
My RWBY Blog

@sunder-the-gold / sunder-the-gold.tumblr.com

Master Post of my RWBY posts // banner by dan-heron, with permission

Happy birthday to @chestnutisland - thank you for being such a wonderfully encouraging and positive force within the fandom, and for making me immediately feel like my silly comics were welcome here, I hope you have a day that's as wonderful as you are <3

Lol, touche Krillin.

🩷🥰🩷🥰Omgosh THANK YOU!!! that's so cute!!

Trust me, I'm the one honoured to be able to get to share your amazing works of art!! Your comics are so cute and touching and just plain awesome!

But I think I may have missed some of them tho so if you want to, could you tag me? That way I can make sure to keep sharing the awesomeness.


Do you think Marron has a little mischievous/ rebellious streak? I mean both of her parents definitely did and I like to think she looks up to Trunks and Goten and they are both pretty mischievous. Heck uncle 17 would teach her to steal a car just for funzies

I just also love to picture Marron having the same smug little face Krillin had when he was first introduced. Like Marron does not have a poker face she just makes the same silly smug smirk her dad used to make as a kid and her parents know she’s hiding something


Oh absolutely

Even without Trunks & Goten's influence, she's still got the GTA crime twins and little-shit Krillin in her genes - I mean, even in their fighting styles, the twins & Krillin always seem to favour tricks like blindness, deception, setting traps, etc (they're not the strongest fighters so they've gotta take whatever cheap shots they can) - little Marron is trouble waiting to happen and I honestly wish they utilised her more

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