only 20% deer, approx.

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

every time someone (usually a trans woman) goes "hey based on [real world events] it looks like transfems are consistently persecuted significantly more than certain other groups in the lgbtq community" there's always someone ready to crawl out of the woodworks to say "umm the government hates us all equally 😇❤️ so what you just said was pointless" and if she responds with "no there are groups in the community with more privilege than others that puts us at an imbalance and we should be centering those who are most vulnerable" (or god forbid, she gets angry at someone essentially telling her to shut up) the response is always "stop dividing the community?? we need to stop this infighting!! this isn't the oppression olympics, you're just an FBI agent at this point 🙄"


The three mental illnesses are

  • Terminal child syndrome lol sorry you'll be infantilized forever and never get any basic respect we have the right to not treat you like an adult and make life worse for you in the name of helping, or shun you completely :)
  • Just stop doing that you useless cunt go the fuck outside and stop being a burden to society get the fuck up and stop having this illness. Have this list of pop psychology bullshit and get your shit together. We can still romanticize your struggle if you're hot and manage it just well enough to not be a useless cunt
  • Irredeemable piece of shit disorder uh sorry but your vibe is off and you should go to jail for it I fucking hate you and you deserve nothing you vile piece of human garbage you need to be avoided at all costs everyone should cut you off immediately no one should have to put up with you you manipulative asshole

To everybody in the notes saying something along the lines of any specific disorder could be any of these three depending on how someone wants to justify mistreating the individual, you are correct. I was thinking of autism, depression and npd respectively but you're actually right


rose-and-bones asked:

Do you have thoughts about the changes to Firefox's Terms of Use and Privacy Notice? A lot of people seem to be freaking out ("This is like when google removed 'Don't be evil!'"), but it seems to me like just another case of people getting confused by legalese.

ms-demeanor answered:

Yeah you got it in one.

I’ve been trying not to get too fighty about it so thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about it neutrally and not while arguing with someone.

Firefox sits in such an awful place when it comes to how people who understand technology at varying levels interact with it.

On one very extreme end you’ve got people who are pissed that Firefox won’t let you install known malicious extensions because that’s too controlling of the user experience; these are also the people who tend to say that firefox might as well be spyware because they are paid by google to have google as the default search engine for the browser.

In the middle you’ve got a bunch of people who know a little bit about technology - enough to know that they should be suspicious of it - but who are only passingly familiar with stuff like “internet protocols” and “security certificates” and “legal liability” who see every change that isn’t explicitly about data anonymization as a threat that needs to be killed with fire. These are the people who tend not to know that you can change the data collection settings in Firefox.

And on the other extreme you’ve got people who are pretty sure that firefox is a witch and that you’re going to get a virus if you download a browser that isn’t chrome so they won’t touch Firefox with a ten foot pole.

And it’s just kind of exhausting. It reminds me of when you’ve got people who get more mad at queer creators for inelegantly supporting a cause than they are at blatant homophobes. Like, yeah, you focus on the people whose minds you can change, and Firefox is certainly more responsive to user feedback than Chrome, but also getting you to legally agree that you won’t sue Firefox for temporarily storing a photo you’re uploading isn’t a sign that Firefox sold out and is collecting all your data to feed to whichever LLM is currently supposed to be pouring the most bottles of water into landfills before pissing in the plastic bottle and putting the plastic bottle full of urine in the landfill.

The post I keep seeing (and it’s not one post, i’ve seen this in youtube comment sections and on discord and on tumblr) is:

Well-meaning person who has gotten the wrong end of the stick: This is it, go switch to sanguinetapir now, firefox has gone to the dark side and is selling your data. [Link to *an internet comment section* and/or redditor reactions as evidence of wrongdoing].

Response: I think you may be misreading the statements here, there’s been an update about this and everything.

