Death to Israel.
Now, the zionist media is fabricating FAKE NEWS about ‘Assad Brutality’, or ‘Assad Prison’ like what they did when they spread FAKE 40 babies were beheaded, or FAKE holohoax happened. But, on the other hand they are trying to sell a terrorist with $10M on his head, Jolani, as a ‘liberator’, to legitimize a baby killer like ASSASSIN Trump, or Genocidal Biden. We spit at all of these terrorists, assassin and genocidal liars.
Agent! Agent! Agent!
You call them: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria…
Others call them ISIS: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service…
And others blame Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Please make up your minds!
You’re upset ok, I understand but calm down, the regime in Iran isn’t interested in freeing Palestine etc.
Your heroes lost Syria and that’s almost as if someone’s whole arm was cut off, but it’s their fault for letting a 90 years old man postpone the nuclear arms program because he wants to play Fatwa guy.
I’m sure Khomeini or Suleimani would have done things differently specially when it comes to air defense and nukes.
The warriors that went and grabbed Syria are Muslim Jihadists who are tired of the western oppression led by the shitty little entity and the corrupt Arab rulers; have some respect for them because they represent 2 billion people almost; you know nothing about the middle east and you keep repeating ad hominem Iranian regime propaganda.
Just wait and see.
Russia refused to give Syria highly effective state of teh art weapons..why? they never stopped Israel from bombing Syria at will.? The Russians and the Chinese will soon realize that their access to the Red Sea will be cut off..their much ambitious Silk Road will vanish…The Arab muslims had chosen once again their fate to live divided under Zionist rule…USA/UK/France dont understand that their Zionists creature will lock them into endless wars and eventuaaly rule over their nations also controlling the main sources of the worlds supply of OIL/GAS..without both the G7 are dead. Israel/jewish/Zionist will become a huge dark black hole that will suck US/Humanity into eternal inferno of wars/genocide…The Frankenstein sybdrome…LAND PREDATORS TRESPASSERS SQUATTERS ROBBERS DONT HAVE A RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE…only their VICTIMS do.
Very late, but Europe is wising up. Turkey will not be able to dump Shia “Rape-ugees” on Europe. If Shia refugees flow in numbers, it will not be to Christendom. They will have to go to authentic Shia lands — Iran, Iraq, etc.
The more likely scenario is a Russian protectorate on the former Syrian coast. Allowing bases to remain would be traded for keeping control of the Shia and Christian populations. Russia and Türkiye have decent relations. HTS will do as Erdogan commands.
Borders established by fiat (e.g. Sykes-Picot) after WW I and WW II make little sense. Is the world ready to deal with this by drawing new lines?
Partitioning Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq would benefit all of the local inhabitants. Everyone sees it… But the will is missing.
Your analysis is a failure. Jingoistic, naked assertions of a novel and highly questionable relationship to reality.
From a wimpy bar.
Shut up the Mossad Troll. You are tooooooooo gullible to understand what they mean by “the last to leave’. How much do you charge your superior for your lies? It didn’t mean TODAY gullble.
Here is the NEWS:
IRGC forces were the last to leave Syria after militant blitz: Gen. Salami
The chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has praised the sacrifices of the force in Syria, underlining that its members were the last group to leave the Arab country after the resurgence of foreign-backed militants.
Major General Hossein Salami made the remarks on Thursday as he pointed to the recent political and military developments in Syria that culminated in the fall of President Bashar al-Assad’s government following a shock attack by armed militants, led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
“Some expect us to go and fight instead of the Syrian army. Is it logical for us to engage all the IRGC and Basij [volunteer forces] in fighting in another country while the army of that country is merely watching? On the other hand, all the ways for us to get to Syria were closed. The Islamic Republic was really trying day and night to do whatever it could to help,” Salami said.
Stressing that the Islamic Republic takes into account the realities on the ground in Syria and acts based on facts, the IRGC chief said, “Of course, I proudly inform you that the last ones who left the resistance line in Syria were the IRGC forces and the last person who left the battlefield was an IRGC soldier.”
What General Salami means is that Iranians were ready to fight against US/Israel/Turkey terrorists, but the Syrian Army had been COMPROMISED, most likely by the $$$$$ of the faggot Arab states, not to fight the terrorists and now the terrorists are killing them one by one. Fuck the gullible Sunni Arabs whose behind is in the service of the genocidal Jews, and they give top $$$$ for it. It means Russian embassy was not sacked and the terrorists had no problems with Russians, only Iranians the true defenders of Palestinians and the Arab victims in the hands of the faggot Arab who are serving the interest of the genocidal Jews.
It means Iranians were the last among forces who protected Assad and Syrian people from the terrorists like YOU.
People should expose the zionist Arabs in bed with the genocidal Jews. Death to Israel, Death to Zionist Arabs in the service of the evil US/UK/Israel. We spit at them all.
Misuse and meaningless propagation of adjectives that signify nothing.
“Events in Syria have created a window of opportunity, sources have told Times of Israel.
–Israel preparing to strike Iranian nuclear sites –
The Israeli Air Force is carrying out preparations for “potential strikes” on Iranian nuclear facilities, military officials have told Times of Israel.
West Jerusalem believes that the surprise takeover of Syria by jihadist rebels has weakened Tehran’s position in the region.
Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes have taken out most of Syrian air defenses, clearing the way for an operation against Iran.”
See? see? see?
All this because an old fart wants to play Shia Muslim Prophet.
“Oh, no I can’t authorize the creation of nukes, it’s against our believes” says Khameney holding a 300 years old AK-47 on his shivering arms.
But sir, you already provided Hamas, Syria, the Houthis, the Iraqi paramilitaries and hizbollah
With tons of missiles and bombs, doest that amount to about the same?
