what’s happening with santa
I think my mom's getting him pregnant
@missoyashirou / missoyashirou.tumblr.com
what’s happening with santa
I think my mom's getting him pregnant
Star Struck - art by Alberto Vargas (c. 1930)
back in the heyday of mlp fandom there was one specific guy that commissioned insane amounts of self insert shipping art with pinkie pie. when the finale and confirmed pinkie fucked weird al instead he got a comic of his oc watching longingly at them like walking through the park with their kid and just solemnly accepting it and it was the funniest shit to me. he took it so seriously it was like a genuine breakup
the comic for reference:
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Upon later reflection I'm kind of obsessed with the melancholy of this. Oddly sweet? I'm charmed.
“It is SO hard to find a sitter with a sense of humor for Li’l Cheese.” That was the catalyst that pushed Copper Plume to offer his services, and Pinkie couldn’t believe she didn’t think of him sooner. The little goofball became attached to him almost instantly, affectionately calling him “Uncle Copper” over time, and Copper was more than happy to be involved in Pinkie Pie’s life again in some small way.
I mean, it's funny and all, but it's also Weird Al. Like, I'm sorry, but if Weird Al is interested in your girl... that's Weird Al's girl now. Do you really think you can compete with WEIRD AL YANKOVIC?
Accepting your fate is the rational choice. At least you have a fun story: "Hey, did you know Weird Al stole my girl once?"
If it makes you feel any better, he hated it too.
This is the funniest and saddest sentence I've read all week
avatrice + clexa lines
op was a terf so here you go: a collection of jughead being aroace
drunk af tsuchinoko lady celebrating year of the snake
Ultimate gay ally Sherman T Potter
You've been cast into a fictional setting, and you don't get to pick your genre. This wheel picks it for you.
One of those goofy maid animes, except the viewpoint character isn't the hapless master or mistress of the house, but a regular-ass janitor who ended up on this crew due to a paperwork mixup at the temp agency and can't figure out what the fuck is wrong with her co-workers.
sweep sweep sweep pales in the face of the windsor versamatic 14
They're always eating everything
90s movies: Psychopharmacology is as good as a lobotomy. If you take pills to treat your mental illness it will literally murder your imaginary friends and you will become a boring, lotus-eating conformist drone.
Me after taking my meds: drives the scenic route home to see if there are any geese on the pond and does a little dance in line at the grocery store and comes home to throw everything in my fridge into a stew pot because I can finally taste food again while singing songs at my birds in which I replace all the instances of "she" with "Cheese" and doing a Dolly Parton impression on the phone to my sister
"What were you like before taking the meds tho"
Two weeks ago I was posting about eating cake frosting for dinner.
I feel like it's worth mentioning that being on The Wrong Meds can indeed do the 90s movie thing to you.
Like, if you go on meds and that happens, it's not because whatever's going on with you is jut Too Severe or that you're doomed or only people with Other Illnesses get to have meds that make them feel actually good and you have to settle for "miserable but somehow so hollow I no longer care about the misery" and be grateful you're no longer actively suicidal or whatever.
If that shit happens to you, tell your fucking doctor. And if your doctor doesn't take you seriously, or acts like That's Just How Being On Meds Is, ditch them! Find a new doctor!! Because that is NOT how being on meds is supposed to work! That means the meds are not working correctly!!
Reblogging to agree and say that what was happening to me was (and to an extent still is) severe and was the result of manifold health problems and has taken the better part of a year to effectively treat. I did not expect medication to be this effective. But it is. So if you think that you are untreatable, get a second opinion.
there is a single pill i can take to immediately live a day as the best version of myself-- not a superhero, not a perfect genius, but a good dude who can read and write and do the dishes. im optimistic and coherent and can plan for the future. i write novels and walk the dog and remember to shower and brush my teeth.
if i don't take this pill i spend the day as a dirty, inept husk, a sad sack of well-meaning but futile intentions just sapient enough to be dimly aware of everything im unable to be.
this pill is incredibly difficult to obtain a steady monthly supply of because when normal people take it they have a little more fun at parties.
I'll admit that the 1990s movie tropes exist for very good reasons and should not be immediately shot out of the sky no matter how much I want to.
Because yeah, psychiatric medication in the 1970s were ABSOLUTELY that bad. They sucked! Were only comparatively medical miracles compared to treatments the 1950s had! And so on and so forth. The history of mental illness is literally so bleak, y'all.
The first SSRI marketed as an antidepressant came out in 1987. Really good atypical antipsychotics came out in the 1990s. They could deliver infinitely better results than previous treatment paradigms, with a fraction of the distressing and limiting negative side effects than previous classes of drugs.
1990s movies depicted how the field had been until then, but literally as the cameras rolled, those old scientific achievements and medical best practices were in mid-flight from the topple off their pedestals.
Of course that doesn't mean everyone in the whole world could or even still can access even that 30-year-old standard of care. It's not a fair world. But we have had the scientific ability to treat mental illness in better ways than 90s movies could ever dreamed about... since the 1990s.
Additionally, and this is probably me just going into the pedantic and special-interest hole for the specific example implied by the OP, but the medication was really the worst choice for the Heroine in the movie mentioned. Yeah, the medication is treated like 'Imaginary Friend Killer Pills', which sucks as a means to be medicated, but she was also only being medicated after being forced into it by her emotionally abusive mother and fiance.
The movie's pretty clear on the stance of "look, taking pills to make you happy/docile/calm won't help in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself and live your life freely". Yeah, those pills were killing her Imaginary Friend (and by extension, her free will and rebellious streak), but the problem was more she was trapped in multiple abusive relationships. And additionally, the medication there was being used as medical abuse (and, as the film phrased it, infantilization by her mother who was controlling her life).
The only way things got better for her? Breaking up with the fiance, moving out and going NC with her mother after realizing "hey, actually traumatizing me and taking away my only friend was actually really shitty. You've not trying to help me here, you just want me to shut up and do as I say, and I'm not doing that anymore."
Sometimes, the best option for your mental health is cutting out a poisonous or toxic situation first, and any additional medical help (such as meds) will need to come after that. If you're in an abusive relationship, you're absolutely correct in escaping before anything else, especially if the help is coming from the abuser. It's also why you should not go to group therapy with abusers.
LOOK alright I know I've said some things about the French in the past, BUT.
If they do this I will be singing La Marseillaise in the fucking streets.
Please my ancestral home I am BEGGING you help your wayward child (me) and do me this one (1) favor
When the righteous thing and the funny thing are one and the same...Please please
[Indigenous Basque voice] Good start, France. Good start.
inside me there are two lungs. and one liver. one stomach. a few meters of intestine. there's a lot inside me actually
this is the funniest thing i've read all day