

@daftpatience / daftpatience.tumblr.com

Andréa | he/him | almost 30 | heart of bugs and a brain of more bugs 🌻 | daftpatience.carrd.co

I'm absolutely losing my mind seeing "We need to not treat men and masculinity as inherently evil and worthy of hatred, and not fall back into biological and gender essentialism because that hurts everyone, including trans women" being misinterpreted as "Women need to stop oppressing men", "I think trans women are actually men" or "You specifically who have trauma around men need to get over it because men are the real victims". It's so willfully disingenuous. It makes me sick how willing people are to read in bad faith, especially how willing other trans women are to suddenly start harassing and dogpiling another trans woman.

I am a trans woman too, I understand what it's like to feel unsafe, but it helps no one this cynical attitude that crops up every time someone suggests being kind to men in our lives. "You could save a man you know from falling down the alt-right pipeline" is not the same as "It's your fault that men murder you". "There are people who could be on our side if we don't meet them with immediate hostility" is not the same as "You need to shut up and stop criticizing power structures for the sake of your oppressors' feelings" (I promise there are a lot of people who can be taught about their complicity in oppression without immediately shutting down but you need to work with them). This kind of attitude isn't somehow more informed or correct. It's just lashing out to avoid considering one's own agency.

Making a better, safer world for ourselves requires all kinds of work, but it's always work. It's hard to try to reach out to people who could very realistically harm us, it's work that not all of us can afford to or are able to do and that's fine because we're all just trying to survive. But some of you would rather condescend, tear each other down, and make more enemies before even considering it a possibility.

Anonymous asked:

I respect your defense of bisexual woman and all but I just don’t want to put my mouth somewhere I know a dick has been

Yall out here acting like these girls’ pussies be haunted by the ghosts of penises past, this ain’t a Dickmas Carol, be so fucking for real


"women are tainted by their previous sexual encounters" doesn't become less openly misogynistic just because it's said by a woman btw

Anonymous asked:

Can you elaborate on the. The clean rat smelling Tamalas

so like imagine u have pet rats. the smell I'm referring to isn't like the ambient rat cage smell but like if you put your nose right on their fuzzy little body. they smell like tamales.


like how my pup’s toe beans smell vaguely like Fritos when she’s all warm and cozy?

exactly like this

Ngl Daft, I kinda thought you were full of shit for a sec, but then I sniffed my boy's beans. He's not keen on foot-touches, so I haven't exactly had cause or much opportunity to do so before, but uh.

Yeah. Buttered popcorn beans.

The fuck.

I thought this was universal cat owner knowledge and I am as such honored to have spread this information to someone who needed it


"i just feel like boys are easier" -- parent who is going to emotionally neglect their amab kids

"my daughter is hard because i have to micromanage all her emotions to make sure they're correct. my son is easier because i just pretend he has no interior emotional life whatsoever. i'm such a good parent"

glad we're all feeling completely normal about this one in the tags

the fact that this has 73,000 notes makes me sad


Yes it’s very important for solidarity with workers but, and maybe this is an unpopular opinion, workers should have solidarity with poor customers. Like ignore shoplifting, be sensitive when ppl are using EBT cards, that kinda thing.

If you work retail and you worry about shoplifters I beg you to remember how little money you’re being paid to do this

and also no matter what your boss says to you, someone shoplifting will not cause your wages to be docked. if it DOES, then you can get in contact with a labor attourney, who will proceed to light up like a kid at christmas because they (and you) are about to get a big fat payday. that shit is ridiculously illegal.

Remember kids, the largest form of theft in this country is wage theft, and it's not because of poor people trying to get by.

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