The essence of Confucian culture is extreme revanchism. So you will see the Chinese making a decision between swallowing it and killing the whole family of the enemy.
Chinese online writings also attach great importance to killing the entire family of the enemy. An act of forgiveness is intolerable.
So the hatred of 100 years ago cannot simply end with reconciliation.
Given the chance, we’ll make each other feel 10 times more pain.
White people should not expect us to actually use force, after all their names are inscribed on our revenge lists.
I know you. I don’t want to have anything to do with an agent of traitor Putin coward Russia. You are nothing bur a gullible who pose as a confused ‘left’ Wake up and then shut up.
Next for Syria?… non exisitance..
Greater Isreal takes the southern half Ex-Syria territory, for territorial expansion.. AKA The “greater Isreal project:
Turkey takes the nothern half Ex-Syria territorial , for expansion, AKA.. return of the (somewhat downsized) New Otomon Empie.
The new LIBERATORS of Syria brought in by the genocidal US/Israel/Turkey:
US is “chatting” with Al Qaeda.
Reuters, citing US officials: The Biden administration is communicating with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham in coordination with its regional allies, including Turkey.
Look at your hands and the hands of your genocidal superiors, senile Biden, assasin Trump, Genocidal Netanyahu.
The New Minister of Justice, Shadi Al-Waisi said: We will implement Sharia law in Syria
What happened and why? Did Assad’s Syria have a Rothschild central bank? No, it did not. But it will now.
Important to remember while everyone is complaining about “Zionists” and lovin’ them some Putin, Turkey actually sees orthodox Romania and Greece as part of Turkey.
Which old fart are you even talking about?
They don’t want to retain their culture, they want to taunt westerners because, being enable to compete, it is the only way to seek attention and show their hostility.
In the 70a every arab countries tried to emulate the West when they saw that they would never be able to reach the level of whites, or even Asians and Jews, the most backward and stupid Islam made a come back with a revenge.
Particularly among the low IQ masses. The fellaheen. Who have only their religion ( which they even didn’t understand ) to feel important.
Your linguistic manner betrays a non-sensical jerk-off.
I never thought chinese people could be the most brutal in the world. This is NOT sign of strength, but paranoia. I don’t know why are Japanese known as ‘brutal’, when chinese love to be viewed as the most brutal due to their Confucian culture.
I wish Hitler had taken few lessons with chinese before decided to go for the ‘final solution’, the FAKE holohoax. This does not frighten anyone, only makes them laugh. Everyone gets something out of it.
I am glad I learned something about Confucian culture.
That is a lie because a lot of them do want to keep their culture. That’s why here in the United States a lot of the Muslim women still wear hijabs even though they don’t have to, and some of them even want Shaira law here as well. I saw an article last month where a bunch of Muslims were in some part of Downtown UK demanding for Shari law in every city throughout the entire United Kingdom. Every country where these people have large numbers they keep their culture alive there vs getting rid of it and going full blown Westernize.
The journalism on Syria has been absolute shit. Do we listen to the guy in DC, London, Boston, LA or get the real scoop from a guy in Moscow, Tehran or Beirut? They live in Ivory Towers and never set a foot in the region except when they traveled to Istanbul with their girlfriend in college and are still bragging about it. Maybe they could provide the scoop on LGBT rights under HTS. God knows we cant listen to a Sunni intellectual who actually lives there because Western Journalists have never spoken to one in their entire lives.
Imho – it is pretty clear that the Syrian army was bought off to not fight and just ran away.
How many pennies did it take to do that?
Xi is probably going to move in different directions with BRICS to deal with such treachery.
I don’t know my dear Shia friend.
This all smells like kosher Salami.
Not halal.
According to Thierry Messan, Iran colluded with Israel.
Have you seen Assad’s torture pris0ns? All the US cared about was “protecting the Kurds”. The Kurds who hate Arabs and Turks and who wherever they are, want their own state. The Kurds who hold ISIS members and anyone related to them or were victims of ISIS occupation, in deplorable conditions in concentration camps: men, women, children. Collective guilt and punishment w/o trial.
The US rhetoric about opposing Assad, was just that; when a red line ultimatum was crossed, the US backed down and praised Putin for getting Obama out of that ultimatum gaffe. Because the US never wanted to stop Assad. What’s a little mass murder and torture if done to Arabs, was the US, Russian attitude! The US has troops there but stood by as Assad engaged in the most horrific depravity against Sunni Syrians. Everyone who protests this regime is a fundie fanatic, according to the Assad regime. Just like what Israel says about Palestinian protesters. Even if that were true which I doubt it is, fundamentalists have rights too. The only one that cared was Turkey’s Erdogan, and for that he is on the right side of, if not history then humanity.
That these rebels managed to take advantage of the stress put on Russia by the Ukraine war and on Iran by the Lebanon/Palestine conflict with Zio- Israel, is to their credit and a great thing to have happened. The US blindsided. For all its power, blindsided by a rag tag militia again. It’s not so easy to control the world, Amerika!
This here portion of an article will let you know what kind of God damned pieces of shit the trinity of Assad/Khameney/Putin are, read:
“In recent days, more than 350 Israeli airstrikes have targeted Damascus, Homs, Tartus, Latakia, and Palmyra.
The Israeli Air Force has targeted a range of weaponry, including Scud and cruise missiles, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (commonly known as drones), combat aircraft, attack helicopters, radars, tanks, and aircraft hangars. According to Israeli military spokesperson Avichay Adraee, “Operation Arrow of Bashan” holds significant military and political importance for Israel. Adraee stated that the campaign has destroyed over 70% of Syria’s military capabilities.
