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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

"how can you talk about transmisogyny in the queer community when Da Fascists are coming for us!" actually i think more than ever it's important that the queer community learns to treat transfems right and stop abandoning us, because safe spaces for us are getting smaller and smaller, but hey you don't wanna hear us complain and waste precious braincells you could use to worry about your own ass, right?


Everyone knows the way to keep a strong unified front is by telling women to shut the fuck up


preaching to the choir but it seriously makes me bloodthirsty thinking about someone telling a trans person they have to wait 5+ years or any amount of time for hrt and then just going home and continuing with their life with no repercussions (axe murder, poisoning, drawing and quartering, the rack, spleen puncture, mangling, trampled by a multitude of large quadrupeds, strangled, tongue cut, scp femur breaker, face dissolved with acid, fingers broken, etc)