


-GAMER PROTIP- If you’re considering firebombing a Wal-Mart, don’t. They’re franchised and it does relatively little damage to the true brains of the vile cephalopod. Instead, consider firebombing a car dealership, because they’re major Republican fundraisers but small enough they’ll really feel it!

-GAMER PROTIP- I’m pretty sure it doesn’t count as incitement if they were already going to do it anyway, it’s harm reduction now.

-GAMER PROTIP- Please put the gun down Mr FBI agent.






Fashion dolls but make it animal heads

thinking about fashion dolls

Okay, while my toy collecting interests more lie in action figures than dolls, I’d love these.

Also OP, out of curiosity, do you imagine these having smooth skin or a scaly texture? Because as a customizer/model painter, scales are just so much fun to paint…

(via mega-byte)

I feel like Elvis being alive is objectively the best conspiracy theory because it hurts nobody, it’s not connected to any irl bigotry (that I know of at least), and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier as time moves towards the point where he’d probably be dead either way.

I hope this continues for at least like, another century…





impossible to overstate the impact of a single comics panel. what the fuck was roy lichtenstein doing, this panel would’ve made him a billionaire


Fletcher Hanks comics were just like this. DeStructo wasn’t normally like that, just a normal Fifth Columnist, but for his crimes Stardust the Super Wizard—imagine Senator Joseph McCarthy with the powers of Dr Manhattan—turned him into a bodiless head and threw him across space into the waiting shoulders of a headless giant that absorbs other people’s heads.


Clarke’s Law of Autistic Socialization: To an autistic person, any neurotypical capable of sufficiently advanced neurotypical social maneuvering looks like a wizard.

And we hate and envy those wizards so fucking much…




im gonna be posting some old art on here, starting with robot lady :)

(via polygonalfish)



You know, speaking as someone not into dudes, I wonder what a male character in that old-timey cartoon style sexualized as much as Betty Boop is would look like?

Any folks who are into dudes and also artists have design perspectives on that?

While other folks’ve commented look at those sorts of characters; and I’d agree; the issue is translating them into that specific style, and also rooting it in that specific era considering Betty Boop was not only based on a flapper, but a very specific flapper to boot..

Like, from what I recall in later cartoons they tried to give Betty Boop a human boyfriend while phasing out Bimbo (Because of fears of bestiality, which just goes to show how far back fursecution goes BUT I DIGRESS) but he looks like a wildly unappealing combination of Prince Charming-type face on a muscleman-type body, and I want to see one that’s actually appealing.

Like, how do you translate; say; bishie or twink into a simplified rubberhose style, or to the aesthetics of dudes in the 1920s? I’d love to see artists into that give it a try.

Also, @cartoondogjpeg said:

bimbo the dog was already that 


Tho, it does remind me how @mote-of-ash could totally make a really good female-equivalent-to-Bimbo-the-Dog, albeit hopefully with a less unfortunate name…

…You know, thinking about this post, I feel like somehow it reached back in time and brought Piti Yindee’s @wufflecomics into the world, given that Wuffle is in fact exactly the thing this post was talking about.

Note I mean that as a compliment, along with the fact that Wuffle was declared CC0, IE in the Public Domain so that makes them and Yindee doubly rad and based.


a whole bunch of gazan mutual aid projects and nonprofits. if the decision of which individual fundraiser to give to feels too daunting, or if you just want to help as many people as possible in one go, these are great initiatives to support.

  • care for gaza - focuses on providing food and essential supplies. donate here or here.
  • connecting humanity - securing internet access via donations of virtual sim cards (esims). if you can’t afford a whole plan yourself, crips for esims is a communal pool that will use your donation to purchase and maintain esims
  • gaza soup kitchen - provides food, medical care, and classes for children. also has a gofundme
  • glia gaza medical support initiative - provides medical care through field clinics and tents at hospitals. donations can also be sent through their website.
  • ele elna elak - provides clean water, food, clothing, and shelter. they also have a gofundme
  • life for gaza - raising money for the gaza municipality to repair water and waste management infrastructure
  • taawon - partners with local civil organizations to provide food, water, medical care, shelter, and basic supplies
  • the sameer project - running various initiatives providing tents, medical care, and necessities. they have their own encampment project focused on sheltering families with children, sick and disabled members, or members in need of perinatal care
  • islamic relief worldwide’s gaza emergency appeal - provides food, water, hygiene kits, medical supplies, and psychological support
  • baitulmaal - provides a variety of necessities, including food, water, shelter, and medical supplies
  • gaza mutual aid fund - distributes food, hygiene products, water, and other essential supplies, including financial support. run by @/el-shab-hussein’s amazing friend Mona. updates can be found on her instagram.
  • hygiene kits for gaza - provides hygiene supplies including menstrual products, wipes, and toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • anera - provides a variety of necessities, including food, water, hygiene supplies, medicine, blankets and mattresses, and psychological care
  • palestine children’s relief fund - provides supplies and support with a focus on children. also has an initiative for lebanon
  • dahnoun mutual aid - provides water, food, tents, baby supplies, financial support, and other necessities. updates can be found through their instagram

certainly this is not an exhaustive list, so please feel free to add on other projects or organizations that i didn’t include. and as always, please take the time to donate if you can and share. it truly makes all the difference.

(via o-hybridity)





i’ve been sobbing all day i’m so scared.

please we need 2k in order to stay in our home, and despite all our hard work we just don’t have it right now. please help us. we’re terrified of losing our home. please please please please please consider helping us or at least boosting this post. it would mean the world to us. please.

ppal. capp. vmo.

My roommate and I were able to pay for March but we’re in a really precarious position right now. We need 1000 more dollars before the end of the week. Please please please please consider helping us. It would mean so much to us.

40 / 1k

(via tanukutie)


my own little alien…

for short; a menace to society                                                                             (it’s 7ft tall)

This feels like a character design for a game that got cancelled when the Dreamcast died, and I mean that as a compliment.

(via eugfypqvyeowyrfvpiyviye)

I feel like this vid’s worth a watch if only to put into perspective how, in the US, copyright terms are way too fucking long.

And again, I am deeply salty there’s no organized movements to fix this…








guards! read me my bedtime yaoi

my liege if you keep having all of the guards come to your bedroom to read you bedtime stories, there will be no one to actually guard the castle during that time!

any intruders are welcome to join us for story time

my liege the enemies to lovers yaoi is affecting your perception of the danger of real enemies.

when will it be my turn.


holy fuck

I will say this exchange and especially the comic of it by @o-kenki give major vibes of classic “Hark, A Vagrant,” and I mean that as a compliment!

(via teaboot)


what do you mean you havent found a job? have you crawled on your knees and prostrated yourself before them? have you hung from the branches of the world tree for eight days and eight nights? have you climbed atop the roodwood cross and begged for them to impale you until your red blood overflow’d their cups? dude. you completely forgot to mention their cups. you HAVE to mention their cups

(via evilwizard)