Well-meaning (and deeply annoying) person who has gotten the wrong end of the stick: If you’d read the link you’d see that actually no I didn’t misinterpret this, as evidenced by the dozens of commenters on this other site who are misinterpreting the ToU the same way that I am, but more snarkily.


Anyway the consensus from the actual security nerds is “jesus fucking christ we carry GPS locators in our pockets all goddamned day and there are cameras everywhere and there is a long-lasting global push to erode the right to encrypt your data and facebook is creating tracking accounts for people who don’t even have a facebook and they are giving data about abortion travel to the goddamned police state” and they could not be reached for comment about whether Firefox is bad now, actually, because they collect anonymized data about the people who use pocket.

My response is that there is a simple fix for all of this and it is to walk into the sea.

(I am not worried about the updated firefox ToU, I personally have a fair amount of data collection enabled on my browser because I do actually want crash reports to go to firefox when my browser crashes; however i’m not actually all that worried about firefox collecting, like, ad data on me because I haven’t seen an ad in ten years and if one popped up on my browser i’d smash my screen with a stand mixer - I don’t care about location data either because turning on location on your devices is for suckers but also *the way the internet works means unless you’re using a traffic anonymizer at all times your browser/isp/websites you connect to/vpn/what fucking ever know where you are because of the IP address that they *have* to be able to see to deliver the internet to you and that is, generally speaking, logged as a matter of course by the systems that interact with it*)

Anyway if you’re worried about firefox collecting your data you should ABSOLUTELY NOT BE ON DISCORD OR YOUTUBE and if you are on either of those things you should 100% be using them in a browser instead of an app and i don’t particularly care if that browser is firefox or tonsilferret but it should be one with an extension that allows you to choose what data gets shared with the sites it interacts with.


The State of California: In order to better protect our citizens and their data, we are broadening the definition of "sell" in discussions of data privacy so that companies which trade user data for non-monetary compensation (which might include shared computing time, platform priority, or any number of other benefits); this definition may be over-broad in some cases, but it is worthwhile to ensure that everyone possibly impacted by data collection be made aware of all the possible ways that their data can be collected.

Mozilla: Hm, seems like the anonymized data we collect from people who have not opted out of data collection could be interpreted as being "sold" when we share it with partners who make tools used by our browser, let's make sure to explain that to people and while we're at it make it explicit that we do actually have to store data temporarily in order to handle data.


People who definitely understand internet privacy: Wow seems like it's definitely the time to install a browser used by seven thousand people that hasn't had a stable release in three years in order to keep Firefox from turning me into confetti with a cheese grater that they might auction the pieces to chatgpt.


I’m every one in this


MAN 1 (in a high pitched, whiny voice) Look what you’ve done to my peonies!

WOMAN (angrily) They’re marigolds!

MAN 2 God! I think she’s right! They are marigolds!

MAN 1 I may not know my flowers, but I know a (yells in her direction) bitch when I see one!


It’s back!


I looked this up because I had to know what it’s from. It’s a film called The Gay Deceivers (1969), and it’s about two straight men who, seeking to avoid the draft, claim to be gay, but then have to keep up the pretense when the army places them under surveillance.

The man in the red cardigan in the clip was played by Michael Greer, who was openly gay himself - unusual for the time. He actually worked closely with the director and rewrote much of the film’s dialogue to reduce the homophobia and make it more realistic. As a result it’s quite progressive for its time, having a gay character, played by a gay man, living in a happy same-sex relationship, which is more than a lot of media offers us today.

Plus the clip is delightful.


I just needed this again.


wild how we have a medication that is super effective at treating a debilitating disability but its controlled to hell and back because What If Someone Takes It For Fun like i have an idea who gives a shit


If you are talking about stimulants, that's not really why it's a controlled substance. It's because they pose a serious risk of harm and addiction, especially if you don't actually have ADHD.


damn its a good thing we keep adhd meds on lock can you imagine if people had easy access to harmful or addictive substances anyways time to go to the gas station to grab a monster energy, some bud light, and a vape cart