

@unadventurousjulie / unadventurousjulie.tumblr.com

28, she/her, pan, autistic, ADHD
japanese language uni student | 日本語の大学生
this blog is honestly just shitposting and reblogging things i like. you can find basically anything here, lol. Jacksepticeye: liked x4 reblogged x1 || met Jack twice 29/10/18, and got the best hug ever

Please enjoy these insults:

Among many other Talents, my family is good at insults.  Please enjoy:

  • ”We promise to return Cousin Scott in as many pieces as we receive him.” “…Pieces, Plural?” “Scott, his artifical leg, and the wee peanut rattling around his skull that he uses for a brain.”
  • “You’re going to make some some future paleontologist very famous when they discover your solid-bone skull.”
  • “Professor Ingram has left for the University of Lousiana’s Psych department, thereby raising the average IQ of both departments.”
  • “Can you believe someone started a rumor that I slept my way to the top?” “No way.  You’re nowhere near to the top.”
  • “You are my sister and I love you but I’m pretty sure if I were to shout directly into your ear canal you’d echo.”
  • “Some things ferment and improve with age- Wine and Cheese for instance. You’ve just decomposed.”
  • “Dense doesn’t begin to cover it.  People who get close to him get trapped in his Event Horizon.”
  • “Some people have a devil on thier shoulder that whispers temptations to them.  Yours is bellowing that that was over the line.”
  • “I won’t deny that you have hidden depths, but they’re less like the potentially levithan-filled ocean and more like the secret compartment in the dryer where the socks get lost.”
  • “I can’t come to your birthday Nina.  I’ve scheduled a root canal that day specifically so I wouldn’t have to.”
  • “She describes her ancestry and it sounds like a fancy cheese platter but in person she’s velveeta.”
  • “Your inner machinations are a rotating pie display.”

Y’all like insults? MORE INSULTS

  • “He’s got a bright future as a redundant middle manager in Hell.”
  • Grandmother, upon seeing the scandalously tight pants and Veneral dancing of the 80′s: “That’s an awful lot of advertisement for not much product.”
  • “Why do you always talk like you’re giving a presentation to a bunch of kindergartners?” “I think it’s important to adjust your means of communication the the auidence present.”
  • “Aposematism.  An intersting fashion choice.”
  • In reference to a loud neighbor:  “Does he have any idea what time it is?” “That would require a degree of cognition that is capable of abstract reasoning.  I don’t think Norm understands pants.”
  • “You might have better luck with romance if you tried dating within your own Genus.” “That’s a rude thing to say about Ricky!” “I’d call him one of the Great Apes but that involves attatching a superlative to his name.”
  • “Truly, you are the astigmatism of your father’s eye.”
  • “Look at you!  All feathers like a half-plucked moldering theater boa and a hiss like a deflating bicycle!  To think that your ancestors would have sparred with the likes of T-Rex!  Away from me, Lesser goose of Greater Ganders! Go slather yourself in herbs and sit under a broiler you useless excuse of an herbivore!” (Yes, directed at a Canada Goose. Yes, IT WORKED).
  • “Glenn, if the comapny really wanted someone to repeat what everyone else said in a more annoying way, they’d hire a parakeet.”
  • “How did you like the Movie?” “Ten out of Ten, best nap I’ve had in weeks.”
  • “You are the persistent hemorrhoids on the backside of humanity.”
  • “They say art is whatever you can get away with, but the artist clearly thinks they’ve pulled off a baffling hesit when they’re barely managed a back-alley mugging.”
  • “All the Animals in the world to emulate, and she picks a Tick.”

(If you’ve enjoyed these please consider donating to my Ko-Fi or PayPal, or if you want the stories behind some of these, you can pre-order my book and get exculsive content on my Patreon!  Thank you!)


Blogging this tweet because this explains SO MUCH about the mindset of pretty much all the folks I’ve known who’re against single-payer, it’s not even funny…


This never occurred to me. Not once. That Americans are against Health Care because they think it actually costs tens of thousands of dollars for a broken arm, hundreds of thousands for a complicated birth, millions for cancer treatment.

Because they’ve never known anything different. The idea that a broken arm is only a couple hundred bucks; a complicated birth a couple thousand; cancer treatment only tens of thousands; all easily covered by existing tax structures.

This explains a lot.  And it’s a good example of what I was talking about in my post on scarcity being used to prop up ableism – always question the idea that a resource is genuinely scarce.  Even if it seems obvious that it is, quite often that’s the result of careful manipulation and misconceptions that you’re not even aware of.  

