
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing


Please just block me.

Below is the video of the original composition. My brother sent me just the Lyrics to it yesterday and asked "how would you sing this" without context. He did send me the original song after some prompting, but to answer his question (now that I'd had time to think about it and begin to hear something in my own head) I needed to rewrite the song.

I sent the rewrite to my brother and @0dde11eth. They both liked it despite the fact that I didn't put a lot of time or effort into it. It's not as refined as the original composition, its also not as clean as I'd like it to be if I were to ever actually perform it or something, and I'm not the vocalist I'd choose for it anyway, but it has a very different vibe. @0dde11eth thought I should share it with you, so... here it is. Consider it fanart.

Carter Vail, if you see this, please don't sue me. All credit goes to you.


Last week, the [Assisted Dying Bill] committee rejected an amendment that would stop people who feel like a burden from seeking assisted suicide. Just yesterday, they rejected another amendment that would stop it being offered to people under 18.

Meanwhile this week, the chancellor Rachel Reeves called young people who don’t work and are on benefits “a stain on this country”.

If you don’t see how these two things are connected, then I really don’t know what to tell you...

This is the worry int it, they're gonna off the 'unproductive' and problematic as well as those suffering from shit life syndrome aka poverty

If not now then in the future

this is just eugenics, the n*zis used near identical language to talk about disabled people and un/underemployed workers. the disabled were also one of the first demographics marked for extermination, especially those in institutional care or seen as 'unproductive'. to say this move is chilling would be an understatement.


The fact that you can’t raise taxes on billionaires even slightly without them pouring money into fascist political movements is, of itself, evidence that billionaires as a class shouldn’t be allowed to exist in the first place.

I’d just like to point out that every single thing that has happened in the 6 years since I created this post has only reinscribed its absolute moral correctness in my mind.


christians: what could possibly be in that evil book…. what horrible spells does it hold within its pages… what black magic does it propagate….

the talmud: so if you send your kid off to Torah school but he has a really hard time with it, send him back home and go to school yourself instead so that once you’ve learned Torah you can go and teach your entire family. in fact, once some rabbi went out to go to Torah school and do just this, and on his way he came through this town and he asked if he could stay in the synagogue for the night. and of course the rabbi said yes but weird enough no one was in the streets and something was kind of off about the whole place. so our hero went into the synagogue only to find a seven headed demon just hanging out in the library!! our hero is terrified and prays super hard and because of this the demon is vanquished. he goes back to the rabbi and is like “dude wtf” and the rabbi was like “listen i know this is unorthodox but you’re well known for how good at praying you are and this demon has been terrorizing us for well over a month and we were desperate. we knew you wouldn’t die” and the guy was like “i didn’t know that!” who do you think is in the right? hm. tough question. anyway. what were we talking about again? oh right. what if you make your sukkah doorway 1/7 of a cubit too short. would that be fucked up or what

look up Bavli Kiddushin 29b <3


I really need non Jews to understand that the Talmud is mostly just a bunch of nerds arguing about their hyperfixation.

Right. Hopefully someone already corrected this, but you were wrong about one important detail in the story: he didn't pass through this town. It was the town of the Torah school, the local rabbi literally told people to not host the travelling rabbi in any house so that he'll be forced to stay in the synagogue, where the demon - specifically a seven headed crocodile (or possibly snake). Every time the travelling rabbi bowed, one head of the crocodile fell off.

Also, come on, Sukkah stuff belong in its own Massechet! In Massechet Kiddushin, the one on the topic of marriage, we go on to discuss the father's duty to teach his son stuff. Because that's not off topic at all.

this is the most Jewish response you could have given to this Jewish post


Daily fucking reminder that Luigi Mangione is innocent, completely and fully. He has been convicted of no crime. He has had no fair trial. He is a SUSPECT. Luigi Mangione is entirely innocent and everyone needs to stop parroting this insidious propaganda that he “committed” the crime he is only SUSPECTED of. He is not a murderer. He is not a criminal. He is an innocent man.


I'm an electrical engineer and for the longest time I was saying that electricity and electronics isn't magic, but think about it.

You literally have to collect rare stones from remote locations, put them into specific formations to work. All of this gets written down in symbols which don't make sense to the uninformed. It gets powered by energy which can not be seen in most cases.

Like what else do you want. What's your standard for calling something magic.

"It doesn't stop being magic just because you know how it works."

Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30)

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