Israel also struck two Syrian naval sites in the ports of Mina Al-Bayda and Latakia, where 15 naval vessels were docked.
The new government aims for amicable relations with nations that have not contributed to Syrian bloodshed.
A source close to the administration told The Media Line that Syrians would not forget Iran’s involvement in their suffering, and genuine trust in Tehran remains highly improbable as long as Iran’s current regime endures.
NONE OF THOSE Scud and cruise missiles, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (commonly known as drones), combat aircraft, attack helicopters, radars, tanks, and aircraft hangars THAT ISRAEL JUST DESTROYED, WERE EVER FIRED AT ISRAEL. THEY WERE ONLY USED TO KILL SUNNIS!
Sure, and allowing US states to secede peacefully would help many of the inhabitants — and the world.
It’s not so tenable to refer to europe or “the uk” as “christendom” anymore.
Europeans could adopt what is sensible, reasonable, wholesome, kind, honorable about islam themselves without importing problematic, more volatile or violent races and cultures with it.
For better and for worse, Europe and “britain” and scandinavia will be Muslim, along with Russia.
I think the word we need to use is “balanced”.
Too gentle and peaceful, and you are but prey and food to all the vicious predators of the world. Think about all those defenseless races wiped out over the millennia, not limited to but including natives wiped out by colonial Europeans. It’s possible to be TOO peaceful.
Too violent and nasty, and you go creating fights and trouble even when there’s none to be had. IMHO, American culture has become like this, both domestically and abroad. It’s possible to be TOO brutal.
There is nobody, absolutely nobody so tough that they can’t be ground into the dirt if they piss off too many other people. Spartans, Romans, Mongols, Ottomans, European empires, Nazi Germans, Imperial Japanese – all found out the hard way (they’re all gone from history). Hell, even the toughest man will get mauled by 3 or 4 less tough dudes if he pushes them too far.
The Soviet Union pulled back from the brink of self-destruction when they figured out much of the world had had enough of them. The Cold War ended. What about us in America? There’s a question for you.
I think the modern Chinese have this saying I’ve heard. “Not wanting violence, and not afraid of it”. I believe them.
Some of you on here are some real trolls…Nothing cool what so ever about Europe turning into a Muslim country.
It’s not the 90s anymore, as much as I loved the 90s, the one thing I wish some of you would have given up on is smoking the fucking crack. But it seems like even in 2024 some of you still can’t help but to hit the pipe every once in awhile. Even Spain didn’t want Islam taking over, that’s why they did something about it. Europeans are just lazy and stupid.
Whites did not save China.
Chinese had their teeth kicked in by the industrialized Japanese, and kept on retreating. They lost more people than the Soviet Union from 1937 to 1945 (Soviet losses were more intense, 1941 to 1945). We sent what, ONE squadron of pilots over there? Basically we didn’t lift a finger.
Nah, the Chinese are tough little fu#*ers, who plain refused to give up. Come the end of the war, they were still standing to take Japan’s surrender.
We have a similar instance in our history when the British sent an army and terrorized our eastern seaboard, even burning down the White House.
That was then, this is now. Same for China. They’ve been around a while, and will continue to be around.
If you are interested, you can learn about one of our Confucian schools called gongyang School.
This is the first mainstream trend of thought in the revival of Confucianism after the Han Dynasty. Confucius himself was, of course, a great advocate of revenge. However, the Confucius School and the rulers after the Song Dynasty may have feared that this school of excessive murder, so they did not promote this school.
This school of thought has a strict definition of revenge.
Advocate just revenge.
If it is unjust revenge, then this school of thought is very much not advocating such unjust revenge.
The specific regulations are these: in order to preserve the dignity and honor of the state, the king has the right to revenge, to wipe away the shame of the ancestors or fathers.
Even if the time span of revenge is very large, such as nine or one hundred generations later, the gongyang School believes that revenge is justified.
The degree of revenge should be commensurate with the degree of injury suffered, avoiding excessive retaliation or indiscriminate killing.
In the process of revenge, legal and legitimate means should be adopted, and violence or illegal means should be avoided.
In this concept, you will actually see all kinds of crazy killing each other in our history, for example, the death and injury of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement in the Qing Dynasty is even similar to the death and injury of the First World War.
Given the frequent massacres committed by foreign armies in our country during the last century, and the significant population losses that resulted, reciprocal revenge could actually lead to the destruction of the other country.
If our means of revenge were applied equally, theoretically Japan should be reduced by a quarter or more of its population, England should be reduced to hell, the United States should be torn apart into several countries, and Americans should be sold into our country to build railroads.
But… Looks like we don’t need revenge right now. Because these countries are spontaneously moving towards this goal?
Japanese people are considered cruel mainly because they kill people without reason, only pursue pleasure, and do not want to admit their own behavior, very hypocritical.
We have to have an absolute reason to kill.
You should change your medication as soon as possible, because your words does not make any sense. US/Israel are trying, since 2006, to overthrow Bashar Assad and you come here to say: “US never wanted to stop Assad”?
Yes, that’s why US/Israel designed and implemented ‘The seven countries in 5 years”, to wage wars based on religion and ethnic divide, to bring instability to weaken the regional states, then topple the governments, partitioning the states into number of mini states, so Israel does not feel INFERIOR. They want to erect the SECOND ISRAEL, kurdistan. This design is part of the ‘greater Israel’. Have you read ‘oded yinon’ yet? The project is close to completion if other countries are not united and attack Israel soon. Where have you been?
No, he is not on the right side of history, he is on the right side of his plan as ‘Ottoman Sultan’ . He is the enemy of Iran, Palestinians, Russians and whoever is in his way as a PAN TURKIST. He kisses Israelis’ hands, then poses as ‘pro Palestinian’. He is a charlatan and a zionist liar. No one believes a word by this dictator.
