
Welcome to a Set of Pawsitive Measure

@loving-n0t-heyting / loving-n0t-heyting.tumblr.com

she/it. slave moralist. carrd.
“Crazier than most and saner than some”
Anonymous asked:

I have a question: if you’re not vegan, why aren’t you vegan? All your posts about pointless animal cruelty only work if you’re a non-cheating vegan.

i invite on general grounds everyone to impute to me whatever habits and vices (let alone ethnicities, genders, ages, mental illnesses, bodily conditions, life histories, class positions, or sexual orientations) render my moral grandstanding hypocritical

Anonymous asked:

are you affected by the fires?

no, thats all the way down in socal. i was worried abt a couple of former advisors from grad school down there but i checked and it sounds like they should be safe alhamdulillah. its a terrifying situation tho!

fun fact: this comes in the midst of oakland trying to shrink its own fire dept in response to the budgetary crisis (: (: (:


sounds like my old advisor might not be as safe as i had been led to believe. not in mortal peril or anything but not "least concern" either


Anonymous asked:

are you affected by the fires?

no, thats all the way down in socal. i was worried abt a couple of former advisors from grad school down there but i checked and it sounds like they should be safe alhamdulillah. its a terrifying situation tho!

fun fact: this comes in the midst of oakland trying to shrink its own fire dept in response to the budgetary crisis (: (: (:


If your married argumate you could change your name to loving-n0t-hooting

If you married a horse you could change your name to loving-n0t-hayting

If you married a skater boy you could change your name to loving-n0t-skating

so many possibilities! you should definitely marry one of those things.


@argumate suffers from a dealbraker (australian). robnost is taken. last time i tried roller/ice skates was... over a decade ago, i think?

and anyway i still think the algebra pun tops most of these, sorry


i do not think the claim that israeli apartheid only concerns palestinians within the "occupied territories" has ever been particularly plausible, but it has been instructive watching what little credibility israel possessed on this point degrade over the course of the past year and three months


i do not think the claim that israeli apartheid only concerns palestinians within the "occupied territories" has ever been particularly plausible, but it has been instructive watching what little credibility israel possessed on this point degrade over the course of the past year and three months


new facebook rules are looking GOOD fellas!


man these rules also ban fuck the police.

they had to make a special carveout for venting about branch-swinging she-devils and faithless horndog men after your nasty breakup, incredible


as painful as it is to witness the untrammeled slaughter of the population of gaza, as doubly painful as it is to watch our own government yield again and again to israeli demands for ever more financing and diplomatic support, we can at least take solace in the qualified approval of the scholars of the future, who will be forced to concede that, throughout this madness, some americans stood on the right side of history

we can take, for example, the inspiring example of the student protest movt, whose brave members risked body and freedom to occupy that most crucial of industrial chokepoints: college campus quads. or the numerous street demonstrations throughout the country whose economic effects often nearly matched the potency of a scheduled half-marathon. or that guy who lit himself on fire for some infuckingscrutable reason. or the innumerable hordes of internet nobodies who tirelessly dedicated hours of their time every day to one-upping each other about the depths of their hatred for zionism and zionists in the most embarrassing and public manner possible. these heroes, these selfless martyrs, will have surely won themselves plaudits and aureoles among the hosts of historys blessed, a sweet if distant consolation for their failures in concretely stemming the genocide they spend half their waking hours fulminating over


i wonder if, in the decades and centuries to come, the long international fixation on the 67 borders in palestine, let alone the byzantine process from oslo, will come to look like the various antebellum compromises in the united states internally demarcating the boundaries of legal slavery. an unsustainable, temporary stopgap against and prelude to an eventual conflagration that will leave previous concessions on either side looking quaint and gerrymandered and, above all, unscrupulously desperate in retrospect

Anonymous asked:

sorry but your "nuanced" opinions on stuff you couldn't possibly understand like voting, activism, Palestine, and trans stuff has convinced me you're some sort of weirdo turbo liberal and that it's more important than ever that I defend the gulags. we must hold the line against degen libs like you.

im never exactly clear on what ppl mean when they use "liberal" the way you do here tbh

its tru tho, voting is completely incomprehensible to me. when i try to enter a ballot box i just start shrieking like ive stumbled upon one of the elder gods. when i meet a trans person i clutch at my head in painful confusion

Anonymous asked:

idk if im well intentioned or intelligent but your blog has certainly pushed me away from my previous tumblr-inculcated belief that the options were normie lib or gulag apologist. so thank you for that.

thx u nonny that is very helpful to hear ^_^

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