And never think you’re too smart to be fooled by that kind of thing, it doesn’t work like that.  Similarly, don’t think people who are fooled by something are stupid.  Nobody can have all the information about everything, and nobody has the time and energy to investigate and put together conscious conclusions about every piece of information they’re given.  It doesn’t take being stupid, or even just gullible, to believe something like this.

I currently live in a country without free medical care and still, it’s enormously cheap compared to the USA. An American expat wrote a piece for our English language paper about how she paid more for parking at the hospital than giving birth to her baby that’s pretty interesting:

Yesterday I had to go to the hospital cause I injured my eye, I’m frankly dreading what the bill is going to be, but what made me balk was being told in the pharmacy that my insurance was denied for the antibiotic eye drops and it’d be over $100 out of pocket. So I didn’t get my eyedrops.

I’ve had these same drops before living in the UK. They cost me seven GBP.

It’s the exact same drug, same steroid, same strain of antibiotic. But somehow the US gets away with charging $100 for a generic non brand version of a drug which is easy to create and widely used. It’s downright robbery, but also a form of eugenics through poverty and class warfare. You keep the poor poor by making sure basic necessities remain unattainable and then you make it seem like the norm so no one fights it.

The rest of the world is not like this.

Eat the rich. Resist.


When I was travelling in Germany once, I seriously hurt my ankle. In a few hours, it had swollen to twice its size, and I went to a little ER in a tiny town. I spoke no German and only one nurse spoke English. They ran an X-ray and an MRI to determine what had happened (turned out I had bruised my peroneus brevis muscle and pulled the tendon), gave me a ton of very regulated meds for the pain and swelling, including some supports so I could walk…and my poor little 22-year-old ass was sat there, knowing all of this would cost thousands, if not tens of thousands, back in the US. I was shaking.

I’m in the exam room, post diagnosis and with pill bottles in hand, and in walks the one nurse I’ve been able to speak to the entire time. She pats my hand and tells me (and this is verbatim—I will never forget this conversation as long as I live), “I’m so sorry. We had to run those tests, and they are expensive. You don’t have insurance so you will have to cover the full cost.”

I start crying.

She continues, softly, as if telling me someone has died, “It’s going to be three hundred.”

I start sobbing, certain I’ve misheard, certain that I would be absolutely fucked, broke and going into debt in a foreign country. “Thousand?” I clarify.

Her entire demeanor changed, and she looked at me as if I had sprouted four extra heads. “No,” she says, “euros.”

That moment radicalised me.


tumblr when ur at home: heres some nature pics. heres this cat.

tumblr when you open it in public: H3RES MY LONG AWAITED CLIT REVEAL!! . HERES THIS GUYS ASS.


you: wait, babe… we can’t fuck yet… you aren’t wearing protection…

your vampire lover: protection? what do you mean prote- oh ok so fuck you first of all

you, holding these:


“Why are you so upset about adult content bans? You don’t even post that stuff. can’t you just look at porn somewhere else?”

Well, you see, I have this small problem where my very existence is considered adult content by a small but very powerful group of people and I actually rather enjoy being able to exist in public without restriction so uhhhh put that in your bong and smoke it kiddo.

Extremely good point

Let’s be real, it’s also not gonna stop at explicit porn. Eventually a ban like this would spread to cover things like artistic nudity, breastfeeding, or a same-sex date where they’re no more than holding hands/kissing. Because that’s just as bad to the extreme right-wingers. As bad as porn. THINK OF THE CHILDREN etc. etc.

it’s already happening.

this comic I made where nothing explicit happens permanently has this label on it. I emailed them about it asking which policy it could POSSIBLY be breaking and they just insisted it is and nothing changed.

thankfully, the post was never hidden and you can still interact with it, but I have to see this stupid banner every time I see my post


No law should ever be enacted with the intention of being enforced on a case-by-case basis, because this gives an immense amount of power to those who desire it for its own sake. This means that harmless breaches of taboo (“think of the children!”) should be wholly unregulated – and society will be made much better for it.


“i also choose this guy’s dead wife” was easily the #1 funniest thing to ever be written on the internet.

you can know the punchline but you can’t stop it from punching you.

i do also feel the need to add that phil8248 really liked the joke. he said his wife had always had a dark sense of humour, even about her illness and death, and seeing the joke made him feel like he was laughing with her one last time.

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