But, the people in Turkey are against his support of genocidal Israel. They support Palestinians. He has to lie to satisfy his own population. He is trying to deceive the public that He is pro Palestinians. This Zionist liar could have stopped the flow of STOLEN OIL from Baku to Israel through Turkey, but he didn’t, he wanted Israel to finish his genocide in Gaza. Both Turkish and Israelis are from Turkic ethnic Tribe.
Check your medication again, because I don’t know why you did address this ‘comment’ to me?
Media circus never stops.
Shame on Xi. China cannot have it both ways. This fight is Chinese fight as well, if China does not want to kiss the West’s hands. Thus, China should have funded the axis, because the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) success is dependent on the success of the Axis. Many pipelines have been constructed in the region, but due to obstacles like sanctions made by the US Treasury Dept., which is 100% Jewish, forced on countries, China cannot do a lot of business. China plays with both sides. On the one hand, china is flirting with US/Israel for business, on the other hand is trying to strengthen Brics with many western spies in it. Brazil has recently blocked entry of Valenzuela into Brics, based on FAKE reason, because many said Brazil is the SPY of the West in this organization and does not want this country to come in. So Brics allows a country like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina and Brazil, but not Venezuela with the most oil and gas.
The Chinese officials repeatedly have said: China does not want to disturb the current system, Rule Based System, they say: we want to protect it. How is China going to do that?
Russians sent approx 1,000 aircraft including 200 very modern polykarpov I16s plus mech and logistic support to China. The air cover was appreciated.
The women wearing hijab in the US are for the most part Arab Muslim women. You are confusing Arabs with Iranians because you are an ignorant while pig.
Iran is the exception among Muslim states. The Shia Muslim in Iran have in majority moved away from Islam especially the youth are 90% opposed to Islam. There have been multiple opinion polls to back this up.
Besides, no one imposed sanctions on Saudi when it enforced the Hijab because no one cared as long as Saudis rulers were pro Israel.
The problem in Iran is not so much the Hijab, but the sectarian pro Shia Arab and pro Palestinians policies which alienated both Sunni Arabs and Israeli Jews. And the fact that Islam is shoved down people’s throats which creates an equal and opposite reaction of revulsion for Islam as imposed Arab religion.
Arab read Koran in their native tongue, their prophet is Arab, the stories in Koran are semitic stories. All foreign to Iranians as much as the West is foreign to them.
Muslims are on a mission to spread Islam anywhere and everywhere. It’s all part of their plan. If it’s a good thing or if they will succeed is another matter.
It doesn’t matter.
Stupid humans don’t understand until they’re dead. Some trash deserves to be slaughtered, especially most Americans.
Now Assad is free. He no longer has to manage Syrians who are like garbage.
Neither the Kurds nor the opposition have grasped the reality that the United States cannot be trusted. They will only be slaughtered by terrorists supported by the Israelis.
People have to finally wake up and realize that american and british have been known as terrorists and criminals their entire history. Even in medieval Europe, ancestors of american and british were known as “terrorists of Europe”. This isnt anything new. They are still the same criminal terrorists to this day, who finally established terrorist states. Lately they have been busy establishing only more terrorist client states and building more terrorist groups and terror networks. Last victims have been Iraq, Afganistan, Libya and Syria. Now they are going after Iraq and Iran again.
This will only end when people rise up and exterminate all american and british with legal means and make sure there will be nothing left of this primitive and savage animal scum.
No, troll, as you would likely know; it is German for ‘lying press’.
German for Jewish press would be Judenpresse.
Hilariously telling that you see the two as synonyms.
Genetic studies of the origin of the population are prohibited in Turkey, but it is known that between 50-250K (depending on the source) of true Central Asian Turks (similar to Kazakhs) came to the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) of 6 million inhabitants. Currently, there are about 20 million Kurds in Turkey, i.e. half of the 45 million Kurds in the region (Syria, Iran, Iraq). Their time is coming and perhaps Erdogan will live to see that time.
It is the Sunnis and Russians that helped Israel get rid of Assad Khizballa Iran trinity. Watch this:
Video Link
Thank you to Russia and Qatar for helping us disarm Syria now that Assad’s army is gone along with its hardware and their top scientists assassinated, and their research centers blown up.
And above all today came the news that the Druze in Suwaida want to join Israel rather than be slaughtered by Sunni jihadists.
Sunni Arabs are our best allies along with Caliph Erdoğan.
Long Live Sunni caliphate. Let them wreck Syria same way as Sunni Taliban did in Afghanistan.
We rock and rule and we just annexed southern Syria!!! 😊
Bravo! We love ❤️ sunni donkeys for the free ride ❤️
Next stop Iran…
((迪路)) 不是中国人。 LOL!
First Syrian to stop celebrating the overthrow of Assad gets shot.
Video Link
Pirates maybe.
I’m curious as to why you think we need to support Syria and Iran, two countries that sometimes aspire to Western liberal democracy.
Since they can’t even control their own people, can you make sure they don’t turn around and give weapons to the Israelis?
If it were us, we would have massacred all the rubbish who claimed to aspire to democracy and freedom. If you put a Chinese in charge of these countries, the first thing you do is contaminate Israel with depleted uranium bombs and make them lose their future.
Kill every white man you can.
The fact that a pro-Western Iranian president can be voted in indicates that the average IQ of the people in the country is low.
To be honest, the stupid Arabs and Persians will even look down on us, they will think that they are superior to us, really believe the Western lies and think that our products are rubbish.
Muslim ideas are worthy of their suffering.
It is clear that what they have suffered is not enough for them to wake up, and they should experience more humanitarian crises to wake up from their foolish arrogance.
