
My RWBY Blog

@sunder-the-gold / sunder-the-gold.tumblr.com

Master Post of my RWBY posts // banner by dan-heron, with permission

Why does he always talk like that? His voice has always disturbed me.

He talks about Canadians not having the right to self-defense with a tone of voice reserved for comforting a tween girl through her first period.

Before he was the Prime Minister, he was an elementary school drama teacher, I'm not making a joke.


The opposite of a mansion murder mystery where everyone present is a bounty hunter who really wants to take credit for the murder and the detective has to find out who really did it


Assistant: "What about the gunpowder found at the scene?"

Detective: "I thought about that as well! But as you can see from the bullet wound, it was clearly done posthumously."

Assistant: "Remarkable find! But why would someone shoot a corpse?"

*Bounty hunter 'Gun shootman' tossing his hat on the ground and stomping it as he rips up the contract he hoped to cash in on fulfilling*


Femme fatale: his ink bottle was knocked over detective. I dont know if that means anything but its all i could find. *coquettishly turns and shows off ink stains on dress*

Detective: The victim was murdered in the lounge actually so i don't think there should have been any ink there at all

Femme fatale: *takes off heels and throws them through the glass window*


In the end it’s revealed that the “victim” died of natural causes


Live2D Euclid in UNITY via


I absolutely hate this you mean the 3D models aren't real? My mantra of art to say "I can't get this right but it is in a 3D model so I can eventually visualize it" is a lie?

@ceephorsshitshow the way it was explained to me is that 3d models are indeed 3d. They are fully sculpted and you can look at them from any angle and get a proper picture.

2d models, however, are different. Basically, they have to be drawn in layers, and those layers have to be drawn in different angles, so that when they smush em together and make it move, it looks like it's moving properly and has some depth.

3d models tend to be more common these days since they're a little easier to work with, given that they take less work to design, animate and rig for things like vtubers, which makes sense given just how much effort goes into 2d model making. That being said, a lot of tracking software designed for 3d models can be a little janky given how it works, leading to 2d models and tracking software being more cooperative.

I find both styles to be really cool, and I love the detail that can be shown in both.

@moderate-irritation wanna weigh in?

@dragongyrlwren That's crazy! I never knew! Thank you for the detailed explanation. I learned things today 🎉

A good example of 3d VS 2d can be seen here

GirlDM is also a favorite of mine because she's very funny and also very good at explaining things.


Live2D Euclid in UNITY via


I absolutely hate this you mean the 3D models aren't real? My mantra of art to say "I can't get this right but it is in a 3D model so I can eventually visualize it" is a lie?

@ceephorsshitshow the way it was explained to me is that 3d models are indeed 3d. They are fully sculpted and you can look at them from any angle and get a proper picture.

2d models, however, are different. Basically, they have to be drawn in layers, and those layers have to be drawn in different angles, so that when they smush em together and make it move, it looks like it's moving properly and has some depth.

3d models tend to be more common these days since they're a little easier to work with, given that they take less work to design, animate and rig for things like vtubers, which makes sense given just how much effort goes into 2d model making. That being said, a lot of tracking software designed for 3d models can be a little janky given how it works, leading to 2d models and tracking software being more cooperative.

I find both styles to be really cool, and I love the detail that can be shown in both.

@moderate-irritation wanna weigh in?

Yeah, the head is a Live2D model being rendered in a 3D space, which is why the body is still clearly 3D on the left side. You couldn't practically render a full body with 360-degree rotation and limb motion in Live2D because you'd have to account for every possible way someone could move their arms and hands and legs from every possible angle.

A normal 2D model like this, just a regular front-only pose with no arm motion other than static poses that can be toggled with a hotkey, is hundreds of Photoshop layers and a good one takes 2-3 months of work to draw and rig. Some high quality models in this style are over a thousand layers.


On the 27th Day of the Centipede War, the lone Annihilator, their entire army wiped out in a prior skirmish, faces the fortified outpost north of Rabum-Arakeeshtu jungle in one lonesome final attempt to break through. The senior officer was beset by fire from all sides, and stuck in the cursed mire, they met their end under unending fusillades.

According to the defending army's reports, the veteran officer's last words were a very dignified "aw, beans".


Hate how lighting a candle does wonders to my mood. Like wowwww. Grug like fire? Grug not sad anymore because Fire in Cave? Wow. Real predictable of Grug.

Anonymous asked:

Gotta tell ya'll if you don't think that Nora would only wear such a big Parka to incorporate stealth tactics and hide 'em guns... ya'll really on some shit

who would win? Atlas security, or a girl who has snuck food into every class since the beginning of the school year

Parkas aint only for hidin’ JUST em guns


Can I get that parka in ‘cinema snack food’ edition?


"True socialism is when it matches the ideal version in my head, not the countless failed attempts in real life called X." Also, reds love to claim people only hate socialism because of capitalist/CIA indoctrination, or if they were one of the Bad People™ socialism wants to punish. Because everyone knows socialist countries are bastions of free speech.


Name a socialist country.

No. I already made the point that even attempts at making a socialist country often fail. To prove me wrong, you should've provided an example of a successful red country.



The destruction of a village by a corrupted machine of war is nostalgic to Zelda the way a knife in the spine is. Like missing a step in the dark, or seeing a flash of a ghost— she’s suddenly viscerally reminded of a history she had left behind, a hundred and five years ago.

But you never forget your roots, not really.

(This totk au is called Familiar Familiar! Zelda never goes back in time. Everything shifts slightly to the left. The scars from botw are still present, and still painful. The usual shenanigans ensue anyways.)

((Want to support me? Check out my sketches on PATREON! Please note that all purchases through the apple app charges 30% extra as tax, ew. Ppl should consider membership through web or android.))


what do you do when someone is bashing krillin online? I was at a forum I normally enjoy when this person began insisting krillin was wrong for destroying the remote "because he wanted to get laid" and that he's worse than Vegeta. And I just left the forum... It made me so sad... Krillin destroying the remote is what made me love him more than the rest of the cast, because he saw 17 and 18 as people, not mindless killing machine. And he thought 17 was 18's boyfriend at the time (hilariously wrong) so actually he didn't think she would date him but he wanted to save her anyway.


Well honestly, having been in the fandom for as long as I have....and it has been quite a long time indeed, I've seen it all tbh. I used to get so upset about the rampant Krillin bashing, K18 antis, and just general insufferable trolls, but now? Now I just let it roll off my back so to speak.

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If they don't like a character, that's fine. But there is a difference between someone not liking or even hating a character but being civil about it and someone who feels the need to bring anyone else down who does like the character or harassing people online over it.

You see, there is no way to reason with those kind of people tbh. So why even try? Or stoop to their level? If having to hate on a fictional character means you feel validated, well then just be happy with your miserable self.

That's why I don't usually answer anon hate anymore, there is no use in spending my energy on them. I have managed to build up a small K18 and Krillin-friendly corner on the web and I'm proud of that. It makes me so happy to see people like you and others who are on the same level when it comes to Krillin and the amazing character he is. And who appreciate him and K18 for what they are. We don't need validation from bashers of all people, let them wallow in their corner, and we'll gladly parade proudly in ours ^_^.

A long-winded answer perhaps to really just say, let them be, try not to let them negatively affect you. Know that although their voices may be the loudest, they're just a small meaningless fraction of the fandom.

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