Real friends make you a badge when you keep breaking everything they make for you on the laser. Prototyping is frustrating and so friggen addicting. I couldn't do it with out the amazing @craigwinslow and @makethinkcode... I'm gonna get this thing figured out yet. . . . #failure #prototype #dontfuckup #inprogress #artistatwork #laser #acrylic #clarity #lightart #badgeofhonor #mycolorfullife #creativelifehappylife (at PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art)
When I imagine heaven, I see unlimited tools, amazing creative friends and endless smart-ass hats. Prototyping some laser amazingness with @craigwinslow at make think code lab! It's super secret, stay tuned... #newwork #lab #creativelife #creativityfound #smartass #hat #makerspace #makeitwork #makersgottamake #pnca #laser #installationart #inprocess #behindthescene