Stalin supported Chiang who tied down the Japanese in China so the Soviet Red Army did not have to fight a two-front war against both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during WWII. That allowed Georgy Zhukov — then Commander of the Soviet Forces in Manchuria — to be transferred to the Western Front after defeating the Japanese at the Battle of Khalkin Gol in 1939. When the German Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union in the predawn hours of June 22, 1941, it was Georgy Zhukov — then chief of the Soviet General Staff — who called the Kremlin in Moscow to alert Stalin. Marshal Zhukov would later defeat the Germans during the Great Patriotic War.
They’ll only succeed in countries that let them spread it, but as I said. Spain fought against that and they never succeeded spreading it in Spain.
You, and maybe 30 other Americans know what the Lugenpresse means
Americans don’t normally speak German
So, over here it’s the Jewish Press
Using the word Lugenpresse is a another fake Jew promoted deflection away from the fact that the mainstream media is totally controlled by fake Jews.
BTW the “lying press” has always been true of the “press” throughout history.
So, that’s no big revelation.
Also, what is your definition of a “troll”?
Is that someone who questions your argument?
Is that what a troll is?
It was 1939 5D chess. All done with the I16
I suggest that you dig up all the people who wronged you (you might even be able to get the people buried in the UK, but maybe no Japan) and kill (or imprison) them. This would be far more just than your current suggestion, and less hazardous to you.
It is not much different from the multiple lifetime sentences given in the US (which, if followed, will produce some very unsanitary jail cells). You have precedent, at least in the US.
The Jewish coalition won control of the US from AD ~1968, street fighter assault on Democratic Convention to AD ~14 Obama “pen and phone” speech), but note that they did not openly oppose the US, they tried to improve its morals by misrepresenting its history. In an age of nuclear weapons, open opposition is generally a mistake.
China lacks the resources to support its population and industry. Water supply is a prime example of insufficient resources. Trading for resources from other countries that are actually industrial competitors seems unlikely to succeed. Frankly, I think that the PRC is headed for serious internal unrest. Xi’s move towards government control of industry by purging corporate leadership shows that the PRC’s government is seriously afraid of losing control. The US government, the UK government, and the EU government is likewise afraid.
All governments based on Enlightenment concepts of government rationality -> economic omnipotence (Communism/Marxism is one such) are failing [1]. Consider Trump in the US, Xi in the PRC, the failing governments in the EU, Javier Milei in Argentina, even even Netanyahu in Israel and the weakening of the Mullahs in Iran. All all suggest that existing political systems are failing and that leaders who will improvise are being elected worldwide. And, of course, your suggestion suggests a thus far untried solution.
Your method is very risky, to say the least. You are apparently trying to intimidate, but run the risk of being considered a psycho killer, representative of an ethnic group of psycho killers. This would form the nucleus of a worldwide anti-China coalition, much as a worldwide anti-Jewish coalition of forming. I would suggest that you modify your proposal as I have indicated above. The resulting policy will be less terrifying, hence less risky.
1] Martin Gurri;
The Endarkenment; City Journal; Autumn 2024.
Kind of reminds me of something Solzhenitsyn wrote, perhaps in The Gulag Archipelago. At some meeting or other, applause for Stalin was called for. And the applause went on, and on, because nobody wanted to be the first to stop and sit down. Finally someone did, to the relief of the others. He was later arrested. At the close of his interrogation, he was told, “Next time, do not be the first to stop applauding!”
It ought to be obvious now — that all talk of left, right, this country, that country, this president or that president is infinitely misleading. Far better to write “the Jewish Empire” while identifying its structures and superstructure. There is only the Jew and everyone else.
One does not need to believe in afterlives, Gods, and the rest of the appurtenances of the Christian religion to realize Christianity was/is a culture. Culture meaning an unconscious recognition of a shared world view — something obvious!
When someone abrogates the signals associated with their culture there are mechanisms inherent in the culture to remind one of something temporarily forgotten. Yes some people are incorrigible but they would not be automatically thought to be Christian like in their behaviour if their behaviour contested the assumptions of Christianity. The community would be ashamed of them. In fact certain behaviours would result in their being excommunicated.
Every last manifestation of the ideology of the Jew is antithetical to the Christian culture including the evil neologism Judaeo-Christian which reflected in nature is something like a duck billed platypus.
There is nothing in Christianity not abrogated by the Jew. Granted, striving to be able to be a Christian is at the heart of Christianity. It is an aspiration! Striving to be a Christian rather than an automatic assumption that one is a Christian has lost its cognizance.
Claiming one has a capability without evidence of it is nonsense.
It is not difficult to be a Jew or be Jewish in one’s behaviour. All the things Christianity teaches marks a decided repugnance of the Jew, Jewish behaviour and Jewish culture. It is no longer possible for a Jew to hide the Jews’ foundational works and the content. Sure, they use the word Goyim — but of course they mean most certainly Christians!
Of course there are exceptions. Many Jews have no familiarity with their “books.” One can hope the videos of certain Rabbis vilifying the Goyim are not reflected generally among Jews. But most certainly Jews in Palestine do!
It appears that the Christian culture has been intentionally and systematically — by intention, malice aforethought — been destroyed by the Jew. It is much easier to burn down a house than build one. All that is necessary to burn down a house is a match. Building a house is a different action requiring many details and efforts even before digging the foundation. The Jew has set the Middle East on fire.
Christianity invoked the volunteer i.e. the willing participant in mens hearts when they built the first cathedrals. Those first Cathedrals made manifest in their construction, edifices that could not be automatically copied — without the foundational knowledges the designers of those Cathedrals understood.
Imitators constructions fell down into ruins.
