Below is the video of the original composition. My brother sent me just the Lyrics to it yesterday and asked "how would you sing this" without context. He did send me the original song after some prompting, but to answer his question (now that I'd had time to think about it and begin to hear something in my own head) I needed to rewrite the song.
I sent the rewrite to my brother and @0dde11eth. They both liked it despite the fact that I didn't put a lot of time or effort into it. It's not as refined as the original composition, its also not as clean as I'd like it to be if I were to ever actually perform it or something, and I'm not the vocalist I'd choose for it anyway, but it has a very different vibe. @0dde11eth thought I should share it with you, so... here it is. Consider it fanart.
Carter Vail, if you see this, please don't sue me. All credit goes to you.