The Jew and their Globalist aspirations by intention is a manifestation of control. They would compel by forced obedience mans compliance with their diktats. The Jewish Empire is mankind’s enemy.
Judaeo-Christianity! There is no such thing.
Neither do Japanese, but I read a little German, more French.
I agree with your reply in general.
‘Troll’, was naturally assuming it from your reply, think a little.
I don’t know if confucianism advocates extreme vengeance but it is just simple common sense. You reach the conclusion that coexistence is categorically impossible so you exterminate the enemy. Anything less is a crime against yourself. I don’t need some ancient sage to tell me that.
Lashing out is dangerous, but the current trend is certain death. The West has made clear its unwillingness to coexist with China. I accept the reality that “humanity” is a flimsy artificial construct and the different subspecies of the Homo genus cannot coexist indefinitely. Genocide is as natural as sunrise. We will all become like Jews in the end. My only concern is the survival of my own kind and the racial Other means absolutely nothing to me. I don’t like it but it has to be this way.
That’s because destiny makes the wrong-doers (destructive) friends of each other because they earned evil together.
Your Chinese rulers as usual, will sell anyone for profit. Even those whom they have proclaimed as partners.
But, don’t feel sad about this reality, all over the world they are the same.
Look at how Putin had tricked the so called Axis.
It was because I was raised a Christian that I unquestioningly supported the fake Jews, Israel and their monstrous, barbaric crimes against innocent people who were not my enemies
It was because of Christianity that I accepted the fake Jews claim that Arabs and Muslims were subhuman-like and deserved killing if they opposed the fake Jews
So, you’ll excuse me if I have no love of Christianity
Christianity didn’t die off like most other religions of long ago because the powerful saw it as political tool to benefit themselves
That all by itself is enough to get one to question it.
I don’t blame the average Christian for their ignorance
I blame their fake Jew owned preachers
How to fight them?
Expose them as paid shills of Israel
Use a drone to drop pamphlets over the church on Sunday showing pictures of the fake Jews handiwork in slaughtering babies in Gaza
Oh, and always call the Jewish Press the Jewish Press.
BTW I know the fake Jews used the Jewish Press and Jewish Hollywood to piggy-back Judaeo onto the word Christianity.
Also I highly recommend the audio version of Elmer Gantry for a lot of laughs about preachers
Eventually time will come when Satans evil, sick and criminal american and british empire will collapse and we will rhetorically strangle american and british and make sure there will not be anything left of this scum in legal ways.
This animal scum shouldnt have been let to exist in the first place and spread uncontrollably like animals that they are.
Justice will be served in the end and resources will be returned to their victims, if possible. Most importantly nothing will be left for this sick savage scum as criminal benefit.
That sentence should have been put down at birth.
1. The first part, taken literally, means the exact opposite of what the author must have meant. 2. ‘Surge’ is not a transitive verb — no matter how often it’s abused in that way. 3. ‘They have sent message’?
I’ll put my money on it also bringing deep regret to the Syrians as well.
For one, even if the new regime turns out to be capable of establishing some form of internal unity, it’s bound to have at least a Sunni fundamentalist tinge. Israel has long worked to fragment the Syrian state, and that fundamentalist tinge will allow her puppets in America to rationalize subverting any attempt to reestablish the Syrian state.
The mayhem should continue.
It is difficult to understand why Russia would not give Syria S400 missiles, and why China would not help Syria get around the sanctions.
Russia now evidently has done some deal or other. Many say that Russia has been promised Ukraine if they give up Syria. There may be such a deal, but I bet that NATO decides not to give up Ukraine after all.
China is less involved, but there now is a base for Uighar militants in Syria. They have a base, a training ground, and the motivating experience of victory. Pity the Syrians, who will have a Chinese colony in their midst, grabbing good land and not integrating (that’s their way).
I get this sinking feeling that there isn’t more going on in Russia, that they fundamentally do not understand the enemy. What I mean is they keep explaining the reason behind the SMO that the Russians in Donbass had their human rights violated, the problem is the ruling class in charge in the West does not care. Just like they keep bringing up colonialism and it gets shrugged off because they aren’t bleeding heart liberals, they just wear that skin to destroy white solidarity. President of Iran keeps begging for negotiations, and again the Zionist occupied governments are not going to respond rationally because they don’t care. Russia keeps crying about being kicked out of SWIFT instead of just accepting it and moving on. Putin is not going hard in Ukraine because they don’t want to have to rebuild vital infrastructure and this is just giving DC time to recover. Its like when is the axis of resistance going to wake up and start planning accordingly, it’s like everyone just keeps assuming conditions are set and the great Satan will not adapt.
But your accusations never stand up.
The fact is that we have never had a formal military alliance with any country.
What makes you think our country is a military partner with other countries?
Besides, in a few years, the United States will have no military advantage, In the future,most of the world will be facing our Terminator army.
so why should we support countries like Iran and Syria that even seek freedom and democracy?
Finally, freedom and democracy are inherently contradictory concepts, and anyone who pursues them is an idiot. These people should be slaughtered several times to minimize social pressure.
I could do a better job running Iran as an ordinary man than the president of Iran.
It doesn’t matter.
You are brainwashed by the Western media to think that we will collapse, but history tells us that no one has ever been able to contain China during its historical rise. Anything that stands in its way will be ruthlessly crushed to pieces.
I’m just telling you about our spiritual core.
Based on just fighting, in ancient times, we all had the good habit of casting piles of skulls. Even if we don’t do something very violent right now, you’re still on your way to death.
The strategy of the West has been a failure and it has never been in your interest to provoke us.
Every time you send a warship to the South China Sea, the future will translate into your collapse in any industry.
What you do will be inscribed on your epitaph.
Of course, if you really want to be peaceful with others, then we are still willing to let you live.
This is the reality.
They are stupid, inferior creatures. Less intelligent than us, less moral than us, uglier than us, with a bad body odor.
They don’t understand long-term strategic planning.
We don’t need to tell them to live when they’re committing suicide.
I completely agree
I don’t care to make judgements about the racial qualities of the enemy. That’s a White practice, argument from efficiency, that is, resources and lebensraum should belong to the superior race who can use them better.
But this is a racial survival conflict, not a war over colonies. I care only that the enemy dies.
There’s a related anecdote in Solzhenitsyn.
People were trying to work out how Stalin was deciding whom to arrest. The theory gained currency that meetings were watched when Stalin spoke — those who stopped clapping first were arrested.
So everyone kept clapping, and clapping, and clapping. Like when Netanyahu addresses Congress. It wasn’t so bad for the minor officials in the back; they could kind of mime slapping their hands together. But those in the front had to keep clapping enthusiastically. Finally some brave soul stopped, and then everyone else could.
Actually pretty unlikely. Israel has largely disarmed its hapless neighbor. Any recourse Arabs may have had is probably going down under this vicious Jewish onslaught. A final tribal success.
Europeans were the same in feudal and classical times. Wipping out entire populations and killing off the progeny of your enemies was once common practice among Whites. Nothing unique or special about the Chinese when it comes to this, except that they may be behind the times if they’re still stuck in that old fashioned mentality, especially when you’re digging up classical Confucius to justify this. I’m sure Whites could pick out some Roman thinkers and emperors to justify the same. Or how about the Old Testament? Mind you, there are Whites who still think like that and you often meet them on sites such as TUR. Just ask your regular TUR poster what should be done to solve the Jewish question, you’ll find they’re almost unanimous about what kind of final solution they have in mind.
It may be the same anecdote. It is a long time since I read it. I find Solzhenitsyn overrated, though I did manage to find online Two Hundred Years Together in translation, or a version thereof. I failed to see what the controversy was about but perhaps it was abridged in some way.
The practice of not exterminating defeated enemies represents a major advancement in **economic** thinking. At one point it became more profitable to keep slaves instead of seizing the lebensraum and resources for your direct use. Most of the time it’s because you don’t have the population to make full use of the new resources and lebensraum. Technological advances can make it more sensible to choose genocide again. The point is, “morality” has nothing to do with human actions.
I think there’s obviously a big difference between us and Rome.
Because, in fact, Rome ended up being dominated by religion, which weakened the imperial power and divided the country into many parts.
This religious presence always allowed Rome to wage war on false grounds. Like, the Crusades or something. So it is with the United States as the New Rome, with the Iraq War, with the Arab Spring.
I think this has influenced the character of modern Westerners to some extent, resulting in many Westerners being very hypocritical.
For example, if you ask white people whether they are willing to accept refugees, they always say yes, but when they actually meet a refugee, they are not willing to accept.
But there is an upside to this hypocrisy: it is good for business.
It is obviously different here in China, where there is usually a clear reason to wage war.
If the other party really does a lot of injustice to us, then consider killing them all.
And we certainly kill more thoroughly than the West. From a genetic point of view, the paternal origin of Chinese people is extremely single, while the paternal origin of Westerners is quite mixed.
“(Mongolians are pure East Asian – just look at photos and believe the evidence of your eyes)”
Yes, eyes do tell the story… no pun intended. I think the Tibetans also look more like “Mongols” than the Han… the latter have softer features. What do you think?
Romans came up with
The bible is full of calls for total exterminations and and their execution. OK, maybe not all these annihilations were thorough but I guess even the Chinese could never exterminate all their enemies.
I was not talking about other comparisons. I hope China stays Chinese well into the future unlike most Western countries.
I have a high opinion of Solzhenitsyn: I particularly recommend August 1914 and The Seventh Circle. The former is especially interesting. Where there are many histories that attempt to read like a novel, August reverses that. Formally a novel, its theme is not the characters so much as the anatomy of an important step on the road to catastrophe.
As to Two Hundred Years, us monoglots aren’t allowed — but I’ve managed to scavenge fragments. My impression would be what yours seems to be: Solzhenitsyn appears to be bending over backwards to be balanced. More work along those lines is actually what is needed if we are to avoid the Scylla of letting Jews continue to run wild and the (necessarily ensuing?) Charybdis of reprising the Holocaust. The nature and effect of their behavior has to be soberly and honestly defined; and a humane response formulated. We don’t want to actually shoot the neighbor’s dog — but he does need to stop barking.
Solzhenitsyn, Klier, Lindemann — people like these are pointing to one sane way out of the present dilemma.
Well, at the risk of stereotyping within the same race (Asians), it seems Han cheekbones (as an example) are less pronounced than say Koreans’. To my thinking, Germans have softer features than pure Swedes, come to think of it.
There’s quite a variation among the Han, since way back in prehistory, they were once many tribes, which became a lot fewer kingdoms/empires (I think maybe 8 or 10), which then became ONE state. Whenever that one unified country would break up, it would just get back together by overwhelming demand of the people there.
Nothing artificial about the Han state, they all want it, even when they’re apart. Sure, you have ambitious local elites wanting to have their own small kingdoms sometimes (these fiefs can live for decades), but inevitably you’re always gonna have a single . . . China.
So I guess some of the original genetic differences can still be glimpsed if your squint (pun unintended, honest!) hard enough. I’m not from there, so it’s pretty damn hard to tell among East Asians, though. IMHO.
Kinda like with the United States’ white population. You can run into red-haired Italian dudes with not a drop of Irish/Scots, dark-haired people whose ancestry is Scandinavian (think someone looking like Aragorn in the LOTR movies), or blondes who trace their lineage to the south of France, Italy or the Balkans.
This is where Hollywood typecasting and stereotyping is just straight up a disservice to movie goers.
Then again, Hollywood’s always had an agenda, if you take my meaning.
So I also said that the Bible itself is a book that calls for genocide.
This is the essence of Western hypocrisy because of religion.
But in China, we all pay attention to just war. It’s all about justice.
We can attack them without limitation only if they are in an unjust position. And from the genetic evidence, our extinction pattern against foreigners is definitely more violent than that of Westerners. After all, in ancient times, Chinese soldiers were used to wearing other people’s heads around their waists.
The succession of every dynasty in China pays attention to justice and legitimacy.
I should think that excuse is given by everyone everywhere but how much of it is propaganda and a cover for hypocrisy, even in China, is anybody’s guess. Change would not come if people didn’t think the system they were changing was just and legitimate.
You see, it’s typical Western thinking to assume that other people are using false reasons to attack.
But the problem is that the reason we attack is really because the other side attacked us first.Honesty is one of the unique qualities of our nation that you certainly don’t have.Of course a lack of honesty is good for business.
You can clearly see the problem from our location here.
The southern part of China is basically a paradise for crops, but the northern part is grasslands and hills, so the only way for the nomads who emerged there to make a living was to plunder the south.
So most of our Chinese campaigns against the north in each dynasty were based on massacres at the border by nomads.
In general, on the first attempt, the nomads would be content to plunder and return to the grasslands, but on the second attempt, they would find that their actions had been recorded in the history of the Chinese, letting most of the Chinese people know that the other side had committed inhuman acts of plunder.
In the case of my family, which goes back 700-800 years or more, our genealogies detail how they rebelled against the Mongols in the Yuan Dynasty, became officials in the Ming Dynasty, and finally fought against the Manchu invasion and died in the front line.
They witnessed the Manchu slaughter in Jiading and Yangzhou.So you can see why there are basically no Manchus in southern China today. Because they were all killed during the Republic of China.
And my family’s case is an isolated one, considering that most Chinese can trace their lineage back to a single noble. Each family also has its own genealogical history to verify each other’s history
Edit. I do believe it’s The First Circle. There’s the Seventh Seal — but that’s an Ingmar Bergen film that’s in black and white and involves the protagonist playing chess with Satan on the beach.
Education, especially education of girls, leads to feminism, falling birth rate, and then to civilizational collapse.
The most significant factor in decreasing world population growth has been female educational opportunities. The bookish Persians failed to learn not to learn and so sealed their fate.
I suspected that – I’ve read The First Circle – but I controlled my pedantic tendencies to correct someone else…
Meh. There’s dishonest and there’s dishonest. There’s slanting things a bit and fabricating them outright.
Also, back in the day, if the Daily Wombat advocated infanticide for left-handers, the Elmira Argus would see the chance to score a few readers by taking the opposite position.
So at least the lies conflicted — and people could choose between them. These days, they’re all on the same page. Here we are, supporting the worst first-world state since Nazi Germany, and it’s all good, and dissent should be at least marginalized. Everyone agrees.
I am waiting for a response to Namu’s comment from both the author and the reviewers. I have never read an article so full of nonsense, contradictions. Now I know that this site is a FALSE FLAG site. No one is talking about the prison disgrace in Damascus. I wonder why?
Has there been any instance within the last two hundred years of anyone going to war except in self-defense?
It’s truly remarkable. Everyone wages war only in self-defense. Hitler attacks Poland after the outrage at Gleiwitz, the Union attempts to subdue the South only after the Confederates fire on Fort Sumter, we invade Iraq on account of all those WMD’s Saddam Hussein had built and was about to use…without exception, the other side attacked first.
Even such more distant ogres as Tamerlane only did what they did on account of they were provoked. His M.O. was accept the surrender of a city and promise clemency. Of course, then his soldiers would go around molesting the locals until some desperate father or whatever clubbed one. Then it was ‘You’re attacking my poor soldiers. No more Mister Nice Guy. Sigh. Gotta build another pyramid of human skulls…’
Shades of October 7th — and the sequel. It’s always self-defense.
No, obviously you’re looking for a false reason to go to war. There’s not even a retrospective verdict on the whole thing.
The Gleiwitz incident was faked by the Nazis pretending to be Poles.
You never ended up finding weapons of mass destruction with Saddam. As a result, the matter was never dealt with, and no U.S. government personnel were ever punished.
In contrast, every foreign war we have waged has been based on the assumption that the other side has killed at least one of our people and does not respect us. We have a detailed historical record to back this up.
Even the Manchu government adhered to this principle, for example, the Muslim Dzungari tribe of Mongolia had been killing and pillaging the population on our borders, which led the emperor to personally commit genocide.
Our revenge is about justice, and yours is about profit.
If you read the First Circle you would know WHY it is appropriately called the First Circle. Nothing to do with any movies but with Dante.
The comments here are so dominated by neocons that no one who is not a neocon should publish on There is a biased moderation policy across this entire site that favor neocons, jews and anti-white indians over whites.
don’t think so Ray…granted Pashinyan was a feeble incompetent pussy at best and more likely a turkish/soros traitor at worst… neverthelesss; Putin’s peacekeepers were put there to prevent the exact ethnic cleansing of Armenian Artsakh that occurred…. they didn’t lift a finger… chabaddist Putin was there for his cut of the launromat’s gas paycheck and in fealty to his overlord Israel and the Israeli oligarchs that own him…. time to see reality…BTW with turkish drones, syrian jihadists and Israeli weapons and weapons support the outcome would have been quite different… the russians offered no support and the Iranians ever so slight… the Armenians were alone and overpowered by zionist west and the putin chabbadist.